HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath of an Inmate Idaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Operations Division Inmate Management Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Page Number: 1 of 13 Adopted: 4-16-2001 Reviewed: 5-1-2012 Title: Death of an Inmate This document was approved by Kevin Kempf, chief of the Operations Division, on 5/1/12 (signature on file). Open to the general public: Yes BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER 312 Deceased Inmates POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 312 Deceased Inmates DEFINITIONS Standardized Terms and Definitions List Health Authority: The Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) employee who is primarily responsible for overseeing or managing the IDOC’s medical services. (The health authority is commonly referred to as the health services director.) Program Cost Account (PCA) Code: A five character alphanumeric code entered in the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) that is used to identify a specific program structure. Purchase Order: A promise to pay for goods and services that must be (a) signature approved by an authorized spending authority, (b) reviewed for compliance with law and regulation, and (c) assigned an identification number and recorded on the Purchase Order Log. PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to establish standardized guidelines, procedures, and documentation requirements following the death of an inmate assigned to an Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) correctional facility. SCOPE This SOP is applicable to all staff members at IDOC and contract correctional facilities, community work centers (CWCs), and central office. (Hereinafter, correctional facilities and CWCs will be referred to as ‘facilities’ except where a process is specific to only a correctional facility or CWC.) Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 2 of 13 RESPONSIBILITY Chief of the Operations Division The chief of the Operations Division is responsible for the overall control of this SOP, field memorandums, and memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with county coroners. Facility Heads Facility heads (or designees) are responsible for the following: • Implementing this SOP and ensuring staff members adhere to the guidelines provided herein; • Establishing a MOU with the county coroner regarding the protocols for notification and handling of an inmate death at each respective facility; and • Developing a field memorandum to outline specifics for handling the death of an inmate related to their geographic location. Health Authority The health authority is responsible for the following: • Ensuring that the procedures in SOP 401.06.03.011, Death: Procedure in the Event of an Inmate’s, are conducted; and • Ensuring that when applicable medical staff personnel as defined in Idaho code provide medical data required for death certificates. Table of Contents General Requirements ............................................................................................................3 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................3 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ......................................................................3 Field Memorandum .....................................................................................................4 2. Process Steps: When a Death Occurs ..............................................................................4 Table 2-1: Death Appears to be by Other than Natural Cause ...................................4 Table 2-2: Deceased Attended by Healthcare Services Staff or the Death Appears to be by Natural Causes ..................................................................................................5 The Death Occurs Away From the Facility ..................................................................6 3. Victim Notification..............................................................................................................6 4. Notification Procedure: Death Imminent or Inmate Dies ................................................7 5. Administrative Procedures ................................................................................................7 6. Funeral or Cremation Responsibilities ............................................................................10 7. Property and Inmate Trust Account Money Disbursement...........................................11 References ............................................................................................................................13 Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 3 of 13 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Introduction The IDOC uses sound correctional and healthcare practices to prevent death by unnatural causes and provides healthcare for those inmates who have been diagnosed with terminal illness. When the circumstances suggest that death occurred as a result of natural causes, and a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased, said healthcare professional can certify the cause of death in accordance with Idaho Code. However, when establishing MOUs, the involvement of the coroner in all deaths is encouraged. The coroner is responsible to determine the cause of death when circumstances suggest that the death did not occur as a result of natural causes. The coroner will decide if an autopsy will be performed; however, the IDOC will seek an autopsy when death was caused by violence or was sudden or unexpected. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Facility heads must establish an MOU with the coroner of the county in which the facility is located and with the funeral home or crematorium that will handle deceased inmate’s remains. The facilities located in Ada County will establish one MOU with the Ada County coroner. The facility head and chief of the Operations Division (or designee) must approve the MOU. At a minimum, the MOU shall address the following: Coroner • Emergency contact protocols for the coroner (or designee); • That the coroner will immediately respond to the facility for all deaths when (a) no physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased and (b) when the circumstances suggest that the death occurred as a result of other than natural causes; • That the coroner will establish responsibility for the transport of the deceased when the circumstances suggest that the death occurred as a result of other than natural causes; • That the coroner will establish responsibility for the transport of the deceased when a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased and can certify that the death was the result of natural causes; and • What level of involvement, if any, the coroner will have when a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased and can certify to the cause of death according to his best knowledge. Funeral Home or Crematorium • Contact information including emergency contact numbers for after business hours and on weekends; • Agreement to hold the deceased inmate’s ashes for a minimum of one year if the inmate’s remains were not claimed by relatives; Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 4 of 13 • Transportation of deceased inmate when the coroner does not provide transport; and • Process for obtaining death certificate information if coroner is not involved and when a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased, and the circumstances suggest that the death occurred as a result of natural causes. Field Memorandum Facility heads must establish field memorandums that contain the following information; • Emergency contact information for the county coroner (or designee); • The physical location and contact information for the designated funeral home or crematorium; and • Transport arrangements for deceased inmates. 2. Process Steps: When a Death Occurs The following processes will be followed when an inmate death occurs: Table 2-1: Death Appears to be by Other than Natural Cause Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Responsible Person 1 Upon finding an inmate who appears to be deceased, immediately sound an alert to the emergency situation. Note: If death is uncertain, begin life saving techniques. Shift Commander (or Designee) 2 • Secure the scene and contact law enforcement in accordance with SOP 504.02.01.001 Investigations and Intelligence Program; • Post a staff member at the scene and ensure a staff member remains with the body until it is transported off site; and • Document actions using appendix A, Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate). Note: If any object or potential evidence needs to be removed due to a threat to security or for the safety of staff or inmates, the item(s) will be photographed and diagramed in relation to the rest of the death scene prior to its removal (if practical) and then removed, preferably using plastic gloves and placed in an evidence bag, and secured in an evidence locker or immediately turned over to law enforcement. Shift Commander (or Designee) 4 Contact the coroner in accordance with MOU. Shift Commander (or Designee) 5 Contact the facility duty officer by telephone, and skip to step 8. Facility Duty Officer 6 Contact administrative duty officer. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 5 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Administrative Duty Officer 7 Contact applicable IDOC Leadership Team members. Note: The Leadership Team consists of the director of the IDOC, division chiefs, and the director’s administrative support manager, and others as designated by the director. Shift Commander (or Designee) 8 • Identify and document any witnesses of the death; and • Obtain Information Report(s) from staff (see SOP Reporting and Investigation of Major Incidents). Shift Commander (or Designee) 9 Complete a 105 Incident Notification Report in accordance with SOP General Reporting and Investigation of Major Incidents. Shift Commander (or Designee) 10 Have central control change the deceased inmate’s status in the Reflections computer system to transit for count purposes. Shift Commander (or Designee) 11 Once the investigation of the scene has been completed, ensure the deceased is removed and transported in accordance with the MOU (normally the MOU will require that the coroner takes custody of the body). Shift Commander (or Designee) 12 Unless law enforcement is not finished with the death scene (and excluding any property that is seized as evidence or for forensic testing), ensure that staff remove, inventory, and secure the deceased inmate’s property in accordance with SOP 320.02.01.001 Property: State- issued and Inmate Personal Property. Note: Obtain a receipt from law enforcement or document any property or evidence taken. Table 2-2: Deceased Attended by Healthcare Services Staff or the Death Appears to be by Natural Causes Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Responsible Person 1 Upon the inmate’s death or upon finding an inmate who appears to be deceased, immediately sound an alert to the emergency situation. Note: If death is uncertain, begin life saving techniques. Shift Commander (or Designee) 2A • Confirm with healthcare services staff that (a) a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased, and (b) the circumstances suggest that the death occurred as a result of natural causes; • Post a staff member at the scene and ensure a staff member remains with the body until it is transported off site; and Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 6 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Shift Commander (or Designee) 2B • Document actions using appendix A, Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate); Note: If applicable healthcare services staff was in attendance, proceed to step 3. Note: If an applicable healthcare services staff member was not in attendance or the circumstances suggest the death occurred as a result of other than natural causes, follow table 2-1, and end the process here. Shift Commander (or Designee) 3 If applicable based on the MOU, contact the coroner. Shift Commander (or Designee) 4 Contact the facility duty officer by telephone and skip to step 7. Facility Duty Officer 5 Contact administrative duty officer. Administrative Duty Officer 6 Contact applicable IDOC Leadership Team members. Note: The Leadership Team consists of the director of the IDOC, division chiefs, and the director’s administrative support manager, and others as designated by the director. Shift Commander (or Designee) 7 Complete a 105 Incident Notification Report in accordance with SOP General Reporting and Investigation of Major Incidents. Shift Commander (or Designee) 8 Ensure the deceased is removed and transported in accordance with the field memorandum. Shift Commander (or Designee) 9 Ensure that staff remove, inventory, and secure the deceased inmate’s property in accordance with SOP 320.02.01.001 Property: State-issued and Inmate Personal Property. Shift Commander (or Designee) 10 Forward the 105 Incident Notification Report, Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate), and any other information to the facility head. The Death Occurs Away From the Facility When an inmate death occurs away from the facility, if IDOC staff members discover the deceased they will secure the scene, notify the local authorities, and contact the shift commander or central control where the inmate was housed. Local authorities will have jurisdiction over the body. Notifications, funeral or cremation procedures, and property or money disposition will be the same as when a death occurs within a facility. 3. Victim Notification The IDOC victim services coordinator (or designee) will monitor the 105 Incident Notification Report(s) for deaths in IDOC correctional facilities. When an inmate death occurs, the IDOC victim services coordinator (or designee) will determine if the deceased inmate had a victim alert or caution. If the deceased inmate had victims who had requested notifications, the IDOC victim services coordinator will make the notifications. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 7 of 13 4. Notification Procedure: Death Imminent or Inmate Dies Inmates will complete an Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate) at the Reception/Diagnostic Unit (RDU) during the intake process and update it annually at reclassification, or upon getting married while incarcerated. The Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate) will list an inmate’s next of kin and secondary contacts to notify in case of an emergency or death. The Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate) also allows inmates to designate an individual or charitable organization to receive their property and Inmate Trust Account money in case of their death while incarcerated. If an inmate does not have an individual to list as the recipient, he may designate a charitable organization. The inmate cannot designate more than one person or one charitable organization. If the inmate wants to designate items to go to specific individuals, he must communicate his wishes to the person or charitable organization he designates because upon his death, the IDOC will only release his property or Inmate Trust Account money to one designee. In the event that an inmate dies or his death is imminent due to illness or injury, the facility head (or designee) will notify the inmate's next of kin. Notifications will be made as soon as practical and in a professional manner. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Head (or Designee) 1 • Obtain the inmate’s emergency contact information from the Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate). • Contact the inmate’s next of kin and/or secondary contacts. If the inmate is a foreign national, contact the nearest consulate representing the inmate’s country of origin. • Document the date and time of each contact using appendix B, Emergency Notification Worksheet (Death of an Inmate). Note: Inform staff that incoming calls from the inmate’s next of kin, secondary contact, or consulate (if applicable) need to be directed to the facility head (or designee). Facility Head (or Designee) 2 When all applicable contacts are made, ensure the Emergency Notification Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) is returned to the facility head. 5. Administrative Procedures Following the emergency notifications, the facility head (or designee) will continue the administrative process to ensure that funeral or cremation arrangements are made for the deceased inmate and that his property and InmateTrust Account money are handled properly. The facility head (or designee) will ensure the following steps are completed. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 8 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Facility Head (or Designee) 1 Review all information regarding the inmate’s death such as: • The completed Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate); • Completed Information Report(s); • Completed 105 Incident Notification Report(s); and • The completed Emergency Notification Worksheet. Facility Head (or Designee) 2 Document administrative actions using appendix C, Administrative Worksheet (Death of an Inmate). Facility Head (or Designee) 3 Ensure that the deceased inmate’s property has been properly inventoried and secured. Facility Head (or Designee) 4 Contact the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office), and request that the deceased inmate’s trust account be suspended. Facility Head (or Designee) 5 Notify the Central Records Unit (located at Central Office) via email to have the deceased inmate’s status updated in the Reflections computer system. Facility Head (or Designee) 6 Notify the Commission of Pardons and Parole via email. Facility Head (or Designee) 7 Notify the deceased inmate’s next of kin or a secondary contact to inform him of where the body may be claimed. Note: If the deceased inmate was a foreign national, contact the nearest consulate. Facility Head (or Designee) 8 Provide the funeral home or crematorium with the deceased inmate’s next of kin or secondary contact information. Facility Head (or Designee) 9 Ensure that the health authority is aware of the death so that the provisions of SOP 401.06.03.011, Death: Procedure in the Event of an Inmate’s. Facility Head (or Designee) 10 If the death was other than natural causes, ensure that a liaison is assigned to coordinate with law enforcement investigators and establish a schedule for updates regarding the progress of the investigation. Facility Head (or Designee) 11 If the death was other than natural causes, provide updates to the applicable bureau director or deputy chief (or designees) regarding the progress of the investigation. Facility Head (or Designee) 12 If the circumstances suggest that the death occurred as a result of natural causes and a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practical professional nurse was in attendance during the last illness of the deceased, ensure that the healthcare services staff member provides cause of death information to the coroner, or competes the applicable information for the death certificate in accordance with Idaho Code. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 9 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Facility Head (or Designee) 13 Check for victim notification alerts or cautions, and if the deceased inmate has an alert, confirm that the IDOC victim services coordinator has completed the victim notifications. Facility Head (or Designee) 14 Check the Reflections computer system for detainers and if the deceased inmate has a detainer notify the Inmate Placement Unit (located at Central Office) detainer coordinator. Facility Head (or Designee) 15 Determine whether funeral or cremation arrangements have been made for the deceased inmate, and provide any information the funeral home or crematorium needs regarding the inmate. Note: If arrangements have not been made, see section 7 of this SOP regarding the cremation process. Facility Head (or Designee) 16 Obtain a copy of the deceased inmate’s death certificate. Facility Head (or Designee) 17 Once all processes have been completed, remove the following documents (if they exist) from the deceased inmate’s central file and place them in an administrative file: • Birth certificate; • Driver’s license; • IDOC identification card; • Social Security card; and • State of Idaho identification (ID) card. Note: These documents will be needed to complete step 20. Facility Head (or Designee) 18 Ensure there is a c-note in the Corrections Integrated System (CIS) documenting the administrative procedures described in section 5 of this SOP and the completed Administrative Worksheet (Death of an Inmate). Facility Head (or Designee) 19 Instruct facility records staff to prepare the deceased inmate’s central file in accordance with SOP, Central and Medical Files: Control, Maintenance and Disposition of, and forward it to the Central Records Unit (located at Central Office). Facility Head (or Designee) 20 Place the following in the administrative file, and forward the file to the applicable bureau director or deputy chief (or designees): • The deceased inmate’s personal documents (see step 17); • The completed Administrative Worksheet (Death of an Inmate); and • A copy of the deceased inmate’s death certificate. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 10 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks CIS steps are in bold Bureau Director or Deputy Chief (or Designees), as applicable 21 Maintain the administrative file in a secure location for two years and then destroy. 6. Funeral or Cremation Responsibilities The next of kin is responsible for all funeral or cremation costs. If no next of kin or secondary contact claims the body for funeral or cremation, the IDOC will have the body cremated and will use any money in the deceased inmate’s trust account to pay the cost of cremation. The following steps will be followed regarding the deceased inmate’s funeral or cremation. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Head (or Designee) 1 Obtain the inmate’s completed Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate). Facility Head (or Designee) 2 • If the deceased inmate’s body was claimed by his next of kin or a secondary contact for funeral or cremation, end the process here. • If the deceased inmate’s body has not been claimed, proceed to step 3. Note: Hold disbursement of the deceased inmate’s trust account money until funeral or cremation arrangements (including payment) have been completed. Facility Head (or Designee) 3 If no one has made arrangements for the deceased inmate’s funeral or cremation: • Determine the deceased inmate’s trust account balance; and • Obtain an invoice for the cost of cremation from the crematorium. Facility Head (or Designee) 4A • If the inmate’s trust account balance is high enough to cover the cost of cremation - request that the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) pay the designated crematorium (from the deceased inmate’s trust account) the full amount of the cost of cremation; or Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 11 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Head (or Designee) 4B • If the inmate’s trust account balance is not high enough to cover the cost of cremation - request that the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) pay the designated crematorium (from the deceased inmate’s trust account) using the entire balance of the trust account, and issue a purchase order or provide the Fiscal Unit with the program cost account (PCA) code to pay the remaining balance of the cremation cost in accordance with directive,, Purchasing and Contracting. Note: The IDOC will not withhold the deceased inmate’s ashes from his next of kin or secondary contact, even if the IDOC paid for the cremation. If no next of kin or secondary contact claims the deceased inmate’s ashes within 180 days of his death or if the next of kin or secondary contact declines to claim the ashes, the IDOC will then allow the ashes to be claimed by any friend of the inmate as long as that friend can demonstrate he had a prior relationship with the inmate. If no one claims the deceased inmate’s ashes, the IDOC will coordinate with the crematorium to have the ashes stored at the crematorium for one year. After the one year period expires, the facility head shall determine the final disposition of the deceased inmate’s ashes. 7. Property and Inmate Trust Account Money Disbursement Following an inmate’s death, the facility head will ensure that the deceased inmate’s property and Inmate Trust Account money is properly dispersed. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Head (or Designee) 1 Contact the person or charitable organization designated by the deceased inmate. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 12 of 13 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Facility Head (or Designee) 2 If the deceased inmate had property, arrange for pick up or delivery of the inmate’s property to the person or charitable organization designated on the inmate’s completed Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate). If the inmate’s property is to be mailed to the next of kin, the inmate’s trust account money (if any) will be used to pay the cost of mailing the property. Note: If picking up the property, the inmate-designated person or charitable organization must sign for receipt of the property. If the inmate-designated person or charitable organization wants some, but not all, of the deceased inmate’s property, the person or charitable organization must complete a Property Disposition Form to identify the disposition of the remaining property. (See SOP 320.02.01.001 Property: State-issued and Inmate Personal Property.) Facility Head (or Designee) 3 After all expenses have been paid, if money remains in the deceased inmate’s trust account, request that Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) staff disperse the balance in accordance with SOP,Inmate Trust Account, to the person or charitable organization listed on the inmate’s completed Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate). Facility Head (or Designee) 4 If the deceased inmate’s designated person or charitable organization cannot be located or if the inmate failed to make the designation, the facility head (or designee) shall: • Make a good-faith effort to locate the deceased inmate’s next of kin using the pre-sentence investigation (PSI) report, an internet search, and other records or sources; and/or • Hold the deceased inmate’s property for 180 days and if no next of kin claims the property, the property will be donated to a charitable organization or destroyed in accordance with SOP 320.02.01.001 Property: State-issued and Inmate Personal Property. Fiscal Unit Financial Specialist Senior (or Designee) 5 If the deceased inmate’s designated person or charitable organization cannot be located or if the inmate failed to make the designation, the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) financial specialist senior (or designee) shall: • In collaboration with the facility head, make a good- faith effort to locate the deceased inmate’s next of kin using the pre-sentence investigation (PSI) report, an internet search, and other records or sources. • Hold all of the deceased inmate’s unclaimed Inmate Trust Account money in accordance with SOP, Inmate Trust Account. Control Number: 312.02.01.001 Version: 2.5 Title: Death of an Inmate Page Number: 13 of 13 REFERENCES Appendix A, Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Appendix B, Emergency Notification Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Appendix C, Administrative Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Emergency Contact Information Form (Inmate) Idaho Code, Title 39, Chapter 2, Section 39-260, Registration of Deaths and Stillbirths Standard Operating Procedure Reporting and Investigation of Major Incidents Standard Operating Procedure, Inmate Trust Account Standard Operating Procedure, Purchasing and Contracting Standard Operating Procedure, Central and Medical Files: Control, Maintenance and Disposition of Standard Operating Procedure 320.02.01.001 Property: State-issued and Inmate Personal Property Standard Operating Procedure 401.06.03.011, Death: Procedure in the Event of an Inmate’s Standard Operating Procedure 504.02.01.001 Investigations and Intelligence Program – End of Document – IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Inmate: IDOC Number: Facility: Date: Time of Death: Death from natural causes attended by healthcare services staff Yes No If yes, name of healthcare services staff member: ***Document Applicable Actions*** Contacted law enforcement (date/time): (agency): Coroner contacted (date/time): Coroner came to facility: (name): (date/time): Contacted facility duty officer (name): (date/time): Contacted facility investigator or assigned law enforcement liaison (name): Check victim alert or caution. If alert or caution present, email sent to IDOC victim services coordinator at: Identified witness and obtained Information Report(s) (date/time): 105 Incident Notification Report completed: (date/time): Deceased inmate’s body transported to funeral home or crematorium (means of transport): Additional information: Date/Time: Shift Commander’s Name: Associate #: Appendix A 312.02.01.001 (Appendix last updated 5/1/12) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Administrative Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Inmate: IDOC Number: Facility: Date: Time of Death: Cause of death known or determined: Yes No Comments: Death under investigation Yes No (agency): Current location of deceased inmate’s body (funeral home or crematorium information): ***Document Applicable Actions*** Received Information Report(s) and Shift Commander Worksheet (Death of an Inmate) Deceased inmate’s property has been properly inventoried and secured (this includes ceremonial property and excess legal property) Requested that the deceased inmate’s trust account be suspended If the deceased inmate is a foreign national, the nearest consulate to the inmate’s country of origin has been contacted Notified the Central Records Unit (located at Central Office) of the inmate’s death and retained a copy of the email Notified the Commission of Pardons and Parole and retained a copy of the email Notified the deceased inmate’s next of kin or a secondary contact to inform him of where the body may be claimed Provided the funeral home or crematorium with the deceased inmate’s next of kin or secondary contact information Ensured the IDOC health authority was made aware of the inmate’s death If the deceased inmate’s death is under investigation, ensured that a liaison was assigned to coordinate with law enforcement If the deceased inmate’s death was by other than natural causes, provided an investigation progress to the applicable bureau director or deputy chief (or designees) If applicable, checked for a victim alert or caution, and ensured the IDOC victim services coordinator (or designee) conducted notifications If applicable, notified the Inmate Placement Unit (located at Central Office) detainer coordinator Determined whether the deceased inmate’s next of kin or secondary contact made arrangements for the inmate’s funeral or cremation If no funeral or cremation arrangements have been made, procedures were started to pay for a cremation Obtained a copy of the deceased inmate’s death certificate Provided instruction to the Fiscal Unit (located at Central Office) to pay the deceased inmate’s trust account balance to the person or charitable organization he designated Contacted the person or charitable organization the deceased inmate designated to receive his property and/or Inmate Trust Account money Arranged for pickup or shipment of the deceased inmate’s property (date released/shipped): Instructed facility records staff to prepare the deceased inmate’s central file in accordance with SOP120.03.05.002, Central and Medical Files: Control, Maintenance and Disposition of, and forward it to the Central Records Unit (located at Central Office) Created an administrative file with the following deceased inmate’s documents enclosed: birth certificate, driver’s license, IDOC identification card, Social Security card, state of Idaho identification (ID) card, and death certificate. Also enclosed this completed worksheet Ensured a c-note entry was made in the Corrections Integrated System (CIS) documenting the completion of these administrative procedures Additional information: Date/Time: Facility Head”s Name: Associate #: Appendix C 312.02.01.001 (Appendix last updated 5/1/12)