HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraining for Department of Correction EmployeesPOLICY NUMBER: 118 PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 12 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION POLICY MANUAL SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees Adopted: 12-82 Reviewed: Revised: 03-31-00 Reformatted: 01-2001 C O P Y 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the policy of the Board of Correction that the Department of Correction will ensure that all training is consistent with this policy for all department employees, contract personnel and volunteers. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00.POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 02.00.00.TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00.REFERENCES 04.00.00.DEFINITIONS 05.00.00.PROCEDURE 05.01.00. General Requirements 05.01.01. Orientation 05.01.02. Pre-Service Prisons Division Field and Community Services Division Correctional Industries Institutional Services Division Management Services Division 05.01.03. Class Schedule 05.01.04. Curriculums 05.01.05. Training Environment 05.01.06. In-Service or Annual Training Prisons Division Field and Community Services Division Correctional Industries Institutional Services Division Management Services Division Personnel and Payroll Services 05.01.07. In-Service Mandatory Curriculums POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 12 C O P Y 05.02.00. Participation 05.02.01. Orientation 05.02.02. Pre-Service 05.02.03. In-Service 05.02.04. Supervisory Training 05.03.00. Training Management Process 05.03.01. Curriculum Reviews 05.03.02. Training Plans 05.04.00 Duties 05.04.01. Training Council 05.04.02. Chair of the Training Council 05.04.03. Division Administrators 05.04.04. Personnel and Payroll Services Manager 05.04.05. Training Manager 05.04.06. Trainers 03.00.00 REFERENCES Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 785. Standards for the Administration of Correctional Agencies, Standards 109, 129, 131, 132, and 134. Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions, Third Edition, 1990, Standards 3-4079 and 3-4086. Standards for Adult Probation and Parole Field Services, Second Edition, 1981, Standards 2-3065 and 2-3066. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS In-Service: Training to maintain proficiency, learn new skills, and prepare for advancement. On-The-Job (OJT): Training that occurs while actually performing the duties and tasks in the workplace. Orientation: Information/training on the organization's mission, vision, policies, procedures and benefits. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 12 C O P Y Pre-Service: Training to prepare new employees with basic skills and knowledge to start their careers. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. General Requirements 05.01.01. Orientation The training manager shall develop an orientation curriculum for all new employees for training council approval in cooperation with the manager of personnel and payroll services. This orientation curriculum will include, at a minimum, benefits, pay, department policy, and department structure and organization. In addition, orientation will include meetings with appropriate senior staff and tours of appropriate facilities. Each new employee will receive an overview of the department's goals and objectives. The role of each employee in the achievement of these goals and objectives will be stressed along with management's expectation that every employee will accept accountability for their performance of work to a standard that will allow the department to achieve its goals and objectives. The training manager will coordinate the curriculum for an orientation program with the respective administrators. 05.01.02. Pre-Service Prisons Division Custody Personnel - All new staff primarily responsible for custody, safety and security will complete a minimum of two hundred forty (240) hours of training prior to assuming their job responsibilities. The two hundred forty (240) hours will consist of the following components: 001. One hundred twenty (120) hours of pre-service training presented by the department’s training bureau. New employees will be enrolled in the first available/scheduled pre-service course. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 12 C O P Y 002. One hundred twenty (120) hours of on-the-job training (OJT) conducted by institutional staff. Institutional Non-Custody Personnel - All prison division non-custody staff, which includes counselors, treatment, clerical, and maintenance staff, will attend a minimum of forty (40) hours of the appropriate portions of the department’s pre-service training course. Field and Community Service Division (FCS) Custody and Offender Management Personnel - Custody and offender management personnel include all positions in the work centers and district offices except administrative assistants and office specialists. All custody and offender management personnel will complete a minimum of one hundred sixty (160) hours of training within their probationary period. The one hundred sixty (160) hours will consist of the following components: 001. Eighty (80) hours of pre-service training provided by the department’s training bureau. New employees will be enrolled in the first available/scheduled pre- service course. 002. Eighty (80) hours of on-the-job training (OJT) conducted by FCS field staff. Support Personnel - Support personnel include administrative assistants and office specialists. All support staff will attend a minimum of forty (40) hours of the appropriate portions of the department’s pre-service training. Correctional Industries Correctional industries staff that directly supervise inmates within the institutions or outside at work sites, will complete a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) hours of pre-service training provided by the department’s training bureau. Correctional industries staff who do not directly supervise but work in close proximity to inmates will complete a security training program provided by the training bureau. Institutional Services Divisions Any contract or division personnel who work full time within the institutions will complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of the training bureau’s institutional pre-service training. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 5 of 12 C O P Y Those division personnel who provide services at institutions or community work centers will complete, as a minimum, the security training program provided by the training bureau. Those division personnel who have little or no contact with inmates or offenders will complete orientation as a minimum. Management Services Divisions Any contract or division personnel who work full time within the institutions will complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of the training bureau’s institutional pre-service training. Those division personnel who provide services at institutions or community work centers will complete, as a minimum, the security training program provided by the training bureau. Those division personnel who have little or no contact with inmates or offenders will complete orientation as a minimum. 05.01.03. Class schedule The training manager, in coordination with the appropriate division administrator or designee, will prepare a schedule for all pre-service classes and their associated costs. 05.01.04. Curriculums Pre-service curriculums will be reviewed, updated, and approved per guidelines in the training management process (see section 05.03.00.). 05.01.05. Training Environment The pre-service training environment will be a nurturing, coaching, and supportive environment designed to mold and retain good state employees. 05.01.06. In-Service or Annual Training Prisons Division Custody Personnel - All custody personnel will receive a minimum of forty (40) hours of in- service training. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 6 of 12 C O P Y Non-Custody Personnel - All non-custody personnel will receive a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of in-service training. The prisons division will reflect the in-services schedules and associated costs in their training plans. Field and Community Services Division All division personnel will receive a minimum of forty (40) hours of in-service training except administrative assistants and office specialists who will receive a minimum of twenty (20) hours of in-service training. The field and community services division (FCS) will reflect the in-services schedules and associated costs in their training plans. Correctional Industries Division personnel will receive in-service training based on individual need. The correctional industries division will provide their respective bureaus’ training plans and associated costs in their division training plans. Because of diversity of functions and small numbers of employees, specific training needs will be identified in employees’ individual development plans. Institutional Services Division All division personnel will receive a minimum of forty (40) hours of in-service training. The institutional services division will provide their respective bureaus’ training plans and associated costs in their division training plans. Because of diversity of functions and small numbers of employees, specific training needs will be identified in employees’ individual development plans. Management Services Division Division personnel will receive in-service training based on individual need. The management services division will provide their respective bureaus’ training plans and associated costs in their division training plans. Because of diversity of functions and small POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 7 of 12 C O P Y numbers of employees, specific training needs will be identified in employees’ individual development plans. Personnel and Payroll Services Employees in personnel and payroll services will receive in-service training based on individual need. Personnel and payroll services will provide their respective bureaus’ training plans and associated costs in their division training plans. Because of diversity of functions and small numbers of employees, specific training needs will be identified in employees’ individual development plans. 05.01.07. In-Service Mandatory Curriculums In-service mandatory curriculums will be reviewed, updated, and approved per guidelines in the training management process (see section 05.03.00.). 05.02.00. Participation 05.02.01. Orientation All new Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) employees shall receive orientation within their first pay period of employment with the department. Orientation curriculums may be included in pre-service courses. 05.02.02. Pre-Service All newly hired full-time employees of the department shall complete appropriate pre- service training at the first available training session. Administrators may grant one exception for an employee to miss the first available pre- service course; any additional exceptions will be reviewed and granted by the training council. All new employees will be administered a comprehensive final examination at the end of their pre-service training. The student must achieve a minimum score of seventy percent (70%). If this minimum score is not achieved, the hiring authority will be notified. If the minimum score of seventy percent (70%) is not achieved, the employee will be terminated. 05.02.03. In-Service POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 8 of 12 C O P Y All employees shall receive yearly in-service training as prescribed by their division administrator to promote professionalism and encourage the development of additional skills or refresh skills and knowledge from previous training. The training council must approve any mandatory in-service training that applies to more than one division. Any ad hoc specialty training, not approved in the annual curriculum review process, must be approved by the training council. 05.02.04. Supervisory Training All first-time supervisors will attend the first available, training council approved, supervisory training upon assuming their supervisory duties. 05.03.00. Training Management Process 05.03.01. Curriculum Reviews All division-level and department-wide curriculums for orientation, pre-service and mandatory in-service training will be reviewed in the third quarter of each fiscal year. Curriculum changes or updates will be presented to the training council for approval. If emergencies or changes in the mission require immediate change to curriculums, those changes will be presented to the training council for approval outside the established timeframes in this process. 05.03.02. Training Plans In the spring of each year, the training council will recommend the training guidance and the director will approve and issue that guidance for the next fiscal year’s training plan submission. The director’s guidance will include projected schedules for the next fiscal year’s classes for pre-service, orientation, and department-wide specialty training. The divisions will submit their training plans in response to the director’s guidance to the training council for approval in the May-June time frame. The divisions will submit quarterly status reports for the training council’s review. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 9 of 12 C O P Y The training manager will submit for the training council’s review and approval the next quarter’s consolidated training schedule. This review and approval will include only recent additions or deletions of previously scheduled courses and classes. This will occur no later than the second month of the preceding quarter. 05.04.00. Duties 05.04.01. Training Council The mission of the training council is to provide oversight and direction for the department’s orientation, pre-service and in-service training programs and to promote collaboration and teamwork department-wide in order to improve efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism. The training council is comprised of an administrator from each division and the manager of personnel and payroll services. The council has oversight and will review and approve all orientation and pre-service curriculums/programs. 001. Each administrator and the manager of personnel and payroll services have one vote. Each administrator and the manager of personnel and payroll services will be the voting member unless another representative is so designated. 002. The director may designate any employee of the department for regular participation in council meetings for the purpose of obtaining advice and input from field elements. The training council shall employ a training manager. The training council shall meet once per month. Minutes shall be taken of all training council meetings, and shall be provided to members within one week of the meeting. The training council shall determine department orientation, pre-service training and in- service training curriculum when divisions cannot agree on training pertaining to staff from more than one division. 05.04.02. Chair of the Training Council POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 10 of 12 C O P Y The administrator of management services shall act as the chair of the training council. The chairmanship shall change as determined by the majority of the council or as determined by the director. The chair of the training council shall: 001. Supervise the training manager. 002. Formally solicit input from all administrators relative to the training manager's performance, and conduct a performance meeting with the training manager twice a year. 003. Be responsible for conducting the individual performance review of the training manager. 004. Manage the department training budget with input and guidance from the council. 005. Coordinate meeting agendas, conduct all council meetings and distribute meeting minutes. 05.04.03. Division Administrators Administrators are responsible for all in-service and on-the-job training (OJT) activities within their respective divisions, and for collaborating and cooperating with the training manager and training council. Administrators are responsible to provide recommendations to the training council for orientation and pre-service curriculum changes. Administrators are responsible for the development and monitoring of yearly plans for their division's fiscal training and development plans. Administrators will establish and review annually their division directives for training. These will be approved by the training council. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 11 of 12 C O P Y 05.04.04. Personnel and Payroll Services Manager The manager of personnel and payroll services will coordinate the appropriate policy and benefits classes with the training manager for inclusion in orientation curriculums and approval of the training council. 05.04.05. Training Manager The training manager is the training council's adviser and as such provides advice, assistance, and services as directed by the council. 001. The training council coordinates major projects that involve more than sixteen (16) hours of assistance and/or services. 002. The training manager shall monitor national standards and regional trends in providing information to the council. 003. Council approval is required of all training manager assignments. 004. The training manager shall do research required by the training council. Requests for the training manager's involvement shall be made formally, in writing, by an administrator to the chair for consideration by the council. Should the training manager be detailed to an individual division on a special assignment, the training manager shall continue to be supervised by the chair of the training council as outlined under "chair of the training council" (see section 05.04.02.). The training manager coordinates and is responsible for all orientation, pre-service training, and all training that is considered department-wide. 001. Once the council approves curriculums, the training manager supervising the division staff trainers shall coordinate the appropriate training programs in cooperation with division administrators and their designees. The training manager shall supervise all division trainers within IDOC. The training manager will solicit input from each administrator relative to the appropriate trainer’s annual evaluation. POLICY NUMBER: 118 SUBJECT: Training for Department of Correction Employees PAGE NUMBER: 12 of 12 C O P Y The training manager advises, monitors, and evaluates non-mandatory in-service training as requested. 001. The training manager evaluates, monitors, and provides advice based on direction from the division administrators. This guidance should be passed during the next fiscal year's planning process and as often as required thereafter. 002. The training manager facilitates monthly meetings with division training coordinators to coordinate activities and share information and resources. 003. The training manager shall develop assessment reports of training programs for the training council on a quarterly basis. The training manager shall be responsible for management of the training record database. The training manager will coordinate a yearly training schedule that incorporates, as a minimum, the yearly orientation, pre-service, and department-wide training events. 05.04.06. Trainers Trainers, under the supervision of the training manager, shall plan, organize, and coordinate training programs as assigned by the training manager. Trainers shall coordinate with assigned division staff during the course of a training program. Trainers shall conduct research as required by the training manager. Trainers shall conduct individual training programs as assigned by the training manager. ____________________________________ ____________________ Director, Department of Correction Date