HomeMy WebLinkAboutMedia and Public Information C O DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION Community Work Centers DIRECTIVE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 of 3 SUBJECT: Media An d Public Information Reviewed: 06-2002 Revised: 10-08-02 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT It is the polic y of th e Board of Correction that the Department of Correction will maintain open and responsive communication with the public and the media. It is the intent of the Board tha t the Department keep the public well informed of its activities and maintain a consistently high community rapport through public presentations and special programs. 01.01.00. Purpose The deputy administrator of Community Corrections Division directs work center managers to maintain a public information polic y that encourages interaction with the public and the new s media and that is consistent with Policy 110, Media and Public Relations . The deput y administrator als o requires managers to only allow acces s that is consistent with offenders ' rights to confidentiality and privacy, and that provides for the maintenance of order and security of the facility. The deputy administrator further directs work center managers to coordinate their non-routin e public information activities with the Department’s public information officer prior to approving media access. 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.00.00. POLICY OF THE DEPARTMENT 01.01.00. Purpose 02.00.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS 03.00.00. REFERENCES 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS 05.00.00. PROCEDURE 05.01.00. Oversight 05.02.00. Program Areas And Offenders' Rights 05.03.00 Emergency and Non-Emergency Response to The Media 05.04.00. Media Contact Reporting 03.00.00. REFERENCES American Correctional Association (ACA) Performance-Based Standards 4-ACRS-7F- 01 and 4-ACRS-7F-02. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Media And Public Information PAGE NUMBER: 2 of 3 C P Department Policy 110, Media and Public Relations. IDAPA 06.01.01, Rules Of The Board Of Correction, Section 110, Media An d Public Relations. 04.00.00. DEFINITIONS Offender. A person under the legal care, custody, supervision or authority of the Board including a person within or without the state pursuant to agreement with another state or a contractor. Public Information Officer. Commonly referred to as the PIO. 05.00.00. PROCEDURE Media and public relations shall be handled in accordance with Department Policy 110, Media and Public Relations. 05.01.00. Oversight Visits from the media shall be handled with direc t oversight by one of the following: The deputy administrator of Community Corrections Division; The Department’s public information officer; The work center’s designated PIO; or, The work center manager or designee. 05.02.00. Program Areas And Offenders' Rights The media, if approval allow s acces s to the work center’s program areas , shall be required to follow thes e practices: An y photographs of offenders that identify the offenders require the offender's written release; and, Members of the media mus t be aware of the security issues of the center and function within the defined parameters as set forth by the oversight authority. DIRECTIVE NUMBER: SUBJECT : Media And Public Information PAGE NUMBER: 3 of 3 C O P 05.03.00. Emergency An d Non-Emergency Response T o The Media The release of informatio n by an Idaho State government agenc y is regulated b y the Idaho Public Records Manual (Idaho Code 9-337 through 9-350). If an employee is uncertain about whether information can be released, h e shall contact the Department’s Public Information Officer for clarification and direction. Any matter denied, for some or all information, shall include the specific state statutes and the steps for appealing the denial. Work center tours shall normally be scheduled b y the wor k center manager. Special tours , suc h as large associations and state legislative groups , shall be scheduled through the Department’s Public Information Officer (PIO). Work center managers shall work with the Department’s PIO if literature (brochures , statistics , etc.) is requested for the tour. Special events shall be coordinated through the office of the Department’s Public Information Officer (PIO). News releases announcin g special events shall be released by the PIO office. The manager shall coordinate activities with the PIO office. News concerning th e Department or one o f its divisions shall be released through the office of the Department’s Public Information Officer (PIO). Routine release of information may be provided by field PIO's or work center managers . Pres s releases composed by Department staff shall be reviewed by the Department’s Public Information Officer before release. The wor k center shal l have a field Public Information Officer (PIO) who shall work closely with the Department’s PIO office. If there is a crisis situation or a situation of special concern, the Department’s PIO will determine if his presenc e is required o n site. The Department’s PIO has a designated backup who may be utilized as needed. 05.04.00. Media Contact Reporting Al l media contacts must be reported to the Community Corrections Division deputy administrator. Administrator, Operations Division Date