HomeMy WebLinkAboutEscorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment ofIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Division of Management Services General Administration Control Number: Version: 2.0 Page Number: 1 of 8 Adopted: 12-17-2001 Reviewed: 10-9-2012 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of This document was approved by Tony Meatte, chief of the Division of Management Services, on 10/9/12 (signature on file). Open to the public: Yes BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None POLICY CONTROL NUMBE R 114 Fiscal Policy DEFINITIONS Standardized Terms and Definitions List Inmate: A person under the legal care, custody, supervision, or authority of the Idaho Board of Correction, including a person within or out of the state of Idaho pursuant to an agreement with another state or contractor. Position Control Number (PCN): The method in which state of Idaho employee positions are authorized and monitored by the state of Idaho Legislature. Program Cost Account (PCA) Code: A five character alphanumeric code entered in the Statewide Acc ounting and Reporting System (STARS) that is used to identify a specific program structure. Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS): The state of Idaho’s Office of the State Controller’s computer system that is used for processing and reporting a ccounting transactions. PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to establish guidelines for the prepayment of expenses associated with the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) transporting the inmate to a family member’s funeral or when the death of a family member is imminent. SCOPE This SOP applies to all IDOC facilities and contract correctional facilities . All IDOC facilities include correctional facilities, community work centers (CRCs), probation and parole district offices, and Central Office. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 2 of 8 Note: Hereinafter, all of the above mentioned facilities will be referred to as ‘facilities’ except where a process is specific to a particular facility. RESPONSIBILITY Chief of the Division of Management Services The chief of the Division of Management Services (or designee) is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the provisions provided herein. Executive Financial Officer The executive financial officer (or designee) shall be responsible for implementing this SOP and for ensuring IDOC employees and contractors are practicing the guidelines, standards, and procedures provided herein. Financial Specialist Senior The designated financial specialist senior (located in the Fiscal Unit at Central Office) shall be responsible for maintaining the inmate trust accounting computer system. Financial Technician(s) The designated financial technician(s) (located in t he Fiscal Unit at C entral Office) shall be responsible for transitioning funds and reconciling inmate receivables. Facility Heads Facility heads (or designees) shall be responsible for: • Appointing a staff member to provide escorted emergency transport service to an inmate; • Appointing a staff member to communicate escorted emergency transport rules with the inmate’s family member(s); and • Ensuring staff members adhere to the guidelines provided herein. Table of Contents General Requirements .............................................................................................................. 3 1. Prepayment of Escorted Emergency Transport Service.................................................... 3 Inmate Prepayment Responsibilities ............................................................................ 3 Inmate Family Member Prepayment Responsibilities .................................................. 3 Process Steps: Prepayment Process ........................................................................... 3 Quotes , Billings, and Refunds ...................................................................................... 4 2. Receiving and Processing Prepayments............................................................................ 4 3. Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) Processing ................................. 7 4. Escorting Officer: Personnel, Meal (Per Diem), and Vehicle Mileage Expenses .............. 7 References ................................................................................................................................ 8 Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 3 of 8 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Prepayment of Escorted Emergency Transport Service Inmate Prepayment Responsibilities The inmate must agree to prepay escorted emergency transport service expenses (meals aka per diem , hourly wages, and vehicle mileage) expected to be incurred by the escorting officer and/or the IDOC. The inmate shall be provided a quote in accordance with the subsection titled Quotes , Billings, and Refunds . If the inmate has sufficient funds in his Inmate Trust Account to prepay the escorted emergency transport service expenses , he shall submit an Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip to an appropriate facility staff member. (The inmate shall reflect the Idaho Department of Correction as the payee.) If the inmate does not have sufficient funds in his Inmate Trust Account and a family member cannot make prepayment, the inmate shall not be allowed transport. Inmate Family Member Prepayment Responsibilities The inmate’s family may also agree to prepay escorted emergency transport service expenses (meals aka per diem, hourly wages, and vehicle mileage) incurred by the escorting officer or IDOC. Money orders or cashier’s checks are the IDOC’s approved method of payment. Money orders and cashier’s checks must be made payable to the Idaho Department of Correction. Note: Personal checks and cash will not be accepted for prepayment. If received, the receiving facility shall return the prepayment to sender. To help ensure accurate accountability, it is recommended that the inmate’s family member reference the inmate’s name, inmate number, and the reason for the deposit (e.g., escorted emergency transport) somewhere on the money order or cashier’s check. If the family member is unable to deliver or ensure delivery of the money order or cashier’s check to the facility prior to the date the escorted emergency transport service is needed, the inmate’s housing facility shall arrange with another IDOC facility, Central Office, or probation and parole district office that is nearby the family member’s home to accept walk-in delivery of the fully quoted amount of prepayment. Note: To avoid a delay in transporting the inmate, it is very important that the inmate’s housing facility inform the other IDOC facility, Central Office, or probation and parole district office staff of the fully quoted amount of prepayment to receive from the family member. Process Steps: Prepayment Process Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Inmate ’s Housing Facility Staff 1 Review SOP 322.02.01.001, Transports: Medical, Court, Family Emergency, and State. Inmate’s Housing Facility Staff 2 If the escorted emergency transport service request meets the requirements of SOP 322.02.01.001, complete appendix A, Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form . Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 4 of 8 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Inmate’s Housing Facility Staff 3 • Provide a copy of the quote to the inmate in accordance with the subsection titled Quotes , Billings, and Refunds ; and • Arrange for the inmate or inmate’s family member to forward prepayment of the escorted emergency transport service expenses. See the subsection titled Inmate Prepayment Responsibilities or Inmate Family Member Prepayment Responsibilities . Note: If the inmate has sufficient funds in his Inmate Trust Account for the prepayment, obtain an Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip from the inmate, and ensure the inmate reflects the Idaho Department of Correction as the payee. Inmate’s Housing Facility Staff 4 Scan and email (or fax) a copy of the Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form to the following personnel, and maintain the original copy on file. • The designated financial specialist senior (located in the Fiscal Unit at Central Office); and • The designated technical records s pecialist (located in the Payroll Unit at Central Office). Note: If the inmate has sufficient funds in his Inmate Trust Account and completed an Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip, also scan and email (or fax) a copy of the ‘withdrawal slip’ to the designated financial technician (located in the Fiscal Unit at Central Office). Maintain the original copy of the ‘withdrawal slip’ on file. Note: The process continues with section 2 of this SOP. Quotes, Billings, and Refunds Quotes – Facilities shall provide the inmate a copy of the escorted emergency transport service quote (using appendix A, Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form) and verify that the inmate has sufficient funds in his Inmate Trust Account to prepay for the service. Billings and Refunds – If the actual cost of the escorted emergency transport service was: (a) greater than what the quote indicated, the inmate will not be billed the difference; or (b) less than what the quote indicated, the inmate will not be refunded the difference. Note: Any exceptions to this rule shall be approved by the applicable division chief (or designee). 2. Receiving and Processing Prepayments If the inmate agreed to prepayment by submitting an Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip, the following process will begin at step 4. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 5 of 8 If the inmate’s family member(s) agreed to prepayment by submitting a money order or cashier’s check, the following process will begin at step 1. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Staff Member Receiving the Prepayment 1 Note: Only complete steps 1 through 3 of this process step table when the inmate’s family member(s) has agreed to pay the escorted emergency transport service expenses by submitting a money order or cashier’s check. • If applicable, c ontact the inmate’s housing facility to inform their facility staff that the prepayment was received; and • Verify whether the prepayment is the correct fully quoted amount. Note: Personal checks and cash shall not be accepted for prepayment. If a personal check or cash is received, return the prepayment to the sender. (The process stops here until a money order or cashier’s check for the fully quoted amount of prepayment is received.) Facility Staff Member Receiving the Prepayment 2 If the correct and fully quoted amount of prepayment was received: • Non-Central Office facility staff member receiving the prepayment – Scan and email or photocopy and fax a copy of the money order or cashier’s check to the designated financial specialist senior (located in the Fiscal Unit at Central Office); and • Any facility staff member receiving the prepayment – Mail or deliver the money order or cashier’s check to the designated financial specialist senior (located in the Fiscal Unit at Central Office). Inmate ’s Housing Facility Staff and Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist Senior (or designee) 3 • Housing facility staff task only – If the prepayment received is the correct fully quoted amount, you may go ahead and proceed with escorting the inmate to the approved destination. Also direct the es corting officer(s) to section 4 of this SOP. • Financial specialist senior task only – Upon receiving the money order or cashier’s check from the facility staff member who received the prepayment, give the money order or cashier’s check and a copy of the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form to the Fiscal Unit financial specialist (accounts receivable). Note: The process for processing money orders and/or cashier’s checks skips to section 3 of this SOP. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 6 of 8 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Fiscal Unit Financial Technician 4 Note: Only complete steps 4 through 7 of this process step table when the inmate has agreed to pay the escorted emergency transport service expenses by submitting an Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip. When received from the inmate’s housing facility, verify that the ‘withdrawal slip’ is completely filled out. Note: A ‘withdrawal slip’ that is not completely or properly filled out shall be returned to the inmate to be corrected. If time constraints do not allow, call the facility and ask that they fax the corrected withdrawal slip after the inmate corrects it. Fiscal Unit Financial Technician 5 • Via the inmate trust accounting computer system , enter the required data to the inmate’s trust account and generate a check; and • Assemble the batch and place the following into the Fiscal Unit’s safe:  The batch,  The ‘withdrawal slip’,  The check, and  The copy of the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form . Note: The Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) provides batch training to all financial technicians. Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist Senior (or designee) 6A Each day, check the Fiscal Unit’s safe and retrieve the batch, the ‘withdrawal slip’, the check, and the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form and do the following: • Verify the validity of the check by comparing against the ‘withdrawal slip’ and the batch; • Sign the check (see note box) and give the check and the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form to the Fiscal Unit financial technician to deposit; • File the white copy of the ‘withdrawal slip’, a copy of the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form , and batch; and • Return the yellow copy of the ‘withdrawal slip’ to the inmate. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 7 of 8 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist Senior (or designee) 6B Note: Checks for five hundred dollars ($500) or more must have two (2) authorized check signer signatures. After you have signed the check, any of the following persons may also sign the check: Fiscal Unit executive financial officer; Fiscal Unit financial specialist, principal (STARS); the Fiscal Unit financial specialist (cost of supervision); and the Budget Unit budget analyst, principle. Fiscal Unit Financial Technician 7 Deposit the check at the state of Idaho’s Treasurer’s Office. 3. Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) Processing All money orders and cas hier’s checks received from the inmate’s family for the prepayment of escorted emergency transport service expenses shall be deposited into the general fund, miscellaneous expenses , in accordance with the following process steps . Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist (accounts receivable) 1 In continuation of section 2 of this SOP, receive the money order or cashier’s check and a copy of the completed Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form from the Fiscal Unit financial specialist. Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist (accounts receivable) 2 Enter the STARS and use the Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form to process the deposit as follows: • Personnel costs – Use transaction code 10P. Use position control number (PCN) 9666. • Meal (per diem) and vehicle mileage costs – Use transaction code 105. Use sub-object detail code 5356 for meal expenses, and use sub-object detail code 5360 for vehicles. 4. Escorting Officer: Personnel, Meal (Per Diem), and Vehicle Mileage Expenses To cover the escorted emergency transport service expenses (meals aka per diem, hourly wages, and vehicle mileage) incurred by the escorting officer (s) or IDOC, the following steps must be completed. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Escorting Officer(s) 1A If a Travel advance is needed – Visit the electronic department of correction (E-Doc), locate the Travel Request Form, c omplete and submit the form per the instructions provided on the form , and then proceed to step 2. Note: Advances must be in the form of a check or if time constraints do not allow, the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) may authorize use of purchase card (P-card). Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: Escorted Emergency Transport Expenses: Prepayment of Page Number: 8 of 8 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Escorting Officer(s) 1B If a Travel advance is not needed – Proceed to step 2. Escorting Officer(s) 2 Contact the Payroll Unit (located at Central Office) and have a technical records specialist provide instructions on how to time code your timesheet based on the specific circumstances regarding your escort detail. Escorting Officer(s) 3 From the start until the end of the escort detail, maintain a log to record the dates and number of hours spent traveling/working during the course of your escort detail. Also maintain all receipts associated with vehicle and meal costs. Escorting Officer(s) 4 At the conclusion of your escort detail, visit the E -DOC and locate the Travel Expense Voucher. Complete the voucher and submit it and all receipts associated with vehicle and meal costs per the instructions provided on the voucher. Note: If a travel advance was obtained, contact the designated Fiscal Unit financial technician (located at Central Office) for instruction. The Fiscal Unit financial technician will process escort detail expenses through the STARS. Escorting Officer(s) or Facility Time and Attendance Staff 5 Using the log maintained by the officer(s), enter the Idaho Employee Time Entry System (I-time), and record the hours traveled/worked (using the appropriate time codes as instructed by Payroll Unit staff) for the escort detail. REFERENCES Appendix A, Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form Inmate Personal Funds Withdrawal Slip Standard Operating Procedure 322.02.01.001, Transports: Medical, Court, Family Emergency, and State State of Idaho, Idaho State Treasurer’s Officer – End of Document – IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Escorted Emergency Transport Prepayment Form Appendix A (Appendix last updated 10/9/12) Inmate’s Name: IDOC#: Date of Escort/Transport: Destination: Reason for Escort/Transport: Escorting Officer’s Name: Estimated Duration of Entire Trip: Associated Costs  Personnel - $25 x hours =  Vehicle - miles x cents per mile =  Meals (per diem) =  Total Costs = Receipt to Appropriation Program Cost Account (PCA) Code (security) Approval/Authorization Approved Denied Facility Head’s Printed Name Signature Date Copy Distribution: Division Deputy Chief Payroll Unit (Central Office) Fiscal Unit (Central Office)