HomeMy WebLinkAboutAssessment and Placement of State-sentenced Offenders in County Jails Idaho Departm ent of Correction Standard Ope rating Proce dure Div ision of Prisons Offe nde r M anage me nt Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 Page Numbe r: 1 of 8 Adopte d: 9-1-1995 Re v ie we d: 6-27-2008 T itle : Asses sm ent and Placem ent of State- s entenc ed Offenders in County Jails T h i s d ocum ent w a s a pprov ed b y P am S onnen, c hie f o f t h e D i vis i on o f P risons , o n 6 /27/0 8 ( s ignat u r e o n f ile ). BOARD OF CORRECT ION IDAPA RULE NUM BER 302 Hous ing Inm ates in Non-departm ent Facilities POLICY ST AT EM ENT NUM BER 302 Adm is sion and Plac em ent of Offenders POLICY DOCUM ENT NUM BER 302 Adm is sion and Plac em ent of Offenders DEFINIT IONS Standardiz ed Definitions List Health Authority: The Departm ent em ployee who is prim arily res pons ible for overseeing or m anaging the Departm ent’s m edic al and m ental health s ervices. The health authority is c om m only referred to as the health s ervic es director. O ffender System : A c om m on term us ed for the Departm ent’s Correc tions Integr a t ed Sys tem (CIS) and Reflec tions , whic h are com puter databas es us ed for the trac king o f offenders . PURPOSE This standard operating proc edure (SOP): • Identifies the duties and res pons ibilities for the m anagem ent of Idaho Departm ent of Correc tion (IDOC) offenders housed in c ounty jails, and • Fos ters c om m unic ation and c ooperation between the IDOC and c ounty jails . SCOPE This SOP applies to Virtual Prison s taff m em bers and all offenders who are under the jurisdic tion of the IDOC that are hous ed in c ounty jails . RESPONSIBILIT Y The warden, deputy warden of s ec urity, and jail m anager of the Virtual Prison Program Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 2 of 8 (VPP) (or their des ignees ) are respons ible for vis iting (at leas t onc e a year) eac h c ounty jail that hous es IDOC offenders for the purpos e of as s es s in g the m anner in whic h county jails are s upervising IDOC offenders . T able of Conte nts G ENERAL RE QUIRE M ENTS................................................................................................... 2 1. Notific ation .......................................................................................................................... 3 Offenders Sentenc ed to IDOC Custody ....................................................................... 3 Trans fers to another County Jail .................................................................................. 3 Parole Violators ............................................................................................................. 3 2. IDOC Offenders Sec urity S ta tu s......................................................................................... 3 3. Conditions of Confinem ent ................................................................................................. 3 4. Property Issued/Allowed to A ccom pany Long-term J ail Plac em ents ................................ 4 5. M edic al, Dental and Psychological Ca re ............................................................................ 4 Routine Health Care ..................................................................................................... 4 Em ergency Health Care ............................................................................................... 5 Hos pital Sec urity ........................................................................................................... 5 6. Serious Incident Report ing P ro c edures .............................................................................. 5 7. Daily Fees ........................................................................................................................... 6 Day s Billed .................................................................................................................... 6 Billing ............................................................................................................................. 7 8. Plac em ent and Re m o v al..................................................................................................... 7 9. J ail Capac ity Reduc tion ...................................................................................................... 7 10. IDOC M onitoring ................................................................................................................. 7 RE F E RENCES.......................................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL REQUIREM ENT S O ffenders c om m itted to the IDOC will be hous ed in a c ounty jail until the IDOC authorizes the offenders ’ transport to an IDOC c orrectional fac ility. Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 3 of 8 County jail housing inc ludes tem porary hous ing for those offenders awaiting trans portation to an IDOC facility. Tem porary hous ing is often referred to as “flow through” or “awaiting trans port” and “long-term plac em ent”. 1. Notification O ffenders Sentenced to IDOC Custody W hen an offender is sentenced to the c ustody of the IDOC, the s ending c ounty jail staff m us t s end a fac s im ile of Appendix A, Sentenc ed Offenders Awaiting Transport, to IDOC’s Central Rec ords Unit. Appendix A m ust include any pending c harges or detainers. Transfers to another County Jail If an offender s entenced to the custody of the IDOC is trans ferred to another c ounty jail, the sending county jail m us t s end a facsim ile of Appendix A, Sentenc ed Offenders Awaiting Trans port, to IDOC’s Central Rec ords Unit indic ating the offender’s transfer to another c ounty jail. If an offender s entenc ed to the custody of the IDOC needs to be trans ferred to another c ounty jail, the s ending c ounty jail m us t firs t c ontact the VPP jail m anager and explain the reas ons for the transfer and then send a facsim ile of Appendix A to IDOC’s Central Records Unit indic ating the offender’s transfer to another c ounty jail. Parole Violators A c ounty jail hous ing an offender for a parole violation m ust notify IDOC’s Central Records Unit by s ending a facsim ile of Appendix A, Sentenced Offenders Awaiting Trans port; however, the Com m is sion of Pardons and Parole is responsible for entering the initial s tatus and m ovem ent inform ation into IDOC’s offender s ys tem , until the parole hearing proc es s is c om pleted. 2. IDOC Offe nde rs Se curityStatus IDOC offenders in the c us tody of a county m us t be c onfined within the s ec ure perim eter of the jail until legally discharged unless the c ourt s pec ifies otherwise, or until he is returned to the s tate c us tody. Male and fem ale offenders m us t be unable to m ake phys ic al c ontac t with eac h other at any tim e. 3. Conditions of Confine me nt O ffender c onditions of c onfinem ent (e.g. security, c las sification, vis itation, discipline, and offender property) m ay be establis hed between the IDOC and a c ounty jail us ing either a m em orandum of unders tanding (MOU) or a c ontrac t. If neither an MOU nor c ontract exis ts between a county jail and the IDOC, the Idaho Sheriff’s As sociation jail standards will govern offenders’ c onditions of confinem ent. IDOC offenders awaiting trans port to an IDOC facility m ay be assigned work as s ignm ents in the c ounty jails. However, IDOC offenders c annot work outs ide the s ec ure perim eter of the jail. IDOC offenders c annot leave the s ec ure perim eter of a jail except for court or departm ent-ordered transport or to receive em ergenc y m edical treatm ent. Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 4 of 8 O ffenders transferred from a retained juris diction s uch as the North Idaho Correctional Institution (NCIC) or c om m unity work c enter (CW C) returning to a c ounty jail for a retained jurisdic tion review will be only allowed the property listed in this s ection. The offender is res pons ible for m aking arrangem ents for any rem aining property (s ee SOP 320.02.01.001, Property: State-issued and Inm ate Pers onal Property .) Pers onal property authoriz ed to accom pany offenders from c ounty jails into IDOC cus tody is lim ited to: • Two (2) cubic feet of personal papers or legal m aterial • 10 pic tures (not larger than 5” X 8” and no Polaroid or layered photos ) • Prosthes es as prescribed (dentures , artific ial lim bs, etc .) • Prescription glas ses • One (1) wedding band (no gem s or stones) • One (1) religious m edallion with nec k c hain ($35 m axim um value and no gem s or stones ) • 20 United States Pos tal Servic e (USPS) em bossed pos tage envelopes • One (1) addres s book • One (1) pair personal s hoes • One (1) pair s hower shoes Note : The IDOC m ay approve additional offender property using a c ontrac t or MOU with c ounties c ontrac ting with the IDOC for long-term offender housing. 4. Prope rty Issue d/Allowe d to Accompany Long-te rm Jail Place me nts The IDOC will issue offenders who are in long-term county jail housing the following item s : • Socks – Three (3) pair (State issued) • Shower shoes – One (1) pair (State is s ued or personal) • T-s hirts – Three (3) (State is s ued) • Tennis s hoes – One (1) pair (State issued or pers onal) • Underwear – Three (3) pair (State issued) Note : State-issue d item s will ac c om pany the offender upon returning to an IDOC facility. 5. M e dical, De ntal and Psychological Care Routine Health Care The IDOC’s health authority (or des ignee) is res pons ible for overs eeing and determ ining the extent of health c are provided to IDOC offenders housed in c ounty jails . The IDOC will pay for ordinary and nec essary m edical and dental expens es of s tate offenders , exc ept in-fac ility, routine s ic k-c all proc edures . Sick-c all item s whic h are the res pons ibility of the county jail inc lude ac etam inophen, as pirin, ibuprofen, m edication for a c om m on c old, etc . Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 5 of 8 The health authority (or des ignee) m us t approve paym ent for all m edical s ervic es, including c ons ultant appointm ents , s c heduled hos pitaliz ations , and dental c are. Failure to obtain prior approval, except in an em ergenc y, c ould result in the hous ing c ounty being held financially res pons ible (s ee “Em ergenc y Health Care” below). The hous ing c ounty is res pons ible for routine transport expens es to out-of-fac ility m edic al s ervic es , unles s other arrangem ents are m ade with IDOC’s Trans port Unit. W hen an IDOC offender is m oved to an IDOC fac ility, the offender’s m edical rec ords , or a c opy of the records m us t accom pany the offender. All m edic al expenditures that the IDOC pays will be s ent to the health authority (or designee). Em ergency Health Care In the event of a m edic al em ergenc y, the c ounty jail m us t notify IDOC’s health authority (or des ignee) as s oon as pos s ible but no later than 72 hours of transporting the offender to a m edic al facility. If the c ounty jail fails to notify the IDOC within 72 hours , the IDOC m ay hold the c ounty jail res ponsible for the m edic al c os ts. If an em ergenc y requires an am bulanc e, the IDOC will pay the am bulanc e expens e. Hospital Security If an offender is adm itted to a hospital, the c ounty jail m ust provide 24 hour s ec urity s upervision. Note : Norm ally, an offender who pos es a m edic al m anagem ent problem will not be hous ed in a c ounty jail. If an offender requires hospitaliz ation, res tric tive m edic al hous ing, or acute m ental health intervention, the c ounty jail s hould c ontact the IDO C’s health authority (or des ignee). The health authority (or des ignee) will arrange trans port of the offender to an IDOC fac ility as s oon as pos s ible. 6. Se rious Incide nt Re porting Proce dure s If any of the following serious incidents occur, the c ounty jail m us t notify VPP staff by telephone within two (2) hours of the incident during regular busines s hours and s end a written report within two (2) bus ines s days via e-m ail or facsim ile. If the c ounty jail cannot reac h VPP staff or if the incident occurs after busines s hours or on a weekend, the c ounty jail will c all the Idaho State Correctional Ins titution (ISCI). • Arrest or target of a c rim inal investigation by law enforc em ent of a staff m em ber, vis itor, volunteer, or contrac t provider; • Battery of a staff m em ber by an offender; • Dis charge of a firearm in the jail other than for training purpos es ; • Dis turbanc es, work s toppages , or other individual or group ac tions that threaten the orderly and sec ure operation of the jail; • Escape or attem pted escape; • Fire, arson, or attem pted arson at the jail; • Inc ident involving an offender that c auses death or life-threatening injury of an offender, s taff, or c itizen; Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 6 of 8 • Rape or sexual assault in the jail; • Plac em ent of an IDOC offender in long-term restraints ; • Alternative m eal servic e (beginning and ending); • Assault or battery; • Accidental injury requiring m edic al attention; • Bom b threat; • Chem ic al agent us e or other us e of force related equipm ent or tec hnology; • Hazardous m aterials inc ident or condition whic h requires c ontac t with or reporting to a regulatory agenc y; • Physic al plant or utility problem ; • Searc h, seiz ure, or other dis c overy of m ajor contraband, s uc h as drugs, firearm s or other weapons , or any other item deem ed s ignific ant or unus ual in a jail; • Sexual ac tivity between offenders ; • Sexual assault allegations (attem pted rape or other non-c onsens ual s exual activity); • Severe utility outage or other jail problem , for exam ple a power outage las ting m ore than one hour or a utility failure in s evere weather c onditions ; • Suic ide attem pt; • Suic ide watc h plac em ent and rem oval from s uicide watch plac em ent; • Uns cheduled m edic al trans port; and • Us e of forc e planned or reactive. 7. Daily Fe e s The IDOC will pay c ounties a daily fee for offenders using the following criteria: • Offenders s entenc ed to the IDO C who are awaiting trans port to an IDOC fac ility and do not have any pending charges, warrants , or other detainers that prevent the offender from being transported to an IDOC fac ility. • IDOC offenders hous ed at a county jail as a contract fac ility. • Parole violators . Note : The IDOC does not pay any fees for offenders on probation who are in the c ounty jail pending revoc ation proceedings , being held on an agent’s warrant, awaiting a hearing for jurisdic tional review, or s erving discretionary jail tim e. Days Billed The daily rate for eac h IDOC offender housed in a county jail will be bas ed on either s tate s tatute or contrac tual agreem ent between a c ounty and the IDO C. The per diem will be paid for eac h day or partial day beginning on the date following the s igning of the J udgm ent of Com m itm ent. W hen offenders are trans ferred to a c ounty jail from another fac ility, the IDO C will pay the receiving c ounty on the day after rec eption of the offender. Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 7 of 8 Billing The IDOC’s Fis cal Unit will determ ine billing for eac h c ounty hous ing IDOC offenders using the IDOC’s offender system . 8. Place me nt and Re mov al County jails providing c ontrac t beds for IDOC offenders will have the opportunity to review the offender’s c lassific atio n and other inform ation pertinent to com pleting a jail clas s ific ation. W ithin 24 hours of notific ation (s ubjec t to bed availability and transport s taff) that an IDOC offender’s behavior or s ec urity ris k is inappropriate for a jail plac em ent, the VPP jail m anager will arrange trans port to an appropriate fac ility. 9. Jail Capacity Re duction W hen it bec om es nec es s ary to reduce the num ber of beds available to house IDOC offenders , the sheriff s hould provide the IDOC with notific ation at leas t 60 days before the effec tive date of the reduc tion. However, the IDOC will work with a c ounty jail to reduc e the num ber of IDOC offenders as neces s ary. 10. IDOC M onitoring The VPP will develop and provide the jail assessm ent tool. VPP s taff m em bers m ust c onduct a c ounty jail as s es s m ent a m inim um of onc e a year using the following steps : Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks VPP Jail M anage r (or De signe e ) 1 Conduc t a county jail assessm ent (includes , at a m inim um all of the following tas ks ). • Interview the jail c om m ander; • Interview IDOC offenders (Note: The num ber of offenders interviewed will vary bas ed on the num ber of IDOC offenders hous ed at the jail and the jail c onfiguration, norm ally at leas t three (3) offenders will be interviewed.); • Review and obtain a c opy of lates t Idaho Sheriff’s As s oc iation Jail Standards Audit; and • Tour of the jail. VPP Jail Manager (or Des ignee) 2 W ithin 30 days of the assessm ent, • Com plete the assessm ent form and forward it and a c opy of the Idaho Sheriff’s Association Jail Standards Audit to the as s igned VPP deputy warden, and • File a c opy of the asses s m ent pac ket in the area VPP has designated. VPP De puty Warde n 3 W ithin five (5) busines s days after rec eiving the as ses s m ent packet, • Review the finding, • Add com m ents , and • Forward the report to VPP warden. Control Numbe r: 302.02.01.001 Ve rsion: 2.2 T itle : As ses s m ent and Plac em ent of State- s entenced Offenders in County Jails Page Numbe r: 8 of 8 Functional Role s and Re sponsibilitie s Ste p T asks VPP Warde n 4 Review the report and forward a copy to the res pec tive s heriff. (Note : If c orrective action is nec es sary for non- c om pliant is sues related to the IDOC/c ounty jail c ontract, reques t a c orrec tive action plan from the sheriff.) VPP W arden 5 Forward the report to both the Chief of the Divis ion of Pris ons and direc tor of the IDOC. Note : VPP s taff will m ake doc um ent offender contac ts and other pertinent inform ation regarding offenders under C-note s in the Corre ctions Inte grate d Syste m (CIS). REFERENCES Appendix A, Sentenc ed Offenders Awaiting Trans port Departm ent Polic y 301, Taking Offenders into Departm ental Cus tody Departm ent Polic y 302, Assessm ent and Placem ent of Offenders Managem ent Servic es Fiscal Proc edures Manual – End of Docum ent – IDAHO DEPART M ENT OF CORRECT ION Se nte nce d Offe nde rs Awaiting T ransport Ce ntral Re cords Unit Fax # (208) 327-7444 Nam e: Las t Firs t Middle Sex Date of Birth SSN Sentenc ing County Date Sentenced Civil Com m itm ent? Yes No Tim er? Yes No Retained Juris diction? Yes No Pending Charges ? Yes No Parole Violation? (Agent/Com m ission W arrant) Yes No Pending Charges ? Yes No Jail Cre dits for T ime Se rv e d on Charge : Cas e No. Cas e No. Crim e: Crim e: Dates : From To Dates : From To From To From To From To From To Change s in Physical Location Releas ed on own rec ognizance? Yes No W hen? Releas e on Bond? Yes No W hen? Moved to: Date m oved: Date available for transport: Com m ents : Signature Date Appendix A 302.02.01.001 v2.2