HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolunteer Rules and Agreement As a volunteer for the Idaho Department of Correction, I understand and agree to the following: I understand the risks of volunteering in a correctional facility, including the risks of being taken hostage, injury, or death. I will follow facility access procedures. I will lock my car, and secure valuables, purses, etc., in the trunk. I will only bring items into the facility that the IDOC has preauthorized and are specifically needed for my volunteer duties. I will not bring the following: chewing gum, pocketknives, weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, tobacco, cell phone, camera, tape recorder, video recorder, or unauthorized item into the facility. Any item the IDOC has not approved is contraband and is not allowed in an IDOC facility. (Note: if you must carry prescription medication, please notify the security staff at check-in.) If I have a question regarding items that can be brought in, I will check with staff. I will follow attire and appearance standards described in IDOC standard operating procedure (SOP) http://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/policy/526606.02.01.001 Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities. While at a facility, I will maintain control of my personal property. I will take all items that I brought into the facility with me when I leave, unless IDOC officials have authorized me to leave them. I will immediately report the loss of any item to an IDOC staff member. I understand the risks involved in taking my wallet, including money and charge cards, into the facility with me. I will not become involved in any conflicts between offenders and/or staff. I understand the risks of giving my mailing address, phone number, or other personal information to offenders and agree not to do so unless approved by authorized IDOC staff. I will immediately notify the VRC of any changes to my contact information. I will not have personal contact with any IDOC offender outside my duties as a volunteer to include sending or receiving correspondence or engaging in phone conversations, unless the facility head (or designee) has specifically approved telephone conversations or correspondence by mail. If an offender contacts me, I will immediately report it to the volunteer services coordinator. I will not accept personal service from an offender or perform any personal service for an offender, unless IDOC authorities approve it in advance. This includes making phone calls, mailing letters, delivering messages, or delivering packages to anyone in the community or in a correctional facility. I will not make purchases for an offender, sell anything to an offender, enter into any business transaction with an offender or offender’s family, accept any personal favor from an offender or offender’s family, or do any personal favor for an offender or offender’s family. I will never exchange any item with an offender or give any item directly to an offender. I will keep my physical contact with offenders to a minimum. I will limit advice to topics pertaining to my volunteer job duties. I will not give offenders medical, legal advice or other professional advice. I will immediately report to IDOC staff any offender’s request for drugs, alcohol, or medications, etc. I will not bring any drugs, alcohol, or medication to an offender. I will be courteous, friendly, and professional at all times to all people. I realize I may be denied access to any unit and may be subject to search of my person or vehicle for justifiable security purposes. I will arrange my schedule at the facility in advance. I will notify the facility of any change that will affect my delivery of volunteer service at scheduled times. I will stay within the boundaries of my assigned area at the facility. If I am with a group, I will stay with that group. I will conduct my volunteer activities according to IDOC policies and procedures. If I am unclear about a specific policy and procedure, it is my responsibility to seek immediate clarification with the volunteer services coordinator. I understand the importance of maintaining ethical and legal boundaries regarding offender contact while in a volunteer position with the Idaho Department of Correction. I understand that, if during my course of volunteer work I decide that I would like to pursue a romantic relationship with an offender, I must immediately end my volunteer status and discuss my decision with IDOC authorities. I further understand that if I violate IDOC rules before I end my volunteer services, I will not receive visiting privileges with an offender. I understand that the completion of volunteer training does not guarantee a volunteer position until my criminal background check is completed and I am approved by the IDOC. I understand that failure to comply with the rules in this agreement may jeopardize my future as a volunteer. I agree to treat as confidential the information that I learn during any training or orientation I may receive or while at the correctional facility. I will not contact or discuss information regarding my volunteer experience with the media or in a public forum without prior written permission from an applicable IDOC authority. I agree to complete any required orientations and trainings pertaining to my work as a volunteer. I agree to assume fully all the risks, which may result from my volunteer work in and for the Idaho Department of Correction and agree to hold harmless and indemnify the State of Idaho. Furthermore, I agree to waive all claims of any nature that I may have against the State of Idaho or any of its employees for personal injury, property loss, or property damage arising from or in connection with my work as a volunteer. I understand that the donation of my time and service does not represent employment or any promise of employment and that the Department has no legal responsibility for defending me in any legal action. I understand that I have no property interest in the position, and that I may be released from my duties as a volunteer at the discretion of the Department. I have read this volunteer agreement. I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement and IDOC standard operating procedures and policies. Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Notification Actual or attempted sexual activity or romantic relationship between a volunteer and an offender are prohibited, even if the offender is a willing participant in the activity. A volunteer suspected of a engaging in or attempting to engage in a romantic relationship with an offender will be immediately banned from all IDOC facilities and removed from the IDOC volunteer program. The volunteer will be referred to the law enforcement authorities for investigation of violating Idaho Code, Section 18-6110 and/or other Idaho State statutes that might be applicable. I have read and understand the above statement, and I have received a copy of A Guide to the Prevention and Reporting of Sexual Misconduct with Offenders AA, NA, 12-Step Only I affirm that I have been continuously sober under nonresidential, independent living conditions for the past two (2) years; and, I am an active participant in a community support group (AA, NA, 12-Step, or similar). The support group is:       Name:       Contact Number:       Date:       Submit to a facility volunteer and religion coordinator (VRC) Email and mailing addresses can be found at http://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/volunteer_services/volunteer_coordinatorshttp://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/volunteer_services/volunteer_coordinators IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Volunteer Rules and Agreement IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Volunteer Rules and Agreement 2 of 2 Appendix B 606.02.01.001 (Appendix last updated 1/10/2014)