HomeMy WebLinkAboutResearch RequestsPOLICY NUMBER: 134 PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 4 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION POLICY MANUAL SUBJECT: Research Requests Adopted: 12-93 Reformatted: 01-2001 C O P Y C O P Y 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the policy of the Board of Correction that the Department of Correction shall allow access to records, employees and those in the custody of the Board of Correction for purposes of appropriate and ethical research relevant to its goals and programs. Research assists the department in establishing goals, objectives and plans for the future and can contribute to more efficient and effective supervision, conservation of resources and increased public safety. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00.POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 02.00.00.TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00.REFERENCES 04.00.00.DEFINITIONS 05.00.00.PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Archival Research 05.02.00. Research on Human Subjects 05.03.00 Written Proposals 05.04.00. Review of Written Proposals 05.05.00. Exempt From Review 05.06.00. Rights and Welfare 05.07.00. Medical, Pharmaceutical or Cosmetic Experiments Prohibited 05.08.00. Research Results 05.09.00. Conduct of Research 05.10.00 Termination of Research 03.00.00. REFERENCES Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions, third edition, standards 3-4105 – 3-4110. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS Archival research: Research requiring access to stored historical data, files, documentation, video or audio tapes, electronically sorted data or written material. Research activities: Activities which systematically investigate a phenomenon or series of POLICY NUMBER: 134 SUBJECT: Research Requests PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 4 C O P Y phenomena. Research on human subjects: Research requiring access to, and participation of, employees, inmates, residents or clients of the Department of Correction. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Archival Research Archival research which is based solely on data collection from an existing data base will be conducted according to policy 108 – Public Access to Records, which conforms to the Idaho public records law. 05.02.00. Research on Human Subjects Research conducted on human subjects will be conducted in three categories: Professional researchers, including private consultants and Department of Correction employees Graduate students supervised by graduate level professionals, e.g. appropriate university staff; Undergraduate students supervised by Department of Correction staff, undertaking research projects implemented and designed by Department of Correction administrators. 05.03.00 Written Proposals Written proposals will be required for all requests to conduct research with human subjects. The proposal will be initially submitted to the facility head, district manage or bureau chief of the site where research is to take place. Research conducted by individuals described in 05.02.00. above may require a written proposal under certain conditions. DOC employees conducting research at the request of DOC administration, or professional researchers retained by the department may be exempt from the requirement to submit a written research proposal. Where no research proposal is required, researchers must distribute confidentiality rules and regulations to the project participants. Written proposals must be submitted 90 days in advance of expected implementation of research conducted by individuals referenced in 05.02.00. above. POLICY NUMBER: 134 SUBJECT: Research Requests PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 4 C O P Y The written proposal will include: A statement delineating the significance of the study, and a research hypothesis or problem statement; Clearly stated research methodology, including but not limited to, definition of population, sample selection, design, ethical procedures, discussion on dissemination of written research reports and legal parameters. An estimate of the time parameter for the project’s completion. 05.04.00. Review of Written Proposals Written proposals will be reviewed by the facility head, district manager or bureau chief of the site where the research is to take place. Proposals will be reviewed for compatibility with Department of Correction goals, programs and needs for research. Proposals may be rejected or returned for resubmission at this level of review for the following reasons: Lack of compatibility with stated Department of Correction goals, programs and needs for research; Inappropriateness for conducting under the auspices of the Department of Correction; Failure to meet proposal criteria in 05.03.00. above. Acceptable research proposals will be forwarded to the appropriate division administrator for final approval. 05.05.00. Exempt From Review Certain projects involving human subjects that may be exempt from review by the division administrator are: Research conducted in a manner that does not link information gathered to the identify of the participants; Research on regular and special instructional techniques; POLICY NUMBER: 134 SUBJECT: Research Requests PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 4 C O P Y Research involving the administration of standard tests, when information from the tests cannot be linked to the identities of the subjects; Research involving surveys or interviews procedures where the responses cannot be identified back to the respondents. 05.06.00. Rights and Welfare The rights and welfare of any human subjects will be safeguarded at all times. 05.07.00. Medical, Pharmaceutical or Cosmetic Experiments Prohibited The use, or participation, of human subjects in medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic experiments is expressly prohibited. 05.08.0. Research Results Principal investigators will be required to provide the Department of Correction with a copy of completed research results. 05.09.0. Conduct of Research Divisions of the Department of Correction may draft field memoranda addressing issues of security, researcher conduct, dress code and appropriate time parameters for conduct of research. 05.10.00 Termination of Research Any division, institution, district office, community work center or central office bureau may terminate approved research at any time for noncompliance with any regulation or condition previously agree upon, or for cause generated by an emergency situation. _______________________________ _______________ Director, Department of Correction Date