HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccess to Care Idaho Departm ent of Correction Standard O perating Proce dure Title: Acce ss to Care Page: 1 of 6 Control Num ber: 401.06.03.001 Vers ion: 5.0 Adopted: 11/08/1998 Pat Donaldson, chief of the div ision of manage me nt se rv ice s, approved this docume nt on 01/11 /2018. Open to the public : Yes SCO PE This SOP applies to all Idaho Departm ent of Correc tion (IDO C) em ployees , inm ates, contrac t m edical providers and s ubc ontrac tors . Revision Summary Revision date (01/11/2018) vers ion 5.0: Added c larific ation regarding inm ate acces s to healthc are. Revision date (10/04/2017) vers ion 4.0: Added a des ignee to s ome areas of res pons ibility. Revision date (09/15/2017) version 3.0: Reformatted entire doc ument; updated term s and definitions. TABLE O F CO NT ENT S Board of Correc tion ID APA Rule Num ber 01 .......................................................... 1 Policy Control Num ber 401 ....................................................................................................... 1 Purpos e ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Responsibility ............................................................................................................................ 2 Standard Proc edures ................................................................................................................ 3 1. Intro duction ......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Eliminating Barriers to Healthc are Services ....................................................................... 4 3. Providing Heal thc are Servic es ........................................................................................... 4 4. Inm ate Conc erns................................................................................................................. 5 5. Com plianc e ......................................................................................................................... 5 Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 5 Referenc es................................................................................................................................ 6 BOARD OF CORRECT ION IDAPA RULE NUMBER Medical Care POLICY CONT ROL NUMBER 401 Clinic al Services and Treatm ent Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Number: 401.06.03.001 Ve rsion: 5.0 T itle : Access to Care Page Numbe r: 2 of 6 PURPO SE The purpos e of this s tandard operating proc edure (SO P) is to establish a program to ens ure that inm ates have unim peded access to healthc are s ervic es to meet their s erious m edic al, dental and m ental health needs. RESPONSIBILIT Y Health Services Director The health services director, or designee, is res ponsible for: • Monitoring and overs eeing all as pects of healthc are servic es . • The im plem entation and continued prac tic e of the provis ions provided in this SOP. W hen healthcare s ervices are privatized, the health servic es direc tor, or des ignee, will als o be responsible for: • Reviewing and approving (prior to implementation) all applic able c ontract m edic al provider polic y, proc edure, and form s . • Monitoring the c ontract m edic al provider ’s perform anc e, to include but not lim ited to reviewing proc esses , procedures, form s, and protoc ols em ployed by the c ontract m edic al provider to ensure c ompliance with all healthc are-related requirements provided in respective c ontractual agreements , this SOP, and in National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) standard P-A-01, Access to Care. (See sec tion 5 of this SO P.) Contract Medical Provider W hen healthcare s ervices are privatized, the c ontrac t medic al provider is res pons ible for: • Im plem enting and practic ing all provis ions of this SOP, unless s pec ific ally exempted by written contractual agreem ents . • Ensuring that all as pects of this SO P and NCCHC s tandard P-A-01 are addressed by applic able contrac t m edical provider polic y and proc edure. • Ensuring fac ility health authorities utilize all applic able c ontract m edical provider policy, proc edure, form s, and educational information to fulfill all healthc are- related requirements provided in this SOP, NCCHC s tandard P-A-01, or as indicated in their respective contractual agreem ent(s ). • Ensuring all applic able c ontract m edic al provider polic y, procedure, and forms are submitted to the health services director, or des ignee, for review and approval prior to im plem entation. Note: Nothing in this SOP shall be construed to relieve the contract m edical provider(s) of any obligation and/or respons ibility s tipulated in respec tive contractual agreem ents. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Number: 401.06.03.001 Ve rsion: 5.0 T itle : Access to Care Page Numbe r: 3 of 6 Health Services Adm inistrator The health s ervices adm inistrator, or des ignee, will be res pons ible for: • Ens uring the presenc e of an adequate num ber of appropriately trained staff and m aterials are available to m eet the requirem ents of this SOP. • Es tablishing and m onitoring applic able c ontract medic al provider polic y and proc edure to ens ure that all elements of this SOP and NCCHC standard P-A-01 are accom plis hed as required. • Es tablishing form al relations hips with community hos pitals , s pecialists, and others as needed to m eet the requirem ents of this SOP and NCCHC s tandard P-A-01. • Es tablishing and m onitoring proc edures to ens ure inm ates rec eive care that is ordered by qualified health professionals . • Es tablishing and m onitoring proc edures to ens ure the m edical c o-pay program is adm inis tered pursuant to policy 411, Medic al Co-pay. Qualified Health Professional The qualified health professional will be responsible for: • Providing inform ation to inm ates, delineating how spec ific healthcare s ervic es are obtained. • Perform ing a prelim inary health screening, appropriate to the gender of the inm ate, for all new inm ates at the Receiving and Diagnos tic Unit (RDU), including transferees from county jails , privately m anaged correctional facilities , and out-of- s tate c orrectional facilities . • Sc heduling tim ely appointm ents with the appropriate practitioner when a m edic al or m ental health need requiring evaluation and/or intervention by a lic ens ed m edical, m ental health, or allied healthcare provider (including spec ialis ts and sub-specialists) is identified. • Providing tim ely and adequate healthc are services per referral from qualified health professionals . • Docum enting all c linic al c ontacts in the inm ate’s healthcare rec ord. GENERAL REQ UIREM ENT S 1. Intr oduction In a tim ely m anner, an inm ate c an be seen by a clinic ian, be given a professional c linic al judgm ent, and rec eive care that is ordered. Healthc are provided to inmates during inc arceration foc uses on prevention and m aintenance of the inm ate’s health status. Acces s to healthcare servic e is the foundation upon which all routine and em ergent healthc are s ervices are dependent. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Number: 401.06.03.001 Ve rsion: 5.0 T itle : Access to Care Page Numbe r: 4 of 6 2. Eliminating Barrie rs to He althcare Se rv ice s Each health services adm inistrator, or des ignee, will ens ure that proc edures are in plac e to identify and eliminate unreas onable barriers to inmates’ access to healthcare servic es. Exam ples of unreas onable barriers inc lude, but are not lim ited to, the following: • Punis hing inm ates for s eeking c are for their s erious health needs • As sessing exc essive c o-paym ents that prevent or deter inm ates from s eeking care for their serious health needs • Deterring inm ates from seeking c are for their serious health needs, such as holding sic k c all at 2:00 a.m., when this prac tic e is not reasonably related to the needs of the fac ility • Healthcare serv ice s will not be de nie d or de laye d base d on an inmate ’s inability to pay. 3. Prov iding He althcare Se r v ices Note : The contract m edical provider is res ponsible for s upplying and providing any form s indicated in this sec tion. • W ithin 24 hours of an inm ate’s arrival to the IDOC, the inm ate m ust receive written and verbal instructions regarding access to healthcare services. W ritten inform ation m us t be m ade available in both English and Spanis h (if an inm ate does not speak English, a written interpretation or telephone interpretation servic e must be provided in the language s poken.) In addition, the contrac t m edical provider shall c om plete a Prison Medic al His tory and Screening form for each inm ate upon arrival into the correctional setting. • Inform ation about how specific healthc are services are obtained by an inm ate during inc arceration must be reviewed with the inmate (a) at the time of the m edical his tory and screening, (b) any tim e an inm ate rec eives a particular servic e for the first tim e, and (c ) on any other occas ion when an inm ate displays a lac k of unders tanding about how healthc are servic es are obtained. In addition, the contract m edic al provider shall com plete a Phys ical Assessm ent form for eac h inm ate and repeat the assessment as referred by a qualified health professional in c onsideration of the individual inmate’s age, gender, and health needs. • Each health servic es adm inistrator, or des ignee, m us t establish and monitor proc edures to ens ure inmates have acces s to qualified health professionals and that procedures inc lude, but not be limited to, c linic al aspec ts, monitoring appropriateness, timeliness and respons iveness of care and treatm ent, and review of recommendations for treatm ent of inm ates m ade by healthcare providers. • Inm ate requests for healthcare servic es m ust be reviewed daily and the appropriate dis position m ade and noted in the healthcare rec ord. • Changes in the procedures for obtaining healthc are servic es m ust be posted in eac h hous ing unit no fewer than s even calendar days prior to implementation of the c hange. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Number: 401.06.03.001 Ve rsion: 5.0 T itle : Access to Care Page Numbe r: 5 of 6 • Non-healthc are servic es staff (i.e., security staff) must not be allowed to approve or deny requests for healthcare m ade by an inmate. (Non-healthc are s ervices s taff m ust forward reques ts for healthc are to healthc are servic es s taff at the facility for review and ac tion if nec essary.) • Upon identific ation of any m edic al or m ental health need requiring evaluation and/or intervention by a phys ician, m id-level provider, dentis t, or mental health professional, arrangem ents must be made to provide timely exam ination, assessm ent, and/or treatm ent by scheduling an appointm ent with the appropriate prac titioner. 4. Inmate Concerns Inm ates who feel they have not been provided acces s to care s hall have the right to file a conc ern, whic h m ust be done by completing an IDOC Inmate Conc ern Form and s ubm itting it to the proper authority for res olution. (See SOP 316.02.01.001, Griev ance and Inform al Res olution Procedure for Inm ates, for procedures and the c onc ern form .) 5. Compliance Com plianc e with this SOP and all related IDO C-approved protoc ols will be m onitored by the health servic es direc tor, or des ignee, by us ing various s ources to inc lude: this SOP, c linic al prac tic e guidelines, routine reports, program reviews , and rec ord reviews. The health servic es director, or designee, m ust c onduc t two audits per year, per fac ility (or m ore frequently as des ired bas ed on prior audit results ). The audits m ust cons ist of m onitoring applicable c ontract m edic al provider, IDOC policy and procedures , applic able NCCHC standards , and the review of a minim um of fifteen individual records. DEFINIT IONS Clinical Practice Guideline: A system atic ally developed, science-based guideline (presented by a national professional organization and accepted by experts in their respective medic al field) designed to assist the prac titioner and patient with dec isions about appropriate healthc are for s pecific clinical c irc um s tanc es. Contract Medical Provider: A private com pany or other entity that is under contract with the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) to provide c om prehens ive m edical, dental, and/or m ental health s ervices to the IDO C’s incarc erated inm ate population. Health Services Adm inistrator: The contract m edical provider employee, or designee, who is prim arily respons ible for overs eeing the delivery of m edical s ervices in an Idaho Departm ent of Correction (IDOC) fac ility. Health Services Director: The Idaho Departm ent of Correction (IDO C) employee, or des ignee, who is prim arily responsible for overs ight of auditing and m onitoring services provided by the contract m edic al vendor. M ental Health Professional: A person who has s pecialized training and skills in the nature and treatm ent of m ental illnes s to inc lude, but not limited to, a psychologist, ps yc hiatris t, clinical s oc ial worker, or clinician who – by virtue of his educ ation, c redentials , and experienc e – is permitted by law to evaluate and care for patients . Qualified Health Professional: A physic ian, physic ian assistant, nurs e practitioner, nurs e, dentist, mental health professional, or other health professional who — by virtue of his Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Number: 401.06.03.001 Ve rsion: 5.0 T itle : Access to Care Page Numbe r: 6 of 6 education, training, credentials, and experienc e — is perm itted by law (within the scope of his professional practice) to educ ate, train, evaluate, provide services , and c are for patients . REFERENCES National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Standards for Health Serv ic es in Pris ons, Standard P-A-01, Access to Care Policy 411, Medic al Co-pay Standard Operating Procedure 316.02.01.001, Grievance and Inform al Res olution Proc edure for Inm ates – End of Document –