HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransition and Treatment Funding ProgramIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Transition Funding Program Page: 1 of 16 Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Adopted: 08/08/2002 Bree Derrick, deputy director, approved this document on 09/08/2021. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to department staff involved in the overall case management of incarcerated residents and Probation and Parole clients who need limited financial support for housing and other transitional services pursuant to this SOP, whether housed in IDOC correctional facilities or under the supervision of the Division of Probation and Parole. Revision Summary Revision date (09/08/2021) version 5.0: Updated terminology to conform with current standards, clarified and updated processes throughout document, and added new sections describing alternative/backup funding procedures and expired funding. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Statutory Authority ............................................................................................................ 2 B. Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number 06.02.02 .......................................................... 2 C. Governing Policy Number 607 ......................................................................................... 2 D. Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 2 E. Responsibility ................................................................................................................... 2 F. Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 2 G. Standard Procedures ....................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2 2. Funding Eligibility ...................................................................................................... 2 3. Funding Exceptions .................................................................................................. 4 4. Use of Funds ............................................................................................................ 4 5. Funding Priority ........................................................................................................ 5 6. Funding Request and Approval Process .................................................................. 6 7. Expired Funding ......................................................................................................14 8. Housing Provider List (HPL) ....................................................................................14 9. Alternative (Backup TTF Funding Procedures) – Emergency Use Only ...................15 References ..........................................................................................................................16 Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 2 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction A. STATUTORY AUTHORITYB. BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER 06.02.02 Rules Governing Release Readiness C. GOVERNING POLICY NUMBER 607 Correctional Education and Programs D. PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to identify requirements for providing limited funding support to IDOC residents and Probation and Parole clients so they might gain housing and other transitional services that are necessary to promote stability in the community. Transitional funding is for residents and supervised clients who have no means of financial support to assist in their reintegration into the community. E. RESPONSIBILITY Reentry Manager The Reentry Manager is responsible to oversee transition funding and compliance with this SOP. Facility Heads and District Managers Facility Heads and District Managers are responsible for implementing this SOP and ensuring that staff members practice these procedures. F. DEFINITIONS None G. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Introduction Transition funding is a temporary and short-term solution for IDOC residents or clients who lack resources for housing, transportation, birth certificates, interstate compact application fee, or any combination of these transitional services. While the IDOC may temporarily provide this type of funding, residents and clients should be directed to access appropriate long-term housing resources and only utilize transition funding as the last option. All funding approvals are contingent on budget appropriations and allowable expenses. 2. Funding Eligibility Residents and clients may be eligible to receive funding for housing, transportation, birth certificate fees, interstate compact application fees, or any combination of these transitional services when the following funding criteria is met: a. All other alternative housing options and resources have been exhausted and; b. The resident or client lacks the financial resources to pay out-of-pocket. c. For the purpose of this SOP, alternative housing options and resources means: Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 3 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction i. Living accommodations ii. Financial support, or community support obtained via family members and friends iii. Emergency shelter, Medicaid, Social Security, or Health and Welfare funding d. TTF funding requests that are submitted due to the resident’s or client’s inability to gain employment due to a CIS-documented medical or mental health issue will automatically be eligible for TTF funds. e. Riders: i. Cannot have more than $300.00 total credited to their resident bank account during the last six months of incarceration. ii. Must have an estimated programing completion date. f. Parole Violators: i. Cannot have more than $300.00 total credited to their resident bank account during the last six months of incarceration. ii. If they are currently in county jail and have no means of financial support or outside resources that can contribute towards their housing or transitional services (as verified by the probation and parole officer), they will meet funding criteria. g. Termers: i. Cannot have more than $700.00 total credited to their resident bank account during the last twelve months of incarceration. ii. Must have a tentative parole date. iii. Funding for housing may or may not be available for residents who satisfy their sentence. For residents who satisfy their sentence, housing will be considered on a case-by-case basis. h. Clients: i. Must be unemployed or there must be extenuating circumstances such as an illness, employment layoff, or other crucial reason that prevents them from paying rent or other transitional services. ii. Must be at risk of becoming homeless. iii. Must not have utilized more than two 30-day housing authorizations in a 12- month period. The 12-month period will go back as far as the date released from prison when that release occurred within the same 12-month period. iv. Clients who were deemed ineligible for TTF funding while incarcerated will not be eligible for TTF funding while on supervision until 30 calendar days after their official release date. They must follow their approved release plan, or the Probation and Parole Officer must seek alternative housing options and resources as defined above in this section. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 4 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction v. If a client self-paid for 30 days of housing prior to their Probation and Parole Officer requesting 30 days funding by IDOC, the Probation and Parole Officer needs to phone the provider to obtain the client’s self-paid ‘rent end date’ and provide that date in the TTF funding request. This ensures that rent is not double paid and the client receives their full 30 day TTF-funded stay. vi. Clients must not be directed to move into a transitional house without the Probation and Parole Officer first obtaining funding approval from TTF. 3. Funding Exceptions a. TTF Coordinator i. The TTF Coordinator or designee can make exceptions up to $100.00 over the funding eligibility totals described in section 2 of this SOP. ii. When considering whether the resident will be responsible for self-paying a portion of their transitional funding, the TTF Coordinator or designee will determine how much over the credited amount described in section 2 of this SOP (as applicable) the incarcerated resident’s bank account shows. For example, if the resident is a parole violator and has had $500 total credited to their resident bank account during the last six months of incarceration, then they would be $200 over the allowable $300 limit, assuming they have not paid any court-ordered obligations. iii. Once it is determined how much the resident is over the allowable limit, the TTF Coordinator or designee will determine what the individual will self-pay: A. For people who are over the threshold but have less than 1/2 of what is being requested, IDOC pays the total plus 1. B. For people who are over by an amount that’s equal to 1/2 of what is requested, the resident pays half. b. Institutional Program Manager or District Manager i. Upon receiving a funding denial from the TTF Coordinator or designee, Institutional Case Managers and Probation and Parole Officers may staff the decision with their Institutional Program Manager or District Manager, as applicable. ii. If the Institutional Program Manager or District Manager feel that the funding decision should be reconsidered based on the circumstances surrounding that individual’s case, then the Institutional Program Manager or District Manager may email the Reentry Manager or designee the facts and reasons why the additional exception should be granted. iii. The Reentry Manager or designee has the authority to approve or deny the additional exception based on the facts received. 4. Use of Funds a. Housing Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 5 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction i. If approved, housing costs will be funded for 30 days at a time, up to a maximum of 60 days total. ii. It is the intent of the TTF program that potential recipients become self- supporting as quickly as possible, so an additional 30 days of funding is not a guarantee and staff must apply for each 30 day period separately. iii. The initial funding amount approved will be for the minimum amount necessary to establish initial residency. Staff must always consider a housing option at the tier 2 (preferred) or tier 3 (premium) rate before tier 1 (minimum) when submitting funding requests for housing. iv. All IDOC-approved housing providers will be tiered at a tier 1 (minimum standard), tier 2 (preferred standard), or tier 3 (premium standard) no later than January 2, 2022. v. Until an approved provider is tiered, the provider will continue to receive their current housing rates, unless they opt-out of being a provider prior to January 2, 2022. vi. A registered sex offender can receive approval for an additional 30 days of housing (a total of 90 days) if there are extenuating circumstances such as an illness, employment layoff, or other reason deemed crucial by the district manager or designee prior to submitting the TTF funding request. b. Transportation to Supervising District i. Funding will be available to cover transportation expenses from prison to a resident’s supervising district. ii. Staff must always consider available lower cost transportation options first when submitting funding requests for transportation. c. Birth Certificate Fees i. Transition funding may be used for a birth certificate application processing fee. ii. The birth certificate fee (when approved for funding) can only be funded once during the individuals’ entire period of incarceration or supervision. d. Interstate Compact Application Fee i. Transitional funding may be approved for the interstate compact application processing fee. ii. There must be a reentry plan to an out-of-state location to ensure successful reentry. iii. The interstate compact application processing fee may be funded up to two times only; this allows for a second chance at an interstate transfer in the event the first option falls through. 5. Funding Priority a. The transitional funding budget is a finite resource. Based on annual budget constraints, priorities are set to ensure adequate funding is available to meet needs intended under Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 6 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction this policy. TTF funding requests are processed and considered daily in the following priority: i. Supervised probationers and parolees (housing and interstate compact application fees) ii. Riders and parole violators (housing, transportation, and interstate compact application fees) iii. Termers (housing, transportation, and interstate compact application fees) iv. Birth certificate fees v. Termers who are satisfying their sentence. Housing will be considered on a case- by-case basis; all other services available to termers will have priority. 6. Funding Request and Approval Process a. Institutional Case Managers must review a resident’s bank account and deduct from the credited balance any payments made for court-ordered obligations that were made during the six-month or twelve-month period (as described in section 2 of this SOP) before submitting a funding request form. The remaining balance will be the amount TTF will consider for funding eligibility purposes. b. Institutional Case Managers must submit funding request forms no earlier than five weeks or no less than two weeks prior to the resident’s projected release date. c. Unless the provider informs the Institutional Case Manager that a bed is no longer available for the resident, Institutional Case Managers must not request any changes to an already approved authorization if less than two weeks remain before the resident’s projected release date. The Reentry Manager may allow an exception if contacted by the Program Manager. d. Probation and Parole Officers may submit funding requests on an as needed basis, but no earlier than one week prior to the initial projected move-in date or second month’s rent start date. e. Whether an Institutional Case Manager or Probation and Parole Officer, the most recent funding decision will always supersede the previous funding decision and the previous funding decision will be null and void; therefore, requiring a new funding request to be submitted should funding continues to be pursued. Table 6-1: Institutional Staff Process Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Case Manager 1 a. If housing or transportation is needed: i. Submit the Request for Information (RFI) for approval. b. If another transitional service is need: i. Skip to step 4 Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 7 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Probation and Parole Officer 2 a. Complete an investigation of the release plan. b. Document the outcome in the ‘parole plan module’ of Reflections. c. Reflections will auto-generate an email notification to the case manager, parole coordinator, and PPO. Case Manager 3 Check the ‘parole plan module’ in Reflections to see if the resident’s proposed release plan and transitional housing location has been entered and if it has not, enter it. Case Manager 4 a. Review the resident’s case file and resident bank account balances to see if they qualify for transitional funds in accordance with section 2 of this SOP. b. Interview the resident to verify that they do not have family or friends who can help with funding or have an acceptable housing option available to them. i. If the resident does not qualify for transitional funds, you may still submit the TTF funding request, but explain to the resident that they will most likely be denied funding unless their family or friends can help secure partial funding. You may also choose to end the process here until the resident is in a better position to qualify. Case Manager 5 a. If housing is needed: i. Consult with the resident on transitional housing placement options. Have the resident consider a provider tiered at the preferred (tier 2) or premium standard (tier 3) over a provider tiered at the minimum standard (tier 1). See section 4 of this SOP for additional information regarding tiers. ii. Facilitate the transitional housing application process and contact the provider to arrange for housing placement based on the resident’s projected release date. iii. Identify associated costs for rent and deposits. b. If another transitional service is needed: i. Do not complete any tasks in step 5; proceed to step 6. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 8 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Case Manager 6 a. Complete a Facilities Transition Funding Request form. This form is in Laserfiche format and is located on EDOC on the ‘Reentry Services’ page b. If submitting the form for housing, transportation, or interstate compact application purposes, you must not submit the form earlier than five weeks or no less than two weeks prior to the resident’s projected release date. A form submitted outside of that timeframe will automatically be denied by the TTF Coordinator or designee. See section 6 of this SOP for additional information. c. If submitting the form for housing and the housing provider does not appear in the ‘provider’ field dropdown list, please select ‘X: Not on List’ and provide the provider name, address, and phone number in the comment section of the form and the TTF Coordinator will provide further instruction if the request is approved. TTF Coordinator or designee 7 a. Review the request, and if submitted too early or too late, automatically deny the request. b. Review the resident’s bank account to verify that they meet the funding criteria in accordance with section 2 of this SOP. c. Log all applicable information and funding decision into the TTF spreadsheet. d. Email the Case Manager and Transitional Housing Services Contractor the results of the funding decision. i. Title the email subject “TH Funding Decision [Resident’s IDOC Number] and [Resident’s Last Name].” ii. If the housing provider is not an assisted living facility and is not listed on IDOC’s approved housing list (see section 8 of this SOP), let the Case Manager know in the funding decision what documentation they need to tell the assisted living provider to submit to the TTF email box when the resident arrives their facility and is provided a bed. TTF will not pay the assisted living provider until the provider confirms that the resident has checked into the residence. Beginning June 1, 2021, IDOC will no longer approve housing for a Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 9 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks traditional transitional housing provider that is not on IDOC’s approved housing list. iii. If the provider is on IDOC’s approved housing list, include in the funding decision email the name of the provider, whether the resident has a cost-share responsibility and the amount, whether the resident is required to register as a sex offender, and the resident’s projected release date. e. Copy and paste the funding decision in CIS using the following path: OMP tab > c-notes > transition and treatment funds. Case Manager 8 a. Verbally notify the resident of the transition funding decision. i. If the request was approved - the process continues at step 9. ii. If the request was denied – the process ends here. b. You do not need to document the funding decision into CIS. The TTF Coordinator will have recorded the decision in the following path: OMP tab > c-notes > transition and treatment funds. Transitional Housing Services Contractor Or Institutional Administrative Staff 9 a. Transitional Housing Services Contractor responsibilities: i. Issue a service authorization to the approved provider. ii. Process and track weekly census reports submitted by the providers. iii. Pay the providers for the number of days the resident occupied a bed/room. iv. Send funding reports to the IDOC Reentry Manager on an agreed upon periodic basis. b. Institutional Administrative Staff responsibilities: i. When the resident was approved for transportation, a birth certificate, or interstate compact fees, submit a copy of the purchase receipt and all applicable p-card transactions together (at the same time) to the TTF email box. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 10 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks TTF Coordinator or designee 10 a. When the purchase receipt and p-card transactions are received via email: i. Verify that they are filled out correctly, to include ensuring the correct PCA numbers were used. ii. Update the TTF spreadsheet. iii. Ensure the purchase receipt, p-card transactions, and documented transition and treatment funds note are submitted to the approved signature authority before submitting them to the Fiscal Unit. b. If the provider is not on IDOC’s approved housing list: i. The provider must email TTF an invoice that shows the providers business name, address, and phone number; the resident’s IDOC number and first and last name; the rent start and end date; and the rent amount owed for that period. ii. The provider will also be required to complete a federal W-9 form and email it to the TTF email box along with the invoice. Re-Entry Manager or designee 11 Submit the invoice and W-9 form (if applicable), purchase receipt, p-card transactions, and documented transition and treatment funds note to the Fiscal Unit for processing. Fiscal Unit 12 Pay the provider/vendor or p-card bill. Table 6-2: Probation and Parole Staff Process Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Probation and Parole Officer 1 a. Determine whether the client qualifies for transitional funds in accordance with section 2 of this SOP. i. If the client recently released from prison, check with the Institutional Case Manager before applying for TTF funds because the client may not have qualified for TTF funding upon release and must wait 30 days to regain funding eligibility. b. Interview the client to verify that they don’t have family or friends who can help with funding or have an acceptable housing option available to them. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 11 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks i. If the client does not qualify for transitional funds, you may still submit the TTF funding request, but explain to them that they will most likely be denied funding unless their family or friends can help secure partial funding. You may also choose to end the process here until the client is in a better position to qualify. Probation and Parole Officer 2 a. If housing is needed: ii. Consult with the client on transitional housing placement options. Have the client consider a provider tiered at the preferred (tier 2) or premium standard (tier 3) over a provider tiered at the minimum standard (tier 1). See section 4 of this SOP for additional information regarding tiers. iii. Facilitate the transitional housing process and contact the provider to arrange for housing placement based on the client’s projected move-in date or 2nd month rent start date. iv. If for a 2nd month rent, phone the provider and specifically ask what date the current rent ends so that you can provide that date in the funding request. This ensures that rent days are not being paid twice and the client receives their full 30 day stay. b. Identify associated costs for rent and deposits. i. If another transitional service is needed, do not complete any tasks in step 2; proceed to step 3. Probation and Parole Officer 3 a. Complete a Probation and Parole Transition Funding Request form. This form is in Laserfiche format and is located on EDOC on the ‘Reentry Services’ page. i. Probation and Parole Officers may submit the funding request on an as needed basis, but no earlier than one week prior to the initial projected move in date or 2nd month rent start date. A form submitted outside of that timeframe will automatically be denied by the TTF Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 12 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks coordinator or designee. See section 10 of this SOP for additional information. ii. If submitting the form for housing and the housing provider does not appear in the ‘provider’ field dropdown list, please select ‘X: Not on List’ and provide the provider name, address, and phone number in the comment section of the form and the TTF Coordinator will provide further instruction if the request is approved. TTF Coordinator or designee 4 a. Review the request, and if submitted too early, automatically deny. b. Review the request to verify that the client meets the funding criteria in accordance with section 2 of this SOP. c. Log all applicable information and funding decision into the TTF spreadsheet. d. Email the Probation and Parole Officer and Transitional Housing Services Contractor the funding decision. i. Title the email subject “TH Funding Decision [Client’s IDOC Number] and [Client’s Last Name].” ii. If the housing provider is not an assisted living facility and is not listed on IDOC’s approved housing list (see section 8 of this SOP), let the Probation and Parole Officer know in the funding decision what documentation they need to tell the assisted living provider to submit to the TTF email box when the client arrives their facility and is provided a bed. TTF will not pay the assisted living provider until the provider confirms that the client has checked into the residence. Beginning June 1, 2021, IDOC will no longer approve housing for a traditional transitional housing provider that is not on IDOC’s approved housing list. iii. If the provider is on IDOC’s approved housing list, include in the funding decision email the name of the provider, whether the client has a cost-share responsibility and the Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 13 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks amount, whether the client is required to register as a sex offender, and the client’s initial projected move in date or 2nd month rent start date. e. Copy and paste the funding decision in CIS using the following path: Offender tab > supervision contact. Probation and Parole Officer 5 a. Verbally notify the client of the transition funding decision. i. If the request was approved - the process continues at step 6. ii. If the request was denied – the process ends here. b. You do not need to document the funding decision into CIS. The TTF Coordinator will have recorded the decision in the following path: Offender tab > supervision contact. Transitional Housing Services Contractor Or District Administrative Staff 6 a. Transitional Housing Services Contractor responsibilities: i. Issue a service authorization to the approved provider. ii. Process and track weekly census reports submitted by the providers. iii. Pay the providers for the number of days the resident occupied a bed/room. iv. Send funding reports to the IDOC Reentry Manager on an agreed upon periodic basis. b. District Administrative Staff responsibilities: i. When the client was approved for transportation, a birth certificate, or interstate compact fees, submit a copy of the purchase receipt and all applicable p-card transactions together (at the same time) to the TTF email box. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 14 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks TTF Coordinator or designee 7 a. When the purchase receipt and p-card transactions are received via email: i. Verify that they are filled out correctly, to include ensuring the correct PCA numbers were used. ii. Update the TTF spreadsheet. iii. Ensure the purchase receipt, p-card transactions, and documented transition and treatment funds note are submitted to the approved signature authority before submitting them to the Fiscal Unit. b. If the provider is not on IDOC’s approved housing list: i. The provider must email TTF an invoice that shows the providers business name, address, and phone number; the supervised individual’s IDOC number and first and last name; the rent start and end date; and the rent amount owed for that period. ii. The provider will also be required to complete a federal W-9 form and email it to the TTF email box along with the invoice. Re-Entry Manager or designee 8 Submit the invoice and W-9 form (if applicable), purchase receipt, p-card transactions, and documented transition and treatment funds note to the Fiscal Unit for processing. Fiscal Unit 9 Pay the provider/vendor or p-card bill. 7. Expired Funding All funding approvals will expire 90 calendar days after the Case Manager or Probation and Parole Officer is notified of the funding decision by the TTF Coordinator or designee. When the 90 days have passed, the Case Manager or Probation and Parole Officer will need to submit a new funding request. The Transitional Housing Services Contractor must notify the TTF Coordinator or designee of a service-authorization that has not been utilized within the 90 day period so that the funding can be liquidated and IDOC CIS funding notes can be updated. 8. Housing Provider List (HPL) a. The Transitional Housing Services Contractor maintains a preapproved transitional Housing Provider List (HPL) for planning and referral. Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 15 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction b. The Transitional Housing Services Contractor will add/delete housing providers at the discretion of the Reentry Manager, with input from the District Manager or designees. c. If a provider wants to make changes to their housing list entries, department staff must direct the housing provider to contact the Transitional Housing Services Contractor to request those changes. d. Department staff may not request changes to a provider’s housing list entry. e. The Transitional Housing Services Contractor will email updated HPL’s to IDOC’s TTF Coordinator or designee as needed for publishing on IDOC’s Intranet system. 9. Alternative (Backup TTF Funding Procedures) – Emergency Use Only Only in the event that the Laserfiche TTF request forms are unavailable for a period of five consecutive business days, the TTF Coordinator or Reentry Manager may allow staff to submit an email directly to the TTF email box to request funding. If allowed, the format of the email will be as follows: a. Enter in the subject line of the email: resident/client’s last name, IDOC number, status, and request type. b. The status types are standardized as follows: i. Rider – Housing request for residents releasing to probation from an IDOC facility. ii. Termer – Housing request for residents releasing to parole (to include parole violators) from an IDOC facility. iii. PP – Housing request for clients supervised in the district by the Probation and Parole Office, to include those incarcerated in a county jail. iv. FTRD – Housing request for residents releasing to the community on their full-term release date (FTRD). c. The request types are standardized as follows: i. Housing – transitional housing requests ii. Birth Cert – Birth certificate requests iii. Trans – Bus ticket/Air transportation request iv. ISC – Interstate Compact v. Inquiry – Any questions or concerns vi. HPLU – Housing Provider List update Examples Garcia, 74123, PP, Birth Cert Smith, 65489, Rider, Housing Jones, 123459, Termer, Inquiry Control Number: 607.26.01.013 Version: 5.0 Title: Transition Funding Program Page Number: 16 of 16 Idaho Department of Correction REFERENCES Housing Provider List Facilities Transition Funding Request Probation and Parole Transition Funding Request – End of Document –