HomeMy WebLinkAboutUse of Department Vehicles - SOP DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION DIRECTIVE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 5 SUBJECT: Us e of Department Vehicles Revised: 03-22-02 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the polic y of the Board of Correction that Department of Correction vehicles be used for official business and by authorized personnel only. Al l vehicle usage shall be in accordanc e with the department’s regulations as enumerated in this polic y and procedure statement and in the fiscal manual. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENT S 03.00.00 REFERENCES 04.00.00 DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Vehicle Removal 05.02.00. Mileage Based Fuel Purchases 05.03.00. Vehicle Use And Availability 05.04.00. Vehicle Accidents 05.05.00. Liability Los s Reporting Procedures (Automobiles An d Other) 05.06.00. Citizen’s Claims 03.00.00. REFERENCES Department Policy 115, Use of Department Vehicles. Department Polic y 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE State vehicles are assigned to individual Agents statewide to fulfill the Division expectations of supervising offenders in the community and performing other duties related to the requirements of good supervisory practices. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Us e of Department Vehicles PAG E NUMBER: 2 of 5 C O 05.01.00. Vehicle Removal The vehicle is subjec t to removal from an individual assignment for the following reasons : failure to respond to emergenc y call-outs; failure to us e the vehicle for home contacts with offenders ; improper use; or a manager identifies a higher need. Should the assigned Agent be unavailable for one (1) week or more due to illness, vacation, or training, the vehicle should be taken to the Distric t Offic e and made available for others. 05.02.00. Mileage Base d Fue l Purchases The Department will not subsidiz e driving long distances from hom e to the office. All employees who are assigned a state vehicle will be expected to purchas e fuel, on monthly bases, based on the following schedule. Receipts must be turned in on a monthly basis with statistical reports. Distanc e From Office Monthly Fuel Purchase Amount 0-20 miles $0.00 21-30 miles $30.00 31-40 miles $40.00 Outside of forty (40) miles requires approval from the Administrator of Corrections Division. 05.03.00. Vehicle Use An d Availability Distric t managers , section supervisors and Probation and Parole Agents should make every effort to see that vehicles are available to presentence investigators during regular offic e hours . Distric t managers have the authority to assign vehicles to Probation and Parole Agents to bes t meet the needs of the district and efficiently us e the state’s resources . If an Agent lives in exces s of forty (40) miles from their assigned office, they may not be allowed to drive the assigned vehicle to and from work, unles s doing s o will provide better supervision of offenders. Distric t managers and section supervisors are not to take vehicles hom e when off duty unless otherwise authorized for official business use. When out of town on approved state business , it is permissible to drive a state vehicle to a restaurant. At no time shall a state vehicle be used for recreational or other personal busines s (i.e. golfing, shopping, movies). Refer to Department Polic y 217. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Us e of Department Vehicles PAG E NUMBER: 3 of 5 C P 05.04.00. Vehicle Accidents Stop immediately. Take steps to prevent another accident at the scene. Call a doctor or ambulance if necessary. Notify police. Do not sign any paper or make any statement as to who was at fault (except to your supervisor). Get nam e and addres s of eac h witness. State your name, address, place of employment and the name of your supervisor. Upon request, show your operator’s permit and vehicle registration card. Complete Idaho Motor Vehicle Accident Report (or reporting form required by the Department) at the scene. If conditions prevent this , make notes of the following: Registration information for other vehicle (owners’ name, tag number and state serial number and vehicle description); Information on other driver (name, address, operators’ permit number and expiration date); Name and address of each person involved and extent of injury, if any; Nam e and addres s of the company insuring other vehicle; General information suc h as location, time, measurements , weather, and damage; As soon as possible, notify your supervisor. If the vehicle is unsafe to operate, have it towed to the neares t garage or service station; State accident insurance has a five hundred dollar ($500) deductible on collisions and vandalism , a polic e report must accompany all claims; DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Us e of Department Vehicles PAG E NUMBER: 4 of 5 C O P Submit all documents and a written report to your supervisor within one (1) working day; and, Following these rules will help prevent further indemnity to the state. 05.05.00. Liability Loss Reporting Procedure s (Automobile s An d Other) All accidents involving a state vehicle, and all activities involving a state employee that result in a loss , mus t be reported. The following procedure should be used in reporting such an incident: Complete the accident form in triplicate, making sure the vehicle I.D. number, date of the accident, the name of employee and department, his age, the name of other party involved and his insuranc e company and/or agent and description of the accident, are noted with any other pertinent information; If possible, an Agent’s report of the accident may also be included. If a motor vehicle report is completed for law enforcement, attach a copy to the accident report; If the state vehicle has physical damage coverage (comprehensive/collision), estimate of repair bills mus t be attached to the accident form; If the accident is determined to be the fault of the other party, it is the department’s obligation to submit accident reports and other information to the other party’s insuranc e company in order to receive compensation for the damage, in addition to filing reports with the Department of Correction; If you are involved in an accident where the other party feels the State is responsible, you should supply him with a “Citizen’s Claim Procedure.” This form along with the accident form should be supplied in every state vehicle; The original and one (1) copy of the accident report form and any additional information should be sent immediately to the Department of Correction, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0018. Retain a copy of the report in your files ; and, When in an accident that involves extensive damage or bodily injury, pleas e call immediately. In the event that the accident occurs after office hours, call your supervisor or the Administrator of Community Corrections Division. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Us e of Department Vehicles PAG E NUMBER: 5 of 5 O P 05.06.00. Citizen’s Claims In the case of a citizen’s claim against the State of Idaho, the following is the procedure to follow: An y situation that could result in a claim agains t the state or an employee should be reported and sent to the Administrator of Community Corrections Division; An y person contacting any department or employee for the purpose of reimbursement for damages or injury is to be given a “Citizen’s Claim Procedure.” This procedure simply advises the party that the claim must be filed through the Secretary of State’s offic e within one hundred twenty (120) days of the occurrence; The claimant mus t file the claim following this procedure in accordanc e with the Idaho Tort Claims Act; and, Although the state does have the obligation to advis e the possible claimant of his right to file a claim , we do not and should not file the claim for him . If a claim is received by any division office, the claim should be immediately sent bac k to the party with a “Citizen’s Claim Procedure.” The state has then fulfilled its responsibility to the injured party. No other action is necessary by the Department except to be certain that a report is filed with the Department of Correction for review. Administrator, Operations Division Date