HomeMy WebLinkAboutEthics and Standards of Conduct - SOPIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page: 1 of 6 Control Number: Version: 4.0 Adopted: 02-20-2001 Sharla Means, human resource manager, approved this document on 12/12/2017. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This policy applies to all employees of the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC), Correctional Industries, and Commission of Pardon and Parole; and all volunteers, contractors, and agents. Revision History Revision date (12/12/2017) version 4.0: Scope of document was changed to include volunteers, contractors, and agents. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ..............................................................................1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................1 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................2 Standard Procedures ............................................................................................................2 1. Code of Ethics ...................................................................................................................2 2. Requirements for Personal Conduct ..................................................................................2 3. Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................4 4. Investigation ......................................................................................................................5 5. Consequences for Violations .............................................................................................6 References ............................................................................................................................6 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None PURPOSE The department intends that the conduct of IDOC employees reflect the highest standards of public service. This standard operating procedure (SOP) provides employees with guidance to use whenever an employee is faced with a decision regarding dutie s, actions, conduct, or interaction with o thers both on and off the job. The department does not intend to regulate off-duty behavior of employees except when it endangers the safe and orderly operation of the department or brings discredit to the department. Control Number: Version: 4.0 Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page Number: 2 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction Not every unacceptable type of action or conduct can realistically be listed; therefore, the types of conduct specified in these procedures are not all -inclusive and do not exclude or excuse other misconduct found by management to be detrimental to the good order and discipline of the department. RESPONSIBILITY All IDOC employees are responsible for their conduct as described herein. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Code of Ethics Employees of IDOC are expected to adhere to and positively exemplify the values as established by the department. The values include having respect for one another, bringing a positive attitude to work each day, and having integrity to do the right thing. Each employee must conduct himself in a manner that will not discredit the de partment or the state of Idaho. Each employee must demonstrate the highest standards of integrity, honesty, objectivity, impartiality, and professionalism to promote public confidence, understanding, and trust in the department and its employees. An employee must not engage in any activity that might compromise the mission, vision, or values of the department; safety of its employees, offenders, and the public; or his ability to carry out assigned duties and responsibilities in an efficient, unbiased, and p rofessional manner. Employees must serve the public, other employees, and offenders with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness without discrimination, harassment, or retaliation to include age, race, color, national origin, sex, political beliefs, marital status, and religion. Employees must protect privileged and confidential information, including that pertaining to offenders and employees, to which they have access in the course of official duties. Employees must maintain mutual respect and professional cooperation in relationships with other staff members, supervisors, offenders, and outside agencies. Employees must strive for professional excellence and obey lawful orders from a supervisor or any superior in charge , and properly and safely carry out the duties of the position, including making every reasonable effort to ensure community safety. 2. Requirements for Personal Conduct Employees must adhere to applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, standard operating procedures, division directives, field memorandums, post orders, etc. in the performance of assigned duties. Employees may use their IDOC identification only for identification in performing the duties and responsibilities required in the scope of their employment. Department identification will not be used where an employee may have other employment or in representing other interests. Employees must report for work at the designated time and place, remain alert at all times, and not leave an assigned post without permission or being properly relieved. Inattentiveness, sleeping, or the appearance of sleeping on duty is strictly prohibited. Employees must immediately report on-the-job injuries and illnesses. Control Number: Version: 4.0 Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page Number: 3 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction Employees must cooperate in, be truthful, and maintain the confidentiality of any investigation or inquiry into alleged illegal activities or violation of department policies. Employees must receive written approval from the director prior to recording conversations, with other employees. This is outside of DOR proceedings or investigations where recordings are authorized without the d irector’s approval. Employees must not engage in any business, transaction , or activity in conflict with employee duties or the public interest such as: • Using position to secure special privileges or exemptions for self or others • Releasing privileged or confidential information to any person or group not authorized to receive such information • Using or removing state property or resources for any purpose other than official business • Loading personal software on department-owned computers • Falsifying any information or official records including but not limited to logs, case notes, travel claims, time sheets, and statistics • Engaging in any political activity prohibited by law such as being a candidate in any partisan election, holding a partisan elective office, or directly or indirectly using official authority to interfere with the results of an election or a nomination for office • Using badge, uniform, department identifications or any other state equipment, title, or position to influence or detain individuals who are not under the care, custody, or supervision of the department Employees must strive to obey all laws while on and off duty. • An employee who operates state vehicles must report a driver’s license suspension to his supervisor at the beginning of the employee’s next scheduled shift upon receiving notice of the suspension. • An employee receiving any moving violation while operating a state vehicle must report the violation to his supervisor at the beginning of the employee’s next scheduled shift. • An employee must report to his supervisor immediately upon the employee’s return to the workplace any: notification that he is the subject of investigation; arrest; criminal summons; citation received for a misdemeanor or felony; indictment; or being served with a protective order or no contact order, regardless of the jurisdiction in which it occurred. • An employee must report court appearances related to issues identified above in writing to his supervisor upon knowledge of the court appearance. • An employee must report any misdemeanor or felony conviction, including a withheld judgment or plea of ’nolo contendere,‘ in writing to his supervisor at the beginning of the employee’s next scheduled shift after the judgment. • An employee must only use or possess a state-issued firearm while on duty and when specifically authorized by the department. A department-issued firearm must Control Number: Version: 4.0 Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page Number: 4 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction not be used for any purpose off the job, except when specifically authorized by the department. • An employee must not initiate or participate in horseplay or the hazing of other staff members or an individual under the care, custody, or supervision of the department. • Employees must report to administration, human resources manager, or designee any corrupt or unethical behavio r that could affect a staff member, an offender, or the department’s integrity and reputation. 3. Conflict of Interest Outside Employment The department neither encourages nor objects to staff members taking outside employment subject to the following conditions: • The department is considered the primary employer unless other employment is disclosed upon acceptance of the conditional offer from the department; therefore, outside employment must not interfere with an employee’s work schedule including recall during emergencies. • Outside employment must not conflict with the best interest of the department nor the proper performance of the work responsibilities assigned by the department. Prior to accepting outside employment, an employee must notify the facility head or designee in writing of the outside employment. • If the facility head determines there is a conflict, or potential conflict of interest, he must notify the employee in writing of such and request that the employee reconsider acceptance of the outside employment. • All notification, and any related correspondence, must be forwarded to human resources for placement in the employee’s personnel file. An employee is accountable for any conflict of interest that occurs with or because of outside employment. An employee must not accept outside employment with an employer who provides contract services to the department unless: • The nature of the outside employment is clearly unrelated to the services contracted to the department. • The responsibilities of the outside employment a re such that the employee has no opportunity to influence the relationship between the outside employer and the department. An employee must not use state time, materials, facilities, telephones, equipment, or other employees in connection with the outside employment. On-call duty and overtime has priority over outside employment. Dual Employment There will be no conflicting hours of work when a classified employee is employed by more than one state agency. The employee must obtain approval from all appointing authorities concerned prior to beginning dual employment. Control Number: Version: 4.0 Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page Number: 5 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction An employee must not contract for services (such as consulting, computer programming, janitorial) with another state department or entity. An employee may accept employment in any educational program conducted under the Idaho Department of Education provided the following criteria are met: • The work is performed outside the employee’s normal working hours. • The work is approved in writing by the facility head or designee. Outside Activities Employees must critically assess outside personal activities to ensure such activities are not in conflict with the best interest of the department and its operations. Employees must not profit, directly or indirectly, from public funds under their control, nor have a private interest in any contract or grant made in their official capacity, nor sell goods directly or hold a substantial financial interest in any company that sells products or services to the department. Employees must not accept or serve in any policy-making position or office of an organization, board, or commission in which an opportunity for conflict of interest might arise between the activities of the organization, board , or commission and their employment with the department without the written approval of the director. Employees must not receive compensation from outside sources for services provided or information obtained as part of the employee’s job responsibilities with the department. Employees must not, either individually or as a member of a group, ask for, accept, or receive any gift, favor, service, loan, or entertainment that might reasonably be interpreted as intending to influence the individual in the performance of official duties. Employee must not accept any honorariums from the public, associations, corporations, or other governmental entities for appearances or services provided in the course of employment. Awards for outstanding service on or off the job (such as correctional officer or public official of the year) and advertising trinkets (pencils, pens, etc.) normally given to the public are exempt. Employees must not accept gratuities or other benefits exceeding a total value of $100 per calendar year. 4. Investigation Fact-finding and any formal investigations must be conducted in accordance with Administrative Investigations, SOP Alleged criminal violation(s) of state statutes must be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement official prior to a formal internal investigation being conducted. A subsequent internal investigation to determine whether employment misconduct has occurred may be conducted if the local law enforcement official or prosecuting attorney declines to accept the referral or determines that insufficient evidence exists for criminal prosecution. The employee must participate in and maintain confidentiality in any investigation performed by IDOC. Control Number: Version: 4.0 Title: Ethics and Standards of Conduct Page Number: 6 of 6 Idaho Department of Correction 5. Consequences for Violations Violation of this policy may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. The severity and extent of the discipline will be determined by the totality of the facts. Any corrective or disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Corrective and Disciplinary Action, Policy 205; Corrective and Disciplinary Action, SOP; and IDAPA 15.04.01. REFERENCES Policy 205, Corrective and Disciplinary Action Standard Operation Procedure, Administrative Investigations Standard Operating Procedure, Corrective and Disciplinary Action IDAPA 15.04.01, Rules of the Division of Human Resources and Idaho Personnel Commission, Sections 021, 024 - 026, and 190.01 – End of Document –