HomeMy WebLinkAboutVRC Manual IDAHO
VRC Volgistics Guide
March 2016
Purpose: This guide serves as a resource for Volunteer and Religious Activity Coordinators
(VRC) Department-wide in using Volgistics, the online volunteer management tool, in fulfilling
their responsibility as VRC. Facility VRC's are responsible for coordinating, recruiting, and
managing volunteers and volunteer activities as well as coordinating and supervising religious
eoRRcc HON
Table of Contents
I. Definitions...........................................................................................................................3
II. Volunteer Service Requirements ......................................................................................3
III. Logging in to Volgistics......................................................................................................4
IV. Processing New Volunteer Applications........................................................................... 5
A. Application Receipt ......................................................................................................... 5
B. Review Volunteer Record................................................................................................ 5
C. Obtain the New Volunteer Application ........................................................................... 7
D. Route the New Volunteer Application for Review.......................................................... 8
E. Volunteer Applicant Denied.......................................................................................... 10
F. Volunteer Applicant Approved...................................................................................... 10
G. Save the Volunteer Application Review Form in the Docs Tab.................................... 10
V. Update Volunteer Record for Approved Volunteer...................................................... 14
A. Change Status from Pending to Active.......................................................................... 14
B. Update Service Tab........................................................................................................ 15
C. Update History Tab........................................................................................................ 18
VI. Duplicate Volunteer Records ..........................................................................................22
VII. Volunteer at Multiple Facilities.......................................................................................23
A. New Volunteer............................................................................................................... 23
B. Route Clean Volunteer Application Review Form for Facility Approval..................... 23
C. Adding a Facility to Volunteer Record.......................................................................... 23
VIII. Annual Background Check............................................................................................. 25
IX. Mailbox.............................................................................................................................. 29
A. Sending Messages to Volunteers................................................................................... 29
X. Scheduling.........................................................................................................................32
March 2016 Page 2 of 33
nePUMENT or•
I. Definitions
Coordinator: this is the facility VRC.
Volunteer Record: this is the record created for the volunteer in Volgistics.
Volgistics Administrator: this is the person at Central Office responsible for overseeing the
volunteer program statewide; referred to as Prisons Division VRC in policy.
VicNet: online volunteer portal for volunteers to update contact information, view volunteer
service schedules, receive updates on training and IDOC activities.
VicTouch: online check in/out system for officers to check volunteer in/out of the facility.
II. Volunteer Service Requirements
New Volunteers are required to:
1. Complete the online volunteer application
2. Complete 6 hours of New Volunteer Training
3. Complete Facility Orientation
Returning Volunteers are required to:
1. Complete the online volunteer application initially during implementation of Volgistics
2. Complete 4 hours of Volunteer Training annually
VRC's are required to:
1. Ensure the Volunteer Application Review form is completed at their specific facility and
the volunteer is approved before the volunteer begins his/her volunteer service.
2. Ensure a background check is completed for all volunteers at least annually.
3. If there is a change in the volunteer's background security check, circulate the Volunteer
Application Review form to determine if the facility leadership still approves the
volunteer's access to the facility.
4. Notify other VRC's if volunteer access is revoked from your facility.
March 2016 Page 3 of 33
II1. Long in to Volgistics
1. Go to: https://www.volaistics.com/
2. Select the yellow =button on the top right corner and enter your account number,
email and password. Select Loin
a. Account Number: 539687712
b. Email: your IDOC designated email address (e.g. namekidoc.idaho.gov)
c. Password: your initial password will be VolgisticsOl
i. Change your password when you first log in
ii. If you forget your password, notify the Administrator and he/she will reset
your password.
3. You will automatically be taken to the =page. Notice in the left menu,
=is highlighted orange.
U Volunteer Info rinati 0 Volgistics %
Volgistics Inc.[us1 https://www.uolglstics.com/ex/core.dll/?NavTc)=Start
Apps * Bookmarks D Customize LinksImported From lE Q Central Desktop t(Message Archiver....
• Welcome Jamie Hess Smith
.. Account Statistics Mail
Your mailbox has:
Volunteer records:3
New messa9es:f
Tick r Arc hived volunteer records:6
Cumulative hours of service:d Help email:5 Open
• (as of yeste relay)
Help Tip of the Week August 3,2016
- Set schedule calendar to default to a specific date or
p lintmonth.
MailboxIf you re using V of g i sti c s to prepare for an event that will
• _ take place in the future.you may want to setup the
schedule calendar to default to a date or month other
Setup than the cunentone.This makes it easierto use
because you will not need to c hange the view each time
Welcomeyou access the schedule. If volunteers self-schedule
_1p through VicNet or VicTouch,this also makes their
schedule default to the selected month.
Exn You canset this up on the Scheduling Ground Rules
page by:
1. Select Setup from the menu.
2. Expand the Scheduling link.
3. Select Ground rules.
The default settings are under the Additional options
heading. Remember to click the Save button after
changes are made_
You can find tips from previous weeks in the bloo-
4. Select ®from the menu on the left column if you would like to log out at anytime.
March 2016 Page 4 of 33
nErlur fF.VT0fi
IV. Processing New Volunteer Applications
A. Application Receipt
1. Initially, all volunteers are req uired to submit their application online.
2. VRC's will receive an email from the central point of contact for volunteer applications
when an application has been submitted.
3. Log into your Volgistics account and select =from the left column menu. You
will see 6 tabs on the main window, see picture below. Select the third tab,
fir Am* f4 &6C4ff rrL . [.xix�w"a In+o m"frmm ff ID CdvmAt btom p .,f mmia++w Am r_
a o. .
- Mailbox
�� �ifs }r.w�a. irr�t arra Bot
APPOkadam 0 + Au sd&s p
You h8V&1 Par? MO aOPFcatrans
�o+w+6a.0 A;0Kakn 4321 Week dou".10 Vohod o APPkM.n 06-0&!416 3 39 ...
rsl 0" n= Farm PM
Ctwk#Ri`c6Nd Rd m "Tho-ch*ckApd opphcaton5 inoo ft
C.k l Dow(p to dowu All or Ubu clrrckaa aPPW41Kr6 ask"; — -
YW dda6tia•has LpaC*Nt 1 rli?.aadOxvir,oMf.«record,
Ulm D"h1b10rue ewrc now yaaM mwr spD1csban krnH.tr nvvdp m*crtedvorrdw nxwft
Flirt#a checwrmrM rcd W cath t-tord VW Wr In 10 rommov.MW CWA mo 1R*MWf*Nawt
4. Check the box next to the volunteer application and selectEE .
NOTE: Once you click"Receive," a new volunteer record is automatically created! All
of the information the volunteer entered in the online application will populate the
volunteer record. Take note of the person who submitted the application to locate it easily
B. Review Volunteer Record
1. Select from the left column menu. You can either: select Efrom the top of
the screen to show all of the volunteer records, or select the letter of the name of the new
March 2016 Page 5 of 33
A a _Q L E E a H 1 J K L N1 LY 4 P Q a a S _U li �1 x Y Z�All
Stfltll$= Ary
Flags= 8 FA_ny *I
a 1 Any
set= 0 Argy Tj
Tags= e Awn T I
'r Clear
Advanced apti�FL■�
Find from within all vofunleer records-
Valid searches:exact phrase(such as'Voigistics)or an'(asterisk)
at the beginning_middfa.al-d "gistfcs or'Va'stfa&or'Voig"_
Last Name: 11 c—
First Name. rdol
Number Eool
Group Name:
New vdunteer
a. If you do not recall the name of the volunteer applicant, select from the top
right corner, look at the column on the right side of the screen
to determine which volunteer submitted the new application.
2. Select the new volunteer and review the record. Make sure all information needed is
adequately entered in the volunteer record by navigating through all 9 tabs.
�VOlylsrcs New VoLnte<r Appluacc a
�— ,� � gvoi,lsn r:tn�.lusl,hr[psi•;vnvw,volgls[ics.rom/eKlcore.dll!'rvavio=5[arc
BeeN ks L Ceocm:se Links d rmpe Fwm IE O CenPJ De3eap tL Mesrage AnenvT...
• • Application,Test
- grafi@ � spire � scN wgk � xiam.r i cgnra�v i xows I vw � oga.
0 cid Arulire oeleLa--cewdna 0 N¢ct
- nragged C�cepy
Lmt Name:Applicmion Sows PeMirg• 8
Middle uarnc 0 Tnlc O
Meiling OOO Nlaili�y Addres¢ Homer CGkio rat
Streei Atltlress_ Gee_F---------—I O OM�o oat
odyars Te
Stade 8
L woes w
Stele: Ip- nw,,®
Messagirg:l l No postal mal ❑_W.
C Notu><[message
Flag¢ Fes' ALJ 8
Notice in the tab of the volunteer applicant's record, the Status is "Pending."
This must remain as "Pending"until the volunteer application has been reviewed b. the
ILETS Operator and facility leadership_
March 2016 Page 6 of 33
eoRREc rfo!v
C. Obtain the New Volunteer Application
1. From the new volunteer's record, click on the soca tab.
• i
• Application, Test
' Care profile I service Schedule History Contacts Notes Vic
Refresh Filter ❑ Tagged New Previa
post Documents
Kind Uploaded
Print Aoolication-New Volunteer Application 00f20f1511:22AM
-UTk* Check all Un cheek all
' Click Delete to delete the checked documents:• 6e—le e
m1come Refresh Filter New Previous Next
2. Click on the link to the application.
3. A new internet tab will pop up with the completed application.
o httpsl/www.volgistics.mx
ire Links M Imported from IE 0 Central Desktop I(Message Arch-,.....
Idaho Department Of Correction New Volunteer Application
Please complete this application form if you are interested in becoming a volunteer wish the Idaho Department of C-0i on.
The Volunteer and Couectional History and Criminal History sections REQUIRE a response.Please provide a response in
0--sections_If it is not applicable,enter"N)A,Ong you complete the form,dick the submit hutton as the hot[.—
For additional information on the status of your application,please contact the facility VRC.VRC contact information can be
found at the folling website:http llwavw_idoc.idaho_govlcomentlpder
sonslvolunte _s rvrceslvolunteer coordinators_
Personal Information
First Name. Test
Last Name Application
Middle name. K
Mailing Address. 000 Mailing Address
Street Pd dress.
Ddvers Li—nse ID
City. Boise
state In
4. You can print the application or save it as a PDF.
a. At the top of the screen the following options will appear
March 2016 Page 7 of 33
nEr.+MF.VT or•
eoRREc rfo!v
b. Click the U to save the file. Click the 0 to print it.
c. Or click the menu option on the internet browser and select print.
-EyNTkyNDg D
mgRU VQvdCS BWxcpVvLaid m&&V DOCw MM N=TTExODg40 DUS
8 Sync Error.Update Sync passphram..
New tab Ctrl*T
New wiFKIM Ctrl+N
N—incognito window Ctr9+Shi
ormcdon New Vol unteerApplicatioat
1n-rcduaw rca&17sm. y816ry
Uownfoads Cod
Recent tabs '
coming a volunteer with the Idaho Deipartrnem of Correctior
ections REgUIRE a response.Please provide a response in &ookmarks '
mplete the form.dick the submit button at the bottom.
ase eontad the facility VRC.WRC contact information can be Zoom – lon
ntfprisonslvolunicer serviceshrdunteef_coordinatofs.
Save page
More took
Edit Cir Copy Passe
About Google Chrome
Exit Ctrl+Shift+Q
D. Route the New Volunteer Application for Review
1. Submit the New Volunteer Application to the ILETS Operator at your facility along with
a blank Volunteer Application Review form.
March 2016 Page 8 of 33
DEPARTMENT OF Volunteer Application Review Form
CORRECTION For use by the Idaho Department of Correction ONLY
Volunteer Name: Date:
Last First M-1
ILETS Operator
Criminal Background Check
❑No criminal record.
❑ No tnisdemeanor dntg conviction within the last 3 years.
❑ No felony con,Yction.
❑ Has misdemeanor drug con,,,iction within the last 3 years(Complete section below).
❑ Has a felony conviction(Complete section below).
Is the volunteer on an offender visiting list? ❑ Yes ❑ No
ILETS Operator Name (Print): Assoc. #:
Work Location: I Phone:
If applicable,ILETS Results
Also knoi�m as.-Alias:
States Needing Quer Run:
2. If you have more than one pending application, make sure you include a clean Volunteer
Application Review form for each one.
NOTE: If, at any time in the process, you need additional information from the volunteer
applicant,please contact the volunteer!
If there's an error in the online application, you can either 1) Have the volunteer resubmit the
online application, or 2) manually enter the information into the volunteer record.
If you have the applicant resubmit, contact the Volgistics Administrator to delete the
volunteer record from Voglistics. Remember,when a new applicant submits their application
online, a new volunteer record is automatically created when you"Receive"the application.
3. Once the ILETS Operator returns the Volunteer Application and Volunteer Application
Review form, make your recommendation.
Type of Volunteer: ❑ Level 1 ❑ Limited Service
Recommend Approval? ❑ Yes ❑ No OR ❑Restricted Access Approval
If no,please explain:
If recommending Restricted Access status,please explain:
VRC Name(Print): Assoc.#: Date:
VRC Signature: Date:
March 2016 Page 9 of 33
Ul!'!R7 lENTOF
eoRc rfox
a. A criminal record is not an automatic disqualification of volunteer status. Always
process the application regardless of the outcome background check. You can
stric#ed Access Approval
recommend if you have concerns about the
b. The volunteer's initial volunteer status will be either: I ❑ Level fl or
IEl Lnntted ecce . A volunteer may request Level 2 status. Please see
section XI. Moving from Level 1 to Level 2 Status of this guidebook.
4. Circulate the application to the Deputy Warden, or second in command, and the Warden
or CRC Manager for review.
a. There may be instances where the background review"failed,"but the facility
leadership elects to approve the volunteer.
E. Volunteer Applicant Denied
1. If the new volunteer applicant is not approved, notify the applicant. Go into the
volunteer's record in Volgistics. Under the tab, update the Status from"Pending"
to "Denied." Click EET
cure Profile I Service Schedule History Contacts Hotel Vic [foes
save Carel Arehive Delete Combine New Pr�evinus Next
ed —..copy
t Name: Application Status: Denied
First Name: Test
Middle name: K Title: * ctive
Mailing C.C.C.Mailing Address Home: CA toeall
2. Notify the Division VRC of the denial.
3. Save the Volunteer Application Review Form articulating the denial in the volunteer
record based on the instructions below.
F. Volunteer Applicant Approved
1. Save the completed Volunteer Application Review Form in the volunteer record based on
the steps below. Complete the steps outlined in Section V. Update Volunteer Record for
Approved Volunteer.
G. Save the Volunteer Application Review Form in the Docs Tab
1. Scan the signed Volunteer Application Review Form(not the application) and save it
based on the following naming sequence:
March 2016 Page 10 of 33
a. Last Name, First Name-Date(year XXXX, month XX, and day XX)-Facility
b. For example, "Smith, Jamie-2015.09.25-ISCC"
Notice, there are no spaces between the first name, the dash, and the year or between the day and
the facility. You must use four numbers for the year, two numbers for the month, and two
numbers for the date. It is critical that this naming sequence is adhered to by all VRC's. This will
help sort the volunteer applications for easy access in the future.
2. Log into Volgistics, navigate to the volunteer's volunteer record. Make sure you're in the
right volunteer's volunteer record.
3. Click on the �° tab. Click °°se File
C o, Profile Service Schedule History I Contacts Notes W Docs
Refresh Filter ❑ Tagged New Previous Next
1 documents on file. You may have a maximum of 50 documents on file.
Kind File Name Uploaded
Application-New Volunteer Application 01A06J16 9:57 PM
Gh�eck all Un-ch�k all
Glick Delete to delete the checked documents: i Delete
Upload new PDF; Word,Text; XLS documents or images_
We recommend optimizing your PDF documents before uploading to make the most of your storage space. Click here.
For more information.
Please remember that VDlgistics is not HIPAA compliant; and should not be used to store protected health
information_Glick here for more information.
Step 1
GI ose file butt Q2dilD select the file you want to upload.
Choose File'4qW
Glick the Upload button to start uploading.
U Plaad
4. Find the saved file and click
March 2016 Page 11 of 33
eoRREc rfo!v
t Computer t idochddd[C:I t 11 1 Search idochddd(C.)
Organize- Newfolder 9__ ®i
TZ Favorites Name Date modified Type Si-
izeI:.-wrqtmp 10/24120143:41 PM Filefolder
Downloads AMP 1012412014220 PM Filefolder
Recent Places Intel 1/14/20143:37 PM Filefolder
Qrophoa Minisoft 11116/20158:36 AM Filefolder
_ PerfLogs 7/13/20099:20 PM Filefolder
.;4 Libraries Program Files 2/26/20154:02 PM Filefolder
Documents Program Files(Alli] 2/17/20168:42 AM Filefolder
,1 Music SWSetup 5/15/201410:53 AM File folder
Q Pictures Temp 517120154:42 PM Filefolder
®Videos Users 211120167:52 AM Filefolder
09p Computer f]Smith Jamie-2915-09-25-LSCC 313012016 9:07 AM Adobe Acrobat J. 3 K6I
IL idochddd(G)
Q jamismit CAdoc-sco-fs011vol11home)(H:)
4 vo13[lldoc-sco-fs01)IP:)
Filename: Smith,Jamie-2015-09-25-I5CC All Files
Open Cancel
5. Click Upl'aad
Step 2
Click the Upload button to start uploading_
6. Wait for the file to upload. You will see a"waiting to be scanned"next to the file name.
Core Profile I Service I rchedi le I History Contacts Notes Vic
Refresh Filter u Tagged New Previous Nex
2 documents on file.You may have a maximum of 5a documents on file.
Kind File Name Uploaded
CJ Smith, Jamie-2[715-(78-25-ISCC (waiting to be scanned) Q3l30l16 11:14 AM Edit
CJ Application-New Volunteer Application JUOV16 8:07 PM Edit
Check all Unheck all
Click Delete to delete the checked documents: Delete
7. If you don't see the file, click Retres�' from the bottom of the page.
8. Once the download is complete, you will see the new file next to the volunteer
March 2016 Page 12 of 33
Core Profile I Service I Schedule I History Contacts Nates I ilio Docs
Refresh Filter ,, Tagged New Previous I Next
2 documents on file. You may have a maximum of 50documents on file.
Kind File Name Uploaded
CJ a Smith. Jamie-2015-09-25-ISCC 03130/16 11:12 AM Edit
O a Application-New VolurdeerApplication 01/04116 3:07 PM Edit
Chock all Un-check all
Click Delete to delete the checked documents: Delete
March 2016 Page 13 of 33
eoRREc rfo!v
V. Update Volunteer Record for Approved Volunteer
If the volunteer's application was approved, complete each of the following steps in this
section. Go into the volunteer's record in Volgistics by selecting Ciiafrom the left
menu column and select Mor the letter of the last name of the volunteer and navigate to
that volunteer's record.
NOTE: Do NOT use the "Previous" or"Next"buttons while updating the volunteer record.
It will take you to the `previous' or `next' volunteer record and can lead to changes in the
wrong record.
Application, Test
Core Profle Service SchedWe History Contacts Notes Vic 0
- Save Cancel Archive Delete Cambirre New Previa Next
Tagged copy
Last Name: Application Status: Pending ■ 8
First Narne: Test
Middle name:0
A. Change Status from Pending to Active
1. Under the=tab, update the Status from "Pending" to "Active." Click .
Profile Service } Schedule History 1 Contacts 1 Nates Vic
Save Cancel Archive Delete Com Gine New Previous Next
f Tagged C.Py
Last Name: Hess Smith Status: Active 8
First Name:1,11.nnie
Middle name:F��Title:O+ Inactive
Alias: Pending
Mailing 1299 N_Orchard St_.Suite 716 Ham.: (208)672-3432 0 akto rsn
Street Address: Work: (208)672-3432 0 ak to can
City: Boise Cell [208)672-3432 O
State: Zip:
ak to can
OID Zi 837D6 ext [ 8
P: T
p Na postal mail 0N.email Fax-
Messaging: 0 Na text message
Web site=
tat , 5 Life: YTD: MTD:
Hours- 0-00 0-00 0-00
Years of service-Nave
Date of last activity-Nave
Save Cancel Archive Delete Campine 0 0 Next
NOTE: Skip the Erofile tab. All of the information in the ® tab was already
populated with the volunteer's online application entries.
March 2016 Page 14 of 33
B. Update Service Tab
The tab will be used to view the facility the volunteer is assigned to, the type of
volunteer, the date the initial application was approved, the date the new volunteer training is
completed, the date the facility orientation was completed, and the type of volunteer service.
1. Select the tab. There will be a box for Assignments and a box for
Enter the following volunteer information in the I Assignme section:
• Application, Test
Care l Profile Service ' Schedule History I Contacts Hates vi
_ u Tagged New Previous Next
gnmell nt: ■
of Volunteer Level 1 Volunteer ■
Initial Application0MM New VolunteerTrainirg Completed:
r - - Facility Orientation®
of Volunteer L31
Save Cancel
Assignment: ■
2. Select your facility from the drop down menu next to Assignment:
3. Select the Type of Volunteer from the drop down menu next to Type of 1olunteer: This
will automatically default to Level 1 Volunteer, but be sure to select the appropriate
category, for example, if the volunteer is a limited service volunteer, that option needs to
be selected from the drop down.
Initial Application
4. Enter the date the volunteer's initial application was approved in the Approved:
section. If you do not have record of the date the initial application was approved, enter
the date of the last signature of the most recent application.
5. Enter the date the New Volunteer Training was completed in the
New Vol unteerTraininiq completed: section.
NOTE: New Volunteer Training is different from the Annual Refresher Training.
March 2016 Page 15 of 33
eoc rfox
Facility Orientation
6. Enter the date the Facility Orientation was completed in the Completed: section. If
this hasn't been completed yet, leave it blank.
Type of Voluntee
7. Select the type of service from the drop down menu in the Service: section. This
list includes the most common types of volunteer service, including faith-based and
secular options (e.g. AA/NA, Vocational, etc.).
Application, Test
' Care 1 Prufle Schedule History Contacts Nates Vic
-� - Tagged New Previous Next
Assignment:I ISCC Volunteer ■
Type of Volundeerl Level 1 Volunteer ■
is Initial Application 03142015 ® New Volunteer Training Completed: 0312-2015
r Facility Orientation
Cam pleted: MM
' Type of Volunteer Jehovah's Witness ■
service= 4
� Save Cancel
9. Once the information is entered, click Save .
10. The information entered will be saved as a line item under assignment. Notice, the
Coordinator column will automatically populate the VRC's name based on the facility.
4■/Volgmtics x
volgistic Inc.[us] https://www.vDlyistics.com/ex/cove.dI l/?NaVTD=OVR
Apps * Bookmarks ❑ C-1—i—Links ED Imported From IE Q Central Desktop t(Message Archive....
VolunteersApplication, Test
Care prorile Schedule I History I Contacts I Nates
O Tagged New Previous Next
Assignmerrts O
Initial New Volunteer Facility Type of
Assignment Voncelurdeer Application Training Orientation Volunteer Coordinator
Approved Completed Completed Service
VolunteerLevel Robert Black
1 Jehovah's
[Idaho State Volunteer 03142015 0312-2015 Witness Ken Sots Edit Qelele
Correctional Martin Sorxierman
11. If you need to edit, the information, select the small orange E� button to the right of the
March 2016 Page 16 of 33
jDEP4RruF:VT or•
IU Volgistics %
F = C a volgisticsInc.[US] https://www.vc)lgistics.cam/ex/core.dII/?NavTo=CVR
Apps * Bookmarks [) Customize Links C]Imported From E 9 Central Desktop +(MessageArchiuer....
VolunteersApplication, Tes#
Core profile EL"le 'I History I Contacts Notes Vic
�• � . �
Tagged rNew Previous Next
Initial New Volunteer Facility Typeof
ol nteer Application Training Orentation Volunteer Coordinator
Approved Completed Completed Service
VolunteerRobert Black
LStateevel 1 Jehovah's
Correctional me Volunteer 09-14-2015 09-12-2015Ken
Mart neSonderman
' Center]
12. For example, to update the Facility Orientation Completed date, select the orange Eil
button. An Edit section will pop up.
Application, Test
Care 1 pr aFile 1_ Schedule ) History I Contacts ) Notes i Vic i
Schedule O Tagged New Previous Next
Tickler Assignments 8
Initial New Volunteer Facility Type of
Tags Assignment Volunteer Application Training Orientation Volunteer Coordinator
Sets "i Approved Completed Completed Service
Print CC Volunteer Rul—
daho State Level1 Jehovah's Black
Mailbox orectional Volunteer 0314-2015 6312-201E Witness Ken Solts E,I: Cele,e
Who's Here enter]
S on d erm an
Assignment: ISCC Volunteer ■
Type of Volunteer.I Level 1 Volunteer ■
Initial ApplicationWI1 2015 ® New Vol unteerTrainirg Completed:0312-2015 �f
TY;-i ity M.-
Type❑ :
Save Cancel
Facility Orientation
13. Enter the ° ��et - in the Edit section and click Save .
March 2016 Page 17 of 33
P rfo"v
NOTE: Skip the tab at this time. The volunteer's schedule cannot be added through
this tab,but will be added through the = section after all of the volunteer records are
C. Update History Tab
The Hm tab is used to document"Checklist" items. Checklist items include the Annual
Background Check and the Annual Refresher Training. These are two items that are required
on an annual basis. Updating this tab is one of the most important steps!
1. Go to the ustory tab. Notice, the status change from Pending to Active is
automatically documented in this tab.
a 0
Application, Test
core I Profile I Service Schedule Contacts Nates Vic
ScheduleSave Cancel ❑Tagged New Previous Next
Tickler Checklist
Post Checklist items
Tags Annual Background Check
Sets Annual Refresher Training Due
Print Save Retresh
Mailbox Dates Startdate:t18-24-2015 6 Date entered.03-211-2015 O
WhUs Here Stop date: 8
Event Date Expires Notation
Welcome Status Active 08-242015 Edit aeiere
Help Status Pending 08-20-2015 Edit aeiere
Add a:0 date
Date. 03142015 J Expires:F-
Save Cancel
March 2016 Page 18 of 33
2. In the Edit section of the Hist° tab, select Checklist from the dropdown menu.
Core Prefile Ser vi re I schedule �� CINM11:rs Nrres
Save Cancel LJ-fagged New FPrevio I Next
Checklist items
U Annual Background Check
D Annual Refresher Training Due
Save f7elresh
Dates Start date:t)8-24-21)15 8 Date entered:08-2t)-2015 8
Stop date: v
Event Date Expires Notation
Status Active 08-24-2015 Edit Qeleie
Status Pending 08-20-2015 Edit DeIol
Ed it
Add a: * date
Statu s
Date: Class ® Expires:
Mai I
Save Cancel
3. Under Event, the two checklist items will be available in the drop down menu.
a. Select Annual Background check
i. In the °ate_ section, enter the date of the last signature on the
Volunteer Application Review Form.
ii. In the section, enter one of the four quarterly due dates:
January 1,April 1,July 1, or October 1 of the following year.
Make sure the due dates of your volunteer population are
staggered evenly between the four dates, i.e. 1/4 are due January 31,
1/4 are due April 30, '/4 are due July 31, and 1/4 are due October 31
of the following year.
iii. In the section, leave this section blank until it's complete.
iv. Click Save .
March 2016 Page 19 of 33
Cae I Profile I Service 1 Schetlule `— CaMacts i Notes I Vic
Sane Cancel ❑Tagged 0 0 Next
Checklist it...
Annual Background Check(due again o03142016 Ren dd l
—�Annual Refresher Trai ning Due
pp Sa✓e Refresh
Dates Standate: a 0ateentered:DR-20-2015 V
Stop date: e
Event Date Expires Notation
Status Active 03142016 Edit oeieie
Status Pending 08.20-2015 edit oetete
Checklist Annual Background Check 03142015 03142016 Edit oelele
Add a:O+ date
Date-1]3142015 II® Expires: ®
Save Cancel
b. Select Annual Refresher Training Due
i. If this is a new volunteer, enter the date the New Volunteer Training as
completed in the Eil section.
ii. Training is good for a full calendar year. In the section, enter
December 31 of the next calendar year. For example, if the New
Volunteer Training was completed on 9/14/15, enter 12/31/16.
iii. In the section, leave this section blank until it's complete.
iv. Click Eil.
Care Profile I Service I Schedule Contacts I Nates Vic
Save Cancel a Tagged New Previous Next
Checklist items
r Annual Background Check(due again on 0314-2016 Renewed)
Annual Refresher Training Due(due again on 12-31-2016 Renewed)
Save Refresh
Dates Startdate: Q Date entered:08-211-2015 0
Stop date:
Event Date Expires Notation
Status Active 03142016 Edit Delete
Status Pending 08-20-2015 Edit r
Checklist Annual Refresher Training Due 03142015 12-31-2016 Edit Ca,_
Checklist Annual Background Check 03142015 09-14-2016 Edit C
NOTE: The Checklist items will automatically update at the top of the screen with the expiration
dates entered! Make sure you enter the expiration date and that it's accurate!
March 2016 Page 20 of 33
Core 'I Profile 'I Service 'I schedule History Contacts Hates Vic
Save Cancel ❑Tagged New Previous— FNxt
Checklist items
4 Annual Background Check(due again on 0)-142016 f?enerred
Annual Refresher Training Due(due again on 12-31-2016 f?ene;;eo}
Save Refresh
Dates Startdate: 6 Date entered.03-20-2015 6
Stop date: 8
Event Date Expires Notation
Status Active 03142016 Edit Delol
Status Pending 01212015 Edit Delele
Checklist Annual Refresher Training Due 0)-142015 12-31-2016 Edit oelere
Checklist Annual Background Check 03142015 03142016 Edit Delew
4. Notice, the check box is checked next to this checklist item,but the next expiration date
is documented. Do not click on the button next to the Checklist item!
Note: If you click on the small orange button next to the Checklist item, the item
will automatically be marked completed and will be added as a line item in the Dates section
of the HlStary tab. Be careful not to select this button if the item hasn't actually been
March 2016 Page 21 of 33
VI. Duplicate Volunteer Records
Volunteers continuing to volunteer DO NOT need to resubmit their application on an
annual basis! The Department will complete a background check and approval of the volunteers
on an annual basis, but this no longer requires re-application.
1. If they resubmit an online application, Volgistics will recognize that it may be a
duplicate. If this occurs, go to your M, click the `PPI' t1°"$ tab. Check the box
next to the application and click . It's important to delete the application if the
volunteer is already in the database because the application will create a new volunteer
record and there will be a duplicate in the system.
In Box I Out Box Service I Help Eartail I Documents
Ref esh
Applications 8 LI All sites 8
Fags You have 1 pending applications
Name Street Cittf Aoolicatian Pasted TyW
LI Hess Smith,Jamie 1299 N-Orchard St-, Boise,In Volunteer 007-2015
cation Farm 11:02 am
T This applicant may already be in the database as:
Jamie Hess Smith
1299 N.Orchard St.,Suite 110
Jamie Street
Boise In 83706
t jam is m it@ idoc.idaha-gm
Check all Urrc heck all
Click Receive to move the checked applications into the database: Receive
Click Delete to delete all of the checked applications: Delete
lift Your database has space far 19%ad d iti onal val unteer records
2. If you manually enter a volunteer that is already entered in the system, Volgistics will
identify if there is a duplicate. Click Cance and do not enter the duplicate record.
�' l.,:.n:c 1I 3err�e Sd,a�tla I Nls[orS` Lui„a cts Nmas I Vic
Possible tluplicate
_ This new volunteer recorxl for Volgisdcs Testing has rw1 been saved yet because there may already be a recorci inr Ihem in
the system.
Pending appii[Ml— Test Application(744a9a)
000 Mailing Address
Base In 00000
000a00�gmai 1.[emm
If you want to save this new record anyway,click the save hutton again.Click the Cancel button ify ou
do not want to save this new volunteer record.
Last Name:Testing sous: Acb— Q
First Name:VotgGliCs
Middle names
3. If a duplicate record is entered, contact the Administrator and request the deletion of the
duplicate. Make sure you know which volunteer record needs to be deleted.
March 2016 Page 22 of 33
1. Volunteer at Multiple Facilities
A. New Volunteer
1. When submitting the online volunteer application, volunteers are only able to select one
2. If the volunteer wants to volunteer at additional facilities, notify the VRC(s) at the other
facility site(s).
3. VRC's statewide will be able to access the volunteer application through Volgistics and
the signed Volunteer Application Review Form from the P Drive.
4. Make sure the Volunteer Application Review Form is completed for each site prior to
accessing additional sites.
B. Route Clean Volunteer Application Review Form for Facility
1. Obtain the other facility's Application Review Form from the ® tab. Make sure the
background check has been completed within the year.
2. On a clean Volunteer Application Review Form, note that the background check has been
completed and reference the date.
If applicable, ILETS Results
Also known aslAlias:
States Needing Query Rini:
Relatives in System:
Felony Record? ❑ Yes ❑ No Misdemeanor Record within 5 years? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Valid Driver's License? ❑ Yes. State Issued: ❑ No Motor Vehicle Record? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Brief description of record(s):
Please see SiCI's Review Form notes. The background
check was completed on 3/30/16.
ILETS Operator Signar re: Date:
3. Complete the VRC section of the clean form.
4. Take the other facility's completed Volunteer Application Review Form and the clean
one for your facility and route it for facility approval.
C. Adding a Facility to Volunteer Record
1. If approved, notify the volunteer of the approval, scan and save the completed Volunteer
Application Review Form in the °es tab in accordance with Section V., G. Save the
Volunteer Application Review Form in the Docs Tab.
March 2016 Page 23 of 33
2. Select � from the left column menu. Navigate to the volunteer's record.
Under the 7r tab, you will see a Sees section.
Sloes site: * ar+e I
3. Select your facility from the dropdown and click .
MAIN - Home: ❑ok to call
Driver' Correctional Alternative Placement Program Cell: Doktocau
Licens East Boise Community Reentry Center
Nurnbei Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Text:
State Driver' Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center
License Issued Idaho Maximum Security Institution
City Idaho State Correctional Center
Idaho State Correctional Institution
Stat Mentor-Free2Succeed
Nampa Community Reentry Center
Messaginc. North Idaho Correctional Institution
Pocatello Women's Correctional Center
Erna[ South Boise Women's Correctional Center
Web sit South Idaho Correctional Institution
St. Anthony Work Camp
Treasure Valley Community Reentry Center
Sites Site: tjo 0
4. Go to the volunteer's ' ' tab, and add the facility under Assignments with the
applicable information in accordance with Section V., B. Update Service Tab.
March 2016 Page 24 of 33
eoRREc rfox
VIII. Annual Background Check
VRC's are required to initiate an annual background check on a quarterly basis. During
implementation of Volgistics, backgrounds were staggered evenly to be due on a quarterly basis.
E.g. 1/4 of the applications will be due January 31, 1/a will be due April 30, 1/4 will be due July 31,
and 1/4 will be due October 31, of the following year. All due dates for the background check to
be completed must fall on one of the four dates. If it does not, contact the Volgistics
1. Select = from the left column menu. Click the plus sign to the left of
G)Volunteer profile Click Annual Background Check Due
D volgistics x JU https:llwww..lgistics.con %
F 1j C 8 volgisticsInc.iusl https://www.vc)lgistics.com/ex/core.dllpNavTc)=Start
Apps * Bookmarks ❑ Customim Links M Imported From 1E Q Central Desktop j(Message Archiver....
Choose the kind of report you want to print.
Move your mouse over any stock report to view a sample. U All Sites 0
1-Ye Style Reports
+]I Batch report
+JI Excel spreadsheet
sets IL D Service details
Print 11�.
D Service summary
D Who's Here Statistics
Setup '+Volunteer list
Volunteer profile
Help Create n new voltintppr nrnfilp re ort
Rnnual Background Check Due
Exit New o un eer pp Ica Ian
Prirrt it
2. Click . Then, click Start printing
Note: Please do NOT make any changes on this page. The report is already set up.
March 2016 Page 25 of 33
Q vo19i't— x _
U vr,Igl:nes x
E -` (; 8volgis csinatu5l https://www.vc>lgistics.com/ex/core.dll/?NavTo= E C I®volgis,,Irc.[us]https://www.volgistics.cam/ex/core,dll/?NavTo=OVR
Apps *Bookmarks ❑Cush mix Links n Imported From BE 4P Central Desktop k(Mese ;;Apps *600kmarks ❑Cu--finks Imported Fmm M Q Central Deskmp r(m—',&,
volgistics volgistiC9
Volunteers Print -- Print
Annual Background Check A
Due Include Hel sadpdmig —1l
Schedule What would you like to do? Tickler Which volunteers do you want to include in this report?
Tickler Post ragged vadm—rte i 0i
postP e it Print this report now 3 these valn eem
Tagssits t-
M it Make setup changes to this report sta
Print Any
Print clSets 'S'Arty al these
one it Create a new report based en this report ❑Active ❑ Denied ❑ Inactive
Mailbox U pending
Wri HereDelete it Delete this report Kind
Bath individuals and groups
setup `_'Individuals only
cancel Return to the Print window >gaups only
Help ste
This report was: Any
Created or last modified September 15,2015 3'32 FM by Jamie Hess Smith U Any al these
EXd Last pnnted o¢September 15,2015 3:32 PM by Jamie Hess Smith u Idaho Department al
Note: The application will not actually print. It will be sent to your �.
3. Once you click ` pnnti . You will receive the following notification:
Your - r r being prepared
The completed report will be delivered to your Volgistics Mailbox as soon as it is finished_You may
continue working in Volgistics while your report is being prepared-
To view the report when it is complete, choose Mailbox from the menu-The report will appear in
your In box.
4. Select = from the left column menu. Notice, you will automatically be in the
tab. Click the '°`nnyal Background Check DLe Ireport. If you don't see the
report, click the Refsh button from the Volgistics screen, not the website window.
March 2016 Page 26 of 33
bEP4RMF.VT or•
e0R11,rc rfo!v
Out Box Applications .� Service Help E-mail Documents
r� r
In Box 0 '—' All sites 0
•� Kind To
Re rt y� 0�1rr2d15 3:32 p Annual Background Check Due ie Hess Smith
f 4 Check all Un-check all
Click Delete to delete the checked messages= Delete
' Help
' This is where you receive the reports you print from Volgistics,as well as'alert'messages.To view a
report or a message,click on the Subject.
To clear)-up old reports or alerts,place a checkmark next to any you no longer need to keep,and then
click the Delete button.
5. A new window will pop up with the report.
NOTE: The report includes the information the ILETS Operator needs to run a background
check: volunteer name, driver's license number and state issued, date of birth, SSN, and
gender. There is also the Assignment, so we know which facility/facilities the person
volunteers at, and the checklist information.
10 https://www.volgistics.co %
[us] https://www.vc)lgist[cs.com/ex/rpts.dii/Download?ID=2Bix8W4c)QiaGX7u3NO2QyUFbOUc)nd42a&PDF=539687712D42262T755
mize Links 71 Imported From IE Q Central Desktop +(Message Archiver:...
Annual Background Check Due
Idaho Department of Correction
Test Application
Driver's License Number&State Issued: Id
Date of birth: 01-01-1960 Social security number: 000-00-0000
Gender: female
ISCC Volunteer
Annual Background Check[due again 09-14-2076]
Annual Refresher Training Due(due again 12-31-2015)
Date Expires
09-16-2015 09-14-2016
09-15-2015 12-31-2015
Approved(sig natuey Date
March 2016 Page 27 of 33
6. Print the report and submit it to the ILETS Operator. Notice, there is a signature block for
the ILETS Operator to note whether the application is approved.
7. If the status of the volunteer's background check has changed from the previous year, the
ILETS Operator will need to complete a new Volunteer Application Review form.
DEPARTMENTOF Volunteer Application Review Form
CORRECTION For use by the Idaho Department of Correction ONLY
Volunteer Name: Date:
Last First MI
ILETS Operator
Crinninal Background Check
❑No criminal record.
❑ No misdemeanor drug conviction within the last 3 years.
❑ No felony conviction.
❑ Has uuuisdemeanor drug conviction within the last 3 years(Complete section below).
❑ Has a felony conviction(Complete section below).
Is the volunteer on an offender visiting list? ❑ Yes ❑ No
ILETS Operator Name (Print): Assoc.f#:
Work Location: I Phone:
If applicable,ILETS Results
Also known as!-"Alias:
States Needing Quer Run:
Note: If nothing changed from the previous year's background check, the application DOES
NOT need to be routed for facility approval.
March 2016 Page 28 of 33
n;4 NR MEET or•
eoRIMUc rfoN
IX. Mailbox
A. Sending Messages to Volunteers
1. Select from the left menu column. Go to the X41# °'� tab.
in Bak Out Bon plrcatlocs Service H9lp F[null I ppcu:nenrs
Recent ..bitiec Deleked
Refiash I Send a message
Out Box 0 All sites
�MS Here
Use this tab Io send messages to volunteers or roardinators via email or Vic Mail(Vic Mail is mai]
elcome volunteers and coordinators receive In VIcNet).Click the Send a message button to send a neer
message naw
To clean-up old messages,place a checkmark next to any old messages you no longer need to keep,
and fhen click the Delete button
2. Select :,en❑ a message .
In Bir[ Out Bax 1312atlons I Service Help E-mail Documents
I Recent Areheved j Deleted
1 Ref�sh U5end sesmapage I
Out Box 0 All sines
. 4J
Use this tab Io send messages to volunteers or roordinators via email et Vic(Nail(Vic Mail Is mai]
- volunteers and coordinators receive In Violet)-Click the Send a message button to send a neer
rnes,sage now
To clean-up old messages,place a checkmark next to any old messages you no longer need to keep.
and then click the Delete button
3. From there, you can send a message by Email, VIC mail, or Text Message. The Email
option will send the message to the volunteer's personal email that was entered in their
volunteer record. VIC mail will go to the Volunteer Portal. Text Message will go to the
volunteer's cell phone. Check the box next to the option you wish to send the message.
March 2016 Page 29 of 33
New message
verc;his message by:
I_ vAG mail
Text Message
From. Jamie Hess Smith Uamismit@idoc.idaha.gov)
TO: volunteer's
� r
Tagged volunteers( 1)
All Actlive * volunteers
,4 All of the vdurAews in this Set=I Applic ation B,Agreement Renewal Required ;
❑ All volunteers
U Alr coardinatom (16)
Buts eu:
A#tachment: None
4. Under"To:"you can send it to Volunteers and/or Coordinators.
a. Under Volunteers, you can select a volunteer from the drop down men, select
Tagged volunteers, certain volunteers based on their status (Active, Pending,
Denied, or Inactive), volunteers within a specific Set, or all volunteers.
New message
Send this message by:
I Email
I_ "C mail
L Text Message
From:Jamie Hess Smith{amismit@idoc.idaho.gov)
•Ieersthis Set: pylicanon B reement R
U I ■
1_I All coordinators(16)
Attachment: None ■
b. Under coordinators, you can select a specific coordinator from the drop down
box, or send the message to all of the coordinators.
March 2016 Page 30 of 33
eoRREc rfo!v
New message
Send this.message by:
VIC mail
_' Text Message
From.Jamie Hess Smith(j ismit@idoc.idaho.gov)
To. Volurneets
U Tagged volunteers(1)
LJAll Active T w4unteers
r.All of the volunteers in this Sat:i Application$Agreement Renewal Required
D Ail
Alt coordinators(16)
Attachment: None •
5. Enter the subject of the message, any attachments needed, and the message. Remember,
you are representing the volunteer services for the entire Department. Make sure your
message is professional and related to the volunteer services.
6. At the bottom of the page, you can Save to send later, Send now, or Cancel.
Save to send later I Send now arrGel
March 2016 Page 31 of 33
eoRREc rfoN
X. Scheduling
1. Select the � tab from the left menu column.
� Calerdar
Monday,August 24,2015 FA W-7 24 • 2915 F&i]
® Nex[day
6�aB 111 y�shoat
•• Schedule a volunteer
Volunteer.S Sets 0
Assignment:Print +
From:0 toMailbox
Frequency: O One time: August + 24 • 2915Who's Here +
U Regular
Setup Sun Man Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Every ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
• 1st ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
- 2nd ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3rd ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
4th ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
5th ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Alternate ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Time period:Starting: August * 24 + 2915
O Ongoing
O Ending: August * 24 + 2915
This schedule entry is not linked to an opening
Save Cancel
2. Select the volunteer from the drop down menu. Enter the volunteer service schedule
Monday,August 24. 2015 FA—.g+ F2-4-- z915 ® Prey day Next day
Yew View
Schedule a volunteer
Volunteer. Application,Test ■
Assignment: ISCC Volunteer[Idaho Department of Correctionlldah...] ■
From: 19:U9 a ■ to 11:99 a ■
Frequency: ❑ Onetime: August ■ 24 ■ 2{115 ■
[.j Regular.
Sun Man Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Every Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
list ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2nd ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3rd ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
4th ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
5th ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Alternate ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Time period:Starting: August ■ 24 ■ 2915 ■
iji Ongoing
O Ending: August ■ 24 ■ 2915 ■
This schedule entry is not linked to an opening
Save Cancel
3. Click .
March 2016 Page 32 of 33
4. Select � from the left menu column. Navigate to the volunteer's record.
Select the sche�u�e tab. You will see the volunteer service schedule that was just
entered from
Application, Test
care ` Profile i Service 1- History i CnMacts 1 Nates i Vic i Docs 1
Schedule n Tagged New Previous Next
Post qW August 2015 Aug ■ 2015 ■Tags ® Prev month Next month
Assignment From ToPrint
Sunday,August 30,2015
Mailbox ISCC Volunteer[Idaho State Correctional Center] 10-00a 11-00a r Edii r<.,---
S Setup.
Add to schedule
Welcome Choose the Assi nmentyou want to schedule this volunteer for,then click Go:
Help CAPP Volunteer[Correctional Alternative Placement Program] ■
Exit -1
Regular Schedule
Assignment From time To time Days Starting Ending
I SCC Volunteer[Idaho State Correctional Center] 10:00a 11.00a Su(every) 08-30-2015 Ongoing Edit Rem—
March 2016 Page 33 of 33