HomeMy WebLinkAboutSocial MediaIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Social Media Page: 1 of 6 Control Number: Version: 2.0 Adopted: 10/11 /2012 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Josh Tewalt, director, approved this document on 03/25/2019. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to all Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) employees, contractors, volunteers, those who work on behalf of the IDOC who use social media and wish to post content. Revision Summary Revision date (03/25/2019) version 2.0: Revised to provide guidance regarding social media posts to determine what is or is not acceptable on a Limited Public Forum page; reformatted to meet current standards; updated terminology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ............................................................................. 1 Policy Control Number 141................................................................................................... 1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2 Standard Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 2. On the Job Use ............................................................................................................ 2 3. Prohibited Content ....................................................................................................... 3 4. IDOC-Sanctioned Use ................................................................................................. 4 5. Guidelines for Personal Use ........................................................................................ 4 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 6 References ........................................................................................................................... 6 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 141 Computer, Electronic Mail, and Internet Use Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Social Media Page Number: 2 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction PURPOSE The purpose of this SOP is to establish standardized guidelines and procedures regarding social media. It is not meant to address one particular form of social media, but instead addresses social media in general, because advances in technology will occur and new formats will emerge. This SOP establishes standardized guidelines and procedures that: • Endorse the secure use of social media to enhance communication, collaboration, and information exchange • Streamline processes • Foster productivity • Establish the IDOC’s position on the utility and management of social media and provide guidance on its management, administration, and oversight RESPONSIBILITY The director of the IDOC is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of this SOP. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Introduction Social media provides a valuable means of assisting the IDOC and its employees in meeting community outreach, problem-solving, investigative and related objectives. This SOP identifies potential uses that may be explored or expanded upon by the IDOC as deemed reasonable by administrative and supervisory employees. The IDOC also recognizes the role that these tools play in the personal lives of some IDOC employees. The personal use of social media can have bearing on IDOC employees in their official capacities. As such, this SOP provides guidelines concerning the use of social media by IDOC employees. 2. On the Job Use IDOC-Sanctioned Presence Determine Strategy Where possible, each social media web page sanctioned by the IDOC shall include an introductory statement that clearly specifies the purpose and scope of the IDOC’s presence on the website. Where possible, the web page(s) should link to the IDOC’s website. Procedures All IDOC social media websites or web pages must be approved by the director of the IDOC, or designee, and will be administered in accordance with this SOP, or as otherwise determined. Where possible, social media web pages should clearly indicate they are maintained by the IDOC and should have IDOC contact information prominently displayed. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Social Media Page Number: 3 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction Social media content must adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including but not limited to all State of Idaho and IDOC information technology and records management policies. Where possible, social media web pages should state that the comments expressed by visitors to the web page(s) do not reflect the opinion or position of the IDOC. • Web pages must clearly indicate that posted comments will be monitored and that the IDOC reserves the right to remove comments it deems inappropriate, (see section 3) including but not limited to those that contain obscenities, off-topic comments, and personal attacks. Where possible, IDOC should include this information in its terms of use. • Web pages must clearly indicate that any content posted or submitted for posting is subject to public disclosure. • External, non-IDOC links on the Facebook page do not constitute official endorsement on behalf of IDOC. • Postings become the property of the Idaho Department of Correction and are subject to all applicable federal and state law. This includes, but is not limited to, the Idaho Public Records Act, and any applicable federal and state criminal and intellectual property laws. • A posting on the web page constitutes acceptance of these terms. 3. Prohibited Content • The Idaho Department of Correction’s Facebook page is a limited public forum. As such, IDOC reserves the right to delete unacceptable posts including, but not limited to: • Hate speech • Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetrates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or marital status • Profanity, obscenity, or vulgarity • Nudity or other inappropriate imagery in profile pictures • Information that defames a person or people • Information that violates a person’s privacy • Information that is confidential or non-public • Name calling and/or personal attacks • Information presented with the intent to sell a product or service • Information that infringes on a copyright or trademark • Information that is off-topic or unrelated to the post • Information that has a negative effect on the habilitation of any inmate Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Social Media Page Number: 4 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction • Information that contains a link to inappropriate or offensive websites • Information that condones or promotes unlawful activity • IDOC does not allow posting of photos or videos by anyone other than through the IDOC Public Information Office. If you have a photo or video you would like to share on this page, contact the Public Information Officer at jeray@idoc.idaho.gov and provide evidence of your copyright ownership or license from the owner. 4. IDOC-Sanctioned Use IDOC employees shall observe and abide by all copyright, trademarks, and service mark restrictions in posting materials to websites maintained by or on behalf of the IDOC. Employees who are granted written permission by the director of the IDOC, or designee, to represent the IDOC via social media as part of their official duties for the IDOC must do the following: • Conduct themselves as representatives of the IDOC at all times and, accordingly, adhere to all IDOC standards of conduct and observe conventionally accepted protocols and proper decorum. • Identify themselves as a representative of the IDOC. • Not make statements about the guilt or innocence of any inmate, or comments concerning pending prosecutions, nor post, transmit, or otherwise disseminate confidential information, including photographs or videos, related to IDOC training, activities, or work-related assignments without receiving prior express written permission from the director of the IDOC or designee. • Not conduct political activities or private business via social media use sanctioned by the IDOC. • The use of IDOC computers by IDOC employees to access social media is prohibited without prior authorization from an employee’s direct supervisor. 5. Guidelines for Personal Use The IDOC understands that social media can be a valuable and fun personal communication tool. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. The guidelines below are an outline for appropriate use of social media. Guidelines In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media can mean many things. Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including web log (blog), journal or diary, personal website, social network or affinity website, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with the IDOC as well as any other form of electronic communication. The same principles and guidelines found in policy 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct, and policy 201, Respectful Workplace, also apply to employee activities online. Ultimately, employees are solely responsible for what they post online. Before creating Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Social Media Page Number: 5 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind that an employee’s conduct that adversely affects job performance, the performance of fellow employees, adversely reflects on the IDOC or otherwise adversely affects co- workers, customers, inmates, contractors, volunteers or people who work on behalf of the IDOC, may result in corrective or disciplinary action in accordance with SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action. Know and Follow the Rules Carefully read these guidelines; policy 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct; and policy 201, Respectful Workplace, and ensure postings are consistent with these policies. Inappropriate postings that may include discriminatory remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and may subject employees to corrective or disciplinary action in accordance with SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action. Be Respectful Always be fair and courteous to fellow employees, customers, inmates, contractors, volunteers or people who work on behalf of the IDOC. (See policy 201, Respectful Workplace.) Resolve work-related complaints by speaking directly with co-workers or by utilizing the options provided by IDOC Human Resources, rather than by posting complaints to a social media outlet. If employees decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage fellow employees, customers, inmates, contractors or volunteers or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or IDOC policies and SOPs. Post Only Appropriate and Respectful Content Maintain the confidentiality of the IDOC, its employees, contractors, volunteers and inmates. Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures, or post information or photographs that would jeopardize the safety and security of any facilities, employees, customers, inmates, contractors, volunteers or other people who work on behalf of the IDOC. Employees should express their personal opinions and not represent themselves as a spokesperson for the IDOC. If the IDOC is a subject of the content created by employees, employees must be clear and open about the fact that their views do not represent those of the IDOC, the Idaho Board of Correction, or IDOC employees, customers, inmates, contractors, volunteers or other people working on behalf of the IDOC. It is best to include a disclaimer such as “The postings on this website are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of IDOC.” Never post any information or rumors known to be false about IDOC, fellow employees, customers, contractors, volunteers or inmates. Using Social Media at Work Refrain from using social media while on work time or on IDOC equipment unless it is work-related as authorized by a manager or consistent with policy 141, Computing Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Social Media Page Number: 6 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction Devices, Electronic Mail, and Internet Use. Do not use an IDOC issued email address to register on social networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use. Retaliation is Prohibited The IDOC prohibits taking negative action against any employee, contractor or volunteer for reporting, in good faith, a possible deviation from this SOP or for cooperating in an administrative investigation. Any employee who retaliates against another employee for reporting, in good faith, a possible deviation from this SOP or for cooperating in an administrative investigation will be subject to corrective or disciplinary action in accordance with SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action. Media Contacts Employees, contractors and volunteers should not speak to the media on behalf of the IDOC without authorization from the director of the IDOC (or designee). All media inquiries should be directed to the IDOC’s public information officer (PIO) in accordance with policy 110 , Media and Public Relations. DEFINITIONS Post: Content that an individual shares on a social media website, or the act of publishing content on a website. Profile: Information that a user provides about himself on a social network. Social Media: A category of Internet-based resources that integrate user-generated content and user participation. This includes, but is not limited to, social networks (e.g., Facebook and Myspace), microblogging websites (e.g., Twitter and Nixle), photo- and video-sharing websites (e.g., Flickr and YouTube), wikis (e.g., Wikipedia), web logs, and news websites (e.g., Digg and Reddit). Social Network: An online platform where users can create profiles, share information, and socialize with others using a range of technologies. Web Log (Blog): A self -published diary or commentary on a particular topic that may allow visitors to post responses, reactions, or comments. Web Page: The specific portion of a social media website where content is displayed, and managed by an individual or individuals with administrator rights. Wikis: Websites whose webpage(s) can be edited collaboratively by its users. REFERENCES Policy 110 , Media and Public Relations Policy 201, Respectful Workplace Policy 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct Policy 141, Computing Devices, Electronic Mail, and Internet Use Standard Operating Procedure, Corrective and Disciplinary Action – End of Document –