HomeMy WebLinkAboutInventoriable Fixed AssetsDEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION SUPPORT Management Services DIRECTIVE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 14 SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets Reviewed: 11-18-03 Revised: 12-19-03 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the policy of the Board of Correction that the Department of Correction shall manage its fiscal responsibilities in accordance with the Governmental Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), and the laws of the State of Idaho. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00. REFERENCES 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Responsibility Of Each Location 05.02.00. Receiving And Tagging Invento ry Items 05.02.01. Adding An Item To Inventory 05.03.00. Deleting Items From Inventory 05.03.01. Administrative Process 05.03.02. Approval Authority 05.04.00. Disposal Methods 05.04.01. Disposal Of Property With Original Purchase Price Of Less Than Ten Thousand Dollars 05.04.02. Disposal Of Property With Original Purchase Of Greater Than Ten Thousand Dollars 05.04.03. Disposal Of Property Of Nominal Value 05.04.04. Disposal Of Lost, Stolen, Or Duplicate Inventory Property 05.04.05. Disposal Of Property Via Trade-In 05.04.06. Disposal Of Property With Historical Significance 05.05.00. Prohibitions 05.06.00. Physical Inventory 05.07.00. Fiscal Responsibilities 05.07.01. Inventory Change 05.07.02. Adding Items To The Inventory DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 14 05.07.03. Deleting Items From The Inventory 05.07.04. Transferring An Inventory Item 05.07.05. Reconciling The Inventory 05.08.06. Maintenance Of Vehicle Inventory 03.00.00. REFERENCES Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset (IFA) Central Inventory Input. Attachment B, Lost Or Stolen Fixed Asset Report. Attachment C, Sample Nomad Report. Attachment D, Inventory Reconciliation Cover Sheet. Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form. Department Policy 114, Fiscal Policy. Idaho Code Section 63-2304. Idaho Code Section 67-5722. Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c) (3), or 501 (c) (19). Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions, Third Edition, Standard Numbers 3 -4027, 3-4037. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS Fixed Asset System. A state system commonly referred to as FAS. Internal Control. Measures employed for the purpose of safeguarding resources against waste, fraud and inefficiency; promoting accuracy and reliability in accounting and operating data; encouraging and measuring compliance with policy; and judging the efficiency of operations. Inventoriable Fixed Assets. Tangible fixed assets with a life expectancy of more than two (2) years with a unit cost of at least two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or included in the below list: DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 14 Weapons; and Radios. State Standard Accounting and Reporting System. Commonly referred to as STARS. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE The Department of Correction will ensure that good internal controls exist over inventoriable fixed assets by maintaining timely, complete inventoriable fixed asset inventory records, and by adhering to State of Idaho property acquisition and disposal procedures. All Department of Correction inventoriable fixed asset acquisitions and deletions and maintenance of inventoriable fixed asset records will be ac cording to the Department of Correction’s written inventoriable fixed asset (IFA) procedure and the State of Idaho’s fixed asset policy. 05.01.00. Responsibility Of Each Location Each prison, community work center, Community Corrections Division probati on and parole office, and the administrative office will be responsible for properly receiving assets, maintaining the accuracy of their physical inventory, and notifying fiscal when a change in inventory status occurs. 05.02.00. Receiving And Tagging In ventory Items Each location will be responsible for receiving and tagging all assets. One person at each location will be ultimately responsible. Receiving tasks may be delegated to several individuals. Receiving means that someone checks incoming goods by comparing them to the original order. If something is missing or damaged, this is noted on the shipping document (a listing of items in the order) and also noted on the purchase order. The receiving document must be initialed. Receiving must not be done by an inmate worker. When inventoriable fixed asset (IFA) items are received, a state tag must be affixed and the tag number noted on the receiving document, which is attached to the purchase order. When the purchase order is matched with the invoice, the tag number must be written on the invoice. Sometimes the invoice comes with the order and the tag number can be written directly on the invoice as it is received. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 4 of 14 In some instances the tag will not stick well to the material the item is made of, or the item is in a location where inmates will remove the tag. In these cases, affixing the tag should be followed by engraving or sewing the tag number on the item. 05.02.01. Adding An Item To Inventory To add an item to the inventory, fill out an Inventoriable Fixed Asset Form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form). The form requires: Item Description; Manufacturer/Serial Number; State Tag Number; Purchase Date; Class Code; Condition Code; Cost; Location Number 1; Location Number 2; Purchase Order (P.O.) Number; Model Year; License Number (specific to vehicles); and, Odometer Reading (specific to vehicles). Attach the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Inp ut Form) to the front of the batch that contains the invoice for the asset. The tag number should be on the invoice and the invoice should be supported by a receiving slip. The batch will be sent to the central office for pre-processing review and the desi gnated central office financial technician will record the asset in the central inventory. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 5 of 14 05.03.00. Deleting Items From Inventory 05.03.01. Administrative Process To delete an item from the inventory, complete a Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form). Forward the completed request to fiscal in the central office to the attention of the buyer. Do not sign the Agency Administrator’s Signature block. The fiscal office will review all disposal forms for completeness, and the financial executive officer or appropriate administrator will sign them. The buyer will then list all items with an original purchase price of greater than two thousand dollars ($2,000) and with a current value of greater than zero ($0) and/or that are in a condition better than unusable on the State Controller's Office surplus property declaration website for viewing by other state agencies. The agencies are given an opportunity to respond within two (2) weeks to the Department if they are interested in any of the surplus property. After this period, the buyer will make two (2) copies of the form, retain one (1), and send the original and a copy to the Board of Examiners (Division of Purchasing for trade -in) for approval. The Board of Examiners will return an approved copy to the buyer, who will then forward that to the requestor. At this point the requestor can proceed with disposal of the property. Once the property is disposed of, the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fi xed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) and a copy of the approved Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) can be sent to the STARS financial technician in fiscal. Fiscal will remove the item from the inventory. Fixed assets leaving a location will be noted on the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) as a transfer. Fixed assets entering a location will be noted on the form as an add. Both the receiving and sending location should sign the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) and the receiving location should send the IFA form to the central office so that the item can be added to and deleted from the respective inventories. 05.03.02. Approval Authority The Board of Examiners has granted discretion to agency directors to authorize disposal of property with an original purchase price of less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) per DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 6 of 14 unit, as well as lost, stole n, and duplicate inventory property. The Board of Examiners will maintain that authority for property with an original purchase price of two thousand dollars ($2,000) or greater. Based on this, if you have items that fall into the two (2) different dollar values to dispose of at the same time, complete two (2) separate Disposal Authorization Request Forms (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form). Notification of pending disposal shall be made to the appropriate division administrator prior to disposal of weapons, radios or items with an original purchase price of greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000) but less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) per unit. Disposal of these items shall not occur without written authorization from the approp riate division administrator. It shall be at the discretion of the appropriate division administrator whether these items shall be listed on the State Controller's Office surplus property declaration website. Once administrator approval is obtained the Di sposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) must be forwarded to the fiscal office prior to disposal of the items. For weapons and radios, forward the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) with the Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form). 05.04.00. Disposal Methods The following sub-sections outline the methods of disposal required by the Board of Examiners, the D epartment of Administration, and other state agencies. 05.04.01. Disposal Of Property With Original Purchase Price of Less Than Ten Thousand Dollars The ten thousand dollars ($10,000) threshold means individual items that had an original purchase price of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less. If you have a group of items in which each item cost less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) individually, but as a group exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), the methods of disposal under this section apply. See Subsection 05.04.03. for property items of nominal value. Guidelines for disposal of these items: Sell/give to another Idaho state or local government agency; After advertising for a minimum of two (2) consecutive weeks on the same day each we ek in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the property is to be sold: DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 7 of 14 Sell the property to the highest bidder at a regularly held public auction conducted by an auctioneer pursuant to Idaho Code Section 63 -2304; Sell to the highest bidder responding to electronic auctioning on the Internet (this shall be conducted by the buyer); Sell to the highest bidder responding in writing to request for competitive bids; or, Sell to the highest bidder at a state -conducted auction. 05.04.02. Disposal of Property With Original Purchase Price of Greater Than Ten Thousand Dollars The ten thousand dollars ($10,000) threshold means individual items that had an original purchase price of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or greater. This section d oes not apply to property items of nominal value. See Subsection 05.04.03. for property items of nominal value. Guidelines for disposal of these items: Sell/give to another Idaho State or local government agency; After advertising for a minimum of five (5) consecutive weeks on the same day each week in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the property is to be sold: Sell the property to the highest bidder at a regularly held public auction conducted by an auctioneer pursuant to Idaho Code Section 63 -2304; Sell to the highest bidder responding to electronic auctioning on the Internet (this shall be conducted by the buyer); Sell to the highest bidder responding in writing to request for competitive bids; or, Sell to the highest bidder at a state-conducted auction. 05.04.03. Disposal Of Property Of Nominal Value Nominal value is defined as a current value of zero dollars or a current value of less than what it would cost to dispose of the surplus item at an auction or refuse site. Guidelines for disposal if the property has no value: DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 8 of 14 Sell/give to another Idaho state or local government agency; Donate to charitable organization that qualifies under Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c) (3), or 501 (c) (19); or Discard or recycle the property. 05.04.04. Disposal Of Lost, Stolen, Or Duplicate Inventory Property These items will no longer be processed through the Board of Examiners; however, a Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authori zation Request Form) must still be processed through the fiscal office. Do not combine property items subject to other disposal methods (sale, auction, trade -in, etc.) on the same form with these property items. For any asset that has been identified as lost or stolen, steps must be taken to attempt to locate and recover the asset, if possible. If there is a suspicion of theft, the circumstances that suggest theft must be documented. (For institutions, the Investigations unit must be notified.) This documentation must be forwarded to the Office of Professional Standards, where it will be determined if the local sheriff's office should be contacted. A Lost or Stolen Fixed Asset Report (See Attachment B, Lost Or Stolen Fixed Asset Report) must also be completed. All information available should either be documented on the form, or attached. Once the form is completed, it must be forwarded to the appropriate administrator along with a completed Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) for signature. Once the Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) is signed, all documentation (with the exception of any confidential information) must be forwarded to the buyer. A copy of the approved Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) and all other documentation will then be sent to the requestor, the buyer will retain a copy, and the original Disposal Authorization Reque st Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) and the IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) will then be sent to the STARS financial technician for deletion from the inventory. For duplicate inventory, forward a completed disposal authorization request along with a completed IFA form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) to the buyer. The buyer will have the appropriate administrator sign the Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form). A copy of the approved Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) will then be sent to the requestor, and the original and the IFA DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 9 of 14 form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) will be sent to the STARS financial technician for deletion from the inventory. 05.04.05. Disposal Of Property Via Trade-In Idaho Code allows sale, trade-in, or exchange of state personal property by exchanging the same in part payment for new property. Specifically, Idaho Code Section 67 -5722, reads in part as follows: "...Exchange of property will be permitted only when it is determined by the administrator of the di vision of purchasing that all other methods of disposal of the property sought to be exchanged will yield a lesser monetary return to the state." Property to be exchanged (traded) in part payment for new property is not surplus property (and thus is not subject to the Board of Examiners guidelines). However, the State Property Disposal Authorization Request form is to be used for trade -in property. Do not combine property items subject to other disposal methods (sale, auction, etc.) on the same form with the trade-in property items. A written justification for our determination that trade -in is the best method of disposal must accompany the property disposal authorization request form. The disposal form and justification will be sent directly to the Divi sion of Purchasing by the buyer, not to the Board of Examiners. The Division of Purchasing will return an approved copy to the buyer, who will then forward that to the requestor. At this point the requestor can proceed with trade-in of the property. Trade-ins may be used in a bidding situation or against purchases from an existing state contract. 05.04.06. Disposal Of Property With Historical Significance The Idaho State Historical Society must be notified. 05.05.00. Prohibitions All employees of the Department (including spouses, dependents, or any other person acting on behalf of an employee of the Department) are prohibited from participating in the acquisition of the Department’s surplus personal property. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 10 of 14 05.06.00. Physical Inventory Each location is responsible for performing physical counts of inventoriable fixed assets as requested by the central office. The following physical inventory schedule shall be followed: November - special projects fixed assets and weapons; December - radios; and January - all other fixed assets and Information Technology equipment (IT will perform this portion of the inventory). The person responsible at the individual sites for completing the physical inventory will be the business manager, the site financial technician, or other individual in charge of fiscal activity. The central office will provide each location with a current inventory listing (See Attachment C, Sample Nomad Report). The purpose of the physical inventory is to check that: Each inventori able asset physically present is on the inventory; All the assets on the list are physically present; and A review the inventory is done to make sure that the fields are complete and accurate as follows: Location 2 Tag Number Description Serial Number Condition Code Location 2 signifies the following: For institutions and central office, the area at the location where the asset is located. Examples: Unit 7, Maintenance, Food Service, etc. For district offices, it would either indicate the main office or the satellite, as appropriate. For CWC’s and the Parole Commission, it will be the location name. Examples: CWC - Nampa, Parole Commission, etc. Applicable condition codes are Excellent (E), Good (G), Fair (F), or Poor (P). The individual that conducts the inventory will be responsible to either enter a check mark in each cell to indicate that the information is correct for the five (5) fields above, or, if the information is not correct, to enter the correct information. For assets t hat are physically DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 11 of 14 present that are not on the inventory list received from fiscal, completed inventoriable fixed asset forms must be attached to the report when submitting it to fiscal. Please note that there are other fields that will be listed on the i nventory sheets, but they do not need to be verified. The person responsible for the physical inventory shall conduct a check of ten percent (10%) of the completed inventory to verify that the inventory was conducted accurately. The person responsible for the physical inventory will make necessary adjustments in FAS to update current status of inventory equipment. Any additions and deletions made require a level 2 or higher approval level when record is pending update. Field financial personnel must inform the fiscal office to approve and post these items pending in the hold file. The person responsible for the physical inventory shall complete the Inventory Reconciliation Cover Sheet (See Attachment D, Inventory Reconciliation Cover Sheet) and have it signed by their supervisor, and by the warden. The completed form should then be attached to the inventory sheets (and inventoriable fixed asset forms, if necessary), and forwarded to fiscal office. Each location will have thirty (30) calendar days from the time that they receive their inventory listing from the fiscal office to have their inventory completed, and to submit their documentation to the fiscal office. Once the documentation is received, the STARS financial technician will review the documentation for accuracy and completeness. The STARS financial technician will complete the Department of Administration’s acknowledgment form, which indicates that the annual inventory of assets has been completed. 05.07.00. Fiscal Responsibilities 05.07.01. Inventory Change The Department’s fixed asset inventory will be maintained on the state’s Fixed Asset System (FAS). Fiscal office staff are responsible for performing the following functions: The buyer will coordinate the disposal of Department assets . The STARS financial technician will maintain a centralized current Department asset inventory on FAS. This includes data -entry of additions, deletions, and transfers and a monthly reconciliation of inventoriable fixed assets. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 12 of 14 The financial executive officer will ensure that a complete, current, and accurate schedule of all the Department’s inventoriable fixed assets is maintained. The internal auditor will review the Department’s records and procedures for adherence to principals of internal control and to state rules and regulations. 05.07.02. Adding Items To The Inventory The central office will be alerted to the need to record a fixed asset in the central inventory when expenditure batches come through the pre -processing review. The purchasing lo cation will have attached the Inventoriable Fixed Asset Form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) to the front of the appropriate batch. The central office financial technician reviewing the batch will check that the p ayment documents (purchase order, invoice, receiving document) are all complete and have the tag number. The financial technician will forward the input form to the designated entry clerk. Input will take place in FAS. 05.07.03. Deleting Items From The Inventory The forms requesting a deletion will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy and signed by the Department financial executive officer or the appropriate administrator. The buyer will process the Disposal Authorization Request Form through the Board of Examiners, in the case of a trade-in, through the Division of Purchasing, or for items costing less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) through the appropriate administrator. The buyer will retain a copy of the form. When the Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) is approved, the buyer will return a copy of the approved form to the requestor. The requestor will forward the Inventoriable Fixed Assets Form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) and the approved Disposal Authorization Request Form (See Attachment E, Disposal Authorization Request Form) to the STARS financial technician. Input will take place in FAS. 05.07.04. Transferring An Inventory Item Transfers in and out may be shown on the same Inventoriable Fixed Assets Form (See Attachment A, Inventoriable Fixed Asset Central Inventory Input Form) input/transfer form and DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 13 of 14 will be input into FAS. 05.07.05. Reconciling The Inventory The STARS financial technician will ensure that FAS is reconciled quarterly. The beginning balance, additions, transfers, and deletions will be reconciled to the ending balance. Additions will be reconciled by comparing the FAS additions to the additions on STARS. Deletions in FAS will be compared to the disposal forms. Transfers should net to zero (0). 05.08.00. Maintenance Of Vehicle Inventory Tagging and recording vehicles is under the direction of the purchasing agent. The purchasing agent will tag vehicles receive d at the central office. Staff will tag vehicles received at the various facilities and will then send that information to the purchasing agent. When the automobile is received the purchasing agent will prepare the initial paperwork as follows: Registration. The purchasing agent will ensure all vehicles are properly registered and licensed. A file of titles and registrations will be maintained in the fiscal office. The purchasing agent will ensure that renewals are completed as required by the Department of Transportation; Insurance. The purchasing agent will be responsible for insuring the vehicle with the Department of Administration Bureau of Risk Management. This requires completing a request for automobile insurance form in duplicate and sending i t to the Bureau of Risk Management. The Bureau will return one (1) copy with a signature confirming the vehicle is insured. The Senior Accountant will maintain a file of the copies. Institution, Facility and Community Corrections district managers are resp onsible for informing the Senior Account of any insurance changes; and Accident/Insurance Packet. The STARS Senior Accountant will assemble an accident/insurance packet for each vehicle. This packet consists of a certificate of insurance, accident report guide, and a citizen claim procedure. Facility managers are responsible for ensuring that each vehicle has this packet. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT: Inventoriable Fixed Assets PAGE NUMBER: 14 of 14 Facilities will be responsible for notifying the purchasing agent whenever a change in the status of a vehicle occurs. ____________________________________ ____________________________ Administrator, Support Division Date, Attachment A Revised: 11 -06-03 Idaho Department of Correction Inventoriable Fixed Asset (IFA) Central Inventory Input Function ____ Add STARS BATCH NUMBER: ________________________________ Date ____ Delete ____ Transfer Receiving Facility ________________________________ PROP NO. COMP NO. AGY SFX STATUS OWNR SHP ADT/RPLC AMOUNT ACQ MTH CLS CD COND CD INSRV DATE INS IND LOC 1 LOC 2 PO NO. MODEL YR MFR SERIAL LICENSE ODOMETER COMMENT INPUT DATE ____________ RESPONSIBLE PERSON ___________________________________________ Last Name First Name, Attachment B Revised: 11-06-03 Idaho Department of Correction Lost Or Stolen Fixed Asset Report Obtain a FAS screen print for the missing item from fiscal staff at your facility and attach to this form. As copy of this report must be attached to a disposal authorization request and forwarded to fiscal at the central office. Today's Date: _______________________ Item Missing: _______________________ State Tag Number: _______________________ Location Where Item is Assigned: ______________________________________ (Room number or name, or other location descriptor) Date Item Discovered Missing: _________________________________________ Name of Person that Discovered Item Missing: ______________________________________________ Name of Primary User of Item (if any): _______________________________________________ Details: (Include here any information about how the item was discovered missing, what might have happened, and any steps that have been taken or will be taken to recover the item. Continue on a sep arate sheet, if necessary.) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ Signature of Person Completing this Report Date _____________________________________ _________________________ Supervisor's Signature Date _____________________________________ __________________________ Facility Head's Signature Date Idaho Department Of Correction Sample Nomad Report, Attachment C Revised 11-06-03 AGENCY LOCAT1 PERS_LOCAT2 PROP_NO COMP_NO DESCRIP SERIAL COND_ CD ORIG_AMT_CM 230 1113 WAREHOUSE 141584 1 FORKLIFT, ELECTRIC; CROWN 1A115544 F $16,695.00 230 1113 LAUNDRY 143539 0 SEWING MACHINE, OPEN ARM;MILLER F $2,500.00 230 1113 FOOD SERVICE 150478 0 RANGE, GRILL;US RANGE DO13824 F $5,000.00 230 1113 FOOD SERVICE 150481 0 STOVE, OVEN;VULCAN 82 K51 P $38,000.00 230 1113 FOOD SERVICE 150491 0 OVEN, BAKERY LARGE 1001 742 P $38,000.00 230 1113 FOOD SERVICE 150535 0 FOOD PROCESSOR, HOBART 76001943 P $2,000.00 230 1113 FOOD SERVICE 150536 0 CHOPPER;HOBART 56-887-601 F $2,000.00 230 1113 RECREATION 152607 0 MACHINE, UNIVERSAL;UNIVERSAL P $6,000.00 230 1113 WAREHOUSE 153621 0 SCANNER, METAL;GARRETT 11652 F $2,000.00, Attachment D Revised 11-06-03 Idaho Department Of Correction Inventory Reconciliation Cover Sheet Date Notification of Required Inventory Received from the Department Fiscal Office: ________________________________ Type of Inventory Completed: ________________________________ (Weapons / Radios / Fixed Assets) Date Inventory Completed: ________________________________ Name of Person Responsible for Completion of Inventory: ________________________________ I, ________________________________________, certify that subject inventory has been completed as of the date specified above, and that all tasks have been completed in accordance with Management Services Directive , and that all discrepancies, changes, and corrections have been annotated herein, which annotations will be forwarded to the Department fiscal office promptly after review and approval by the facility head of this site. _______________________________________ _____________________ Supervisor's Signature Date _______________________________________ _____________________ Facility Head's Signature Date State of Idaho, Attachment E (Form 4.5.45 Revised 10 -10-00) Revised 11 -06-03 Original - Board of Examiners DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FORM Copy - Originating Agency TO: State Board of Examiners DISPOSAL NO. ________________________ Page _________ of _________ Permission is hereby requested to dispose of the following personal property declared surplus by this agency. Disposal will be in a manner meeting the best interests of the state and in accordance with Idaho Code 67 -5722 and 67 -5732A. Note: Employees of this agency, including their spouses, dependents or any other person acting on the employee’s behalf, are prohibited from participating in the acquisition of this surplus property pursuant to Idaho Code 67 -5726. Disp. Code Agency Code Agency Use Field Tag Number Qty. Description of Item Cond. Code Estimated Value 1 230 2 230 3 230 4 230 5 230 6 230 7 230 8 230 9 230 10 230 11 230 12 230 13 230 14 230 15 230 16 230 17 230 18 230 19 230 20 230 DISPOSAL METHOD CODES (check as many as apply and enter above) CONDITION CODE 01 Transfer to another a gency 04 Recycle or sell for scrap E - Excellent R - Repairable 02 Public Sale (Auction or sealed bid) 05 Unusable -Ship to local dumpsite G - Good U - Unusable 03 Leased property turned back 06 Other_____________________________ F - Fair Requesting Agency Address Phone Department of Correction 1299 N. Orchard St., Suite 110 Boise ID 8 3706 658-2010 Agency Administrator’s Signature Date Requesting Person’s Name (Print or Type) Board of Examiners Secretary’s Signature Requesting Person’s Signature Date APPROVED DISAPPROVED Date NOTE: DO NOT DISPOSE OF PROPERTY UNTIL YOUR AGENCY IS IN RECEIPT OF THIS SIGNED AUTHORIZATION