HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummary of ProceduresThe Court has issued a death warrant setting the date for your execution. The purpose of this document is to provide you a summary of the events and procedures between now and the execution and to inform you of the decisions you will need to make before the execution. Please be aware, the events and timelines outlined in this document are subject to change.       has been assigned as a liaison for you, your friends and family and any other persons you wish to have contacted. The liaison will be the primary contact for you and your listed contacts (family, friends, and other individuals you have identified to IDOC) and will be your point of contact with the IMSI warden. A letter will be sent to your identified contacts with IDOC informing them about the liaison and providing contact information. You will be permitted to keep 6 cubic feet of legal and religious materials, a pencil and paper, books, periodicals, tablet, MP3 player, and commissary food items. You will not possess any other property unless approved by the IMSI warden in writing. Following this meeting your property will be inventoried in your presence, boxed, sealed, and removed from the cell. After an unclothed body search, you will be issued a clean set of clothing and taken to an isolation cell. You will receive bar soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, a towel, and a washcloth. Your bedding, towel, washcloth, and clothing will be exchanged daily. You will be provided daily outdoor exercise, showers, and phone calls to persons permitted by law and IDOC rules. You will have access to a television in your isolation cell. You will be allowed to purchase food items from the commissary until 7 days before the execution date. All medications will be unit-dosed and issued in liquid form if available. No medication, including over-the-counter medication, will be dispensed, or maintained as keep-on-person. All visitors must meet IDOC visitor standards and be approved by the IMSI Warden. Visiting times and lengths of visits will be determined by the IMSI Warden. You are allowed contact visits with your attorney of record and attorney of record agents until you are taken to the execution chamber. You may select spiritual advisors to meet with you. You are allowed contact visits with your spiritual advisors in the seven days immediately preceding the execution. Prior to that, you are permitted non-contact visits with spiritual advisors. You are allowed contact visits with members of your immediate family in the seven days preceding the execution. Prior to that, you are permitted non-contact visits with your immediate family. You may have the following witnesses present at the execution: one spiritual advisor, one attorney of record, and two other witnesses of your choice. You may decline to have any or some of those permitted to be present at the execution. Minors, other offenders, and IDOC staff cannot attend the execution at your request without approval from the IDOC Director. All witnesses must be approved under IDOC visitor standards. At approximately 1900 hours the day prior to the execution you will be offered your last meal, selected by you from the established IDOC menu. You will be offered a light snack no later than 5 hours before the execution. You will be offered a mild sedative approximately 12 hours and 4 hours before the execution. You will be transported by gurney to the execution chamber. You may bring one pre-approved religious item with you into the execution chamber. You will be provided the opportunity to make a brief last statement. You may elect to have your eyes covered during the execution. You will be executed by lethal injection. Within the next 5 days, please provide your liaison with your decisions and information regarding the following, including providing complete forms, if necessary: The name and contact information of the individuals, if any, you wish to have present to witness the execution so that IDOC may notify them and begin the necessary background check process for those individuals. A completed Idaho Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment form to place in your medical file and will control what level of lifesaving measures facility healthcare will use should it become necessary. Your directions for the disposition of your remains. The options for the disposition of your remains are: Your immediate family claims your remains and makes private arrangements at their own expense; or A non-family member claims your remains and makes private arrangements at their own expense, if family members do not or if you have made documented arrangements with a non-family member to do so; or IDOC will have your body cremated and determine an appropriate location for disposition of your remains if no one claims your remains. Your directions for the disposition of funds in your IDOC trust account. Your directions for the disposition of your property. Your last meal request from the standard IDOC menu. Delivered by: Date: