HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave and Scheduled Leave ManagementIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Vacation, and Scheduled Leave Management Page: 1 of 13 Control Number: Version: 8.0 Adopted: 04-05-2006 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Ashley Dowell, chief of the division of prisons, approved this document on 08/22/2018. Open to the public: Yes SCOPE This standard operating procedure (SOP) establishes procedures for the selection of uniformed employees to fill exempt posts, a seniority bidding procedure to fill nonexempt posts, and a seniority bidding procedure to schedule annual leave in all Idaho Department of Correction prisons and community reentry centers. Because of the unique community release centers (CRC) mission and their limited staffing, each CRC must establish, in field memorandum, methods for staffing in lieu of using the seniority bid process. The CRC division chief or designee must approve each CRC field memorandum. Revision History Revision date (08/22/2018) version 8.0: Revised some processes; adding division staffing manager; added clarification in certain sections and revised timelines. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ............................................................................. 2 Policy Control Number 216................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Resposibility ......................................................................................................................... 2 Standard Procedures ........................................................................................................... 3 1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. Post Bidding System ...................................................................................................... 3 3. Eligibility for Participation in Post and Vacation Leave Bidding ....................................... 4 4. Calculation of Seniority ................................................................................................... 4 5. Seniority Calculations for Change in Classification ......................................................... 5 6. Exempt Posts ................................................................................................................. 6 7. Relief Position ................................................................................................................ 6 8. Military Duty.................................................................................................................... 6 9. Employees Transferring Between Bid Cycles ................................................................. 7 10. Bid Procedures for Employees in Acting Positions ......................................................... 7 Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 2 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 11. Post Bidding Procedure .................................................................................................. 7 12. Employees Not Available at Time of Bid ......................................................................... 8 13. Mid-Year Bid of Vacant Posts ......................................................................................... 9 14. Post Reassignment ........................................................................................................ 9 15. Vocational Work Projects Staffing Procedures ................................................................ 9 16. Vacation Leave Bidding .................................................................................................10 Definitions ...........................................................................................................................13 References ..........................................................................................................................13 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 216 Seniority and Staffing PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to establish a consistent staffing system to fill and manage security post assignments at IDOC prisons and community reentry centers (CRCs). RESPONSIBILITY The chief of the division of prisons is responsible for identifying a division staffing manager and ensuring that this SOP is properly implemented. Facility Heads Facility heads are responsible for the following: • Reviewing post plans and master rosters at their facilities • Establishing procedures to implement the provisions of this SOP • Identifying a roster manager • Identifying and establishing posts that require specialized skills or abilities that become exempt from the seniority bid process Division Staffing Manager The division staffing manager is responsible for the following: • Developing shift relief factors and post plans • Developing employee vacation allowance numbers for each facility • Staffing assignments for new hires Facility Roster Managers Facility roster managers are responsible for the following: • Developing and maintaining master facility rosters Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 3 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted • Preparing all necessary bid documents and announcements • Determining vacation allowances for each employee • Facilitating and recording bid results • Approving, denying, and tracking time off requests Employees Employees are responsible for the following: • Determining whether they are eligible to participate in the procedures described in this SOP • Submitting their applications and bids in accordance with this SOP STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Overview The adequate staffing of correctional facilities is a vital component in fulfilling the department’s mission. Facility heads and/or designees must fill each post with an employee who is well suited for the position. In addition, supervisors must have the ability to move employees into new posts to provide training and development and to meet security needs. Experienced employees are a valuable resource; therefore, the department uses a bidding process that balances resource management with recognition of seniority. Facility Management Authority Facility heads are responsible for maintaining a safe, secure, and orderly work place. To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to restrict or alter employees’ posts, shifts, days off, or assignments. If changes are required, the facility head must explain the reasons for the action to those employees who are affected. 2. Post Bidding System The post bidding system is a process used to fill nonexempt posts. Employees bid within their job classification at their work unit. (For example, correctional officers only bid against other correctional officers). Correctional officers, food service officers, corporals, sergeants, and food service supervisors must bid for posts. Initial annual bid process for the following year will begin November 1st. If November 1st falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the bid process will begin on the following Monday. A mid-year bid will be used to fill any post that becomes vacant. Work Units Bids are conducted within work units. IDOC correctional facility work units are as follows: • East Boise Community Reentry Center (EB-CRC) • Idaho Correctional Institution-Orofino (ICIO) Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 4 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted • Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center (IF-CRC) • Idaho Maximum Security Institution (IMSI) • Idaho State Correctional Center (ISCC) • Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI) • Nampa Community Reentry Center (N-CRC) • North Idaho Correctional Institution (NICI) • Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center (PWCC) • Saint Anthony Work Camp (SAWC) • South Boise Women’s Correctional Center (SBWCC) • South Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI) • Treasure Valley Reentry Center (TV-CRC) 3. Eligibility for Participation in Post and Vacation Leave Bidding Employees who have obtained “permanent status” in their classification and who are not placed in an exempt post are eligible to participate in the seniority bidding process. Employees who hold “probationary” or “temporary” status are assigned to posts in accordance with the following: • For the first six months, entrance probationary and temporary employees are assigned a post on either second or third shift (8-hour posts) or first or second shift (12-hour posts) in order to receive close supervision, training and development, and to monitor and assess their job performance and training needs. Probationary officers may be rotated to first shift for a period not to exceed a total of four weeks within the first six months of service. • After completing the first six months of the probationary period, probationary employees may participate in the seniority bidding process. 4. Calculation of Seniority Seniority is determined by employees’ most recent date of hire in the classification. For the purpose of post and vacation leave bidding, the employee with the earliest hire or promotion date in the bid classification has the highest seniority. The employee with the second earliest hire or promotion date has the second-to-highest seniority, etc. Seniority is based on calendar days, not credited state service (CSS) hours and only includes the time employed by IDOC, not all state service. Seniority Tiebreaker Sequence To determine who has more seniority when two or more employees are tied, use the following standard, in the order listed: 1. Seniority goes to the employee with the earliest date of hire or promotion, within their current classification with the department, and without a break in service. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 5 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 2. Seniority goes to the employee with the highest academy ranking; academy rankings only apply to employees within the same academy class. If the employees who are tied lack an academy ranking, this tiebreaker option is not used and all affected employees default to the next tiebreaker. 3. Seniority goes to the employee with the highest total number of credited state service (CSS) hours with IDOC as of October 1st of the calendar year. 4. If seniority remains tied after applying the sequence in this section, seniority is established using random selection by drawing numbers. 5. Seniority Calculations for Change in Classification The following rules apply for seniority bidding for post and vacation leave: Promotion When an employee promotes to a new bid-eligible classification, seniority for post and vacation leave bidding is calculated from the hire date in the promotional classification. Reduction in Work Force When an employee is demoted, either involuntarily or voluntarily, because of a reduction in workforce, the employee is credited for both the time spent in promotion classification and time in the previously held classification. Reinstatement-Layoff Register When an employee is reinstated to a former permanent classification from a layoff register, the employee is credited the calendar days previously earned in that former classification, but not the calendar days while laid off. Promotional Probation When an employee promotes to any IDOC position but then returns to a former permanent classification for either failure to complete promotional probation or for voluntary demotion while on promotional probation, the employee is credited both the calendar days earned in the former classification and the calendar days earned in the promotional position. Lateral Transfers When an employee laterally transfers to a former permanent classification, the employee is credited the calendar days previously earned in the former classification. Voluntary Demotion When an employee takes a voluntary demotion, he is credited for both the calendar days earned in the promotion classification and calendar days earned in the previously held classification to which he returned. Demotion for Disciplinary Reasons When an employee is demoted, for disciplinary reasons to a position previously held, the employee is given credit for the length of time served in that former position. The human resource manager or designee calculates the seniority date, documents that date in the employee’s personnel file, and shares the seniority date with the facility head or designee for bidding purposes. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 6 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Promotions Again to Previously Held Position When an employee promotes again to a classification previously held, but was voluntarily or involuntarily demoted or failed to complete promotional probation, seniority is calculated using the most recent hire date to the promotional position; the previous time in the promotional position does not apply. Break in Service When an employee has a break in service for any length of time (terminates employment with the IDOC), then later returns to work for IDOC to a former bid-eligible classification, that employee does not receive seniority credit for the previous service. Seniority Issues Not Covered in this SOP This SOP provides procedures to address common circumstances that affect seniority calculations; however, situations may occur that are not covered in this SOP. When such situations occur, the responsible division chief determines the seniority calculation on each case individually. The decision is documented in writing and placed in the employee’s personnel file. 6. Exempt Posts A facility head or designee must submit a list of recommended exempt posts to a deputy chief for review and approval before November 1st. The recommendation must contain the following information: • Description of each post with its assigned number • Desired skills and/or qualifications (rationale) The facility head or designee is responsible to explain the selection process to employees via email or posted memorandum on November 7th (or the following Monday if November 7th falls on a Saturday or Sunday). To be considered for an exempt post, employees must complete and submit an Exempt Post Request Form to the roster manager. A deputy warden or second in command recommends the employees based on skills and/or qualification. The facility head approves the staff to fill the exempt posts. 7. Relief Position Relief position is a position that fills posts that are vacant due to scheduled or unscheduled leave. Because of the nature of the relief position, employees may be required to adjust scheduled days off or shifts to fill vacant posts or positions. 8. Military Duty Employees called to perform active military duty or who are authorized ‘MLT’ coded military leave are credited with days of seniority as if they had remained at work. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 7 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted If an employee fails to return to his classified position within the time limits outlined in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) from the stop date on the employee’s military orders, it is considered a break in service and no credit for seniority, either previous to or for the time in active duty, are granted. 9. Employees Transferring Between Bid Cycles The facility head or designee assigns a post to any employee that transfers to that facility between bids. If eligible to bid, the employee is allowed to participate in the next scheduled bid process. 10. Bid Procedures for Staff in Acting Positions Employees in acting positions bid for post in the classification in which they hold permanent status and return to that post if the acting appointment ends before the next bid process. Time spent in an acting position is credited towards seniority in the employee’s bidding classification. If during an acting appointment, the employee is promoted to that classification, the days spent in the acting appointment are credited to the promoted classification. 11. Bidding Procedure The following procedure is used for bidding for posts. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Division Staffing Manager 1 On or before August 1st, begin creating shift relief factors and post plans for all facilities. This information will be provided to the facility roster managers on or before October 1st. Facility Head or Designee 2 • Identify all security posts required and identify the bid posts needed at the facility. • Provide a list of exempt posts to the division staffing manager for review by October 15th. Facility Roster Manager 3 • On November 1st (or the following Monday if November 1st falls on a Saturday or Sunday), establish lists ranked by seniority of employees in each job classification, and make the lists available to staff members. • Post the bid procedure at least 14 days before the bid date(s). Both postings and email will be used to notify staff. • Resolve issues and answer questions that arise regarding seniority. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 8 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks 4 Notify staff which posts are available for bid. Facility Head or Designee 5 On November 14th, (or the following Monday if November 14th falls on a Saturday or Sunday) select exempt post personnel. Facility Roster Manager 6 • On November 21st, (or the following Monday if November 21st falls on a Saturday or Sunday) conduct the bidding process beginning with the employee with the most seniority choosing first, followed by the employee with the second highest seniority, so forth and so on, until all eligible employees have made bid selections. • Monitor and record the bid selections. 7 Submit the bid results to the facility head within five business days following the end of the bid. Facility Head 8 Review the bid results and ensure that it meets the needs of the facility. Facility Head or Designee 9 Make the results available to staff within three business days of receiving the bid results. 12. Employees Not Available at Time of Bid Failure to Bid If an employee is not available to bid at his scheduled time, the bid facilitator must continue the bid process by skipping to the next person on the seniority list, continuing until the employee who was not available becomes available to bid. (The employee who was not available is allowed to bid in the next slot following his arrival). If a bid-eligible employee fails to bid before bidding ends, the facility head or designee assigns the employee a post, shift, and days off until the next bid process. Unavailable Because of Approved Leave When an employee is unavailable the day of the bid because of vacation leave or sick leave, the employee may submit his bid by calling at the time of the bid or before the bid and may provide the roster manager a prioritized list of posts and/or vacation leave days. When an employee is unavailable to bid because of approved leave such as medical leave, family medical leave, or military leave, the roster manager must contact HR and/or make a reasonable effort to contact the employee to determine if a known or anticipated date of return exists. If the return date is within the bid cycle, the employee is allowed to bid for post and vacation leave according to seniority. If the employee knows he will be gone during the bid cycle, he is responsible for notifying the roster manager and submitting his top five bid choices. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 9 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 13. Mid-Year Bid of Vacant Posts The facility head or designee posts a list of all vacant posts on July 1st. Employees must submit their requests to fill vacant posts by July 14th. Vacant posts are filled based on seniority. Typically, employees know results of the mid-year bid process immediately, but the results should be available not less than one working day after July 14th. 14. Post Reassignment Should circumstances warrant, a deputy warden or second in command, can reassign employees from a bid or exempt post to a different post or position. The facility roster manager should attempt to limit the impact to the employee’s bid shift and days off. However, the facility roster manager cannot create a new post or bump another employee from a bid, or exempt post. Reasons for post reassignment include, but are not limited to, the following: • Employee is unable to perform adequately enough to meet facility needs. • Employee is unable to perform the post-related tasks in a timely manner. • Employee has inconsistent attendance, and/or unexcused absences, which has an adverse impact on facility or post operations. Use the following steps to complete a post reassignment. Functional Roles and Responsibilities Step Tasks Deputy Warden or Second in Command 1 Complete Post Reassignment Form and meet with employee to deliver the form. Employee 2 Complete the employee section of the form and return it to the deputy warden or second in command within five days. Deputy Warden or Second in Command 3 Determine the appropriate post and notify the employee within five days of receiving the form back from the employee. 15. Vocational Work Projects Staffing Procedures The screening and selection of vocational work projects employees may have the following additional procedure: • The facility head may select a committee comprised of employees from programs, security, and facility administration to screen applications and, if applicable, to conduct interviews. • After the screening process, the committee forwards its recommendations to the facility head. • A deputy warden or second in command recommends the employees based on desired personal qualities and skills. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 10 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted • The facility head approves the employees to fill the vocational work project posts. Additional information regarding vocational work projects employee selection can be found in SOP 611.02.01.002, Vocational Work Projects: Staffing Procedures. 16. Vacation Bidding Employees are responsible to schedule accrued leave before reaching their accrual limit. The loss of accrued vacation leave from a failure to bid is not the responsibility of the facility staff or the IDOC. Employees cannot take vacation leave before it is accrued. Employees bid within their job classification at their respective work unit as indicated: officers, corporals, sergeants, lieutenants, food service officers and food service supervisors. Each employee’s most recent date of hire in his job classification determines seniority. The employee with the earliest hire or promotion date in the job classification has the highest seniority as determined in sections four and five. Entrance probation (hired after July 1st) and temporary employees are not eligible to bid for vacation leave; however, they may request time off as described later in this section. Establishing Vacation Staffing The division staffing manager must work with the facility roster managers to determine the number of days that must be accommodated by using the following formula: • The division staffing manager will determine the number of annual vacation days for each employee (using CSS hours as of August 1st to get an estimate). • Add the total number of vacation days for all employees that need to be accommodated, and use that number to build a shift relief factor for each facility. • Roster managers will calculate CSS hours as of October 1, which will be used to determine the final number of annual vacation days for each employee. The staffing manager determines the number of employees, per classification, that can be off per day using the following formula: • Total number of vacation days that need to be accommodated • Divided by 365 • Equals the maximum number of employees that can be on vacation leave on any day of the year Vacation Bid Process Vacation bidding must be conducted separately and after completion of the post bidding process. A minimum of seven days must pass between post bidding and vacation bidding. The facility roster manager must post an updated seniority roster and a bid schedule for employees to see a minimum of 21 days before the bid date. Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 11 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Employees may bid the number of weeks as outlined, based on total CSS hours as of October 1st: Hours of Credited State Service Bid Weeks 31,201 or more 5 weeks 20,801 – 31,200 4 weeks 10,401 – 20,800 3 weeks 0 – 10,400 2 weeks A vacation leave bid-week is normal workdays that fall between regularly scheduled days off. Examples for three, four, and five-day schedules each week are as follows: # of Workdays Scheduled Off Scheduled Work Week Vacation Leave Bid Week 3 Sat/Sun/Mon/Tue Wed/Thurs/Fri Wed-Fri 4 Sat/Sun/Mon Tue/Wed/Thurs/Fri Tue-Fri 5 Sat/Sun Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Bidding is conducted in three rounds: Round 1: Vacation leave bidding consists of all bid-eligible employees bidding a maximum of 2- weeks as follows: Service Years Vacation Leave Bid 31,201 or more Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block 20,801 – 31,200 Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block 10,401 – 20,800 Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block 0 – 10,400 Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block Round 2: After round one vacation leave bidding is completed, conduct the second round of vacation leave bidding as follows: Service Years Vacation Leave Bid 31,201 or more Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block 20,801 – 31,200 Two 1-week blocks or one 2-week block 10,401 – 20,800 One 1-week block 0 – 10,400 0-weeks Round 3: After Round 2 of vacation bidding is completed, employees with more than 31,200 hours CSS may bid one 1-week block or individual days equating to a regular work week (three, four, or five days, depending on your normal work week, as described in the table above). Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 12 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Vocational Work Projects Facility heads may set limits for vacation leave bidding for employees assigned to vocational work projects (VWP) or other revenue-generating positions. This section only applies to employees who are in PCNs (position control number) that are revenue funded. Examples include: • Fire crew members cannot take vacation leave during fire season. • Vacations may be limited to specific blocks of time. • VWP or other revenue-generating positions may request vacation leave week(s) off and supervisors may consider such requests on a case-by-case basis. • Accommodation of vacation leave bids for VWP employees must not adversely affect facility operations or the guidelines set forth in this procedure. If an employee experiences a post change that changes the workweek, the roster manager must work with the employee to accommodate previously bid vacation leave. Time-off Requests Once annual vacation bidding has concluded, and all specialty team training schedules for the year have been received by roster managers, individual requests for scheduled time off may be submitted to the facility roster manager and are considered on a first come, first served basis. Employees submitting request(s) for time off: • Must use the Time Off Request Form • Must email the completed Time Off Request Form to their respective facility roster manager’s email address. (Example: rostermanager@yourfacility.idoc.idaho.gov) • Must get special approval from the deputy warden or second in command if submitting more than two requests per month. • Individual time off requests must be for a single time frame (either one day, or if multiple days, they must be consecutive). Once the roster manager receives the Time-off Request Form, they will check the Scheduled Leave Calendar for availability. If the date(s) is available, the roster manager will enter the employee into the Scheduled Leave Calendar and notify the employee that the leave was approved. If the leave is not available on the calendar, the roster manager will send the following message to notify the employee “Your request cannot be accommodated at this time, as all available leave positions are full. We will keep your request on file, and check again when we build the schedules for your requested week. If your request can be accommodated at that time, you will be given notification in writing.” If the requested time off is not available, a request for reconsideration may be made to the deputy warden or second in command for consideration. Roster managers will keep all unapproved leave requests in a file sorted by the date of the requested time-off. These requests will be pulled and reviewed each time schedules are built. Time Trades Employees may also agree to a time trade using the following guidelines: Control Number: Version: 8.0 Title: Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave, and Scheduled Leave Management Page Number: 13 of 13 Idaho Department of Correction IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted • Time trades must occur within the same 160-hour pay cycle. • Time trades must be hour for hour. • Time trades must be between the same classifications (lieutenants-lieutenants, sergeants-sergeants). Corporals and officers may agree to time trades except when the corporal is in a shift supervisor post. • Time trade agreements must be written and forwarded to the roster manager. The roster manager must notify the affected shift supervisors. The shift supervisors are responsible for making schedule adjustments. • Affected employees must code timesheets for the actual hours worked. DEFINITIONS None REFERENCES Exempt Post Request Form Post Reassignment Form Time-off Request Form Standard Operating Procedure, 611.02.01.002, Vocational Work Projects: Staffing Procedures Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) – End of Document –