HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetained JurisdictionIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page: 1 of 8 Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Adopted: 08-15-1995 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Jeff Zmuda, chief of the prisons division, approved this document on 9/18/2015. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This standard operating procedure applies to all department staff and contractors involved with placement, case management, evaluation, and release of retained jurisdiction inmates. Revision History Revision date (9/18/2015) version 4.0: Administrative change to remove the phrase “therapeutic community” Previous revision date (7/9/2014) version 3.0: Complete revision of the directive, update format and approval authority. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ............................................................................. 1 Policy Control Number 324................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Standard Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2 1. Rider Types ................................................................................................................. 2 2. RDU Assessment, Evaluation, and Placement ............................................................. 3 3. Retained Jurisdiction Placement Criteria ...................................................................... 3 4. Retained Jurisdiction Facility Case Management/Reentry Steps .................................. 3 5. End Case Staffing Process .......................................................................................... 5 6. Clinical Staffing ............................................................................................................ 5 7. Addendum to the Pre-Sentence Investigation (APSI) ................................................... 6 8. Retained Jurisdiction Addendum to the Pre-Sentence Investigation Steps .................. 6 9. Quality Assurance ........................................................................................................ 7 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 2 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 324 Release of Offenders from the Custody of the Idaho Department of Correction PURPOSE This standard operating procedure identifies requirements and procedure for case management of retained jurisdiction inmates (riders). STANDARD PROCEDURES Once the court imposes a retained jurisdiction sentence, an inmate transfers from county jail to a male or female reception and diagnostic unit (RDU) facility for assessment, evaluation, and placement. The retained jurisdiction sentence begins at the time of sentencing unless otherwise stated in the court order. 1. Rider Types Correctional Alternative Placement Program (CAPP) 90-Day Rider This intensive substance abuse program is for moderate risk inmates. Curriculum is typically completed in 90 days. Traditional 120-Day Rider This substance abuse program is for moderate risk inmates with educational needs. Curriculum is typically completed in 120 days. Conflict Resolution Program (CRP) 160-Day Rider This substance abuse treatment program incorporates elements of anger management for inmates with history of violent offenses. Curriculum is typically completed in 160 days. Mental Health 180-Day Rider Substance abuse treatment program designed to incorporate elements of mental health maintenance strategies and treatment and reentry focused on the special needs of mental health inmates. Curriculum is typically completed in 180 days. Sex Offender 180-Day Rider The sex offender assessment program incorporates assessment and treatment concepts for those retained jurisdiction inmates who have been convicted of or have a history of sex offending behavior. Substance abuse treatment is included for inmates assessing with substance abuse need. Curriculum is typically completed in 180 days. 270-Day Rider Intensive substance abuse program for high risk inmates. Curriculum is typically completed in 270 days. While programs are designed to be completed in a specific time, completion is based on inmate responsiveness issues and progress in treatment. Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 3 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction 2. RDU Assessment and Evaluation Each inmate must attend an orientation within five working days of admission into RDU. During the RDU process, staff assess inmates in the following areas and include the following tools: • Medical, mental health and dental • Education - TABE locator and other assessments as determined by staff • Texas Christian University Drug & Alcohol Assessment • Level of Service Inventory - Revised (LSI-R). • STATIC-99(R) – Sex Offender Assessment Tool (if applicable) The assessments are not conducted in any particular order. The department may conduct additional assessments. During assessment, the RDU case manager must review the central file, CIS, or both, including: • Commitment order • Pre-sentence investigation (PSI) • Probation supervision notes (CIS) • Previously completed assessments Evaluate and assess each inmate for recommendation of facility placement. 3. Retained Jurisdiction Placement Criteria Place the inmate in an appropriate program type based on the assessment process, placement criteria, file review, and individual needs. For inmate placement criteria, see Retained Jurisdiction Placement Criteria form. The RDU case manager must complete a c-note entry summarizing program placement in the electronic system of record (CIS). The case manager sends a Notice of Retained Jurisdiction Inmate Placement form to the sentencing judge. This form gives notice to the court as to housing and program assignment of the inmate. The notification form goes in section two of the central file. The department transfers the inmate to the appropriate facility according to standard operating procedure. 4. Retained Jurisdiction Facility Case Management/Reentry Steps Person Responsible Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Facility Orientation Staff 1 Complete facility orientation no later than 10 business days of arrival at permanent housing facility. Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 4 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction Person Responsible Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Rider Case Manager 2 Within 10 business days of arrival at permanent housing facility: • Meet with inmate to review their program, begin preliminary reentry process and make other referrals. Enter record in CIS. • Enter OMP goal(s), if not already done at RDU. 3 Complete monthly progress note (case manager contact) in CIS indicating inmate’s progress meeting reentry goals. Group Facilitator or Education Staff 4 Make progress note entry for each group participant monthly in CIS. Rider Case Manager 5 Meet with inmate 75 days before estimated completion date (ECD), discuss reentry plan identifying potential residence. If inmate has private residence option: • Contact home verifying willingness to house inmate and explain general rules of supervision. • Verify all residents of the home: names, ages, probation/parole status and relationship to inmate. • Look up adults residing in home in Reflections to determine parole/probation status or history. Note: Case manager should make no more than 4 residence contact attempts in a ten-day period before considering the plan non-viable and initiating an alternative plan. 5a If inmate reports no private residence option is available, confirm by reviewing: • PSI • Supervision notes • Visiting module 5b If confirmed no private residence option is available: • Review inmate checking account in Reflections for deposit/spending history. If inmate does not have money available to pay for housing, contact potential external support resources (visitors, family, or other individuals who have deposited funds into inmate’s account) to verify or eliminate potential support for full or partial financial assistance with transitional housing costs. • If all potential external financial support resources are exhausted, work with inmate to submit an application to transitional home and submit transitional funding application for review. Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 5 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction Person Responsible Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold 6 All Rider types: • Sixty days before ECD: enter release plan in Reflections in probation plan module (see Entering a Rider Release Plan into Reflections). Send email to designated P&P district contact advising that probation plan is in Reflections. PPO 7 Receives notification by email probation plan is ready in Reflections for review. Determine whether residence is suitable within 14 calendar days; and accept or reject residence plan. • If accepting plan – approve in Reflections probation plan module. • If rejecting plan – deny plan in Reflections probation plan module and send an email to rider case manager with alternative housing options for case manager and inmate’s consideration, and cut and paste into CIS as c-note entry. Note: If plan is rejected for same inmate more than once, PPO staffs the case with a section supervisor before denying any subsequent plans. Rider Case Manager 8 Verbally notify inmate of PPO’s decision regarding residence plan, and make c-note entry in CIS. Case staffing should be considered a routine part of case management and should take place as needed throughout the inmate’s incarceration during retained jurisdiction. Case staffing should be conducted no less than once monthly, unless otherwise determined by the facility head. Enter staffing notes in CIS. The inmate may or may not be present during case staffing. 5. End Case Staffing Process The rider case manager must consult with other staff or other individuals who have had contact with the inmate for input regarding progress, regress, and behavior during the program before authoring the APSI. 6. Clinical Staffing Clinical staff must be present and provide input into the recommendation in the form of a Mental Health Discharge Summary for any inmate whose mental health level of care is CMHS1 and above. For those inmates that are CMHS2 and below, case managers must consult with clinical staff on mental health issues related to the inmate’s reentry plan. Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 6 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction Clinical staff must also be present and provide input into the recommendation in the form of a Sex Offender Assessment Group Discharge Summary for any inmate participating in the Sex Offender Assessment Group (SOAG). 7. Addendum to the Pre-Sentence Investigation (APSI) The APSI is a continuation of the pre-sentence investigation and provides information regarding the following: • Needs assessment and program plan recommendations • Individual program plan • Disciplinary actions • Activities/Issue Summary • Summary of probation plan • Recommendations The assigned case manager must prepare an APSI 21 days before ECD using the Addendum to Presentence Investigation and Addendum to Pre-Sentence Investigation Cover Sheet. Use the format in the coversheet for the court to review and make a final decision. The case manager must submit the APSI to the sentencing court no more than 14 days and no less than seven days before the estimated program completion date. In the event of serious disciplinary issues or an inmate’s refusal to program, the facility head may immediately remove the inmate from the retained jurisdiction program and recommend relinquishment. Send the APSI to the court within two business days of the event. 8. Retained Jurisdiction Addendum to the Pre-Sentence Investigation Steps Person Responsible Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Case Manager 1 30 days before ECD, case end staffing occurs. • CMHS1 and SOAG requires clinical case manager presence at end case staffing • If recommendation is relinquishment, initiate Relinquishment Survey 2 21 days before ECD, APSI is authored • If TC, TC Discharge Summary completed • If mental health CMHS1 or above, clinician completes MH Discharge Summary • If sex offender, clinician completes Sex Offender Discharge Summary 3 If probation recommendation: Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 7 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction • Request statement from inmate for section V of the APSI. If inmate declines to include a statement, note as such in section V. • Forward APSI and attachments to facility head or designee for review and signature. 4 If relinquishment recommendation: • Complete Relinquishment Survey. Obtain appropriate signatures as outlined on survey. • Send survey to research & analysis for statistical analysis. Facility Head or Designee 5 Review APSI and cover letter before submission to sentencing court. Facility Designee 6 • Ensure APSI and required copies are mailed to court and filed in C-file no more than 14 days and no less than 7 days before ECD. • Original and two copies are sent to judge with request if any major changes are made to APSI that one copy be returned to central records for placement in inmate’s central file. • One copy retained in section three of central file just above sentencing PSI • One copy provided to district manager of district where inmate has his proposed release plan. • Make entry in CIS verifying APSI has been mailed. • Send a copy of APSI to appropriate district manager. Rider Case Manager 7 Upon completion, enter c-note in CIS as an ‘end summary’, and close out OMP goal. Note recommendation in CIS. The case manager must submit the APSI to the inmate’s sentencing judge for distribution under Idaho Criminal Rule 32. Idaho Criminal Rule 32 restricts access to the PSI and APSI. Check with the deputy attorney general representing the department before releasing these documents. 9. Quality Assurance Each facility is responsible for ensuring appropriate quality assurance reviews and measurements are in place for each APSI written and submitted to the courts. Each facility must assign retained jurisdiction program manager(s) to participate on a rider review panel to meet quarterly. Each panel member provides one completed APSI for each rider type. The review panel reviews the selected APSIs for quality content and makes recommendations as needed for continuous quality improvement. Control Number: 324.02.01.001 Version: 4.0 Title: Retained Jurisdiction Page Number: 8 of 8 Idaho Department of Correction The panel also reviews relinquishment trend data as supplied by research & analysis from data gathered from the Relinquishment Survey. REFERENCES Addendum to Pre-Sentence Investigation Addendum to Pre-Sentence Investigation Cover Sheet Entering a Rider Release Plan into Reflections Mental Health Discharge Summary for Retained Jurisdiction Inmates Notice of Retained Jurisdiction Inmate Placement Relinquishment Survey Retained Jurisdiction Placement Criteria Retained Jurisdiction Placement Evaluation Form Sex Offender Assessment Group Discharge Summary – End of Document –