HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolunteer Services in Correctional FacilitiesIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page: 1 of 14 Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Adopted: 02-07-1997 Ashley Dowell, chief of prisons, approved this document on 07/10/2017. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This SOP is applicable to all volunteers, staff members, and contract providers involved in volunteer and religious services at IDOC correctional facilities, community reentry centers (CRCs), and central office. Revision Summary Revision date (07/10/2017) version 6.0: Changes were made to requirements for volunteers at Community Reenty Centers only; no changes to prisons. Previous revision was dated 05/06/2016. TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2 General requirements ........................................................................................................... 3 1. Volunteer Program Development ................................................................................. 3 2. Attire and Appearance ................................................................................................. 3 3. Volunteer Statuses and Categories .............................................................................. 4 4. Identification (ID) Cards ............................................................................................... 6 5. Approval Process ......................................................................................................... 6 6. Volunteering at Secondary Facilities ............................................................................ 8 7. Annual Background Check ........................................................................................... 9 8. Request for Level-2 Volunteer Status........................................................................... 9 9. Training Requirements ................................................................................................10 10. Conclude Volunteer Service ....................................................................................11 11. Terminate or Suspend Volunteer Service ................................................................12 12. Retention .................................................................................................................12 Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 2 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction 13. Annual Review ........................................................................................................13 14. Volunteer Recognition Events .................................................................................13 Definitions ...........................................................................................................................13 References ..........................................................................................................................13 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER 606 Volunteer Services POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 606 Volunteer Service Programs and Volunteers PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide guidance regarding volunteer services in correctional facilities and to establish procedures to select, recruit, approve, train, and manage volunteers and the services they provide. RESPONSIBILITY Prisons Division Chief The Prisons Division chief is responsible for: • Ensuring that facility heads and other staff involved with volunteer services implement this SOP Prisons Division Volunteer and Religious Activity Coordinator (VRC) The Prisons Division VRC is responsible for: • Overseeing the volunteer services program in IDOC facilities • Collaborating with the Prisons and Probation and Parole deputy chiefs regarding volunteer services • Developing and overseeing the delivery of volunteer training. Facility Heads Facility heads are responsible for: • Implementing this SOP • Ensuring staff members and volunteers follow the procedures, guidelines, and instructions contained herein • Designating staff members to serve as the VRC at their respective facilities if someone has not been contracted to be the VRC. Facility VRC The Facility VRC is responsible for: • Coordinating and overseeing volunteer activities in facilities • Recruiting religious volunteers if the need arises Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 3 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction • Maintaining volunteer records GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Volunteer Program Development Volunteers may provide faith-based or secular activities to the inmate population. Facility heads, and/or designees, are responsible for determining the volunteers needed at their facility, including the number of volunteers facility resources can support. Due to staff and facility limitations, not all services can be provided to every inmate. Facility heads may approve guided tours of their facilities so prospective volunteers can make an informed decision regarding their volunteer service before investing their time in training. The following issues must be considered when developing the facility’s volunteer program: • Custody level of the facility • Ethnic and cultural composition of the inmate population • Recommendations from the facility and/or Prisons Division VRC • Requests from inmates for specific services • Staff availability to supervise volunteers and volunteer activities • Support and resources needed for volunteer activities • Support and resources needed for faith-based activities • Support service opportunities Recruiting Volunteers VRCs, with their respective facility management teams, will establish partnerships with community agencies to recruit volunteers representing ethnic, cultural, gender, faith, and economic demographics reflective of the inmate population. Volunteer Services Volunteers deliver a variety of services including, but not limited to, the following: • Faith-based activities • Religious activities • Self-help programs • Vocation and education activities 2. Attire and Appearance To ensure safety in the facility, volunteers must adhere to the following standards: • Avoid dressing in clothing that matches inmates’ state-issued clothing. Facility heads may approve volunteers wearing jeans in facilities • Demonstrate good hygiene Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 4 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction • No clothing that depicts gang affiliation, racial slurs, profane or obscene subject matter, tobacco or alcohol products, or any other type of contraband • No provocative or revealing clothing • No shirts or blouses with an open midriff • No shorts or short skirts • No tank tops, halter-tops, or see-through fabrics • Shoes are mandatory • Wear proper under garments 3. Volunteer Statuses and Categories All volunteers fall within one of the four categories outlined below and must abide by the standards of their respective category. Volunteers may qualify for a status designation, in addition to the volunteer category, based on the standards outlined below. Category Mentor A mentor is a volunteer through the Free2Succeed program. Mentors and the processes associated with mentors are not guided by this SOP, unless the mentor belongs to one of the other volunteer categories in addition to their mentor role. Mentors are required to abide by the standards set forth in the mentor requirements which can be found at: https://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/volunteers_mentors/mentors. Level-1 Volunteer Level-1 volunteers require constant staff or Level-2 volunteer escort and observation. All new volunteers will begin their volunteer service as a Level-1 volunteer, unless they are under “Restricted Access” status. Level 1 volunteers are required to attend New Volunteer Training, Facility Orientation, and Annual Refresher Training in accordance section 9. Training Requirements. Level-2 Volunteer Level-2 volunteers do not require staff escort or constant supervision while at a facility. Level-2 volunteers at a Community Reentry Center (CRC) may be approved to escort offenders to outside activities in accordance with Furlough Program: Inmate, 605.02.01.001. To qualify for Level-2 status in a prison facility, volunteers must demonstrate an ability to work successfully in the prison environment and have at least twenty-four hours of volunteer service as a Level-1 volunteer. To qualify for Level-2 status in a CRC, volunteers must demonstrate an ability to work successfully in the CRC environment and have at least ten hours of volunteer service as a Level -1 volunteer. The facility head or designee must approve the move from Level-1 to Level-2 volunteer status for it to be effective. Volunteers may be required to remain at a Level-1 status, based on facility head or designee discretion as a condition of their volunteer service. Facility head or designee may grant an exception to the twenty four hours of service requirement after consultation with the Prisons Division VRC. Circumstances that may Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 5 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction merit an exception include, but are not limited to, prior experience volunteering or working in another correctional institution. Level 2 volunteers are required to attend Facility Orientation and Annual Refresher Training in accordance section 9. Training Requirements. Limited-Service Volunteer Limited-Service volunteers require staff escort and constant staff supervision while at a facility. Limited-service volunteers are volunteers who will enter the facility no more than four times per year for a special event. For example, a one-time guest speaker would qualify as a Limited-Service volunteer. Limited-Service volunteers must undergo a criminal background check and obtain facility head approval prior to entering a facility. Limited-Service volunteers are not required to complete new volunteer training or the annual refresher training. Limited-Service volunteers may be required to attend an orientation provided by either the sponsoring organization or the IDOC. IDOC staff may be approved as a Limited-Service volunteer on a case-by-case basis with prior written approval from the division chief or designee. Staff must submit a request to volunteer to the Prisons Division VRC. Status Clergy A volunteer may be designated “Clergy” if they meet the following standards. Generally speaking, clergy is an individual officially representing a church or religious organization, one who may be ordained, licensed, elected or appointed by a governing body to perform a leadership role, or one whose main purpose is to provide direct, confidential spiritual guidance, and counseling to members of a congregation. Those who qualify as clergy in accordance with this definition will be permitted to meet one-on-one with an inmate who is a member of their congregation to provide direct, spiritual guidance, and counseling. All clergy must still abide by the standards set forth herein and must be within one of the four volunteer categories as well. The VRC will verify clergy designation and may require additional information from the potential volunteer. Restricted Access A volunteer may be given “Restricted Access” status. Restricted access requires staff escort and constant staff supervision. Generally, potential volunteers with a significant criminal background may be granted restricted access. Approval from the facility head and Prisons Division deputy chief or Probation and Parole deputy chief is required to grant a potential volunteer restricted access. The volunteer may request the removal of restricted access status. The request will be approved if the facility head recommends approval and Prisons Division deputy chief or Probation and Parole Division deputy chief concurs. Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 6 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction 4. Identification (ID) Cards IDOC staff will supply each volunteer with an ID card and will check volunteers in and out of the facility through the online volunteer tracking system in accordance with Facility Access, 510.02.01.001. All ID cards will be kept at the facility where the volunteer is approved and issued to the volunteer in exchange for the volunteer’s driver’s license, state issued ID card, or military issued ID card. Volunteer ID cards must be displayed on the volunteer in a clear and immediately visible location. Level-1 and Limited-Service volunteers will be issued a generic visitor ID. Level-2 volunteers will be issued a green ID card that will display the volunteer’s legal first name, middle initial (if applicable), last name, IDOC identification number, and photo of the volunteer. Level-2 volunteers who provide services at multiple locations will have a green ID at each location. 5. Approval Process Volunteers are required to abide by the terms and conditions of the Volunteer Agreement, appendix B. All volunteers are required to undergo a criminal background check and receive facility head approval prior to entering a facility. In addition, volunteers must undergo a criminal background check annually. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for any IDOC volunteer category, individuals must meet the following criteria: • Eighteen years of age or older. • US citizen or legal authorization to be in the country. • Within the past three years, no adult felony convictions or incarcerations, nor any misdemeanor drug-related convictions, unless the Prisons Division deputy chief or Probation and Parole Division deputy chief grants an exception by approving the initial application for volunteer service. • No outstanding warrants or pending criminal charges. • Former IDOC employees and contractors must not have been terminated for cause. Current IDOC employees may only qualify as a Limited-Service volunteer, in accordance with section 3, but are prohibited from volunteering in any other capacity. Visiting Inmates Volunteers can be an approved visitor of immediate family members, as defined in Visiting, 604.02.01.001. However, volunteers cannot volunteer at the same facility where they visit, unless specifically approved by the facility head to continue volunteer services and visits at that facility. Whenever practical, the Prisons Division VRC will reassign volunteers when a conflict occurs between visiting and volunteer services. Volunteer Application Process Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 7 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Applicant 1 Review the Volunteer Agreement and complete the appropriate volunteer application online. • New Volunteers must complete the “New Volunteer Application” and Limited Service Volunteers must complete the “Limited Service Volunteer Application.” Facility VRC 2 Review the application to determine if the applicant meets the eligibility criteria. If the applicant does meet the criteria, the Facility VRC will submit the application to the Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS) Operator for a criminal background check. If the volunteer does not meet the criteria, notify the applicant and the Prisons Division VRC. ILETS Operator 4 • Conduct the criminal background check in accordance with Facility Access, 510.02.01.001 and the eligibility requirements herein, • Check if the volunteer is on an inmate’s visiting list, • Complete the ILETS Operator section of appendix A, and • Return the form and application to the VRC. Facility VRC 5 Complete the VRC section of appendix A and submit the form and the application to the deputy warden or second in command. Deputy Warden or Second in Command 6 Review the application, complete the applicable section of appendix A, and forward the form and the application, to the facility head. At a CRC, the facility head may also complete the second in command section. Facility Head or Designee 7 Review the form and the application, and approve or deny the applicant. • If the volunteer will receive “restricted access,” note this on appendix A. • If the volunteer applicant has any adult felony convictions, or misdemeanor drug-related convictions within the last three years, forward the form and application to the Prisons Division VRC and applicable deputy chief. The deputy chief will approve or deny and return the application to the Facility Head, Facility VRC, and Prisons Division VRC. Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 8 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility VRC 8 Document the approval or denial of the applicant in the online volunteer management system in accordance with the VRC Manual and notify the volunteer applicant. • If the applicant is approved as a New Volunteer, make sure the New Volunteer Training and Facility Orientation is completed. • If the applicant is approved as a Limited Service Volunteer, the VRC will coordinate the visit or event in accordance facility processes. • If a volunteer applicant is denied, notify the Prisons Division VRC. Facility VRC 9 Maintain the volunteer record in the online volunteer management system in accordance with the VRC Manual. This includes, but is not limited to, entering training completion dates and tracking annual background checks. 6. Volunteering at Secondary Facilities Once a volunteer is approved to volunteer at one facility, access may be granted at secondary facilities if the secondary facility(ies) has a need for the volunteer service and the volunteer’s access to that facility is approved. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Volunteer 1 Contact the Facility VRC at the secondary facility and request access to that facility. Facility VRC 2 Contact the Facility VRC at the primary facility and obtain feedback on the volunteer’s service and history. 3 Determine if there is a need for the volunteer’s services at the secondary facility. If the volunteer’s services are not needed, discuss with the Prisons Division VRC and second in command. Notify the volunteer. 4 If the volunteer’s services are needed, obtain the completed appendix A for the primary facility and make sure the background check was completed. If the background check has not been completed within the past year, coordinate with the VRC at the primary facility to have this completed. Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 9 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks 5 Submit the completed appendix A for the primary facility and a clean appendix A. Complete the VRC section of appendix A on the clean form, and submit it to the deputy warden or second in command for review. Deputy Warden or Second in Command 6 Complete the applicable section of the clean appendix A, and forward the form to the facility head. At a CRC, the facility head may complete the second in command section too. Facility Head or Designee 7 Review and approve or deny the applicant. If the volunteer will receive “restricted access,” note this on appendix A. Facility VRC 8 Document the approval or denial of the applicant in the online volunteer management system in accordance with the VRC Manual, and notify the volunteer applicant. If the volunteer is denied access to the secondary facility, notify the Prisons Division VRC and the applicable Facility VRC(s) of any facilities at which the volunteer provides services. 7. Annual Background Check On an annual basis, all volunteers must undergo a background security check. It is the volunteer’s responsibility to notify the VRC if any changes to their criminal record have occurred in the past year. It is also the volunteer’s responsibility to notify the Facility VRC if they do not wish to have a background check completed and will subsequently conclude their volunteer service. If any new arrest or charge is found, refer to the procedural steps in section 13. 8. Request for Level-2 Volunteer Status A volunteer may request Level-2 volunteer status. If the volunteer is an approved Level-2 Volunteer at one facility, the secondary facility will also approve, unless there is a reason specific to that facility that merits denial. The request will be approved if the volunteer has: • Demonstrated an ability to work successfully in the prison or CRC environment, • Has at least twenty-four hours for a request in a prison facility, or at least ten hours for a request at a CRC, of volunteer service as a Level-1 volunteer, o If the volunteer has already met this requirement at their primary facility, an exception to completing the full twenty four hours at the secondary facility may be granted by the secondary facility deputy warden. • The facility VRC recommends approval, and • The facility deputy warden or second in command approves the request. Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 10 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Process Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Volunteer 1 Contact the Facility VRC to request Level-2 volunteer status. Facility VRC 2 Where applicable, contact the VRCs at other facilities where the volunteer is approved and request feedback on the volunteer’s service and history. Obtain their recommendation for the volunteer’s Level-2 status request. Obtain the completed appendix A from the volunteer’s Level-1 status approval. Complete the applicable section, noting your recommendation as well as the recommendation from other applicable facilities. Forward it with all relevant information to the deputy warden or second in command. Deputy Warden or Second in Command 3 Review the request and recommendation from the VRC and make a decision to approve or deny. If denied, clearly articulate reason for denial on appendix A. Notify the Prisons Division VRC of the denial. Facility VRC 4 Notify the volunteer and document the approval or denial of the applicant in the online volunteer management system in accordance with the VRC Manual. Volunteer, if applicable 5 If Level 2 status is denied, the volunteer may dispute this decision by notifying the Facility VRC. The decision will be escalated to the Facility Head for final decision. Facility VRC, if applicable 6 Upon notification from volunteer of dispute, notify the deputy warden or second in command and the Prisons Division VRC. Submit the following information to Facility Head or designee: completed Appendix A, volunteer history, purpose for denial, and any other relevant information. Facility Head or Designee, if applicable 7 Review documentation and make final decision and notify Facility VRC and deputy warden or second in command. Facility VRC 8 Notify volunteer of final decision. 9. Training Requirements The Prisons Division chief (or designee) must approve all volunteer training lesson plans. The Prisons Division VRC (or designee) will develop and conduct the volunteer training. New Volunteer Training New volunteers must attend six hours of new volunteer training. The facility head may waive the new volunteer training requirement for former IDOC employees or contractors who are approved to volunteer. Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 11 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Facility-specific Orientation New volunteers, or volunteers new to the facility, must attend the facility-specific orientation. This orientation is provided when volunteers begin service at an IDOC facility and is designed specific to that facility’s infrastructure, mission, facility access, and emergency procedures. Facility-specific orientation must, at minimum, include the following: • Entry and Exit Procedures: badges, signing in and out, items not to bring in, escort procedures (if applicable) • Tour of the Facility: for larger facilities, this may only include the area at which the volunteer will be providing services • Radio Use (if applicable) • Emergency Procedures • Question and Answer period The deputy warden or designee at the facility must participate in providing the facility orientation. Annual Refresher Training All volunteers must complete a minimum of four hours of refresher training annually. The training may be offered live or online. The Prisons Division VRC must approve all refresher training schedules, locations, trainers, and curriculums. Failure to complete the annual refresher training will result in conclusion of volunteer service. 10. Conclude Volunteer Service A volunteer’s service with the IDOC will end without prejudice if the following applies: • The volunteer has not provided services during the past six months, excluding Limited-Service volunteers • Upon volunteer request • Upon ending association with an organization that endorsed or sponsored the volunteer’s service • When the assigned task has been completed or the position is no longer needed • Training requirements are not met A volunteer may conclude services at one facility, and remain active at other facilities. When conclusion of services occurs, the facility VRC will: • Review the volunteer’s information in the online volunteer management system • Document the reason for ending the volunteer service in accordance with the VRC Manual • Destroy the volunteer’s IDOC ID card issued for the facility Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 12 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction 11. Terminate or Suspend Volunteer Service Termination A volunteer’s service and access to IDOC facilities can be terminated at the discretion of the IDOC when it is suspected that a volunteer: • Acts in a manner that endangers the safe and orderly operation of a facility • Acts in a manner that threatens the IDOC rehabilitative process • Is arrested or charged with a crime • Violates an IDOC rule or policy, including those in appendix B, Volunteer Agreement If the IDOC terminates a volunteer’s access to one facility, access is terminated in all facilities. If a terminated volunteer seeks reinstatement at a later date, the Prisons Division VRC must immediately be notified. Reinstatement may be granted upon approval of the Prisons Chief, or designee. Suspension If for any reason staff or the VRC believes that a volunteer should be suspended or a situation investigated, the facility head may temporarily suspend the volunteer’s access. The facility head will immediately contact the Prisons Division VRC. The Prisons Division VRC will gather information regarding the situation and consult with a Prisons Division deputy chief, or Probation and Parole Division deputy chief. A deputy chief or chief will make a determination regarding the volunteer’s status. One of the following actions will be taken: • Volunteer will return to previous status with no additional restrictions • Volunteer will return to previous status with additional restriction, training, and/or instruction • Volunteer’s volunteer status will be terminated and access to all IDOC facilities will be revoked Documentation The Prisons Division VRC will ensure the online volunteer management system is updated to reflect the decision and that the action taken is consistent at all IDOC facilities. The Prisons Division VRC will collect all documentation regarding the termination and save it in the volunteer’s record. The Facility VRC(s) will collect and destroy the terminated volunteer’s facility ID card. If a terminated volunteer seeks reinstatement at a later date, the Prisons Division VRC must immediately be notified. Reinstatement may be granted upon approval of the Prisons Chief, or designee. 12. Retention Facility Documentation Volunteer records will be retained in the online volunteer management system for at least one year after the volunteer’s service is concluded. If the volunteer was terminated, the volunteer records will be retained for at least two years after the termination. The facility VRC is responsible for maintaining these records in accordance with the VRC Manual and all requirements herein. Facility VRCs will monitor the check-in/check-out Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 13 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction procedures described in Facility Access, 510.02.01.001 and if any requirements are not adhered to, the facility VRC must report the issue to the facility head or Prisons Division VRC. Prisons Division Documentation Each facility VRC will maintain documentation and provide reports to the Prisons Division VRC by 10th of each month. The Prisons Division VRC will provide the reporting format, which will include: • Donations • Removal of volunteers for cause • Volunteer hours of service • Number of volunteers • Other information the Prisons Division VRC has requested 13. Annual Review At a minimum, the Prisons Division VRC will review the volunteer services program at each facility annually. The Prisons Division VRC will provide statistics to IDOC administration to include: • Donations to the IDOC • Files of any volunteer removed for cause from active service • Hours of service • Number of volunteers • Other information regarding the IDOC volunteer program 14. Volunteer Recognition Events Annually, facility VRCs will schedule a recognition event to honor the volunteers. The facility heads will provide their division chief, or designee, a recognition event agenda at least fourteen days before the event. Recognition events may be coordinated with facilities in a geographical area or organized into one event in the community. DEFINITIONS Facility Volunteer and Religious Activity Coordinator (VRC): A person designated to (1) coordinate, recruit, and manage volunteers and volunteer activities, and (2) coordinate and supervise religious activities at an IDOC facility. REFERENCES Appendix A, Volunteer Application Review Form Appendix B, Volunteer Rules and Agreement Volunteer Manual VRC Manual Control Number: 606.02.01.001 Version: 6.0 Title: Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities Page Number: 14 of 14 Idaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Religious Activities, 403.02.01.001 Standard Operating Procedure Facility Access, 510.02.01.001 Standard Operating Procedure Furloughs, 605.02.01.001 Standard Operating Procedure Visiting, 604.02.01.001 – End of Document – Volunteer Application Review Form For use by the Idaho Department of Correction ONLY Appendix A 606.02.01.001 Update Date: 05/06/2016 Page 1 of 2 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Volunteer Name:______________________________________________ Date:___________ Last First M.I. ILETS Operator Criminal Background Check □ No criminal record. □ No misdemeanor drug conviction within the last 3 years. □ No felony conviction. □ Has misdemeanor drug conviction within the last 3 years (Complete section below). □ Has a felony conviction (Complete section below). Is the volunteer on an offender visiting list? □ Yes □ No ILETS Operator Name (Print): Assoc. #: Work Location: Phone: If applicable, ILETS Results Also known as/Alias: States Needing Query Run: Disclosures: Relatives in System: Felony Record? □ Yes □ No Misdemeanor Record within 5 years? □ Yes □ No Valid Driver’s License? □ Yes, State Issued: □ No Motor Vehicle Record? □ Yes □ No Brief description of record(s): ILETS Operator Signature:______________________________________ Date:___________ VRC Type of Volunteer: □ Level 1 □ Limited Service Recommend Approval? □ Yes □ No OR □ Restricted Access Approval If no, please explain: If recommending Restricted Access status, please explain: VRC Name (Print): Assoc. #: VRC Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:___________ Volunteer Application Review Form For use by the Idaho Department of Correction ONLY Appendix A 606.02.01.001 Update Date: 05/06/2016 Page 2 of 2 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Second-In-Command Recommend Approval? □ Yes □ No □ Restricted Access Approval If “no” or “restricted access approval,” please explain: Name (Print): Assoc. #: Second-In-Command Signature:__________________________________ Date:___________ Facility Head Approval? □ Yes □ No □ Restricted Access Approval If no, please explain: Name (Print): Assoc. #: Facility Head Signature:_________________________________________ Date:___________ LEVEL 2 VOLUNTEER STATUS (If Applicable) VRC Has the volunteer met the requirement of 24 hours of on-site service at this facility? □ Yes □ No Does the volunteer provide services at any other site? Please list. Do other sites recommend approval? □ Yes □ No □ N/A Additional Information: Recommend Approval? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain: Name (Print): Assoc. #: VRC Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:___________ Second-In-Command Recommend Approval? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain: Name (Print): Assoc. #: Second-In-Command Signature:___________________________________ Date:__________ Appendix B 606.02.01.001 Update Date: 05/06/2016 Page 1 of 2 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted GENERAL STANDARDS As a volunteer for the Idaho Department of Correction, hereinafter referred to as the IDOC, I understand and agree to the following: 1. I will conduct my volunteer activities in accordance with this Agreement and the Volunteer Services Standard Operating Procedures, 606.02.01.001. If I am unclear about a policy, procedure, or term of this Agreement, it is my responsibility to seek immediate clarification with the staff. 2. I will be respectful to staff, inmates, other volunteers, and those of other faiths. 3. I will maintain control of my personal property while at the facility and I will immediately report the loss of any item to a staff member. 4. I understand I may be denied access to any unit and may be subject to search of my person or vehicle for justifiable security purposes. 5. I will notify the IDOC prior to discussing my volunteer service with the media or a public forum. 6. I understand that the Department will complete a criminal background check upon receipt of my application and again annually. I understand that the initial background check must be completed and my application approved before I am granted access to any facility. 7. I understand I am responsible for notifying the Department if I do not wish to have my criminal background check completed to renew my volunteer status. I also understand this will conclude my volunteer service. 8. I understand my volunteer service may be terminated at the discretion of the IDOC. 9. If I am both a mentor and a volunteer, I will continue to abide by all terms of this Agreement. 10. I understand the risk of volunteering in a correctional facility, including, but not limited to, the risks of being taken hostage, injury to my person or property, and death. 11. Except in the case of sole negligence or willful misconduct of the State of Idaho, I agree to assume fully all the risks which may result from my volunteer work in and for the IDOC, and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of Idaho, the Idaho Department of Correction, and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, claims, damages, losses, expenses, actions, attorneys’ fees, and suits whatsoever arising out of or in connection with my volunteer work in and for the IDOC. 12. I understand that the donation of my time and service does not represent employment or any promise of employment and that the Department has no legal responsibility for defending me in any legal action. 13. I understand that I have no property interest in the volunteer position, and that I may be released from my duties as a volunteer at the discretion of the Department. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES I understand that I am entering a secure facility and there are activities that I am strictly prohibited from engaging in. I agree to abide by the following standards regarding prohibited activities. 1. I understand unauthorized items are contraband and the introduction of contraband into a correctional facility is a violation of state law. Restricted items must be pre-approved by facility leadership. I will only bring items into the facility that the IDOC has preauthorized and are specifically required for my volunteer service. Idaho Department of Correction VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT Appendix B 606.02.01.001 Update Date: 05/06/2016 Page 2 of 2 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted a. Contraband includes: alcoholic beverages, pets/animals, ammunition, drugs and narcotics, explosives and explosive devices, firearms, oleoresin capsicum spray, mace, tobacco, and other objects or materials that might be used to compromise security, sound order, or discipline of the correctional facility. b. Restricted Items: cell phones, pagers, computers, cameras, audio/video equipment, prescription drugs, and tools. 2. I will not provide for or accept from an inmate any personal good or service, including, but not limited to, making phone calls, mailing letters, making a purchase, selling or exchanging any item(s) with an inmate, or delivering messages or packages to anyone in the community or in a correctional facility. 3. I will never exchange any item with an inmate or give any item directly to an inmate. 4. I will maintain legal and ethical boundaries with all inmates. 5. I will keep my physical contact with an inmate to a minimum. 6. I will not engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with an inmate. 7. I will not engage in any personal communication, including but not limited to, letters, emails, and phone calls, with an incarcerated inmate housed in a facility at which I volunteer. I understand an exception will be granted for communication in accordance with the Mentor Agreement if I become an approved mentor and the inmate I communicate with is my mentee. 8. I will not allow any offender to reside in my personal residence or become employed under my direct supervision upon release from incarceration. 9. I will never give money to an inmate or an offender or enter into any financial contract with an inmate or offender. 10. If an offender returns to prison and I assisted him/her with reentry upon release, I will immediately notify the IDOC. PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT (PREA) NOTIFICATION 1. I understand IDOC has a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment between inmates and between inmates and staff or volunteers. 2. Whether I observe the act or the act was reported to me, I understand I am required to report any instances of sexual abuse or sexual harassment between inmates or between inmates and staff or volunteers. 3. I understand that actual or attempted sexual activity or romantic relationship between a volunteer and an inmate is strictly prohibited, even if the inmate is a willing participant in the activity. 4. I understand that as a volunteer, if I’m suspected of engaging in or attempting to engage in a romantic relationship with an inmate, I will be immediately banned from all IDOC facilities and removed from the IDOC volunteer program. 5. I understand that if I am suspected of engaging in sexual activity with an inmate, I will be referred to the law enforcement authorities for investigation of violating Idaho Code, Section 18-6110 and/or other Idaho State statutes that might be applicable. Idaho Department of Correction VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT Appendix B 606.02.01.001 Update Date: 05/06/2016 Page 3 of 2 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted I AGREE By checking the “I agree” box of the online volunteer application, I am certifying that I have read this Agreement. I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement and all IDOC standard operating procedures and policies.