HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolunteer Manual IDAHO
Revised November 2017
The purpose of the Volunteer Handbook is to provide important information regarding volunteer
service requirements as well as Department resources. This handbook supplements the
information learned during volunteer training as well as the information available on the IDOC
website: hgps://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/volunteer_services.
Volunteer Manual
Table of Contents
AboutIDOC.................................................................................................................................... 3
PrisonFacilities........................................................................................................................... 3
Community Reentry Centers (CRC)........................................................................................... 4
Facility VRC Contact Information.................................................................................................. 6
InmateResources............................................................................................................................ 7
Mail............................................................................................................................................. 7
Hygiene....................................................................................................................................... 7
Concerns, Grievances, and Appeals............................................................................................ 7
Healthcare................................................................................................................................... 7
Accessto Courts ......................................................................................................................... 7
Educationand Programming....................................................................................................... 7
TransitionalFunding................................................................................................................... 8
VolunteerAgreement...................................................................................................................... 9
New Volunteer Application Process............................................................................................. 11
EligibilityRequirements........................................................................................................... 11
NewVolunteer Process............................................................................................................. 11
VolunteerPortal............................................................................................................................ 12
FAQ's............................................................................................................................................ 13
Definitions and Acronyms............................................................................................................ 15
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About IDOC
Our Mission: Protect the public, our staff, and those within our custody and supervision through
safety, accountability,partnerships and providing opportunities for offender change.
Prison Facilities
1. Correctional Alternative Placement Program (CAPP)
15505 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
The CAPP facility opened July 1, 2010 south of Boise. Management Training
Corporation (MTC) built the facility and operates the program. CAPP offers intensive
treatment for substance abuse and cognitive issues for up to 432 low to moderate risk
male offenders needing substance abuse treatment.
2. Idaho Maximum Security Institution (IMSI)
13400 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
IMSI opened in November 1989 to confine Idaho's most disruptive offenders. The facility
has an operating capacity of 402 offenders and is located south of Boise. The population
is primarily comprised of close custody and administrative segregation offenders. IMSI
also operates the state Secure Mental Health Facility, houses offenders under the sentence
of death, and civil commitments.
3. Idaho State Correctional Center(ISCC)
14601 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna, ID 83634
ISCC is the Department's largest facility and currently has an operating capacity of 2,136
inmates. ISCC operates with 274 uniformed staff and 67 non-uniformed staff. ISCC
houses medium and close custody male offenders offering basic education, vocational
education, and other programming opportunities.
4. Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI)
13500 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
ISCI is the Department's oldest state-run facility and has an operating capacity of 1446
offenders. It is the primary facility for long-term male, medium-custody offenders. ISCI
also has special-use beds for infirmary, outpatient mental health, and geriatric offenders.
5. South Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI) & Pre-Release Center(SICI-PRC)
13900 Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
SICI houses 556 minimum-custody male offenders in a dormitory setting. Most offenders
are close to release or parole and are participating in programs, education, and work
opportunities to prepare for transition back into the community. The facility has a Work
Projects program where staff take crews of offenders to work in the community on
projects such as road crews for the Idaho Transportation Department and conservation
and firefighting crews for the U.S. Forest Service. The facility provides offender work
crews for Maintenance staff for the South Boise Complex and offender workers for the
Correctional Industries program. SICI also operates a 104 bed Rider program for Female
retained jurisdiction offenders.
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6. South Boise Women's Correctional Center(SBWCC)
13200 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
SBWCC is a treatment and transition facility for minimum security female offenders
located south of Boise. SBWCC has an operating capacity of 284 offenders in two
separate housing units. Programming opportunities are based on cognitive and behavioral
change through intensive treatment, education and accountability.
7. North Idaho Correctional Institution (NICI)
236 Radar Rd., Cottonwood, ID 83522
NICI is a former military radar station north of Cottonwood, ID. This facility is a
program-specific prison with an operating capacity of 414 male offenders. NICI primarily
houses offenders sentenced under a retained jurisdiction sentence. Retained jurisdiction
provides a sentencing alternative for courts to target offenders who might, after a period
of programming and evaluation, be viable candidates for probation rather than
8. Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino (ICIO)
381 West Hospital Drive, Oroftno ID 83544
ICIO is designed to house up to 580 male offenders. The facility primarily houses
medium custody offenders but also houses offenders needing protective custody. Givens
Hall, a unit adjacent to the compound, serves as a work camp. ICIO offers vocational
work programs, education, and other programming opportunities.
9. Pocatello Women's Correctional Center (PWCC)
1451 Fore Rd., Pocatello ID 83204
PWCC opened in April 1994 and has an operating capacity of 289 female offenders of all
custody levels. The facility operates the reception and diagnostic center for women.
PWCC also has vocational work projects, Correctional Industries, a behavioral health
unit, education, programming, pre-release program, dog program, and work-release
10. St.Anthony Work Camp (SAWC)
125 N. 8th West, St. Anthony, ID 83445
SAWC is a work camp located in St. Anthony, ID designed to house 240 low-risk,
minimum custody male offenders. The facility's primary focus is to provide vocational
work project opportunities offering full-time, constructive, paid employment to offenders.
The program helps offenders develop good work habits, a positive work ethic and
marketable work skills while providing a financial resource to meet immediate and future
Community Reentry Centers (CRC)
At each CRC, offenders are afforded the privilege of community based employment, treatment
programs, support groups, community service and other possibilities to promote a positive and
successful return to the community. These offenders live at the facility but are allowed to work
outside the facility. This helps them prepare while still providing protection to the community
through high accountability and supervision.
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1. Treasure Valley Community Reentry Center (TVCRC)
14195 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Kuna ID 83634
Housing up to 100 male offenders who are classified as minimum custody, TVCRC
opened in August of 2004. A new building used for classrooms, visiting and
administrative offices and housing for offenders who are nearing release was added in
June 2009.
2. East Boise Community Reentry Center(EBCRC)
2366 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise ID 83712
EBCRC opened in July 1980 as the first reentry center in Idaho. In September 1989, it
became an all-female facility. A new addition was built in 2002, increasing the facility's
capacity from 38 to 100 beds. The facility houses female offenders who are classified as
minimum custody and is located in Boise, ID.
3. Nampa Community Reentry Center (NCRC)
164011 th Avenue North, Nampa ID 83687
NCRC opened in 1985 and houses 85 male offenders classified as minimum custody. The
facility is located in Nampa, ID.
4. Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center (IFCRC)
3955 Bombardier Ave., Idaho Falls ID 83402
The Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center (IFCRC) is a work release facility that
houses up to 84 minimum custody offenders. This unique facility offers offenders an
opportunity to complete treatment and work full-time jobs in the community while still
living at the IFCRC. Through full-time employment, offenders can pay restitution to their
victims, legal financial obligations and save money for their reentry into our community.
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Facility VRC Contact Information
Facility VRC Email Phone
CAPP Gregg Turner gregg.tumer@mtctrains.com (208) 336-9959 X 205
SICI Martin Sondermann msonderm@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 336-1260 X 5423
Rob Wright rowright@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 331-2760 X 20915
John Nguru jnguru@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 331-2760 X 20915
ISCI Boyd Chikatulah bchikatu@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 336-0740 X 4630
IMSI Michael Hartwig mhartwig@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 338-1635 X 3267
SICI PRC Kathy Bauman kbauman@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 336-1260 X5424
SBWCC Barbie Getchell bgetchel@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 334-2731 X 6106
NICI Gail Gates ggates@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 962-3276 X 175
ILIO Mike Greenwood migreenw@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 476-3655 X 207
PWCC Julie Yonker jyonker@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 236-6360 X 235
SAWC Mark Matthews mamatthe@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 624-3778 X 203
TVCRC Michelle Belville mbelvill@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 334-2241 X 1210
EBCRC Amy Vezzoso avezzoso@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 334-3448 X 111
NCRC Rachael Masaitis rmasaiti@idoc.idaho.gov (208)465-8490 X 11
IFCRC Teriann Parker teparker@idoc.idaho.gov (208) 525-7143 X 24
The Volunteer Program Manager responsible for overseeing volunteer services statewide, Jamie
Hess Smith, can be reached at (208) 287-3321 or by email at jamismit(abidoc.idaho.gov or
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Inmate Resources
Most of the Department's policies and standard operating procedures are available for public
view at: htt2s://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/about_us/policies_and forms/policy.
Indigent Offender is defined as an offender whose offender trust account balance has: 1) been
less than the current price of a franked, first-class envelope available through the commissary,
and 2)had no deposits, for 30 consecutive days.
Indigent offenders receive 1 standard mail envelope per week; one additional mail envelop for
"confidential" correspondence per week; up to 4 sheets of paper per week; a writing instrument;
and envelopes, postage, photocopies for "legal mail." For more information, see Mail Handling
in Correctional Facilities, 402.02.01.001.
Indigent offenders will be issued the following, each week, upon request: one small bar of soap,
one container of tooth powder or paste, toilet paper, toothbrush, and a disposable razor.
Offenders are required to wear clean clothing, shower/bathe regularly consistent with facility
schedule, and practice hygiene habits consistent with good health. IDOC provides institutional
laundry service, offender-accessed laundry service, or a combination of the two. Blankets (at
least once every two weeks and linens at least once a week) and clothing (at least once a week)
must be laundered or exchanged for laundered items. For more information, see Hygiene of
Offenders, Offender Barbers, and Facility Housekeeping, 306.02.01.001
Concerns, Grievances, and Appeals
The Department provides a process for offenders to voice their complaints. They are able to
submit an Inmate Concerns Form, file a Grievance, and Appeal the decision of the Grievance.
For more information, see Grievance and Informal Resolution Procedure for Offenders,
We have processes in place to ensure offenders have unimpeded access to healthcare services to
meet their serious medical, dental, and mental health needs. For more information, see Access to
Care, 401.06.03.001.
Access to Courts
We have guidelines to ensure offenders are provided access to the courts so they can pursue
constitutionally mandated legal actions, and other legal filings. For more information, see Access
to Courts, 405.02.01.001.
Education and Programming
The Department evaluates an offender when they come into the IDOC system for educational
and programmatic needs and goals are established for the offender to meet while incarcerated.
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Transitional Funding
Inmates may qualify for limited funding to offset costs associated with housing, living expenses,
evaluation, assessments, polygraphs, transportation, or any combination of these services. For
additional information, please see standard operating procedures Transition and Treatment
Funding Program for Offenders, 607.26.01.013.
Lodging and Living Expense
Transition funds may be used to assist with payment for up to 30 days of lodging and living
expenses. Additional funding for lodging and living expenses may be approved on a case-by-
case basis. Requested funds for evaluations, assessments, polygraphs, transportation, and
approved initial necessities may also be approved on a case-by-case basis. Typically, funds
provided will be the minimum amount necessary to establish residence but should not exceed
one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500)per offender.
• Must have a tentative parole date.
• Must be without a viable parole plan.
• Must have less than five hundred dollars ($500) and no other resources.
• Must not be designated as violent sexual predator(VSP).
• If on community supervision, must be at risk of becoming homeless.
Treatment, Testing, and Assessment
Transition funds may be used for treatment-related expenses to include: assessments, treatment
(drug and alcohol, mental health, sex offender, and cognitive behavioral), polygraphs,
medications, and other indirect or direct treatment requirements associated with risk-reduction.
The funds provided would be the minimum required to ensure treatment continuity.
• Display of high-risk behaviors.
• Display of significant drug, alcohol, mental health, and behavioral problems.
• Lack financial resources and all other funding sources are exhausted.
• At risk of re-incarceration.
Other Factors Include
• Available funding at district or institution.
• Management recommendations.
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Volunteer Agreement
General Standards
As a volunteer for the Idaho Department of Correction, hereinafter referred to as the IDOC, I
understand and agree to the following:
1. I will conduct my volunteer activities in accordance with this Agreement and the
Volunteer Services Standard Operating Procedures, 606.02.01.001. If I am unclear about
a policy, procedure, or term of this Agreement, it is my responsibility to seek immediate
clarification with the staff.
2. I will be respectful to staff, inmates, other volunteers, and those of other faiths.
3. I will maintain control of my personal property while at the facility and I will
immediately report the loss of any item to a staff member.
4. I understand I may be denied access to any unit and may be subject to search of my
person or vehicle for justifiable security purposes.
5. I will notify the IDOC prior to discussing my volunteer service with the media or a public
6. I understand that the Department will complete a criminal background check upon receipt
of my application and again annually. I understand that the initial background check must
be completed and my application approved before I am granted access to any facility.
7. I understand I am responsible for notifying the Department if I do not wish to have my
criminal background check completed to renew my volunteer status. This will
subsequently conclude my volunteer service.
8. I understand my volunteer service may be terminated at the discretion of the IDOC.
9. If I am both a mentor and a volunteer, I will continue to abide by all terms of this
10. Except in the case of sole negligence or willful misconduct of the State, I agree to assume
fully all the risks, which may result from my volunteer work in and for the IDOC and
agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of Idaho. Furthermore, I agree to
waive all claims of any nature that I may have against the State of Idaho or any of its
employees for personal injury, property loss, or property damage arising from or in
connection with my work as a volunteer.
11. I understand that the donation of my time and service does not represent employment or
any promise of employment and that the Department has no legal responsibility for
defending me in any legal action.
12. I understand that I have no property interest in the volunteer position, and that I may be
released from my duties as a volunteer at the discretion of the Department.
Prohibited Activities
I understand that I am entering a secure facility and there are activities that I am strictly
prohibited in engaging in. I agree to abide by the following standards regarding prohibited
1. I understand unauthorized items are contraband and the introduction of contraband into a
correctional facility is a violation of state law. Restricted items must be pre-approved by
facility leadership. I will only bring items into the facility that the IDOC has
preauthorized and are specifically required for my volunteer service.
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a. Contraband includes: alcoholic beverages, pets/animals, ammunition, drugs and
narcotics, explosives and explosive devices, firearms, oleoresin capsicum spray,
mace, tobacco, and other objects or materials that might be used to compromise
security, sound order, or discipline of the correctional facility.
b. Restricted Items: cell phones, pagers, computers, cameras, audio/video
equipment,prescription drugs, and tools.
2. I will not provide or accept any personal service from an inmate. This includes, but is not
limited to, making phone calls for an inmate, mailing letters for an inmate, making a
purchase for an inmate, selling anything to an inmate, or delivering messages or packages
to anyone in the community or in a correctional facility.
3. I will never exchange any item with an inmate or give any item directly to an inmate.
4. I will maintain legal and ethical boundaries with all inmates.
5. I will keep my physical contact with an inmate to a minimum.
6. I will not engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with an inmate.
7. I will not engage in any personal communication, including but not limited to, letters,
emails, and phone calls, with an incarcerated inmate housed in a facility I volunteer at. I
understand an exception will be granted for communication in accordance with the
Mentor Agreement if I become an approved mentor and the inmate I communicate with
is my mentee.
8. I will not allow any offender to reside in my personal residence or become employed
under my direct supervision upon release from incarceration.
9. I will never give money to an inmate or an offender or enter into any financial contract
with an inmate or offender.
10. If an offender returns to prison and I assisted him/her with reentry upon release, I will
immediately notify the IDOC.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Notification
1. I understand IDOC has a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual abuse and
sexual harassment between inmates and between inmates and staff or volunteers.
2. Whether I observe the act or the act was reported to me, I understand I am required to
report any instances of sexual abuse or sexual harassment between inmates or between
inmates and staff or volunteers.
3. I understand that actual or attempted sexual activity or romantic relationship between a
volunteer and an inmate is strictly prohibited, even if the inmate is a willing participant in
the activity.
4. I understand that as a volunteer, if I'm suspected of engaging in or attempting to engage
in a romantic relationship with an inmate, I will be immediately banned from all IDOC
facilities and removed from the IDOC volunteer program.
5. I understand that if I am suspected of engaging in sexual activity with an inmate, I will be
referred to the law enforcement authorities for investigation of violating Idaho Code,
Section 18-6110 and/or other Idaho State statutes that might be applicable.
I Agree
By checking the "I agree" box of the online volunteer application, I am certifying that I have
read this Agreement. I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this
agreement and all IDOC standard operating procedures and policies.
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New Volunteer Application Process
Eligibility Requirements
First, the potential volunteer must meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. At least 18 years of age or older.
2. U.S. citizen or legal authorization to be in the country.
3. Within the past 3 years, no adult felony convictions or incarcerations, nor any
misdemeanor drug-related convictions, unless the Prisons Division deputy chief or CRC
operations manager approves.
4. No outstanding warrants or pending criminal charges.
5. Cannot be an IDOC employee with any responsibility to supervise offenders, unless
IDOC Human Resources approves based on Fair Labor and Standards Act criteria.
New Volunteer Process
The following requirements must be met before you begin your volunteer service:
1. Review the Volunteer Agreement and the Volunteer Services in a Correctional Facility
standard operating procedure. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements outlined in policy.
2. Review the list of Idaho prison facilities and community reentry centers to determine which
one you'd like to volunteer at. You will only be allowed to select one facility initially. If you'd
like to expand your volunteer service to additional facilities, notify the Facility VRC after the
application has been approved.
3. Complete and submit the "New Volunteer Application" online. You will receive an email
confirmation that your application has been received. To inquire about the status of your
application, contact the Facility VRC.
4. A background security check will be completed and your application will be reviewed. If the
application is approved, plan to attend the New Volunteer Training.
*If you're not sure if you want to volunteer in a prison environment, you can observe a
volunteer service and receive a brief tour of the facility by contacting the Facility VRC. Your
application must be approved prior to accessing any facility. Make sure you schedule this
through the VRC!
5. Once you complete the New Volunteer training, you will need to attend a Facility Orientation
that is specific to the facility where you will be volunteering. Contact the Facility VRC to
schedule the Facility Orientation.
6. Once your application has been approved and you've completed the New Volunteer Training
and Facility Orientation, contact the Facility VRC to arrange your volunteer service schedule.
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Volunteer Portal
The Volunteer Portal was established to allow volunteers to access an online account for the
following activities:
• Update mailing address
• Update emergency contact information
• Check volunteer schedule
• View volunteer service hours provided
• Retrieve Facility VRC contact information
• Review applicable policies and resources
• Receive updates on training dates, application processes, and other exciting
Department news!
Integrity • Positirre Attitude ' Respect IQOC Volunteer Portal
Volunteer information for Jamie Smith
J Home `I Mail `I My Profile 11 My Schedule I My Service History l Account
Check your schedule News
Welcome to the IDOL Volunteer Portal.This new online feature gives you an easy
way to keep-in-touch with the volunteer program.You can check your schedule,post
Check messages
yourvolunteer service,receive messages.and much more:anytime,and from any
g Internet connected computer.
Text message apt-in
Watch this space for more volunteer news)
Facility VRC Contact Volunteer Training Schedule
Contact Information Boise-Saturday,September 12,2015:8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.located at
Correctional Industnes, 1301 N.Orchard,Boise,ID 83706
Additional Resources
Volunteer Seryices Policy Cottonwood-Thursday,October 8,2015:8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.located at City
Facility Access Policy Hall,506 King St.,Cottonwood,ID 83522
Idaho Falls-Thursday,November 12,2015:8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.location TBD.
Boise-Saturday,December 12,2015:8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.located at
Correctional Industnes, 1301 N.Orchard,Boise,ID 83706
This schedule is for new volunteers and volunteers completing their annual
refres her trai n in g.
Go to hgps://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/volunteer_services, to access the Volunteer
Portal and the Volunteer Portal Guidebook.
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1. Can I volunteer at more than one facility?
Yes. Contact the Facility VRC and request to volunteer at another facility. You do not
need to submit another online application.
2. Do I have to fill out a new application for each facility I want to volunteer at?
No. Notify the Facility VRC and he/she will coordinate the review of your volunteer
record by the additional facility.
3. If I'm already approved at one facility, can I automatically volunteer at another
No, each facility must approve your access to the facility prior to beginning your
volunteer service. Once approved, you will need to attend that facility's orientation prior
to beginning service at that facility.
4. Once I complete the training, am I approved to volunteer in the facility?
No. Once a potential volunteer submits his/her online application, a security background
check is conducted and submitted to the facility leadership for review. If the facility
approves your application, you are able to come into the facility to volunteer. Remember,
coordinate your schedule with the Facility VRC and always ask the Facility VRC if
you're unsure about your volunteer status.
5. Once I complete the training, am I approved to come in to the facility with another
No. Please coordinate this type of arrangement with the Facility VRC. Facility approval
is required before you can enter as a volunteer, and only under certain circumstances, can
you come in with an approved volunteer.
6. What is the Facility Orientation?
Each facility operates differently due to their population, location, custody levels,
infrastructure, and leadership. The facility orientation is designed specifically for that
facility. If you move to another facility or add a facility, you are required to attend that
facility's orientation.
7. Why do I have to go through so much training?
Volunteers hold a unique position with the Department in that they personally interact
with offenders on a regular basis. It is imperative that volunteers are aware of issues that
may arise when working with the inmate population to ensure the safety of volunteers,
staff, and the offenders.
8. I already took the New Volunteer Training. Do I have to take it again?
The New Volunteer Training is only required initially. However, you will have to
complete an Annual Refresher Training each calendar year.
9. I completed the Annual Refresher Training in December, when do I have to take it
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Annual Refresher Training is required each calendar. For example, if you completed
the Annual Refresher Training in December of 2015, that satisfies your requirement for
2015. Your next Annual Refresher Training is due before December 31, 2016.
10. Do I have to complete the Annual Refresher Training within exactly one year of
completing the last training?
No, volunteers are required to complete the Annual Refresher Training within the
calendar year.
11. If I voluntarily end my volunteer service, and I choose to return as a volunteer at a
later time, am I required to complete all of the new volunteer requirements again?
Yes, most likely, but it may depend on the time period between your former volunteer
service and your new volunteer service. If it was a short period of time, the facility head
may waive the requirement at his/her discretion.
12. Can I be a volunteer and a visitor at the same time?
Volunteers can be an approved visitor of immediate family members (as defined in
Visiting, 604.02.01.001). However, volunteers cannot volunteer at the same facility
where they visit, unless specifically approved by the facility head to continue volunteer
services and visits at that facility.
13. How often do I have to resubmit my application?
With the new online volunteer application, you will only need to submit your once! You
will be able to update your contact information as often as you please through the IDOC
Volunteer Portal.
14. How often do I have to sign and submit the Volunteer Agreement?
When completing the online volunteer application, you are required to read through the
Volunteer Agreement and at the end of the application, you must certify that you read and
agree to the terms of the agreement, instead of signing the hard copy. Thus, you will no
longer have to submit any hard copy signed versions of the Volunteer Agreement.
Remember, you are still bound by the terms of the agreement and it's vital that you read
and understand it. We will review the agreement during the volunteer training each year.
15. If I am a volunteer at IDOC, can I volunteer at a county jail or Department of
Juvenile Corrections with the same credentials and training?
Not necessarily. IDJC and county jails are separate entities from the IDOC and have their
own policies and procedures for volunteers. They may accept IDOC's training, be sure to
check with that entity.
16. Can I be a volunteer and a mentor?
Yes, but remember, the terms of the Volunteer Agreement still apply. Volunteer
requirements are different from that of a mentor. For more information on becoming a
mentor, please go to our website:
hqps://www.idoc.idaho.gov/contenL/prisons/volunteers mentors.
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Volunteer Manual
Definitions and Acronyms
• Alternative Sanction: An informal sanction given to correct inappropriate behavior.
• CIS: Corrections Integrated System.
• Classification: An assessment used to determine offenders' custody level.
• CO: Correctional Officer.
• Concern Form: form used by offenders to request information from staff or in problem
resolution. Slang: "Kite."
• Disciplinary Offense Report (DOR): A formal rule violation process used to manage,
correct, and document offender behavior.
• Flopped: Slang for being denied parole or probation.
• Full-term Release Date (FTRD): The maximum length of time an offender can serve on
his sentence.
• Gold Seal: Final discharge papers that are sealed with a golden-colored seal.
• Hearing Packets or Pre-Board Packet: An offender-completed questionnaire the
Commission of Pardons and Parole uses in making parole decisions.
• Offender Management Plan (OMP): A computerized case management tool used for
the placement of offenders in programs.
• Parole: Community supervision following a prison term where the offender is under the
jurisdiction of the Commission of Pardons and Parole.
• Parole Eligibility Date (PED): The earliest that the Commission of Pardons and Parole
can release an offender on parole.
• Parole Hearing: A hearing before the Commission of Pardons and Parole to determine
whether or not parole will be granted.
• PO or PPO: Probation and Parole Officer.
• Probation: A sentencing alternative where the offender remains under the jurisdiction of
the court in the community under the supervision of a probation and parole officer or the
• Probation or Parole Violation (PV): A formal written allegation that an offender has
violated one or more conditions of either probation or parole.
• Revocation: When the Commission of Pardons and Parole (parolee) or court
(probationer) revoke an offender parole or probation status.
• Rider or Retained Jurisdiction: An Idaho sentencing option in which the judge
sentences an offender to the IDOC, but retains jurisdiction for up to 180 days. If the
offender successfully completes the retained jurisdiction program, the judge can place the
offender on probation.
• Rolled Up: The process of inventorying an offender's property before the offender is
moved to a new housing unit or another correctional facility.
• Self-initiated Progress Report (SIPR): A request for a parole hearing that is self-
initiated from an offender to the Commission of Pardons and Parole.
• Shake Down: Search of an offender's cell. Shank: A sharp instrument used as a knife.
• Squawkie: An alcoholic beverage that offenders make with ingredients containing sugar
and yeast(bread, fruit, etc.).
• Tentative Parole Date (TPD): A date set by the Commission of Pardons and Parole on
which the offender can be released on parole.
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• Termer: An offender sentenced to Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) custody that
is not on retained jurisdiction.
• Volunteer and Religious Activity Coordinator (VRC): staff member(s) or
contractor(s) who (a) coordinates, recruits, and manages volunteers and volunteer
activities; and(b) coordinates and supervises religious activities for the IDOC.
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