HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinical SupervisionDEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION OPERATIONS Programs DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 6 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision Adopted: 01-12-04 C O P Y 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the policy of the Board of Correction that the Department of Correction will provide programs which promote offender change and successful reintegration into the community. The Department shall not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, race, sex, creed, or national origin. Considerations for the approval or denial of programs shall include, but not to be limited to, the capability of the Department to pro vide programs and the eligibility of the offender. Nothing in this policy statement nor in Department of Correction policy or directive or other sources establishing procedure or operations shall establish any right under state or federal law to programmi ng or education for offenders. 01.01.00. Purpose To ensure quality program delivery through clinical supervision and staff training. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 01.01.00. Purpose 02.00.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00. REFERENCES 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Performance Evaluation 05.02.00. Learning Plan 05.03.00. Quality Assurance 05.04.00. Oversight 03.00.00. REFERENCES Department Policy 607, Correctional Education And Programs. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 6 C O P Y 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS Clinical Supervisor. An individual that has demonstrated the skills, training, and certification to oversee the clinical skills of program delivery staff. Task and functions o f supervision include: plan, direct, monitor, and evaluate the work of another; offer information and techniques that improve the knowledge and skills of those being supervised. Developing Counselor. Developing counselors have limited understanding of to ols, systems, and models of addiction treatment and may be inconsistent in their application to counseling interactions. They are not sufficiently proficient at addiction treatment to practice independently and require regular professional supervision. They are counselor trainees, entry-level counselors and correctional specialists who are not eligible for full credentials. Eight (8) Practice Dimensions. Includes one hundred and twenty-one (121) discrete competencies believed essential to effective treatment services for individuals, families and significant others. Exemplary Counselor. Exemplary counselors strategically apply and integrate the counseling competencies with consistency and effectiveness. They can conceptualize treatment and incorporate services across a broad range of disciplines. These counselors are eligible for, or have achieved, the highest levels of professional credentials and/or qualifications. They provide leadership and serve as role models and consultants to other staff. The se staff may assist in the training and supervision of non- certified staff involved in program delivery. Facility Head. The person with primary responsibility to oversee, manage or operate a Department facility. Learning Plan. Plan that breaks down kno wledge, skill and attitude into manageable, measurable learning steps with the goal of becoming proficient in the application of the competencies. The learning plan is individualized to the needs and learning styles of the program delivery staff. Offender. A person under the legal care, custody, supervision or authority of the Board including a person within or without the state pursuant to agreement with another state or a contractor. Proficient Counselors. Proficient counselors demonstrate and apply counseling knowledge, skill and attitudes with consistency and effectiveness in a variety of counseling interactions. They have achieved an acceptable skill level across the range DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 6 C O P Y of addiction counseling competencies. These counselors are eligible for, o r have achieved, necessary credentials and/or qualifications for professional practice. Program Delivery Staff. Employees of the Department that occupy the position of psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, drug and alcohol rehabilitation specialist, or in some instances, clinicians, program managers, and pre -release specialists. Rubrics. A sub-classification of counseling competencies to be used in performance assessment. Rubrics are descriptio ns of expected behaviors at three (3) distinct stages in a counselor’s development. A set of rubrics has been identified for developing proficient and exemplary addiction counselors. Rubrics serve as a descriptive benchmark on a counselor development conti nuum. Rubric’s Rating System. Instrument used to rate program delivery staff’s level of proficiency. TAPS 21. This document presents the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are needed for achieving and practicing the competencies listed in "Addiction Counseling Competencies." It is intended to provide guidance for the professional treatment of substance use disorders. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE The facility authority, with support from the Division of Prisons, will ensure quality program practices by me ans of clinical supervision. Clinical supervisors will ensure internal quality controls exist by monitoring the quality and proficiency of program delivery staff by direct observation. Video or audio mechanisms may be used to assist in monitoring when the observer is unable to observe in person because of distance or work schedule. The frequency of observations may be weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending upon the counselor proficiencies and learning plan. To allow program delivery staff to fulfill their job functions effectivel y, the clinical supervisors shall develop, maintain, support, and mentor relationships with program delivery staff. Clinical supervisors will evaluate program staff with the Performance Assessment Rubrics System in combination with TAPS 21. 05.01.00. Performance Assessment Clinical supervisors shall assess program delivery staff with a combination of the Rubrics Performance Assessment and Taps 21. Clinical supervisors will identify areas DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 6 C O P Y for supervision jointly with the program staff member, focusing on areas that will assist the staff member with their job assignments. Assessment areas are identified in subsection 05.01.01. and 05.01.02. A summary of the developmental progress indicating areas being a ddressed in clinical supervision will be submitted to the administrative supervisor for the program staff member being supervised. This is to be completed at least yearly for inclusion in the performance appraisal, or more often if needed to ensure the co unseling practice progress is being advanced for the individual. The Rubrics Performance Assessment shall be used relative to each staff's level of competency. The goal is to increase all counseling skills used by program staff. Staff delivering addicti on-based and non-addiction-based programs can be evaluated at the Developing Counselor level with the intent of progressing each staff member to the Proficient Counselor level. In addition to each staff being evaluated according to his or her own skill level, staff will also be evaluated on their effectiveness in delivering proper course content as outlined in manuals and/or other directives. A learning plan will also be developed based on these criteria. 05.01.01. Transdisciplinary Foundation and Practic es Transdisciplinary foundation and practices shall be the foundation of counselor competency. Regardless of professional identify or discipline, each treatment provider must have a basic understanding of addiction that includes knowledge of current models and theories. All addiction-focused disciplines are built on a common foundation. These foundations and practices include: Understanding addiction, basic knowledge about substance abuse disorders; Treatment knowledge, treatment and recovery models; Application to practice, how to apply treatment knowledge to practice; and Professional readiness, issues related to self awareness, appreciation of diversity, ethics and continuing education. 05.01.02. Practice Dimensions Practice Dimensions include: DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision PAGE NUMBER: 5 of 6 C O P Y Clinical Evaluation; Treatment Planning; Referral; Service Coordination; Counseling; Client, Family, and Community Education; Documentation; and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities. 05.02.00. Learning Plan Clinical supervisors, in collaboration with program delivery staff, shall jointly develop a learning plan based on the results of the clinical assessment. The clinical supervisor is expected to elicit feedback from those individuals being assessed and consider the preferred styles and methods of learning for those individuals. Clinical supervisors shall break down the learning plan by knowledge, skill, and attitude into manageable, obtainable, and measurable le arning steps. Clinical supervisors shall ensure the learning plan is individualized to the needs and learning styles of the person being supervised. The learning plan shall have overall needs broken down into their constituent parts: the knowledge; the skills; and the attitudes necessary to attain proficiency. Clinical supervisors shall ensure a copy of the learning plan is provided to the program delivery staff within thirty (30) days of evaluation results. A copy of this plan shall be given to the program staff member's supervisor upon request or when otherwise deemed appropriate. Clinical supervisors shall monitor learning plans and make revisions as needed. 05.03.00. Quality Assurance Clinical supervisors may participate in new-hire interview panels for the Department when selecting persons to fill program delivery positions. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 607.26.01.006 SUBJECT: Clinical Supervision PAGE NUMBER: 6 of 6 C O P Y Clinical supervisors, in conjunction with the facility head or designee, will ensure that program delivery staff perform within identified level of proficiency. Clinical supervisors shall provide program delivery staff with direct clinical supervision, instruction, training, guidance, and coaching in professional development. Alternative methods can be used such as audio, video, and distance learning to augment direct supervision. Clinical supervisors will recommend specific training programs for the program staff to attend as it relates to necessary coursework and/or training to meet or maintain proficient level competencies. These recommendations will be made to both the program staff and their supervisor. The Division of Programs will provide clinical supervision coursework or training with adequate frequency to provide the necessary training for clinical super visors to improve their clinical supervision skills. The facility head will ensure clinical supervisors are given the opportunity to attend specific coursework or training. 05.04.00. Oversight The Division of Programs will monitor compliance with this directive. ____________________________________ __________________________ Administrator, Operations Date