HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraining - Community Corrections Division, Probation and ParoleC DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION DIRECTIVE NUMBER: PAG E NUMBER: 1 of 5 SUBJECT: Training – Community Corrections Division, Probation and Parole Adopted: Reviewed: 03-08-02 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the polic y of the Board of Correction that the Department of Correction shall ensure all training is consistent with Polic y 118 for all department employees , contract personnel, and volunteers. All department employees, contract personnel, and volunteers who may be required to make arrests and/or us e chemical agents to restrain offenders should be properly trained in professionally recognized us e of force techniques involving arrest and usage of chemical agents. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00. REFERENCES 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. New Full-Time Employees 05.02.00. Part-Time Employees 05.03.00. Training Records 05.04.00. Training Requirements By Category Of Position 05.05.00. Continuing Education Procedure 05.05.01. Continuing Education An d Training Goals 05.05.02. Continuing Education And Training 05.05.03. Professional Associations 03.00.00. REFERENCES Department Polic y 118, Training for Department of Correction Employees. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS Division Training Plan: The division training plan describes and outlines the major program elements , requirements , and schedule to be followed. The training plan shall include pre-servic e and in-servic e training curricula. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 5 C O Professional Associations: A collective body of persons engaged in a particular calling or vocation; i.e., Idaho Correctional Association. Training: A method of enhancing the performanc e of personnel which includes such activities as management seminars , meetings with probation and parole field staff regarding Department services , workshops on the us e of management information and instruction in the use of research and evaluation data. Meetings of professional associations are considered training where there is clear evidence of participation. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE Al l new hire employees will attend the Community Corrections Division (CCD) Academy within the firs t year of their employment. Al l new full-tim e employees shall receive a minimum of eighty (80) hours of a combination of pre-servic e orientation and on-the-job training (OJT) prior to job assignment; provisions exist for acknowledging and giving credit for prior training received. Al l full-time employees shall receive a minimum of forty (40) hours of in-servic e or refresher training annually. Al l part-time employees working les s than thirty-five (35) hours per week shall receive orientation and training appropriate to their assignment. 05.01.00. New Full-Time Employee s The district manager or designee shall provide all new full-tim e employees in the division, regardless of status or title, at leas t forty (40) hour s of general orientation to the policies , organizational structure, program s and regulations of the division, and, where applicable, the Department. This training shall be given before the employee receives a job assignment. If the employee has had training in these areas prior to employment, he may receive credit and not be required to repeat this training. The program objectives shall be as follows: To familiariz e the new employee with the offices ; To inform the new employees of the Department mission and goals; To instruct new employees in policies , procedures , and programs; To provide employees with improved skills in their specialty; Organization of the Department; Program s for offenders; DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 5 C O Regulations of the Department; and Special training directed toward the employee's division and/or task-oriented assignments. 05.02.00. Part-Time Employees Part-tim e employees receive training based upon the number of hours appropriate to their assignment. 05.03.00. Training Records Staff training records shall be maintained at the Training Bureau. 05.04.00. Training Requirements By Category Of Position 1. ADMINISTRATIVE/MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL: Administrators, District Managers, and employees with similar duties First Year 40 hours Each Year After 40 hours 2. SECTION SUPERVISORS 40 hours 40 hours 3. FIELD OFFICERS: Al l Probation/Parole Officers and Presentence Investigators assigned to full- time posts 120 hours + FTO program (PPO only) 40 hours 4. CLERICAL/SUPPORT: 120 *hours 40 hours Administrative Assistant, Office Specialists 5. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES number of hours appropriate to their assignment DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 5 C O P Y 05.05.00. Continuing Education Procedure This Division encourages training of all employees. To accomplis h this goal, the following minimum standards shall apply: Al l in-servic e training program s shall be planned and implemented by the division in cooperation with appropriate city, county, state and federal agencies , colleges, universities and community organizations. The division encourages employees to attend professional meetings , seminars and similar work-related activities and may provide administrative leave and/or reimburse employees for expenses connected with thes e activities when these activities are approved in advanc e by the Administrator of the Community Corrections Division. The division shall encourage staff participation in criminal justic e and allied professional associations and activities on a local and a national level. 05.05.01. Continuing Education An d Training Goals The in-servic e training program shall be related to goals and objectives and sufficiently divers e to meet varying staff needs . The resources available in the community shall be used whenever possible. The district manager and the Administrator of the Community Corrections Division shall review, for relevanc e and effectiveness , program s that are available for all levels of staff. 05.05.02. Continuing Education An d Training Ongoing training shall enable employees to sharpen their skills , familiariz e themselves with new developments in the field and reinforc e their knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of their job. Outside training programs provide new ideas and insight into probation, parole and related activities . Participation in these activities shall be encouraged and the budget shall include funds for staff participation. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 5 of 5 C 05.05.03. Professional Associations Employees are encouraged to participate in educational and professional associations. Any changes or deviations from this procedure requires the approval of the Administrator of the Community Corrections Division, or his designee. _____________________________________ __________________________ Administrator, Operations Division Date