HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarrants: The Use of Agent's, Bench, and Parole Commission Idaho Departm ent of Correc tion Standard Ope rating Proce dure Div ision of O pe rations Community Corre ctions Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 Page Numbe r: 1 of 10 Adopte d: 2-9-2009 Revie we d: 12-10-2010 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agent’s, Benc h, and Parole Commission T his d ocument w as a pprov ed by K evin K emp, chi ef o f t h e Div ision o f Opera tions , o n 12/10/10 (sign ature o n f i le). BOARD OF CORRECT ION IDAPA RULE NUMBER 701 Probation and Parole Supervis ion POLICY ST AT EMENT NUM BER 701 Probation and Parole Services POLICY DOCUM ENT NUM BER 701 Probation and Parole Services DEFINIT IONS Standardiz ed Definitions List Absconder: An offender who avoids the s upervis ion requirem ents of his probation or parole by fleeing, relocating to another area, or evading s upervision. Agent's Warrant: An arres t warrant issued by a probation and parole offic er to detain a probationer, parolee, or drug and/or m ental health court offender. Bench Warrant: A docum ent issued by an offic er of the court authoriz ing a probation/parole or law enforc ement offic er to perform a s pecified ac tion. Commission of Pardons and Parole: The dec ision-m aking body that has the authority to grant, revoke, reinstate, or refus e parole. The Commission of Pardons and Parole is c ommonly referred to as the Parole Commission. Commission of Pardons and Parole Warrant: A non-bondable warrant of arres t issued by the Commission of Pardons and Parole for an alleged parole violation. The Commission of Pardons and Parole W arrant is commonly referred to as a Parole Commission W arrant. O ffender: A pers on under the legal care, custody, s upervis ion, or author ity of the Board-- including a person within or without the State purs uant to agreem ent with another s tate or c ontractor. Parole Revocation Hearing: Pursuant to a violation hearing (or the offender’s waiver of s uc h hearing) and a finding of guilt on one (1) or m ore violations, a hearing in whic h the Commission of Pardons and Parole will determine whether or not to (1) grant parole to the offender or (2) revoke the offender’s parole. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 2 of 10 Prelim inary Hearing: A hearing (for tec hnical violations only) to establis h whether or not there is probable c aus e to believe the violations m ay have occurred. Technical Violation: A violation of the rules of releas e for reas ons other than a m is dem eanor or a felony crim inal convic tion or absconding from s upervis ion . (Technic al violations inc lude pending m isdem eanor or felony c rimes or infrac tions in whic h a guilty plea or finding of guilt has not been made in c ourt.) Violation Hearing: A fac t-finding hearing conducted by a Commission of Pardons and Parole hearing officer to make a finding of guilt or innocence on each alleged violation of parole. PURPOSE The purpose of this s tandard operating proc edure (SOP) is to provide guidanc e to pr obation and parole offic ers (PPOs ) regarding the us e of agent's , bench, and parole c ommission warrants ; and the proc edures required after a Parole Commission W arrant is s erved. SCOPE This SOP applies to all Community Correc tions Unit s taff m embers involved in the s upervis ion and management of offenders who are under the juris diction of the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC), Community Correc tions Unit. RESPONSIBILIT Y Deputy Chief of the Community Corrections Unit The deputy c hief of the Community Correc tions Unit (or des ignee) is responsible for overs eeing probation and parole s ervic es and for ensuring the guidelines and proc edures herein are adhered to for the issuanc e of agent’s warrants, and s ubm itting for benc h and parole c ommission warrants for violations of probation and parole c onditions . District M anagers and Supervisors Dis trict m anagers and s upervisors are res pons ible for implementing this SOP and for ensuring PPOs are practicing the guidelines , s tandards, and proc edures provided herein. In addition, all managers and supervisors will be required to read this SOP annually. Probation and Parole Officers PPOs are res pons ible for practicing the guidelines , s tandards, and proc edures provided herein. In addition, all PPOs will be required to read this S OP annually. T able of Conte nts General Requ irements .............................................................................................................. 3 1. The Us e of Agent’s W arrants.............................................................................................. 3 Agent ’s W arrant Procedure .......................................................................................... 3 2. The Us e of Bench and Parol e Commission W arrants ....................................................... 4 Bench and Parole Commis s ion W arrant Proc edure .................................................... 5 3. Parole Commission W arrants : Parolee Rights and Hearing Procedures .......................... 6 Parolee Rights ............................................................................................................... 6 Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 3 of 10 Hearing Procedures ...................................................................................................... 6 4. W arrants in Extraordinary Circumstanc es .......................................................................... 9 5. Reports ................................................................................................................................ 9 Report of Vi olati on ........................................................................................................ 9 Special Progres s Report............................................................................................. 10 Referenc es .............................................................................................................................. 10 GENERAL REQUIREMENT S This SOP follows guidelines for responding to violations of probation or parole conditions of s upervis ion as outlined in SO P 701.004.02.001 , Probation and Parole Superv ision Strategies . It als o s ets s tandards and procedures for issuing agent’s warrants , s ubmitting reports of violations and conduc ting preliminary hearings for parolees alleged to have violated parole c onditions. 1. T he Use of Age nt’s Warrants W hen a violation of c onditions is detected (s ee SOP 701.04.02.001, Probation and Parole Superv ision Strategies ), the PPO m us t do the following prior to issuing an Agent’s W arrant. Agent’s Warrant Procedure Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks CIS ste ps are in bold Probation and Parole Office r (PPO) 1 W hen a violation is detec ted (s ee SOP 701.04.02.001), determine whether it is appropriate to issue an Agent’s W arrant. Note: It is always appropriate to issue a warrant when (1) the offender pos es a risk to harm himself or others, or (2) there is reas onable s us picion to believe that the offender is attempting to abscond. PPO 2 W hen a s upervis or is: Unavailable:  Issue an Agent’s W arrant. Note: If the offender is a probationer, also c om plete an Affidavit and issue it when issuing the warrant.  Notify a s upervis or and the proper authority (i.e., pros ec utor, c ourt, or Commission of Pardons and Parole) within one (1) busines s day of the arrest. Note: If the offender’s whereabouts are unknown and the offender c annot be loc ated, s ee SOP 701.04.02.002, Absconder/Fugitiv e Procedures . If the warrant is to be served on offenders who are under the supervision of the Inters tate Com pac t, see SOP 704.04.02.001, Interstate Compac t Agreement. Available:  Staff with a s upervis or the decis ion to issue an Agent’s W arrant. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 4 of 10 Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks CIS ste ps are in bold Supe rv isor 3 Dec ide whether it is /was appropriate to issue an Agent’s W arrant. • Approve or deny the PPO’s rec ommendation to issue the warrant, or • If in dis agreement with the PPO’s decis ion to issue the warrant, m ake arrangements to have the offender releas ed. PPO 4 Rec ommendation Approved  If not already done in s tep 2, issue an Agent’s W arrant. Note: If the offender is a probationer, also c om plete an Affidavit and issue it when issuing the warrant.  Notify a s upervis or and the proper authority (i.e., pros ec utor, c ourt, or Commission of Pardons and Parole) within one (1) busines s day of the arrest.  Subm it a Report of Violation (s ee s ec tion 4) and a copy of the Affidav it to the proper authority within three (3) bus iness days of the arres t.  Proc eed to s tep 5. Note: If the offender’s whereabouts are unknown and the offender c annot be loc ated, s ee SOP 701.04.02.002, Absconder (Fugitiv e) Procedures. If the warrant is to be served on offenders who are under the supervision of the Inters tate Com pac t, see SOP 704.04.02.001, Interstate Compac t Agreement. Rec ommendation Denied  Proc eed to s tep 5. Offender Releas ed  Notify the proper authority within one (1) bus iness day of the dec ision to release the offender.  Proc eed to s tep 5. PPO 5 Docume nt in the Corre ctions Inte grate d Syste m (CIS) as a “case update ” e ach staffing he ld with a supe rv isor, the de cision, and the action take n. 2. T he Use of Be nch and Parole Commission Warrants A s upervis or m ay determ ine that an Agent’s W arrant s hould not be issued (s ee section 1), but m ay feel that the s everity of the violation detec ted and the offender’s ris k level s upports that a Report of Violation be s ubm itted to the proper authority (i.e., pros ec utor, c ourt, or Commission of Pardons and Parole). However, when a violation of conditions is detec ted ens ure that the violation is properly res ponded to in accordance with SOP 701.04.02.001, Probation and Parole Supervis ion Strategies , prior to s ubmitting the Report of Violation. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 5 of 10 Bench and Parole Commissio n Warrant Procedure Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks CIS ste ps are in bold Probation and Parole Office r (PPO) 1 W hen a violation is detected (see SOP 701.04.02.001), determine whether the violation can be handled with interm ediate sanctions and interventions , or if a Report of Violation should be s ubm itted. Handle with intermediate s anc tions and interventions  Entry-level PPOs : Staff the c as e with a s upervis or; Proceed to step 2.  Senior-level PPOs : Proceed to s tep 3. Subm it a Report of Violation  Staff the case with a supervisor; Proc eed to s tep 2. Supe rv isor 2 Review the following:  The violation or violations ,  The offender’s risk level,  Perform anc e on s upervis ion,  Prior violations ,  Prior interm ediate sanctions and interventions , and  Program plans Dec ide whether intermediate sanctions and interventions are m ore appropriate or if a Report of Violation should be s ubm itted. • Inform the PPO of the dec is ion. PPO 3 Handle with intermediate s anctions and interventions  Develop a balanced plan that inc ludes interm ediate s anc tions and interventions.  Monitor the effec tivenes s of the interm ediate s anc tion and intervention and m ake adjus tm ents if necessary. Subm it a Report of Violation (see s ec tion 4)  Offender a probationer: Com plete and subm it a Report of Violation to the pros ec utor or c ourt within three (3) bus iness days .  Offender a parolee: Com plete and s ubm it a Report of Violation to the Commission of Pardons and Parole within three (3) bus ines s days. PPO 4 Docume nt in the Corre ctions Inte grate d Syste m (CIS) as a “case update ” e ach staffing he ld with a supe rv isor, the de cision, and the action take n. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 6 of 10 Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks CIS ste ps are in bold PPO 5 Onc e the warrant is issued: • Attempt to s erve the warrant, or • Enlis t a law enforc em ent agenc y to serve the warrant. Note: If the offender’s whereabouts are unknown and the offender c annot be loc ated, s ee SOP 701.04.02.002, Absconder (Fugitiv e) Procedures. If the warrant is to be served on offenders who are under the supervision of the Inters tate Com pac t, see SOP 704.04.02.001, Interstate Compac t Agreement. PPO 6 If the offender pos ts bond on a Benc h W arrant, res um e or continue supervision until the case is adjudic ated. F o r f urth er assistanc e w ith C IS, se e y our d esig nated C IS sup er u s e r. 3. Parole Commission Warrants: Parole e Rights and He aring Proce dure s Parolee Rights During the preliminary and parole violation hearing process, the parolee has the right to: • Rec eive written notic e of the time and plac e of the hearings at leas t 24 hours in advanc e; • Be advis ed of the allegations contained in the Report of Violation; • Have an attorney pres ent; • Present evidenc e and witnesses ; • Confront advers e witnesses , unless s uc h action would s ubjec t the witnesses to risk or harm; • Rec eive a tim ely, written decis ion. Hearing Procedures Parolees will be granted a preliminary hearing on a Report of Violation consis ting solely of allegations of technic al violations for whic h a warrant has been issued, unles s the parolee waives that right. Note : Parolees alleged to have absconded or c onvicted of a crim e, mis dem eanor, or felony are not entitled to a preliminary hearing. Pre liminary He aring Office rs The Commission of Pardons and Parole has delegated the selec tion of preliminary hearing officers to probation and parole dis tric ts . To be designated the preliminary hearing officer, the PPO must not have: • Been involved in the arrest (or the decis ion to arrest the offender), or • Rec ently supervised the parolee. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 7 of 10 Note : The parolee m us t not be provided a c opy of the Report of Violation at the preliminary hearing bec aus e providing the parolee with a c opy of the report s tarts the c lock tic king on when the parolee m ust be granted a violation hearing. Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks Probation and Parole Office r (PPO) 1 Serve and explain the following docum ents to the parolee: • Agent’s W arrant. (Note : If us ed, replace the Agent’s W arrant with the Parole Commission W arrant when it is rec eived.) • Parole Commission W arrant Return of Servic e. (Note : Typic ally, m us t be s erved within three [3] bus iness days of rec eipt; however, if the detention location exc eeds a 50 mile radius , within five [5] bus ines s days of receipt.) • Notic e of Rights for Legal Repres entation and W itnesses . Note : If the warrant is to be s erved on offenders who are under the s upervis ion of the Inters tate Com pac t, see SO P 704.04.02.001, Interstate Com pact Agreem ent. PPO 2 If the parolee is entitled to a preliminary hearing (tec hnical violations only):  Inform the parolee of his rights pertaining to the hearing and of the cons equenc es of waiving the hearing. (See the above s ubs ec tion titled Parolee Rights .) Note : Any s uc h waiver by the parolee must be voluntary. • If the parolee is not entitled to a prelim inary hearing, proc eed to s tep 7. Parole e 3 Dec ide whether to waive or request a preliminary hearing (tec hnical violations only). • Com plete the appropriate areas of the Agent’s W arrant or Parole Commission W arrant Return of Servic e, and return the warrant or return of s ervic e to the PPO. PPO 4 W ithin one (1) bus iness day of rec eipt: • Notify the Commission of Pardons and Parole of the parolee’s decis ion. Note : If the parolee waives the prelim inary hearing, ens ure step 2 was followed, and proceed to s tep 7. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 8 of 10 Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks Pre liminary He aring Office r 5 • Determ ine if an attorney or witnesses will attend the hearing. • Schedule the hearing at the jail or probation and parole offic e. (The hearing m us t be c onduc ted within five [5] busines s days of the arrest of the parolee. See the note box in s tep 6 for the exc eptions .)  If wi tnesses need to be accommodated, seek the approval of another location f rom the Commission of Pardons and Parole. • Notify the supervising PPO and any witnesses for the state.  At least 24 hours prior to the hearing, notify the parolee of the hearing date, tim e, and location. Preliminary Hearing Offic er 6 Conduc t the hearing within five (5) bus iness days of the arres t, unles s the parolee waives part or all of the five- (5) day period and so notes on the Agent’s W arrant or Parole Commission W arrant Return of Service. Note : The prelim inary hearing offic er m ay exc lude any evidenc e or witnesses deemed irrelevant to the issues . In addition, if a witness’ pres ence at the hearing pos es an undue threat to the witness’ safety, the hearing officer s hall notify the Commission of Pardons and Parole. The commission will determ ine whether the witnes s m us t appear or m ay be exc luded. Rec ord the hearing on audio tape and maintain the tape for six (6) m onths. Upon c ompletion of the hearing:  Make a finding as to whether probable cause exists for eac h technic al violation.  Issue a verbal decision to the parolee and PPO. W ithin five (5) bus ines s days of the com pletion of the hearing,  Subm it a written decis ion to the parolee and the Commission of Pardons and Parole. The written dec ision m us t include the reas ons for the finding and the evidenc e relied upon. Note : If probable cause is not found, the c ommission may releas e the parolee, which will end the proc es s at this s tep. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 9 of 10 Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks Commission of Pardons and Parole 7 Sc hedule a violation hearing if any of the following exis t:  The parolee was not entitled to a prelim inary hearing,  The parolee waived the prelim inary hearing, or  The prelim inary hearing offic er determ ined that probable c aus e exists . Send a Notice of Hearing to the supervising PPO . Supe rv ising PPO 8 • W ithin two (2) bus iness days of receipt, s erve the parolee with the Notic e of Hearing. • Arrange with the detention fac ility a loc ation for the hearing. • Attend the violation hearing or send a representative that is fam iliar with the case. 4. Warrants in Extraordinary Circumstance s If extraordinary circumstances exist such that neither an Agent’s, Benc h, nor Parole Commission W arrant is appropriate, the direc tor of the IDOC (or des ignee), m ay request by affidavit that an Ada County magis trate issue a perm anent arrest warrant . (Idaho Code, Section 20-209F) Note : SOP 507.02.01.002, Escape/W alk-away Response, describes the proc es s for the direc tor to issue a tem porary arres t warrant and obtain a perm anent arrest warrant from an Ada c ounty m agis trate. 5. Re ports It is important that the jurisdic tion authority be aware of how offenders und er their juris diction are perform ing on probation or parole. PPOs us e both formal (Report of Violation) and informal (intermediate s anc tions and interventions ) means to m anage offender behavior in the c ommunity. W hen us ing interm ediate s anc tions , the PPO should keep the court or Commission of Pardons and Parole inform ed. Report of Violation W hen available, a Report of Violation s hall be written us ing a Departm ent -approved form at as provided in the Corrections Integrated Sys tem (CIS). Recommendations for the dis pos ition of a Report of Violation can include the following exam ples : Probatione rs • Additional conditions , s anc tions , and continued or extended probation. • Revoc ation, s anc tions , and reins tatement. • Retained juris diction. • Revoc ation and im pos ition of sentenc e. Control Numbe r: 701.04.02.018 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : W arrants : The Use of Agents , Bench, and Parole Commission Page Numbe r: 10 of 10 Parolees • Reinstatement and additional special conditions. Special Progress Report If a decis ion is made not to s ubm it a Report of Violation (in accordance with s ec tion 1 or s ection 2) for s erious violations as outlined in SOP 701.04.02.001, Probation and Parole Supervision Strategies , a Spec ial Progres s Report s hould be subm itted. The Departm ent will provide a c omputeriz ed form (loc ated in the CIS) to be used for s pec ial progress reports that inc ludes inform ation pertaining to the offender’s behavior, the ac tions taken, and the PPO's rec ommendations . Note : Anytim e a special report is issued, doc ument the issuanc e in the CIS as a “case update ,” to include e ach staffing he ld with a supe rv isor, the de cision, and the action take n. REFERENCES Agent’s W arrant Affidav it Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Sec tion 20-209F, W arrants for Certain Fugitives Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Sec tion 20-227, Arres t of Parolee, Probationer or Pers on Under Drug Court or Mental Health Court Superv is ion without W arrant—Agent’s W arrant— Detention—Report to Commission or Court Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Sec tion 20-228, Conditions of Parole to be Spec ified in W riting—W arrant for Arrest of Sus pec ted Violators —Effec t of Sus pens ion and Arrest Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Section 20-229, Parole Revoc ation Hearing Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Section 20-229A, Notice—Servic e—W aiver Idaho Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Sec tion 20-229B, Commission Rulings Standard Operating Proc edure 701.04.02.001, Probation and Parole Superv ision Strategies Standard Operating Proc edure 507.02.01.002, Escape/W alk -away Res pons e Standard Operating Proc edure 701.04.02.002, Absconder (Fugitive) Procedures Standard Operating Proc edure 704.04.02.001, Interstate Com pac t Agreem ent – End of Docum ent –