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Department of
Oral Care
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Control Number:
Pat Donaldson, chief of management services, approved this document on 10/04/2017.
Open to the public: Yes
This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to all Idaho Department of Correction
(IDOC) employees, inmates, healthcare contrac tors and subcontractors.
Revision Summary
Revision date (09/11 /2017) version 4.0: Reformatted and updated entire document. Updated
terminology and definitions for audit compliance. Revision date (10/04/2017) version 5.0: Minor
changes to add a designee to some areas of responsibility.
Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number................................................................................. 1
Policy Control Number 401 ....................................................................................................... 1
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Responsibility ............................................................................................................................ 2
Standard Procedures ................................................................................................................ 2
1. Oral Care .......................................................................................................................... 2
2. Dental treatment .............................................................................................................. 2
3. Dental Services at Intake ................................................................................................. 4
4. Dental Treatment Plans .................................................................................................... 4
5. Outside Dental Consultations/Treatment ......................................................................... 4
6. Compliance ...................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 4
References ............................................................................................................................... 5
Medical Care
Clinical Services and Treatment
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Idaho Department of Correction
The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to es tablish proc edures to
ensure that inmates’ dental needs are m et in a timely and appropriate m anner under the
direction and supervision of a dentis t.
Health Services Director
The health services director, or designee, is respons ible to monitor the
implementation and continued practice of the provis ions contained in this SOP.
When services are privatized, the contrac t medic al provider is res pons ible to
implement and practice all provis ions of this SOP unless spec ific ally exempted by
written contrac tual agreements.
Nothing in this SOP shall be construed to relive the contract medical provider(s) of
any obligation and/or responsibility stipulated in their respective contractual
Contract Medical Provider
When services are privatized, the contrac t medic al provider(s) ensures that all aspects of
this SOP and the appropriate National Com m ission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC)
standards are address ed by institution-specific policy and defined procedures, and that all
forms and procedures are subm itted to the department health authority for review and
approval prior to implementation.
Oral Care
Oral care under the direction and supervision of a dentist licensed in the state is provided to
each inmate. Care is timely and includes immediate access for urgent or painful conditions.
There is a system of established priorities for care when, in the dentis t’s judgement, the
inmate’s health would be adversely affected.
1. Dental treatment is categorized as emergent or non-emergent services.
Emergency Dental Treatment
Em ergency dental treatment is available to all inmates and includes, but is not limited to,
treatment for the following:
Jaw or facial swelling
Tooth fracture at gum line
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Idaho Department of Correction
Emergency dental nursing protoc ols are available to assess dental emergenc ies at times
when the dental s taff is not available. Appropriate notification to a dental or medical provider
is required for dental emergencies that require immediate treatment. If immediate treatment
is not required, the inmate is referred to the next available dental c linic .
Non-emergency dental treatment
Access to non-emergent dental treatm ent will be acc omplished through the submission of a
health s ervices request and following the established sick call process. Non-emergent dental
treatment inc ludes, but is not limited to, treatment for the following:
Restoration (Fillings)
Tooth-colored and silver (amalgam)
Medicated, temporary
Complicated cases may be referred offsite as determined by the attending dentist.
Periodontal Treatment (Gum Disease)
Periodontal treatment will be provided on both an emergent and non-emergent basis
as determ ined by the attending dentist.
Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal)
Root canal services may be provided at the discretion of the attending dentist based
on clinical evaluation and overall oral health.
Pulpotomies (pulp cap) may be provided at the discretion of the attending dentis t
based on clinical evaluation and overall oral health.
Prosthodontics (Dentures and Partial Dentures)
Does not include bridges or implants.
Providing dentures or partial dentures is at the discretion of the attending dentist.
Eligibility for replacement of dentures or partial dentures is every five years.
Inmates within six months of release may not be eligible for dentures or partial
dentures due to the time required to complete the denture process .
Orthodontic services are not provided.
If an inmate has existing orthodontic hardware upon arrival, his treating orthodontist
will be contacted by the attending dentist to determine the proper course of action. If
the inmate has a long sentence, the usual result is removal of the orthodontic
hardware. If removal of the orthodontic hardware is required, the attending dentist
will make arrangements for removal.
Minor Temporo-Mandibular Joint Treatment
Night guards may be provided at the discretion of the attending dentist.
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Idaho Department of Correction
2. Dental Services at Intake
Oral Screening at Intake
An oral s c reening will be performed by a licensed dentist within seven days of adm ission
to an IDOC fac ility. The oral screening inc ludes visual examination of the teeth and
gum s, noting any obvious abnormalities or inmate complaints.
Oral Examination at Intake
A licensed dentist will complete a comprehens ive oral examination within thirty days of
adm ission. The oral examination will be perform ed on all the hard and s oft tissues and
will inc lude the inmate’s dental history, charting of the teeth, health history, home care
instructions and access to care instructions.
3. Dental Treatment Plans
Each inmate will have his dental conditions explained. The conditions will be prioritized by
the attending dentist. Radiographs are appropriately used in the development of the
treatment plan. Each inmate should be educ ated in the extent of dental treatment he may
expect to rec eive during inc arceration.
4. Outside Dental Consultations/Treatment
Consultation with this SOP and all related department-approved forms and/or protoc ols will
be monitored via routine reports, program reviews, audits and record reviews conducted by
the department health authority or des ignee.
Compliance with this SOP and all related department-approved forms and/or protocols will
be monitored via routine reports, program reviews, audits and record reviews conducted by
the department health authority or des ignee.
Dental: Relating to the teeth and dentistry
Dental Treatment: Includes the full range of s ervices that in the supervis ing dentis t's
judgment are necess ary for proper mastic ation and m aintaining the inmate’s health status.
Health Services Director: The Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) employee, or
designee, who is primarily responsible for overs ight of auditing and monitoring services
provided by the contract medical vendor.
Oral Care: Includes instruction in oral hygiene, examination, and treatment of dental
problems. Instruction in oral hygiene m inimally includes information on plaque control and
the proper brushing of teeth.
Oral Screening: Includes visual observation of the teeth and gums, and notation of any
obvious or gross abnormalities requiring immediate referral to a dentist.
Oral Examination by a Dentist: Includes taking or reviewing the inmate’s oral history, an
extraoral head and neck examination, charting of teeth, and examination of the hard and
soft tissue of the oral cavity with a mouth mirror, explorer, and adequate illumination.
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Idaho Department of Correction
NCCHC Standard P-E-06
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