HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubstance Abuse/Drug TestingP Y DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION Community Work Centers DIRECTIVE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 5 SUBJECT: Substanc e Abuse And Drug Testing Reviewed: 06-2002 Revised 11-12-02 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the Cpolicy of the Board of Correction that the Idaho Department of Correction establish guidelines for drug testing of all IDOC Inmates/Offenders for the purpose of public safety, as an institutional management tool for staff and as a deterrent to the offender agains t future drug us e and criminal activity. The Idaho Department of Correction is committed to a zero tolerance policy for drug use among offenders. There will be graduated sanctions for positive drug tests with appropriate treatment programs and interventions . Testing, sanctions and programs will be provided for all, without regard to gender, religion, race, age, ethnicity or disability. 01.01.00. Purpose O Graduated sanctions for positive drug tests , including appropriate treatment programs, interventions, and disciplinary actions may be utilized. Work centers shall utilize urinalysis testing as the preferred means of substanc e abus e testing. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPART MENT 01.01.00. Purpose 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00. REFERENCES 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. When To Perform A Drug Test 05.02.00. Testing Procedures 05.03.00. Refusal Or Failure To Provide Sample 05.04.00. Training Of Staff 05.05.00. Response To Positive Drug Test Results 05.06.00. Drug Treatment Programs 03.00.00. REFERENCES American Correctional Association ( ACA) Performance-Based Standard 4- ACRS-5A- 09. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Substance Abuse An d Drug Testing PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 5 O Y Department Policy 138, Drug Testing. 04.00.00. CDEFINITIONS Board. The state Board of Correction. Body Cavity Search. A manual or instrument inspection of an offender’s anal or vaginal cavity. Only medically qualified personnel are authorized to enter a body cavity, unless visually checking the mouth. Clothed Body Search. A search during which an offender is not required to remove his clothing, exception being the removal of shoes and socks. Department. The state Department of Correction. Inmate. An individual in the physical custody of the Board. (See als o Offender.) Offender. A person under the legal care, custody, supervision or authority of the Board including a person within or without the state pursuant to agreement with another state or a contractor. (See als o Inmate.) Unclothed Body Search. A search during whic h an inmate is required to remove his clothing by a correctional officer of the same sex. In an emergency, escape, riot, etc., this provision may be waived if a correctional officer of the sam e sex is not available. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Whe n T o Perform A Drug Test Urinalysis drug testing shall be performed: Randomly; When a offender’s behavior indicates the possibility of substanc e abus e or if the offender has a history of substance abuse; or If the offender’s nam e is on the c omputer generated lis t as par t of the mandatory testing program of the Department of Correction. Samples will be taken within thirty (30) days of the notic e of selection. The work center manager, or designee, shall have acces s to the lis t of random testing selections . It is possible, and at times appropriate, for a offender to be tested more than monthly due to random selection and the discretion of staff as based upon the offender’s behavior or history. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Substance Abuse An d Drug Testing PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 5 C O Y 05.02.00. Testing Procedures A Department employee, or an agent designated by an authorized Department employee, shall collec t the urine sample from the offender. The collector shall be the same gender as the offender. The officer collecting the sample shall escort the offender to the collection area. Offenders should be observed from the tim e they are notified until the actual urine sample has been collected. The officer may require the offender to empty their pockets , remove their jacket/coat, and to leave personal items outside of the immediate collection area. The officer may conduc t a clothed searc h or unclothed searc h if they deem it necessary. The officer shall ask the offender about any medication they may have taken within the las t three (3) weeks . Al l medication information (prescription and over-the-counter) will be noted for the information of the testing laboratory. The offender shall initial the list of medication. The offender may consume up to twenty-four (24) ounces of fluid, under the officer’s supervision, prior to producing the sample. Failure to produc e a sample within a tw o (2) hour period following notification shall be considered a refusal. The officer shall provide the offender a sterilized bottle for urine sample collection purposes . The officer shall wear clean rubber gloves as a precautionary measure. The officer shall observe the offender providing the sample. The offender mus t fill the container at least one-fourth (¼) full of urine. The offender will place the lid securely on the collection container. At no time should the collection container leave the direc t observation of the officer collecting the sample. The officer shall instruct the offender to place the security tape over the top of the sealed container, with the tape reaching down onto the sides of the collection container. The exterior of the collection container should be cleaned if needed. The sample container shall be labeled with the offender's name, IDOC Number, the date the sample was taken, and the substanc e for which the sample is to be tested. The officer who collected the sample shall plac e the sample in the appropriate, secure, storage apparatus until the samples are to be shipped for processing. Acces s to the storage area should be restricted to only designated employees. A log shall be kept designating: DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Substance Abuse An d Drug Testing PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 5 C P Nam e and IDO C Number of the person being tested: The substance being tested; Date and tim e specimen was collected; Person who obtained the specimen and any other persons who handled the specimen; Date and tim e the specimen was placed in the storage apparatus; Date and tim e the specimen was shipped and by whom; and, Results of testing. 05.03.00. Refusal Or Failure T o Provide Sample If a offender refuses to submit to drug testing, fails to produc e a sample, or tampers with the sample provided, the situation will be handled as if the offender's sample were positive and actions shall proceed accordingly. 05.04.00. Training Of Staff Al l staff members who observe and collec t urine samples shall be trained in appropriate procedures for doing s o and in the correc t procedures for documenting and storing urine sample collection. Such training shall be noted in the appropriate staff member’s training file. 05.05.00. Response T o Positiv e Drug Test Results Y The work center manager, or designee, shall initiate a respons e to a positive drug test immediately upon notification of a positive test. Sanctions may include verbal/written warning, increased treatment/programming requirements , alternative sanctions, disciplinary offense report, increased drug testing, change in custody level, and/or loss of privileges . Sanctions should increas e in severity with eac h subsequent offense. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Substance Abuse An d Drug Testing PAGE NUMBER: 5 of 5 C O 05.06.00. Drug Treatment Programs Offenders will have acces s to available work center and community programming. Administrator, Operations Division Date P Y