HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdaho Response MatrixLow Magnitude Moderate Magnitude High Magnitude Parolee Specific 1 2 3 P Desired behaviors LSI-R Supervision Goals Conditions Event Low Moderate High Low risk Moderate risk High risk 90/180 DUI DV SO Confirmed unlawful activities 1 1 2 Plus 1 (when related to substance use or operation of a motor vehicle) Plus 1 (for violent/DV related behaviors) Plus 1 (for behavior related to sex offense) Charge for new crimes (misdemeanor)2 2 2 Charge for new crimes (felony)PV PV PV PV 1 1 2 No violations for last 3 months (review at every contact)Repeated contact with LE for citable offenses 2 2 3 Fail to report LE contact within 24 hours and/or fail to disclose to LE that on supervision 1 1 1 Possession of firearm PV PV PV PV 90 day 1 1 2 Positive decision making Deliberate failure to report to PPO (avoiding supervision)2 2 2 Late or missed meeting 1 1 1 Absconding PV PV PV 180 day Leave district without permission 1 1 2 Leave state without permission 2 2 3 1 1 1 Provides and follows schedules Failure to obtain or abide by travel permit conditions 2 2 2 1 1 2 Prosocial activities Obey curfew Failure to abide by curfew 1 1 2 1 2 2 Identifies risk/problems with PPO Confidential informant Act as a CI, except as allowed by IDOC policy and with consent of the court and IDOC 2 2 2 Obtain and comply with evaluation and program plan as directed by court or PPO Failure to meaningfully participate in criminogenic specific programming 1 2 2 Association with known felon without PPO permission 1 1 1 Associations with individuals involved in criminal activity 2 2 2 Plus 1 (assn. w/ individuals convicted of sex offenses) Association with active gang members 2 2 3 Align w/ risk No contact with victim without permission Any contact with victim/NCO without permission by PPO and court 2 2 2 Plus 1 Plus 1 1 1 2 Seeks appropriate residence and roommates Failure to complete evaluation as directed 1 1 1 Plus 1 (DV eval) 1 1 1 Informs and educates family/roommates 1 1 2 Plus 1 (DV Treatment) Steady employment Change employment w/o permission 1 1 1 1 2 2 Progress in program/education Terminated from employment 1 1 2 1 1 1 Provides documentation Obtain GED/HSE Failure to comply with job search/GED/HSE/vocational training 1 1 1 Engage in treatment and counseling 1 1 1 Clean UAs Failure to complete evaluation as directed 1 2 2 Plus 1 Plus 1 (based on LSI/ DV eval) 2 2 2 Admits or discloses to AOD use (prior to testing)Plus 1 Plus 1 (based on LSI/ DV eval) 2 2 2 Evidence of recovery oriented lifestyle 1 1 2 Completes evaluation/ positive participation in treatment program Misuse of prescription 2 2 2 Plus 1 Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Possession of illegal substances or controlled substances w/o prescription 2 3 3 Plus 1 Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Enter any establishment where alcohol is primary source of income 1 2 2 Plus 1 Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Tampering, adulterating/diluting or otherwise deliberately attempting to subvert substance testing (including not installing or removing/tampering with remote testing device) 2 2 2 1 1 1 Open communication with agent/provider Obtain and comply with evaluation and program plan as directed by IDOC agent Failure to meaningfully participate in treatment, counseling, or other programs as directed 1 1 2 1 1 2 Positive participation in treatment program 2 3 3 Completion of treatment program 1 1 2 Stable living environment 1 1 2 Seeks appropriate residence and roommates 1 1 1 Discloses risks for residence verification (pets, visitors, etc.)Fail to admit and grant agent safe access to residence and property 3 3 3 1 1 1 All payments current Cost of supervision Failure to pay COS as directed by PPO 1 1 1 Failure to pay all court costs and fines as directed 1 1 1 Failure to pay restitution as directed 2 2 2 2 2 2 Evidence of recovery oriented lifestyle Testing Failure to submit to polygraph and/or plethysmograph as directed 2 2 3 2 2 2 Evidence of recovery oriented lifestyle Failure to comply with activity request procedures while in active treatment 2 2 3 Failure to meaningfully participate in criminogenic specific programming 1 2 3 Failure to complete evaluation as directed 1 2 3 Relationships Entering into a dating, romantic, or sexual relationship without PPO and treatment provider consent 1 2 3 Align w/ risk Contact with minors Contact with any minor child under the age of 18 without approved chaperone 2 2 3 Frequent establishments where pornographic materials are the main source of income 2 2 3 Possession of pornographic material 2 2 3 Viewing of pornographic material 2 2 3 Engaging in sexually deviant behavior Participating in phone sex, cross dressing, voyeurism, exhibitionism, public masturbation, frottage, sado masochistic behavior or bestiality 3 3 3 Accessing the internet via computer, laptop, telephone, or other electronic device without permission from PPO.2 2 3 Possessing password protected files including social media files, email, and dating site files 1 2 3 Frequenting or loitering in places where minors congregate 2 2 3 Living near schools or licensed daycares 2 2 3 Special conditions Failure to comply with special conditions Align w/ riskAlign w/ risk Align w/ risk Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Possession/exposure to sexually stimulating materials Internet access Access to minors 1 1 2 SEX OFFENDER SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR (in addition to all other conditions) NOTE: Sex offender risk considers results from the STATIC 99/STABLE assessment Align w/ risk NA NA NA Align w/ risk 2 Stable housing with opportunity for increased prosocial contactsAccommodation Engage in treatment and counseling Management of symptoms; increase functionalityEmotional/Personal 1 Align w/ risk Align w/ risk Align w/ risk Align w/ risk Align w/ risk Sanction 1 2 3 Prosocial Activities Reduce conflict, build positive relationships, communication, enhance monitoring and supervision Reward Family/Marital Possession of dangerous weapon used or intended to be used for other than normal or usual purposes 3 Demonstrates cooperation and engagement to support supervision 1 1 2 Open communication with PPO (provides information openly and willingly) 1 1 2 2 1 Companions 1 1 No violations since last contact (review at every contact) 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 11 Obtain and comply with evaluation and program plan as directed by court or PPO (specific to family/marital) Travel without permission 2 1 Attends support groups1 Reports all LE contacts 1 1 No controlled substances Reduce SA, reduce personal and interpersonal supports for SA behavior; enhance alternatives to SA behavior Use appropriate matrix response + 1 to increase magnitude of response. If not in Matrix respond with report. Reporting Requirements: 1) Any level 3 response; 2) new felony or serious misdemeanor (DUI/DV/Violence (based on circumstances); 3) 9 or more violation points within a six month period. Repeated noncompliance with the same condition results in graduating the response by one level 1 Enhance involvement and satisfaction in prosocial activitiesLeisure/Recreation 2 No alcohol Substance abuse testing 1 Fail to comply with behavioral health RX instructions(medication compliance)2 Failure to meaningfully participate in and successfully complete programs as directed 1 1 2 Reduce association w/criminals, enhance association w/prosocial people Individualized conditions set by the courts and parole commission to address specific criminogenic risks and needs Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Plus 1 (based on LSI/DV eval) Prosocial activities Obtain and comply with evaluation and program plan as directed by court or PPO 2 2 2 2 2 Reduce association w/criminals, enhance association w/prosocial people Companions Appropriate peers and activities (gains new prosocial peers) 2 2 3 Evidence of positive lifestyle changes Attitude/ Orientation Build problem solving, self management, anger management, and coping skills. Reduce antisocial cognition, recognize risky thinking and feelings, build up alternatives. Adopt a reform and/or anticriminal identity Education/ Employment Enhance performance, rewards and satisfaction 1 1 1 On time for all meetings1 1 1 Cooperate with lawful requests of PPO 2 Engage in treatment and counseling Attitude/ Orientation Positive participation in treatment program12 Residence Demonstrates planning and budgeting Financial Satisfy legal financial obligations Court ordered financial obligations 1 DUI Domestic Violence Obey all laws Plus 1 Plus 1 Failure to submit to testing/positive test (includes testing through interlock, SCRAM, TAD or other remote testing device)2 2 Align w/ risk 2 Plus 1 Failure to meaningfully participate in treatment, counseling, or other programs as directed Searches and seizures Failure to allow PPO or any LE officer to perform search of person, residence or vehicle Align w/ risk 3 3 Failure to attend programming or treatment 3 3 Completion of treatment program Alcohol/Drug Obtain evaluation and program plan as directed by court or PPO 1 2 2 Criminal History Build noncriminal alternate behaviors Align w/ risk 3 Sex Offender Treatment Build problem solving, self management, anger management, and coping skills. Reduce antisocial cognition, recognize risky thinking and feelings, build up alternatives. Adopt a reform and/or anticriminal identity Report as directed to meet with PPO Maintain or actively seek full time employment or approved educational alternative/vocational training Shall not associate with any person(s) designated in writing by PPO 1 Response Chart Key:Response Matrix Change of residence without approval by PPO 2 Failure to meaningfully participate in treatment, counseling, or other programs as directed Report any contact/detention with law enforcement Do not possess any firearms/weapons Purchase, possession or consume alcohol in any form Fail to follow case plan elements related to conditions/agreement of supervision 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Mitigate sanction 1 level (positive behavior arising from violation behavior) Place on Online Reporting Noncompliance letter Special progress report/warning letter Clean UA certificate Court/Commission recognition Domain/Behavior Specific Programming Electronic Monitoring Certificate of completion Good conduct ticket/token (x2) Reduce supervision level / refer to LSU (reassess to classify by risk) Skills Practice with PPO Increase level of supervision (increase reporting/testing for 30, 60, 90 days) DJT (less than 48 hours) Good conduct ticket/token Written Assignment (Thinking Report, letter of apology, or other report) Request additional/more restrictive conditions from court(review hearing)/Board Impromptu call to recognize good conduct Increase reporting/testing for week Sheriff's Inmate Labor Detail (If available in jurisdiction) Approve travel request (in state) Termination of consequence Recovery Planning PPO written recognition Adjust curfew Travel Restrictions (no out of district/out of state) Reduce reporting requirements Directed Action Planning (behavior contract) House Restriction In custody (IDOC) programming (request to modify terms and conditions/impose suspended) Consider request to modify association restrictions Suspend Online Reporting Enhanced Travel request (out of state) Association restrictions Place on Online Reporting PPO/ Provider/ Offender status meeting Request additional/more restrictive conditions from court (review hearing)/Board Electronic Monitoring DJT (less than 48 hours) Report of violation- No arrest Mitigate sanction 1 level (positive behavior arising concurrent with non- compliant behavior) Ticket/Token exchange (special reward in exchange for earned tickets) Request early discharge (for appropriate offenders) When responding to multiple behaviors, the level shall correspond to the most serious behavior. The PPO may select more than one reward or sanction from the same level or a lower level to respond to multiple behaviors. Use of multiple lower level responses cannot be substituted for a higher level response. Choosing a response: 1) Consider protective factors; 2) Do not mix higher risk offenders with lower risk offenders; 3) Individualize response based upon what is meaningful (as a reward or sanction) to the offender. Response Chart Rewards Sanctions DM written recognition Request modification of appropriate condition DJT (48 hours or more) M a g n i t u d e I n c r e a s e s Restrictive Curfew Verbal Recognition Verbal warning Community Service (when ordered) Domain/Behavior Specific programming Special progress report/warning letter Report of violation- Arrest