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Retained Jurisdiction Placement Evaluation Form
IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Retained Jurisdiction Placement Evaluation Form Offender’s Full Name, (Last, First, Middle Initial): Offender’s IDOC #: DOB (MM/DD/YYYY): Current Age: Reception Facility: ☐Parole Commission Retained Jurisdiction ☐Court Retained Jurisdiction Complete this section for Court Retained Jurisdiction District:Judge:Retained Jurisdiction Ends: Crime:Length of Jurisdiction:Completion Ordered: Judge’s Recommendations: Full Term Release Date: First Retained Jurisdiction?☐Yes ☐NoIf not, where and when? First Incarceration?☐Yes </w:☐NoIf not, where and when? Significant Prior Criminal History: (e.g. Escape, Arson, Violence, and Juvenile Corrections): Significant Behavioral History: (e.g. Violence, Prior Incarceration, or County Jail Disciplinary): Medical or Mental Health Concerns? Staffing Comments: Retained Jurisdiction Types ☐CAPP☐CAPP CRP☐Sex Offender <☐ Traditional☐Therapeutic☐Mental Health Recommended Housing ☐CAPP-Boise☐NICI </w:☐SBWCC ☐ISCI </☐PWCC </w:☐CWC <☐Other: Report Prepared by:Date: RDU Manager:Date: 324.02.01.001 05/19/2014