HomeMy WebLinkAboutHygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility HousekeepingIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page: 1 of 10 Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Adopted: 08/21/1995 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Chad Page, chief of the division of prisons, approved this document on 02/01/2019. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to all employees who observe, supervise, and enforce hygiene standards for inmates and are involved in the selection, training, and monitoring of inmate barbers housed in the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) facilities. Revision Summary Revision date (02/01/2019) version 3.0: Reformatted entire document to meet current standards, updated terminology, removed religious exception section for facial hair and revised section regarding allowable length of facial hair. Related forms moved to forms pages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ............................................................................. 1 Policy Control Number 306................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 2 Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2 Standard Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2 1. General Sanitation and Housekeeping ......................................................................... 2 2. Laundry ........................................................................................................................ 3 3. Accountability ............................................................................................................... 3 4. Hygiene Supplies ......................................................................................................... 4 5. Hygiene ....................................................................................................................... 5 6. Barbering Services in Prison Facilities ......................................................................... 5 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 9 References ........................................................................................................................... 9 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 2 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 306 Standard of Cleanliness to be Observed by Inmates PURPOSE This standard operating procedure (SOP) identifies standards of cleanliness and sanitation to protect the health and safety of inmates and staff. SCOPE This SOP applies to all employees who observe, supervise, and enforce hygiene standards for inmates and are involved in the selection, training, and monitoring of inmate barbers housed in Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) facilities. RESPONSIBILITY Facility heads or designees are responsible for: • Implementing and ensuring staff members follow the guidelines and procedures contained herein this SOP. • Ensuring that all barbering areas are open to authorized agents of the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses for inspection. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. General Sanitation and Housekeeping IDOC staff shall ensure IDOC facilities are kept clean and free of accumulated trash. Unit staff members shall make visual inspections daily to ensure that trash does not accumulate and is removed from the unit when needed. Staff members must not allow anything to block access to emergency exits, eye-wash stations, fire extinguishers, electrical panels, etc. Inmate workers are used to provide janitorial services in common areas of a facility on a regular schedule. Inmates must keep their living areas clean and free of unauthorized and excess property. At least once a week, an administrative staff member conducts a visual (walk-through) facility inspection to ensure these requirements are being met. Reporting Infestations If a staff member observes evidence of an insect or vermin infestation, it must be reported immediately to the facility head or designee. Reporting Maintenance Needs Staff shall report non-life threatening maintenance problems in accordance with facility protocols within 24 hours. Reporting Life-threatening or Security Related Problems Staff members must immediately report life-threatening or security-related problems to the shift commander or duty officer. Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 3 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 2. Laundry The IDOC provides institutional laundry service, inmate-accessed laundry service, or a combination of the two. State-issued clothing, bed linens, and blankets are laundered before being placed back into inventory. Laundry Schedule At a minimum, blankets and clothing must be laundered or exchanged for laundered items as follows: Blankets: at least once every two weeks Clothing items and bed linens: at least once a week. Institutional Laundry Standards Laundry services shall use water temperature, detergent, and cycle settings in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended settings. To prevent sending soiled laundry back to the unit, laundry procedures must ensure that soiled laundry is kept separate from clean laundry. Blood and Body Fluid Procedures Facilities that frequently have laundry soiled with blood or body fluids shall stock water- soluble laundry bags clearly marked or colored red to indicate bio waste. When bagging such soiled items, workers must wear protective gloves and have access to soap and water for washing their hands after the items are bagged. The laundry supervisor shall ensure that the water-soluble bags are designed to melt at the water temperature setting of the first wash cycle. If water-soluble bags are not available, items soiled with blood or body fluids may be bagged in a standard laundry bag. If the body fluids soak through one bag, the items should be double-bagged. When laundering items soiled with blood or body fluid, only one bag is laundered at a time. 3. Accountability All exchanges are done on a one for one basis. No exchange may be made without turning in an item. Inmates are responsible for all issued clothing, blankets, and bed linens. Lost, stolen or damaged clothing, blankets, or bed linens are replaced at the inmate’s expense, unless the inmate is indigent. Each facility maintains a clothing record for each inmate, which includes the following information: • A listing of all issued items • A receipt signed by the inmate for all reissued items • Date of issue of each item • Any correspondence regarding the issued items Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 4 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Replacement should be made by the facility when: • The item has equaled or exceeded normal life expectancy • A lost or stolen item is authorized for replacement by the clothing officer • The inmate reimburses the facility for the lost or stolen item. Each facility will establish a means for the identification of all issued items and the replacement cost of each item. Storage Each facility shall provide the following: • Appropriate storage facilities for blankets, linens, and clothing • An inventory of clothing, blankets, and linens equal to or exceeding the amount required to supply the facility’s maximum capacity • Laundering of all blankets, sheets, and state-issued clothing before issue or storage 4. Hygiene Supplies Each inmate shall be issued the following items: • One small bar of soap (after leaving the Reception/Diagnostic Unit (RDU), issued only to indigent inmates), • Tooth powder or paste (after leaving RDU, issued only to indigent inmates) • Toothbrush (after leaving RDU, issued only to indigent inmates) • Disposable razor (after leaving RDU, issued only to indigent inmates) • Toilet paper These Items may be issued as necessary: • Sanitary napkins for female inmates, as needed • Denture cleaner and adhesive, as needed for inmates with dentures • A comb (facility’s option) Indigent Hygiene Supplies Indigent inmates, as defined in SOP 402.02.01.001, Mail Handling in Correctional Facilities, shall be issued the following items on a weekly basis upon request: • One small bar of soap • One container of tooth powder or paste • Toilet paper • Toothbrush • A disposable razor Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 5 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Note: Toothbrush, disposable razor, and toilet paper (empty roll insert) will be reissued only on an exchange basis. 5. Hygiene General Inmates are required to: • Wear clean clothing consistent with the facility schedule of clothing exchange, self- service exchange, or a combination of the two • Shower/bathe regularly consistent with the facility/unit schedule • Practice hygiene habits consistent with good health Hair Inmates may wear their hair at any length, but it must be kept clean and neat at all times. Facial Hair Male inmates are allowed to grow facial hair. Facial hair must remain neatly trimmed, clean, and cannot exceed four inches in length. In facilities where inmates have access to barbering scissors or electric facial hair clippers, inmates may trim their own facial hair. Inmate barbers may also trim facial hair using electric facial hair clippers. In facilities where inmates do not have access to scissors, inmate barbers must trim facial hair. Mustaches Mustaches, goatees, etc. are permitted and are subject to the same grooming standard as for facial hair. Sideburns Sideburns are permitted and are subject to the same grooming standard as for facial hair. 6. Barbering Services in Prison Facilities A deputy warden or designee is the approval authority for the placement of an inmate into an inmate barber position. (In facilities without a deputy warden position, this approval authority will be the second in command.) The facility head designates a staff member(s) to supervise inmate barbers. The inmate barber supervisor will normally conduct the training of inmate barbers and inspections of the barbering areas and practices. Staff Training The facility head shall designate staff members authorized to deliver training to inmate barbers. Before training inmates, designated staff members will do the following: • Read this SOP, paying special attention to the information, standards, and procedures regarding inmate barbers • Be familiar with the barbering locations at their facility • Be familiar with the barbering tools and sanitation procedures Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 6 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted • Be familiar with the barbering inspection process Inmate Barber Selection Each facility shall select inmates to act as barbers for other inmates housed at the same facility. The facility head shall designate a deputy warden or other staff member to be the final approval authority. Eligibility Criteria for Inmate Barbers • Barbers are eligible for an institutional job. • Barbers must be reviewed and clearance obtained from medical. Note: Because inmates are not members of the general public, “inmate barbers” are not required to possess state licensure. Process Steps: Inmate Barber Selection Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Inmate 1 Submit the Inmate Barber Application, to the inmate barber supervisor. Inmate Barber Supervisor 2 Review the application. • Mark “yes” if the inmate is eligible for institutional work and proceed to step 3. • Mark “no” if the inmate is not eligible for institutional work and return the application to the inmate noting the reason why. Inmate Barber Supervisor 3 Forward the inmate barber’s application to medical. Medical Staff 4 Review the application. • Mark “yes” if there are not any known medical conditions that would prevent the inmate from working as a barber. • Mark “no” if there are medical conditions that would prevent the inmate from working as a barber. Medical Staff 5 Return the application to the inmate barber supervisor. Inmate Barber Supervisor 6 Forward the application to the deputy warden or designee. Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 7 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Deputy Warden or Designee 7 Review the application and approve or deny the inmate as an inmate barber. (Note: the application cannot be approved if medical indicates that there are medical conditions that would prevent the inmate from working as a barber.) • Document the approval or denial in the Offender Management System. Deputy Warden or Designee 8 • File the original application in a file for inmate barbers. • Forward a copy of the application to the staff member assigned to supervise inmate barbers. Inmate Barber Supervisor 9 Inform the inmate of the decision. • If approved, proceed to step 10. • If denied, the process ends here. Inmate Barber Supervisor 10 If the inmate was approved to work as an inmate barber, schedule the inmate for training. Give the inmate a copy of the Inmate Barber Guidelines, and ensure the inmate is trained in the following areas: • Prevention of blood exposures to the inmate barber and inmates, • Procedures to take if inmate or inmate barber is exposed to blood, and • Inspection, cleaning, and sanitation of haircutting equipment. Inmate Barber Supervisor 11 • Complete the Inmate Barber Guidelines and give a copy to the inmate; forward a copy to the medical staff and to the deputy warden or designee. • Complete the Inmate Barber Training/Orientation Certificate of Completion; forward a copy to the deputy warden or designee. Medical Staff 12 File the Inmate Barber Guidelines, in the inmate’s medical file Deputy Warden or Designee 13 • File the Inmate Barber Guidelines, and the Inmate Barber Training/Orientation Certificate of Completion, in a file for inmate barbers. • Notify the inmate barber supervisor that the inmate is clear to begin work duties. Inmate Barber Supervisor 14 Schedule the inmate to begin duties. • Enter inmate’s job start date in the Offender Management System. Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 8 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Note: If a medical staff member diagnoses a current inmate barber with a condition that prevents him from serving as an inmate barber, that inmate will be restricted from working as an inmate barber until medical clearance is obtained. Haircutting Areas Facility heads will designate one or more haircutting areas within their facilities. Haircutting areas must be separate from living areas. All hair cutting areas must meet the following criteria: • Must be located adjacent to a sink with hot and cold running water • Must be supplied with an infectious waste disposal unit, which is exclusively used for disposing of materials contaminated with blood. Note: In facilities where security levels prevent inmates from leaving the tier or unit, haircutting areas may be located in dayrooms if there is a minimum of 10 feet separating the haircutting area and tables where food is consumed. Barbering Equipment The facility shall provide each haircutting area with the following haircutting/facial hair trimming equipment: • Two sets of cutting instruments (barbering scissors or clipper type machines). Scissors are permitted when consistent with the security level and tool control procedure of the facility. • Eight combs or four brushes or a combination of both, not to exceed 12 items total • If clipping machines with detachable heads are used, the facility shall provide one motorized unit and two detachable cutting heads. Facial hair grooming cutting heads should also be purchased if available. • Single-use towels • Latex or similar disposable gloves • Cotton balls or tissue • Hospital grade or better sanitizing solution • Soap • Clean towels to use as capes or multi-use capes to cover inmates. If multi-use capes are used, the facility will also supply single-use neckbands. • A clean storage area such as a cabinet, drawer, or container consistent with the security needs of the facility and SOP 509.02.01.001, Tool Control. • Consistent with 509.02.01.001, Tool Control, a staff member will inventory barbering equipment before and after each barbering session and ensure that the equipment is stored in the approved location. • A covered waste container and plastic liner bags Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 9 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Note: Beard clippers or other hair cutting equipment available for checkout to inmates must be cleaned and maintained by an inmate barber. All equipment must be maintained in accordance with this SOP. Inmate Barber Practices Inmate barber practices are identified in Inmate Barber Guidelines. Prohibited Acts Inmates and inmate barbers are prohibited from the following: • Cutting or forming symbols or any other wording or depictions into their scalp or facial hair, • Using their scalp or facial hair to hide contraband Failure to follow the provisions of this SOP may result in disciplinary action in accordance with SOP 318.02.01.001, Disciplinary Procedures for Inmates. Sanctions could include having their scalp or facial hair cut to a shorter length to ensure security, cleanliness, and safety. In addition to disciplinary action taken in accordance with SOP 318.02.01.001, inmate barbers could lose their inmate barber position. Assessment Each facility head will identify the staff position responsible to conduct assessments of the barbering process and components identified in this SOP. These assessments must be no less than monthly using the Inmate Barber Assessment Checklist. The staff member conducting the assessment will give the assessment to the designated deputy warden upon completion. The deputy warden or designee is responsible for correcting (or addressing in writing) deficiencies within 30 days of receiving the assessment from the staff member. A copy of all assessments is forwarded to the facility head. Assessments will be retained for two years and then destroyed. Alternative Barbering Practices in Community Reentry Centers Community Reentry Centers (CRCs) may use inmate barbers in accordance with the provisions of this SOP or citizens who hold licenses issued by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses and approved by the Idaho Barber and Cosmetology Services Licensing Board. Whether a CRC uses inmate barbers or licensed citizens, the facility head must identify a hair cutting area in accordance with this SOP. DEFINITIONS None REFERENCES Inmate Barber Guidelines Inmate Barber Application Control Number: 306.02.01.001 Version: 3.0 Title: Hygiene of Inmates, Inmate Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping Page Number: 10 of 10 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Inmate Barber Training/Orientation Certificate of Completion Inmate Barber Assessment Checklist Standard Operating Procedure 318.02.01.001, Disciplinary Procedures for Inmates Standard Operating Procedure 402.02.01.001, Mail Handling in Correctional Facilities Standard Operating Procedure 509.02.01.001, Tool Control – End of Document –