HomeMy WebLinkAboutEducation Practices, Procedures, and PlacementsIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page: 1 of 18 Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Adopted: 07-07-2006 Jefferey Zmuda, chief of the division of prisons and Shane Evans, chief of the Education, Treatment and Reentry division approved this document on 02/17/2015. Open to the public: Yes No SCOPE This standard operating procedure applies to all inmates under the jurisdiction of the department and participating in educational programming Revision History Revision date (02/17/2015) version 4.0: Revision throughout, revision to prerelease program adding computer literacy and education/career planning , and updating OMP goals. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number 607 ...................................................................... 2 Policy Control Number 607................................................................................................... 2 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 2 Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2 General Requirements ......................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3 2. Computer Access of Inmate Educational Records by Department Personnel ................. 4 3. Educational Program ...................................................................................................... 4 4. Identification of Educational Needs ................................................................................. 5 5. Education Integrated Pathway ........................................................................................ 6 6. Certificate of Completion - High School Diploma ............................................................ 8 7. Youthful Inmate ............................................................................................................ 13 8. Correspondence Courses ............................................................................................. 13 9. Library .......................................................................................................................... 13 10. Safe Learning Environment .......................................................................................... 13 11. Class Size .................................................................................................................... 14 12. Scheduling ................................................................................................................... 14 Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 2 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction 13. Case Plan Compliance ................................................................................................. 14 14. Attendance ................................................................................................................... 15 15. Un-Enrollment or Removal from Classes ...................................................................... 15 16. Highly Qualified Personnel ........................................................................................... 15 17. Classroom Instruction ................................................................................................... 15 18. Inmate Achievement ..................................................................................................... 15 19. Accountability ............................................................................................................... 16 20. Education for Segregated, Restricted or Suspended Inmates (SRS) ............................ 17 21. School Improvement ..................................................................................................... 17 22. Fiscal Management ...................................................................................................... 17 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER 607 Public Participation in Program Activities POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 607 Correctional Education and Programs PURPOSE This standard operating procedure identifies standards and requirements for educational practices in the department education program (Robert Janss School). RESPONSIBILITY Director The director is responsible for • Cooperating with the Idaho State Board of Education in the education of inmates under the jurisdiction of the Board of Correction • Providing structure for the Robert Janss School Robert Janss School The Robert Janss School is responsible for complying with accreditation standards of the State Department of Education . The school should also work with other entities to offer training and to complete the mission of the school. Facility Heads Facility heads are responsible for • Carrying out the requirements of this standard operating procedure • Providing security staff sufficient to create a safe learning environment Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 3 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Educational Program Manager The educational program manager is responsible for ensuring inmates have equal access to traditional and nontraditional classes and l abs regardless of race, disability, sex, age, color, national origin, creed, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry , or any other legally protected classification. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Introduction District and school vision and mission statements serve as guidance to form the foundation of all policies, guidelines, and practical decisions that support inmate achievement. Department stakeholders collaboratively develop the guiding principles for education and review them periodically. This standard operating procedure aligns with the State Board of Education policies, Department of Education standards, state common core standards, and with the department’s mission, vision, values, and policies. The Robert Janss School relies on the department and state law for organization and a legal basis for educational programs. Department policy governs administration of education, program development and improvement, inmate management, staff development, and daily program operations. The department provides a correctional education budget for the system-wide educational organization and allocates funding for the school and to the correctional educational programs through an approved accounting system. The Robert Janss School curriculum follows the common core state standards, nationally recognized and adopted by 48 states, including Idaho. These standards are the basis of public school K-12 assessments, as well as revised 2014 GED tests. The Robert Janss School is a state-accredited school offering training for inmates as a path to successfully transition to community postsecondary programs , job training programs or self-sustaining jobs upon their release. The emphasis is on helping inmates attain rewarding jobs, relevant credentials, and postsecondary education. The Education Integrated Pathway curriculum has four sections, called Education and Career Bridges. Bridges One, Two, and Three combine adult literacy, technology, and workplace skills based on data-driven decision-making principles. Developmental goals include • Focusing on clearly defined skills using accelerated learning strategies • Providing knowledge and credentials needed for jobs • Integrating basic skills and technical instruction • Providing intense and rigorous instruction Bridge Four provides transitional support in the districts with tutoring and career advisement and for a structured, multilevel, goal-directed bridge in the probation and parole district offices. These four areas are crucial in the department’s mission of preparing inmates to succeed in their communities and reducing recidivism. Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 4 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction 2. Computer Access of Inmate Educational Records by Department Personnel Federal law prohibits any educational agency or institution that receives federal funding from disclosing an inmate’s educational records without the inmate’s written consent. Personnel accessing inmate records must • Use and access inmate records for educational purposes only • Disclose inmate records (and any information contained) to the public or third parties only with the inmate’s written consent If it is not reasonably practical to limit access to specific department personnel, then all personnel having access to inmate educational records must be advised of legal restrictions and obligations. The department training unit and site education program managers are responsible for this duty. 3. Educational Program Correctional education programs prepare inmates for living successful, crime-free lives. Educational programs recognize an inmate’s achievements through certifications and diplomas that are also recognized by industry and other educational entities. Programs are based on the needs of the inmates, the needs of employers, and the ability of the institutions to provide the training. Educational case plans drive the educational programs offered to inmates. The Robert Janss School uses an assessment process and case plan to provide a comprehensive educational program, focused on meeting the needs of all inmates. High standards for inmate success and frequent monitoring of progress are critically important to learning. Alignment of curriculum, to common core state standards, instruction, and assessment is essential. All inmate management goals consider the ability of the inmate to benefit from the achievement of the goals, so ciety’s benefit as the inmate completes the goals, and the ability of the department to deliver the instruction necessary to complete the goals. Inability of an inmate to complete an educational goal requires a reassessment of the appropriateness of the goal for the inmate. The department standards committee reviews and approves all core and ancillary programs. Instruction is based on standard, approved criteria that meet State Department of Education standards and the department’s strategic plan. All requests for new or revised programs require approval of the education program director before going to the standards committee. The educational program provides for open entry , exit, and scheduling of classes at a time that allows the majority of inmates to attend classes. Reasonable accommodation is in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for inmates with disabilities. Non-English speaking inmates may take English Language Learners classes. Institutional scheduling allows the opportunity for inmates to complete their case plans within a prescribed timeline. The retained jurisdiction (rider) programs operate within the scope of this standard operating procedure , but may accelerate programs or use alternative time guidelines. . Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 5 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction 4. Identification of Educational Needs The department evaluates a ll inmates upon entrance for educational needs through primary assessments. During the entry process at the reception and diagnostic unit (RDU), identified education staff members create educational goals that refer inmates to school using primary or secondary assessments. An inmate’s inability to complete an Education /Career Bridge goal requires assessing the inmate’s progress, and professional opinion regarding the inmate’s ability to complete other core programming goals. If an inmate has not completed an education goal within the prescribed hours, the instructor or education program manager reviews the goal, documents progress in case notes (C-Notes) and contacts the inmate’s case manager. The notes and case manager message must include content on • The length of class enrollment • Pre-and post-test results of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Battery reading scores • Class attendance and participation If there is concern regarding an inmate’s reading level, a recommendation must clarify whether • The inmate can read at 6th grade level with accommodation (note program placement with tutor) • The inmate cannot read at 6th grade level, even with accommodation (request program exception report from case manager) If an Education/Career Bridge goal is determined to be inappropriate , the life-long learning goal will be entered for an inmate. Responsible Person CIS task steps are in bold Entrance Criteria Reception and Diagnostic Unit (RDU) designee Inform inmate of case plan process and enrollment criteria. Designated Education Staff Inmates complete transcript request form and return to education program director or designee for evaluation. (Enter results in Education section of CIS.) Administer TABE Locator and record results in assessment section of OMP All new inmates receive evaluation. • All inmates initially entering RDU • Professional discretion of education staff RDU Process – Designated Education Staff • Term inmates meeting education entrance criteria require education orientation goal. The goal is a referral to education program for further assessment and proper class placement. • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Locator test Reading scores at the E, M, and D levels, regardless of educational achievement or as determined by education program manager • Self-reported lack of GED or Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 6 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Responsible Person CIS task steps are in bold Entrance Criteria RDU Process – Designated Education Staff • All inmates in retained jurisdiction (rider) program require an education orientation goal • Inmates meeting entrance criteria for education must meet educational goals as a priority for other pathways. • Document an inmate’s refusing education goals as "Refusing to Program" in inmate OMP and C- Notes. high school diploma (HSD) • Education and employment needs, based on Level of Service Inventory (LSI) education and employment domain score of 0.7 or higher • Under the age of 22 years • 12 months before parole hearing date (PHD) • Education/case manager discretion Enroll inmate in appropriate education class and enter information into class administration in OMP. Enter refusal of education goals as "Refusing to Program" in OMP and C- Notes 5. Education Integrated Pathway Goal Entrance Criteria Certificate Education/Career Bridge One Foundational Learning – Adult Basic Education • Reading or math ability below 6th grade level as assessed by TABE Full Battery Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Adult Literacy Certificate- Complete 6th grade level reading and math with min. 90 hours inst. ET&R classes Education/Career Bridge Two Developmental Education – Adult Basic Education • Reading and math ability at or above 6th grade level as assessed by TABE Full Battery Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff GED/High School Diploma Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 7 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Goal Entrance Criteria Certificate Education/Career Bridge Three Professional- Technical Education • GED/HSD Completion • Reading and math ability at or above 6th grade level as assessed by TABE Full Battery • Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff NCCER Core Academic/Career Technical Office Occupations Trades and Industries Horticulture Apprenticeships Work Experience Youthful Inmate • All inmates below the age of 22 years • Goal remains active until 22nd birthday • Identify education needs and refer to educational programming None PreRelease Program All inmates must complete the Pre-Release Program – 12 months before parole hearing date (PHD). PreRelease Manual Education/Career Planning Computer Literacy Education/Career LifeLong Learning Inmates assessed with low level reading skills and documented inability to progress through Education/Career Bridges. Inmates may continue education enrollment. None Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 8 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Goal Entrance Criteria Certificate Education/Career Bridge Four Bridges to Community Inmates enrolled in Career/Education Bridge Four will have entered probation/parole, priority given to inmates under 21 years of age and with reading and math below 8th grade level. Certificates of Completion occurring in Districts are documented in Test Section: Education/Career Bridge Four (Districts Only) GED Completion of GED testing through P&P district office and local ABE program National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), 16 hour training Job Search Workshop Six hour training 6. Certificate of Completion - High School Diploma Responsible Person Tasks CIS steps are in bold Entrance Criteria Education Program Director (or Designee) Evaluate transcript. If inmate received HSD, enter in CIS under education link. Inmates referred to diploma track based on transcript evaluation Designated School Staff Enroll inmate in appropriate classes in class sections of OMP. • Retained Jurisdiction Inmates (Riders): Ability to achieve and have four or fewer credits to complete HSD • Committed Inmates (Termers/Timers): Ability to achieve and complete before 24 months before release, at discretion of team case management Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 9 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Responsible Person Tasks CIS steps are in bold Entrance Criteria Education Program Manager Ensure inmate completes and passes State Board of Education-approved format of taking and passing full battery of TABE, and enter in CIS under education link. All inmates attempting to achieve HSD Designated School Staff (or Case Manager) Make appropriate educational notes in C- Notes enter high school achievement record as Certificate of Completion in Assessment section of OMP. Education Program Director Issue HSD upon completion of required classes. (Send copy of HSD to records unit at central office or institution where inmate is housed for inmate file.) HSD is awarded in accordance with State Department of Education and audited by education program director or designee Certificate of Completion - Education/Career Planning Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3 Education/Career Planning Requirement of Pre-Release Program • Completion and enrollment may occur any time before release Education/Career Planning Certificate of Completion - Pre-Release Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED Pre-Release Requirement of Pre-Release Program • Twelve months before parole hearing date (PHD) Pre-Release Certificate Completion of Pre- Release Manual, Chapters 1-10 Certificate of Completion - Computer Literacy Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3TOO Computer Literacy Requirement of Pre-Release Program • Completion and enrollment may occur any time before release Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 10 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Certificate of Completion - Academic/Career Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3 Vocational Reading/Math • Score at or above 6th grade level in reading and math as assessed on TABE Full Battery. • Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain. • GED/HSD completion • Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Vocational Reading/Math Certificate: 8th grade reading and math level after at least 90 hours of ET&R instruction ED3 Post-Secondary Reading/Math Post-Secondary Reading/Math Certificate: 12th grade reading and math level after at least 90 hours of ET&R instruction ED3 NCCER Core NCCER Core Certificate: Meets industry standards in basic trade skills Certificate of Completion - Technical Office Occupation Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3TOO Computer Literacy Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate ED3TOO Advanced Computer Literacy Completion of Microsoft Digital Literacy Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate: Word PowerPoint Excel Access ED3TOO Computer System Maintenance • Completion of Microsoft Digital Literacy and Microsoft Office Specialist • LSI-R total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain, or • Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Computer System Maintenance Certificate: 30 hours of instruction resulting in college competency certificate ED3TOO Graphic and Web Design • Completion of Microsoft Digital Literacy and Microsoft Office Specialist • LSI-R total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain, or • Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Basic Graphic and Web Design Certificate: 56 hour training resulting in college competency certificate Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 11 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Certificate of Completion - Trades and Industry/Work Force Development (Education/Career Bridge Three) Based on an inmate’s education and career plan, education staff will work with case managers to initiate transfers through the inmate placement group for appropriate institutional vocational class enrollment. Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3TI All Trades and Industry/Work Force Development Classes have corresponding Certificates of Completion • Completion of NCCER Core Certificate • Score at or above 8th grade level in reading and math as assessed on TABE Full Battery • LSI-R total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain • GED/HSD completion • Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff • CPR/First Aid and OSHA Safety Class, 10 Hour Certificate may be used as prerequisites to TI classes, depending on class availability. All certificates of completion are based on at least 30 hours of training from certified correctional education staff resulting in industry certification or contracted college/university staff resulting in post-secondary competency certificate. Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 12 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Certificate of Completion - Horticulture (Education/Career Bridge Three) Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3HORT All Horticulture classes have corresponding Certificates of Completion • Score at or above 6th grade level in reading and math as assessed on TABE Full Battery • GED/HSD completion • LSI-R total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain • Professional discretion of either education staff or inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff All certificates of completion are based on at least 30 hours of training from certified correctional education staff resulting in industry certification or contracted college/university staff resulting in post-secondary competency certificate. Certificate of Completion - Work Experience Class Entrance Criteria Certification ED3TI Work Experience • Score at or above 6th grade level in reading and math as assessed on the TABE Full Battery • GED/HSD completion, including Completion of Financial Literacy and Technology/ Media Literacy • LSI-R total score of 0.7 or higher in education/employment domain • Professional discretion of either education staff or the inmate’s case manager after consulting with education staff Work Experience Certificate 600 hours of education/treatment/work, with minimum of 240 hours of work Certificate of Completion - Apprenticeship Program Class Entrance Criteria Certification Apprenticeship Program completions are based on direct • Concurrent enrollment in Cabinet Maker, Furniture Class is required. Cabinet Maker, Furniture Certificate • Prerequisite is completion of Custodial Technician Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 13 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Class Entrance Criteria Certification staff supervision and mentoring of hands-on training. CMI Commercial Cleaning I and II. Certificate • Prerequisite is completion of Commercial Cleaning 1 and 2, and NCCER classes: HVAC 1 and 2, Electrical Wiring 1 and 2, Masonry 1 and 2, Plumbing 1 and 2 and Carpentry 1. Facility Maintenance Program Certificate 7. Youthful Inmate Responsible Person Tasks Entrance Criteria Special Education Program Manager Determine special education eligibility and create an individual education plan using Department of Education standards. Under 22 and prior enrollment in special education in previous school Education Program Manager or Designated Site School Staff Fifteen hours of weekly class enrollment in ETR programming for all inmates below age 22 Under 22 years old 8. Correspondence Courses Correspondence courses, attendance, and completions are not entered into the OMP. Instructors may proctor testing on an as available basis; however, the department provides no funding for correspondence courses. Correspondence courses and materials must comply with Mail Handling in Correctional Facilities, SOP 402.02.01.001. 9. Library Each school maintains a library for inmates to use according to institutional rules. Each facility regulates use of other public libraries and inter-library loans. Library funding is through institutional budgets, grant allocations, and inmate management funds. 10. Safe Learning Environment Robert Janss School provides a safe, disciplined, and orderly learning environment. School staff cooperates with security staff to maintain a safe learning environment. School site, facilities, equipment, and related services serve to carry out the department’s mission and are part of the educational program. The school’s learning environment maintains a positive educational atmosphere and addresses the physical, emotional , and social health and safety of all persons in the school. Maintaining discipline and positive inmate behavior improves learning opportunities. Providing a productive climate and culture is essential to inmate achievement. Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 14 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction Responsible Person Task Education Program Manager • Ensure safety, discipline and orderly learning environment • Provide access to safety training Work with other facility management teams (programs and security) developing a schedule that includes best use of resources and makes programs available to all inmates. • Monitor capacity of school and inmate needs to develop and maintain appropriate classroom and inmate-teacher ratio. • Ensure classes are available when inmates may take them. This may include nontraditional hours. Instructor Notify program manager of concerns regarding c lass size, attendance, behavior and other classroom issues. Maintain discipline, establish and enforce classroom rules that comply with school and institutional rules, maintain class attendance records. 11. Class Size The capacity of the school is the maximum number of inmates the school facility can safely manage, based on room size, custody level, and subject taught. Program demand is the number of inmates who need educational services. 12. Scheduling The facility head or designee determines the schedule in each school allowing maximum use of staff and facility, coordinating with other treatment providers when possible. The schedule should address capacity and demand issues to maximize intensity of instruction. 13. Case Plan Compliance Inmates must comply with their case plans, including attendance, involvement, and completing their educational goals. Staff will enter an inmate’s refusal to comply with education goals as "refusing to program" in OMP and C-Notes. If an inmate refuses treatment programming while active in pursuing education goals • The inmate may attend ABE classes, as classroom space allows • The inmate may not pursue vocational classes while refusing treatment programming If ABE classes are full, an inmate refusing treatment programs is lowest priority and may be removed from the class to allow a compliant inmate access to the class. If an inmate is unable to complete an educational goal, education staff must reassess the appropriateness of this goal for the inmate. If the goal is unattainable, education staff do both of the following: • Enter “Inability to benefit from Education/Career Bridge” in the inmate’s OMP and C- Note • Contact the inmate’s case manager Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 15 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction 14. Attendance Teachers will enter an education goal in the OMP for inmates meeti ng the entrance criteria for education. Inmates must attend classes regularly until they achieve their educational goals. The only excused absences are legal, medical, staff excused, and administrative closure of the school. Inmates must be on time for classes. Teachers are responsible for contacting the case managers with absentee issues and patterns that affect learning. Attendance is taken for each class and instructors must enter attendance data into the OMP at least weekly. 15. Un-Enrollment or Removal from Classes Removal or un-enrollment from a class requires review of the education program manager or site-designated staff, except for an institutional move. If the education program manager or site-designated staff removes an inmate from a class, the instructor must un-enroll the inmate from the class entering an exit type of “fail” with a detailed note in the C-Note section of CIS. If the inmate is later readmitted, create a new enrollment in the class section of the OMP. Enter "refusing to program" in OMPs and C-Notes, if an inmate refuses educational goals. 16. Highly Qualified Personnel All educators of Robert Janss School must be highly qualified through educational certification. Individual professional development plans and continuous improvement planning promote ongoing improvement of school curriculum and instruction . All teachers must comply with state of Idaho continuing education requirements of six credits during each five-year certification period. 17. Classroom Instruction Teachers must provide instruction, as outlined by Robert Janss School administration, including curricula and competencies, using instructional materials from the approved list of materials. Use of other materials requires approval of the education program director. Teachers must comply with copyright laws regarding the copying of materials for classroom use. Program managers and teachers must provide an environment that maximizes learning. Guest speakers require approval of an education program manager or other institutional staff. Instruction is limited to core subjects, unless specifically authorized by the education program director. 18. Inmate Achievement The primary accountability at Robert Janss School is for inmate learning, growth, and achievement. These are necessary in becoming a productive member of society and reducing recidivism. Intensive programs promote better learning and allow inmates to achieve their goals more quickly demonstrated by regular school attendance, TABE assessments, and program comp letions. Staff is accountable for systematic collection, analysis, and use of data to provide continuous improvement in inmate performance and for Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 16 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction entering this information accurately in CIS. To recognize and celebrate inmates’ success, the Robert Janss School schedules regular graduations at all institutions. 19. Accountability Inmate Accountability Inmates are accountable for following their case plans and complete educational goals. Teacher Accountability • Documenting inmate progress in OMP and CIS within institution or department required timelines • Communicating with case managers regarding inmate progress Case Manager Accountability • Initiating, updating and closing inmate goals • Monitoring case plan compliance and inmate progress • Keeping goals current, monitoring progress to completion • Entering follow up C-Notes Education Program Managers Accountability • Visit classrooms • Conduct formal and informal teacher observations and evaluations at least two times each year • Discuss observations with each teacher in their annual department evaluation • Verify teaching curricula including lesson plans, book selections, and teaching styles • Hold regular staff meetings with minutes • Submit staff meeting minutes to institutional administration and the education program director • Working with case managers to ensure enrollment, attendance, and completion of case plan goals • Accurately and timely recording information in CIS • Monitoring, auditing, and evaluating OMP data entry monthly to review inmate progress toward the goals established in OMP and case plan compliance • Appointing a staff member as a single point of contact to provide consistency in use and training of the OMP Education Program Director Accountability The education program director must • Promote proper selection, retention, and evaluation of school personnel • Ensure pre-service training and continued staff development opportunities • Provide training for required certification credits • Visit each site annually • Maintain a personnel file for each faculty member, with current credentials and training Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 17 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction • Hold institution-wide managers’ meetings quarterly or more often, and submit minutes to the chief of education, treatment, and reentry • Monitoring standard reports for accuracy and completeness of OMP • Soliciting training when needed • Conducting random audits of OMP records quarterly • Designate a person to serve as an intermediary between the institution and central office if an institution does not have a program manager. This person works with the education program director to comply with department policies and accreditation standards. 20. Education for Segregated, Restricted or Suspended Inmates (SRS) Segregated, restricted, or suspended inmates have limited access to educational services. The education program manager must • Address educational concerns from SRS inmates • Document educational status and progress of SRS inmates • Enroll inmates in a regular school program upon rele ase from SRS status, in conjunction with security concerns 21. School Improvement Continual improvement of the educational program is essential in providing quality results. Robert Janss School is actively involved in a dynamic and data -driven school improvement planning process. Professional development programs and community participation in the planning process are elements that distinguish good schools. Successful improvement programs focus on systematic analysis of inmate performance data and impact of the school’s instructional and organizational practices on inmate achievement. The education program director is responsible for • Maintaining a procedure for education program evaluation following Northwest Accreditation Standards • Evaluating academic and professional-technical programs periodically following Northwest Accreditation Standards • Developing and maintaining plans for program improvement and accountabilit y according to Northwest Accreditation Standards • Applying annually for accreditation from Northwest Accreditation Standards • Monitoring facilities for continued improvement of technology 22. Fiscal Management The department funds the Robert Janss School. The facility head and the education program director develop a budget for the facility with input from education staff. The educational budget provides for testing and operating expenses and the library. The facility head or designee is the spending authority for the educational budget. Control Number: 607.26.01.012 Version: 4.0 Title: Educational Practices, Procedures, and Placements Page Number: 18 of 18 Idaho Department of Correction The institution is responsible for staff development, training, and travel. School and institutional administration provide opportunities for staff training as determined by accreditation and certification requirements and the education management team. Grants provide for much of the operating expenses of the school. Gra nt managers are responsible for providing opportunities for curriculum, instruction, and to assure parity among the schools for use of the grant monies. – End of Document –