HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntake Orientation and Personal Property at Community Reentry Centers Idaho Departm ent of Correc tion Standard Ope rating Pr oce dur e Title: Intake , Orie ntation, and Pe rsonal Prope rty at Community Reentry Ce nte rs Page: 1 of 15 Control Num ber: 301.04.03.001 Vers ion: 3.0 Adopted: 03-12-2010 Dav id Birch, probation and parole div ision chie f, approved this docume nt on 04/30/2017. Ope n to the public: Ye s SCOPE This SOP applies to all CRC s taff and inm ates housed in the CRC. Revision Summary Revision date (04/30/2017) vers ion 2.0: Revis ions throughout the doc um ent and reform atting. Revision date (05/12/2017) vers ion 3.0: Correc ted links to current Em ergenc y Contac t Form . TABLE O F CO NT ENT S Board of Correc tion IDAP A Rule Num ber ............................................................................... 1 Polic y Control Num ber 301 ....................................................................................................... 2 Purpos e ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Res pons ibility ............................................................................................................................ 2 Standard Proc edures ................................................................................................................ 2 1. Intro duction ......................................................................................................................... 2 2. Policy and Des k Referenc e Manuals ................................................................................. 2 3. Living Guid es ...................................................................................................................... 3 4. Inm ate Pers onal Property ................................................................................................... 3 5. Comm issary Pac kage Program .......................................................................................... 6 6. Regular Commissary Program ........................................................................................... 6 7. Over-The-Counter Medications .......................................................................................... 6 8. Inta ke and Orientat ion Proc esses ...................................................................................... 6 9. Employm ent Eligibilit y Verific ation (Fe deral Form I-9) ..................................................... 14 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 14 Referenc es .............................................................................................................................. 14 BOARD OF CORRECT ION IDAPA RULE NUM BER None Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 2 of 15 POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 301 Taking Inmates into Departm ent Custody PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating proc edure (SOP) is to establish a standardized process that community release c enters (CRCs) will use to intake and orient inmates to CRC living, rules, regulations, programming, inmate property processes, and em ploym ent. RESPONSIBILITY Facility heads or des ignees are respons ible for implem enting this SOP and ensuring staff mem bers adhere to the guidelines provided herein. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Introduction CRC placem ent is an inmate reentry program that offers an opportunity for inmates to obtain em ploym ent, earn m oney, save for release, and address financial obligations in order to reenter the community successfully. Intake and orientation is intended to provide inmates the opportunity to learn CRC proc edures, rules, and regulations and begin to finalize a reentry case plan. Each inmate transferred to a CRC must participate in intake and orientation provided by des ignated CRC staff. CRCs must have policies, a living guide (see section 3), and other information that pertains to the CRC readily available for inmate viewing and/or use. Before or upon arrival at a CRC, a designated CRC staff mem ber must perform a crim inal background investigation in accordance with SOP, ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System , to ensure there are no outstanding warrants (or criminal history that is outside of the parameters of the Offender Placem ent Matrix) that would prevent the inmate from being housed at the CRC. 2. Policy and Desk Reference Manuals Policies, SOPs, and field memorandums (FMs) that govern inmate management and CRC rules and procedures may be organized into policy and/or des k reference m anuals and should include those subject matters most often requested by CRC inmates, such as the following: • Access to Courts • Inmate Funds • Disciplinary • Grievances • Mail • Property • Visiting Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 3 of 15 CRC staff mem bers must become very fam iliar with the policies, SOPs, and FMs included in their policy or des k reference m anuals, as well as those that provide instruction on CRC staff duties and res pons ibilities. CRC staff must ensure that desk m anuals that contain a policy or SOP are updated immediately when a new or revised policy or SOP is publis hed. 3. Liv ing G uides CRC staff must issue, or make readily available, to inmates a c opy of the CRC-s pecific living guide that explains CRC rules, procedures, or processes and refers to those IDOC polic ies and SO Ps most often requested by inmates. Living guides should also inc lude CRC-s pecific information such as program regulations and goals, the rules governing conduct and the cons equences of any disciplinary actions, em ploym ent, and fund m anagem ent, etc. Living guides must not supersede, conflict with, or contradict IDOC polic ies and SOPs, and as a res ult must only reference applic able IDOC policies and proc edures. A CRC staff mem ber designated by the facility head must ensure that the CRC-s pecific living guide is updated/revised a m inimum of once every two years. CRC staff must assist those inmates who c annot read or understand English or who have difficulty comprehending the living guide. Each inmate must acknowledge either rec eiving a c opy of the living guide, or being told where the living guide is located in the CRC. CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form must be used for the inmate’s acknowledgement and intent to com ply with the rules and regulations of the CRC. CRC staff must witness the inmate s igning the form. 4. Inmate Personal Property In addition to the guidance provided in this section, an inmate’s personal property must als o be m anaged in accordance with SOP 320.02.01.001, Property: State-issued and Inmate Personal Property and SOP 320.02.01.002, Property: Religious . CRCs do not have a full-time property officer as described in the above SOPs. However, the fac ility head will designate a staff mem ber to receive, handle, store, dispose, and track inmate personal property. For the purposes of this SOP only, that designated staff mem ber will be referred to as the property officer. The property officer or des ignee is responsible for tracking property to ensure inmates do not rec eive or maintain more than their allotted am ounts. Inmates transferred to a CRC often arrive with very limited pers onal property. CRCs mus t develop FMs that describe the process for helping inmates obtain pers onal property for day- to-day living and/or work purposes. FMs may include, but may not be limited to, supplying hygiene items for indigent inmates as defined in Mail Handling in Correctional Fac ilities, SOP 402.02.01.001 or which retail or thrift stores will be used for purchasing pers onal property. Starter Personal Property: Delivered by the Inmate’s Fam ily or Friends Within the first 30 days of arriving at a CRC, an inmate will be allowed to rec eive a one- time delivery of starter personal property for transition into CRC living. Starter property may be brought or m ailed into the CRC by the inmate’s fam ily or friends. Starter property is typic ally allowed to be brought into the CRC during normal visiting hours; however, the Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 4 of 15 fac ility head or des ignee c an m ake an exc eption regarding when the property m ay be brought in. To reques t the one-time delivery of starter pers onal property, the inm ate mus t c om plete CRC Property Request Form , and s ubmit it to the property offic er or des ignee. The property offic er or designee m us t approve the request before the inm ate is allowed to receive the starter property. Starter Personal Property: Purchased by the Inm ate An inm ate, who does not have the means to obtain s tarter personal property through family or friends , m ay be allowed to c harge c ertain starter property from IDO C -approved loc al es tablis hm ents (suc h as Deseret Indus tries or Shopko). W hen starter property is purc has ed from a loc al establishm ent, the inm ate must pay for the charged items as em ploym ent is obtained and a first payc hec k is rec eived. The designated CRC staff m em ber, who takes the inm ate s hopping for starter pers onal property, is responsible for obtaining an Inm ate Personal Funds W ithdrawal Slip, (hereinafter referred to as a withdrawal s lip) from the inm ate immediately upon return to the CRC. The withdrawal s lip m us t be written for the total amount c harged. A fac ility head-des ignated CRC staff mem ber is res ponsible for proc essing the withdrawal s lip in accordanc e with SOP, Funds : Inm ate, as soon as the inm ate receives that first payc hec k. Som e CRCs m ay not have agreem ents in plac e with loc al establishm ents that allow inm ates to c harge. If additional guidanc e and/or controls to the above are required, then an FM m ay be developed. Regular Personal Property: Delivered by the Inm ate’s Fam ily or Friends Unless approved by the facility head or designee, only res ident workers (those inm ates who work in the CRC) are allowed to have regular pers onal property delivered by family and friends. As with starter property, regular property is typically allowed to be brought into the CRC during norm al visiting hours ; however, the facility head or des ignee c an m ake an exc eption regarding when the property may be brought in. The amount of regular pers onal property is lim ited for res ident workers . To request the delivery of regular pers onal property, the inmate must complete CRC Property Reques t Form , and subm it it to the property officer or des ignee. The property officer or des ignee m ust approve the request before the inm ate is allowed to receive the regular property. Regular Personal Property: Purchased by the Inm ate Res ident workers and work releas e inmates are perm itted but are not required to purchas e c ommissary and personal property items through the IDOC’s private c ontracted c ommis sary provider. In addition, both res ident workers and work release inm ates are allowed to m ake thrift s tore or c ommissary purc hases of regular personal property. However, unless approved by the fac ility head or des ignee, only work release inm ates are allowed to go on community shopping trips (retail stores) to purc has e regular personal property. Books , m agaz ines, and publications m ust be obtained in accordanc e with Mail Handling in Correc tional Fac ilities, SOP 402.02.01.001. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 5 of 15 Som e item s (suc h as tools , foam pads, alarm c locks) m ay be approved for purc hase at the discretion of the fac ility head or des ignee. If additional guidance and/or c ontrols to the above are required, an FM m ay be developed. Community Shopping Trip (Retail Store) Purchases Community s hopping (retail s tore) trips m ust be for the purpose of allowing work releas e inm ates to replenish and sustain their regular personal property needs . Thirty days after receiving or purc has ing initial s tarter pers onal property, the work releas e inm ate m ay request a community-shopping trip. (Item s approved should be based on ‘need’ and not ‘want’.) CRC Property Request Form , m us t be approved by the property officer or designee, the em ploym ent c oordinator (for work-related item s such as tools), or the CRC sergeant. (Tools must be reviewed and approved by the EC us ing CRC Work Tools .) Community shopping reques ts for more than $150 m ust be reviewed and approved by the facility head or des ignee. If the community-shopping request is approved, the inm ate is not allowed another c ommunity-shopping trip for at least 90 days (unless clothing is vital to the inm ate s us taining employment). A community-s hopping trip m ay include m ore than one location or stop. Any exception to the above stated 90-day c ommunity-s hopping trip rule m ust be made by the fac ility head or des ignee. Friends and Fam ily Q uarterly Packages Regardless of when a CRC inm ate arrives at the facility, during the m onths of Marc h, June, September, and Decem ber CRC inm ates may request and rec eive a quarterly package from friends and fam ily. No personal property is allowed in quarterly pac kages . Quarterly pac kages m ust only contain cons um able item s . Cons um able item s are thos e items that are completely used up over a period of time and need replenis hing s uc h as s ham poo and s oap. Consum able item s m ust be received in their original c ontainers. Q uarterly Package Reques t Form lists the cons um able items allowed in quarterly pac kages . Quarterly pac kages may be brought or m ailed into the CRC by the inm ate’s family or friends. Quarterly pac kages are typically allowed to be brought into the CRC during norm al vis iting hours and are at the discretion of the fac ility head or des ignee. To reques t a quarterly pac kage, the inmate m ust com plete a CRC Q uarterly Package Request Form , and submit it to the property officer or designee between the 1s t and 15th day of the m onth that quarterly pac kages are allowed. The property officer or des ignee m ust approve the request before the inm ate is allowed to rec eive the quarterly pac kage. The CRC Q uarterly Package Request Form describes rules, limitations, and inmate eligibility criteria. Once the inm ate is approved to receive a quarterly pac kage, the package m ust be delivered or post m arked before the last day of the m onth it was approved. No exc eptions will be m ade for pac kages that are delivered or pos t m arked after the las t day of the month, and the property offic er or des ignee m ay return or s tore the quarterly package until the next allowable quarter. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 6 of 15 If an inm ate rec eives a quarterly package that exc eeds the 15-pound weight lim it, the inm ate may elect to have some item s removed from the package until the weight lim it is m et. Suc h rem oved items will be donated to the loc al food bank. If item s are rem oved from the quarterly pac kage, the property officer or designee is res ponsible for c oordinating the delivery of thos e item s to the loc al food bank. If the inm ate elects not to rem ove som e item s or does not agree to donate the rem oved items to the loc al food bank, the property officer or designee will reseal the package and return it to the s ending fam ily m em ber or friend at the inm ate’s expens e. 5. Commissary Package Program In addition to the quarterly packages from friends and fam ily as noted above, t he IDO C c ontracted c ommissary provider offers a pac kage program for c ons um able items. All CRC inm ates are eligible to purchas e item s through this program . The contract commis sary provider delivers commissary orders to the fac ility. Spending lim its for the c ommissary package program are $160.00 per quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec). 6. Re gular Commissary Program Unlike pris on fac ilities, inm ates at CRCs are not res tricted or lim ited to purc has ing c onsumable and pers onal property items from the c ontract c ommissary provider; however, all CRC inm ates are eligible to purchase c ommissary and personal property item s from the IDOC contracted c ommissary provider. The contract c ommissary provider delivers commissary orders to the fac ility. Spending lim its for CRC inm ates are set in SOP 320.02.01.001 Property : State-Issued and Inm ate Personal Property . 7. Over-the-Counter M edications The c ontract commissary provider offers cert ain over-the-counter (OTC) keep-on-pers on (KOP) m edications free. Thes e OTC KOP medic ations are reviewed and approved by the IDOC and the IDOC’s c ontract health services provider. All CRC inm ates are eligible to obtain thes e O TC KOP m edications through c ommissary. In addition to the OTC KOP medic ations, som e CRCs allow inm ates to order over-the- c ounter pharmacy items from outside sourc es . Each CRC m us t develop an FM to describe additional guidanc e and/or controls for over-the-counter pharmacy items only. 8. Intake and Orie ntation Proce sses Facility Intake Fac ility intake staff m em bers (generally s ecurity staff) must be trained and knowledgeable of their CRC’s practices and procedures s o that they m ay ans wer inm ate ques tions or refer inm ates to the appropriate staff m em ber. During the fac ility intake proc ess , facility intake staff s hould inquire about and, if applicable, note any c onc erns the inm ate m ay have (such as healthcare, fam ily, or personal issues ). Depending on what is disclos ed by the inm ate, fac ility intake s taff may refer pertinent information (s uc h as risks the inm ate may pos e to the CRC or pers onal c oncerns ) to a cas e m anager, duty officer, or facility head. Referral may be via email or telephone depending on the level of risk. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 7 of 15 Fac ility intake staff must walk through the CRC with the inmate, also pointing out emergency exits and property (land) boundaries. Table 6-1: Facility Intake Staff Process Steps Fac ility intake staff must use the following process steps during the facility intake and orientation process: Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Facility Intake Staff 1 Within 24 hours of the inmate arriving in the CRC: • Determ ine whether the inmate speaks, reads, or writes English. If an inmate does not speak English, a written, individual, or telephone interpretation servic e will be provided in the language spoken. • Begin the facility intake and orientation process by discussing, providing, or obtaining the information or res ources indicated using a CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form . Fac ility Intake Staff 2 Explain, discuss, or point out the following to the inm ate: • Facility emergency proc edures • The location of fire extinguis hers • The location of first aid kits and evacuation plans Fac ility diagrams showing fire extinguis hers, first aid kits and evac uation routes must be posted in common areas. Fac ility Intake Staff 3 Explain, discuss, or point out the following property m anagem ent proc edures to the inmate: • Who is in charge of property • How property is requested and obtained • Thrift shop opportunities Fac ility Intake Staff 4 For resident workers – Skip to s tep 5. For work release inmates – Explain, discuss, or point out the following em ploym ent procedures to the inmate: • W hat the em ploym ent c oordinator (EC) does • W hen the inmate can expect to begin em ploym ent process Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 8 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Fac ility Intake Staff 5 Explain, discuss, or point out the following vis iting procedures to the inmate: • Who may visit • W hom to refer visiting questions to • Visiting hours (Visiting hours should be posted in common areas) Fac ility Intake Staff 6 Explain, discuss, or point out the following access to healthcare procedures to the inmate: • Written requests or forms that need to be com pleted • W hen healthcare providers are on site • Urgent or emergency care Fac ility Intake Staff 7 Explain, discuss, or point out the following inmate funds m anagem ent proc edures to the inmate: • How to s ubmit withdrawals • The person who oversees the process Fac ility Intake Staff 8 Explain, discuss, or point out the following access to polic ies and forms procedures to the inmate: • The location of polic ies, procedures, field memorandums (FMs), forms, etc. • How to obtain copies or access Fac ility Intake Staff 9 Explain, discuss, or point out the following bed assignm ent procedures to the inmate: • Placem ent by seniority, behavior, and fac ility need • Who m anages bed assignm ents, etc. Fac ility Intake Staff 10 Iss ue linens to the inm ate. Explain laundry proc edures . Provide hygiene items (if needed). Fac ility Intake Staff 11 Give the inmate a c opy of the CRC’s living guide. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 9 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Fac ility Intake Staff 12 Give Emergenc y Contact Form (Offender) for the inmate to com plete. (Assist the inmate if requested.) Instruct the inmate to provide the com pleted Emergency Contact Form (Offender) to the assigned case manager during the case plan intake process. Fac ility Intake Staff 13 Ensure that the ‘fac ility intake” section of the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form is com plete. Ensure that intake staff and the inmate s ign the form. Fac ility Intake Staff 14 Take a photo of the inm ate and upload it in the Corrections Integrated System (CIS). Fac ility Intake Staff 15 To document the completion of the fac ility intake proc ess, make a c-note entry in the CIS. Also, note any findings, c oncerns , or issues that may be pertinent. Exam ple: Inmate Jones arrived today. Fac ility intake process com pleted. He is c oncerned about notifying his spouse that he was moved. He was allowed a two- minute phone c all to her. I forwarded the intake form to his cas e m anager. Fac ility Intake Staff 16 Forward the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form to the case m anager for case plan intake processing. (The process continues with table 6-2.) Case Plan Intake During the case plan intake process, the case m anager must review the inmate’s history and note any c oncerns. Depending on information disclosed by the inmate, the cas e m anager may consult with the fac ility head or duty officer for review. (Any risks identified or disclosed must be immediately forwarded to the fac ility head or duty officer for c onsultation.) Consultation may be via em ail or telephone depending on the level of risk. Table 6-2: Case Plan Intake Process Steps Case m anagers must use the following process steps during the orientation to programming: Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Case M anager or Designee 1 Obtain the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form from the fac ility intake staff. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 10 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Case Manager or Des ignee 2 W ithin five busines s days of arriving in the C RC, orient the inmate on program requirem ents by reviewing, updating, explaining, or discussing the following: • Reclassification (see Classification: Inmate, SOP 303.02.01.001) • Financial obligations (see Funds: Inmate, SOP The case m anager must ensure that the inmate is aware of all financial obligations while housed at the CRC and what is expected in accordance with SO P Financ ial obligations or debt information may be obtained by another CRC staff mem ber for researc hing what is owed. Case Manager or Des ignee 3 W ithin five busines s days of arriving in the CRC, orient the inmate on program requirem ents by reviewing, updating, explaining, or discussing the following: • Pathways/case plan requirem ents (see Program Managem ent for Inmates, SOP 607.26.01.014) • Reentry needs (parole plans, financ ial or budget issues, etc.) • Expectations and consequences, to inc lude escape and walk-away • Prison Rape (see Prison Rape Elim ination SOP Case Manager or Des ignee 4 Enroll or refer the inmate into a pathway/case plan. Case Manager or Des ignee 5 Obtain a W aiver of Extradition. Have the inmate s ign the W aiver of Extradition before a lic ensed notary public. Ensure that the notary public com pletes the W aiver of Extradition. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 11 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Case Manager or Des ignee 6 Collec t the completed Emergenc y Contact Form (Offender) from the inmate. Com plete, sign, and date the ‘case plan intake’ section of the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form. Assist the inmate with obtaining any docum entation that is needed for em ploym ent. The inmate was given the emergency c ontact form during the fac ility intake process. If a work release inmate is missing any docum entation that is needed for em ployment, s end an em ail to the EC or des ignee citing the specific docum entation the inmate needs to obtain. Case Manager or Des ignee 7 Enter CIS to doc um ent the c om pletion of the c ase plan intake process by making a c-note entry. Also, note any findings, concerns , or issues that may be pertinent. Exam ple: Met with inmate Jones today. Case plan intake process com pleted. He needs to complete the MRT program as directed for his program needs. Discussed his financ ial obligations and parole to district 4. He does not have a birth certificate, so I will assist him with obtainin g one. Em ailed the EC to let him know. Case Manager (or Des ignee) 8 Forward the following com pleted doc uments as indic ated: • If the inmate is a work release inmate – forward the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form to the EC or des ignee. (The process continues with table 6-3.) • If the inmate is a res ident worker or rider – forward the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form , Emergency Contact Form (Offender), and the W aiver of Extradition to fac ility records staff. Facility Records Staff or Designee 9 Obtain the following forms from the cas e manager (or des ignee): • CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form • Emergency Contact Form (Offender) • W aiver of Extradition Fac ility Records Staff or Des ignee 10 Enter the Reflec tion inmate m anagement s ystem and us ing the Emergency Contact Form (Offender), update next-of- kin information. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 12 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Fac ility Records Staff or Des ignee 11 File the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form, Emergency Contact Form (Offender), and W aiver of Extradition in accordance with Central and Medical Files : Control, Maintenance, and Dis position of, SOP Em ployment Intake Inmates are not authorized to begin a work search until the employment intake process is com plete. The fac ility head or designee must approve an inmate for work release. Table 6-3: Employment Intake Process Steps The em ploym ent coordinator must use the following process steps to begin the employm ent intake process for work release inmates: Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks Employme nt Coordinator (EC) or Designee 1 Obtain the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form from the case m anager or des ignee. EC or Designee 2 W ithin 14 busines s days of the inm ate’s arrival at the CRC m eet with the inmate to: • Find out if the inmate has any limitations that would prevent him from working • Provide the inmate information related to em ploym ent and job searc hes such as the Work Release Agreem ent, explain m onthly site/visit checks, and the Employer Guidelines (see Work Release for Inmates, SOP 605.02.01.002). • Discuss and explain the CRC’s em ploym ent rules (the time or effort required for a job s earch, the location or boundaries for job searc hes, the type of employment allowed, etc.). • Check SOP 605.02.01.002 to see if all general eligibility criteria have been met. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 13 of 15 Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step T asks EC or Designee 3 Enter CIS to doc um ent the c om pletion of the em ploym ent intake process by making a c-note entry. Also, note any findings, concerns , or issues that may be pertinent. Exam ple: Met with inmate Jones today. Em ployment intake process com pleted. Explained work release requirem ents and rules. He has all federal I-9 em ploym ent docum ents and has s igned a Work Release Agreem ent. He is ready to begin looking for em ploym ent. The EC must also make c-note entries for other s ignificant em ploym ent events such as when the inmate is hired, who hired the inmate, the employer’s c ontact information, workers’ compensation claims or injuries, site checks, etc. EC or Designee 4 Maintain an em ploym ent file for each work release inm ate in accordance with SOP 605.02.01.002. EC or Designee 5 Review the ‘employment intake’ s ec tion of the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form . Com plete all fields that are your res pons ibility. Initial and date the form. Forward it to the facility head or des ignee. Facility Head or Designee 6 Review the CRC Initial Intak e and Orientation Form for com pleteness. Enter CIS and review all c-note entries m ade by facility intake staff, the case m anager or designee, and the EC or des ignee. Review the pathways/case plan to verify whether the inmate was placed into the correct pathways in accordance with Program Managem ent: Inmate, SOP 607.26.01.014. If the inmate is identified as a work release inmate, make a c-note entry in CIS approving or denying work release for the inmate. Fac ility Head or Des ignee 7 Initial and date the ‘employment intake’ section of CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form . Forward the form to fac ility records staff or des ignee. Facility Records Staff or Designee 8 File the CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form in accordance with, Central and Medical Files: Control, Maintenance, and Disposition of. Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 14 of 15 9. Employment Eligibility Verification (federal form I-9) To m eet federal em ploym ent eligibility requirem ents for citizens and noncitiz ens of the United States, work release inmates must provide docum entation that establishes both identity and em ploym ent authorization before they can begin work. Although not all- inc lusive, the following list of documents is typically used by inmates to meet em ploym ent eligibility requirements. (For a complete list of acceptable docum ents, visit the U.S. Departm ent of Hom eland Security’s website and download a Form I-9, Em ployment Eligibility Verification.) • Birth certificate • State of Idaho identification (ID) card • A prison ID card • A driver’s lic ense • A Soc ial Security card DEFINITIONS Case Manager: Idaho Departm ent of Correction (IDOC) pers onnel responsible for developing or monitoring an inmate’s individual case plan. Case m anagers are typic ally probation and parole officers (PPOs), psychosocial rehabilitation s pecialists, drug and alcohol rehabilitation s pecialists, and c linic ians. Reentry: The process by which an inmate prepares (through programming) for release into the community. REFERENCES CRC Initial Intake and Orientation Form Emergency Contact Information Form (Offender) CRC Property Request Form CRC Quarterly Package Request Form CRC W ork Tools Offender Placem ent Matrix Standard Operating Proc edure, Funds: Inmate Standard Operating Proc edure, Control, Maintenance, and Disposition of Case Managem ent and M edical Files Standard Operating Proc edure 303.02.01.001, Classification: Inmate Standard Operating Proc edure 320.02.01.001, Property: State issued and Inmate Pers onal Property Standard Operating Proc edure 320.02.01.002, Property: Religious Standard Operating Proc edure, Prison Rape Elim ination Standard Operating Proc edure 605.02.01.002, Employment Release for Inmates Idaho Departm ent of Correction Control Numbe r: 301.04.03.001 Version: 3.0 T itle : Intake, Orientation, and Pers onal Property at Community Reentry Centers Page Number: 15 of 15 Standard Operating Proc edure 607.06.01.014, Program M anagem ent for Inmates U.S. Departm ent of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (www.uscis.gov) W aiver of Extradition – End of Docum ent –