HomeMy WebLinkAboutDisciplinary Offenses IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 1 Abusive or Obscene Language C Using abusive/obscene language 2 Adulteration of Food or Drink A Willful, harmful adulteration of any food or drink that is intended to be consumed by others. 3 Alerting of Approaching Staff C Alerting or attempting to alert other inmates to the approach or presence of staff. 4 Arson 1 Level 1 A Intentionally setting or attempting to set a fire that threatens to destroy an IDOC structure or endangers lives. 5 Arson 2 B Intentionally setting or attempting to set a fire that does not pose a threat to a structure or endanger lives. 6 Bestiality B Any sexual contact with an animal 7 Body Fluids Level 2 A Exposing staff or others to body fluids, bodily waste, or introducing such into food or drink items 8 Bribery B Giving or offering an official, visitor, volunteer, contractor, or staff member a bribe or anything of value. 9 Count 1 B Any overt act that intentionally interferes with and/or delays the count procedure 10 Count 2 C Any act that disrupts the count procedure, but disrupting the count did not appear to be the inmate's goal or purpose. 11 Cutting into Line C Cutting into or interfering with any line of inmates. 12 Destruction of Physical Plant A Willfully and intentionally breaks or otherwise destroys or injures any IDOC physical plant, cell, housing unit etc. 13 Destruction of Property over B Willful destruction, loss, or mutilation of another's $25 property over $25.00. 14 Destruction of Property under C Willful destruction, loss, or mutilation of another's $25 property under $25.00. 15 Disobedience to Orders 1 A An act that creates a serious disruption to the safe and secure operation of an IDOC facility by failing to comply with a staff verbal order, IDOC written order, court rule, or law. Example: intentional action resulting in a use of force 16 Disobedience to Orders 2 B Failure to follow or obey a verbal or written order; IDOC policy, SOP, directive, field memorandum; court order; ordinance or law. Behavior poses a threat to public or facility. Examples: openly challenging or refusing staff orders in front of other inmates. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 17 Disobedience to Orders 3 C Failure to follow staff instruction, facility living guide, IDOC rule, behavioral agreement, work agreement, or field memorandum when such behavior does not present an immediate threat to public or facility safety or security. Examples: showering during a water restriction; on a community work assignment, being in an unauthorized area 18 Distracting Staff C Any act that disrupts, provokes, or distracts employees from the performance of their duties. 19 Eluding Staff B Eluding apprehension by staff by running, resisting, or attempting to elude within a facility or worksite, but not attempting to escape 20 Escape from a Non-secure B Any attempt to escape from a non-secure IDOC Facility: Attempted facility, unarmed transport, work center, work release, work crew, furlough, etc. including possessing escape plans, making escape plans, possessing items to aid in an escape, or being in unauthorized area that could lead to an escape. 21 Escape from a Secure Facility: A Any attempt to escape from the custody of a Attempted secure IDOC facility, armed transport, or its agent to include possessing escape plans, making escape plans, possessing items to aid in an escape, breaching an IDOC perimeter, or being in unauthorized area that could lead to an escape. 22 Escape from a Non-secure B A successful escape from a non-secure IDOC Facility facility, unarmed transport, work center, work release, work crew, furlough, etc. 23 Escape from a Secure Facility A A successful escape from a secure IDOC facility or armed transport 24 Extortion A Demanding or receiving money, favors, or anything of value in return for protection, to avoid bodily harm, or under threat of informing. 25 Failure to Comply with a B Failure to comply or complete a sanction imposed Disciplinary Sanction by an IHO or DHO during the infraction process or disciplinary hearing process 26 False Statement 1 B Making a false oral or written statement to any staff member, volunteer, public, government entity, or court, example: false accusations that result in a criminal or administrative investigation or administrative hearing 27 False Statement 2 C Making a false oral or written statement to any staff member, volunteer, contractor that does not result in a formal investigation or administrative hearing 28 Flooding B Intentional or attempted flooding of any area of an IDOC facility 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 29 Forgery B The unauthorized reproduction, counterfeiting, or forging of documents including, but not limited to, articles of identification, money, or official papers 30 Gambling C Preparing or conducting a gambling operation, or participating in games of chance for gain, or wagering on any activity. 31 Group Disobedience C Participation in a work stoppage, demonstration, or group disobedience that does not result in property damage or injury where participation is forced or coerced by other inmates. 32 Group Disruption 1 Level 1 A Instigating, promoting, or causing a riot or similar activity that affects the safe operation of the facility. 33 Group Disruption 2 Level 2 A Involvement in a riot or similar activity that affects the safe operation of the facility 34 Harassment B Words, actions, or gestures, racial slurs intended to harass or intimidate staff, visitors, inmates, or the public. 35 Horseplay C Horseplay including, but not limited to, unauthorized demonstrating, practicing or using martial arts, boxing, wrestling, etc. 36 Indecent Exposure B Deliberately displaying the genitals, breasts, or buttocks to others 37 Kidnapping Level 1 A Seizing, or attempting or planning to seize another person as a hostage or hold them against their will. 38 Killing Level 1 A Killing another person 39 Manipulating Staff B Manipulating or attempting to manipulate employees, volunteers, contractors, or visitors to violate any IDOC rule, policy, SOP, directive, municipal, state, or federal law. 40 Outside Authorized C Outside of authorized boundaries and/or failure to Boundaries follow schedules of a living unit, work assignment, etc. 41 Physical Contact C Inappropriate physical contact such as lingering touch, hug, brief kiss, etc. 42 Possession of Drugs and/or A In a medium or close custody facility using, Alcohol (Secure Facility) possessing, manufacturing, or introducing any narcotic or mood altering drug, substance, or chemical to include prescription and non- prescription drugs, and alcohol; or excessive/abusive use of a prescribed medication that is considered mood altering; use of any substance that is intended to be mood altering; and/or possession of drug paraphernalia. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 43 Possession of Drugs and/or B In a CRC or minimum custody facility, using, Alcohol (Non-secure Facility) possessing, manufacturing, or introducing any narcotic or mood altering drug, substance, or chemical to include prescription and non- prescription drugs, and alcohol; or excessive or abusive use of a prescribed medication that is considered mood altering; use of any substance that is intended to be mood altering; and/or possession of drug paraphernalia. 44 Possession of Excess Property C Having property that exceeds property limits or possession of nuisance unauthorized property. 45 Possession of Explosive, A Possession or introduction of any explosive, Flammable, or Combustible firework, or flammable/combustible substance Material (This does not include cigarette lighters in CRC or minimum custody facilities.) 46 Possession of Sharpened B Possession of a sharpened instrument not Instrument, not a Weapon considered to be a weapon (to include razor blades). 47 Possession of Tobacco 1 B At a medium or close custody facility, using, possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce tobacco products or paraphernalia such as rolling papers, pipe, etc. Or at a CRC or minimum custody facility, using, possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce tobacco exceeding the amounts established in Possession of Tobacco 2. 48 Possession of Tobacco 2 C At a minimum custody or CRC facility, using, possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce tobacco paraphernalia such as rolling papers or not more than the following amounts of tobacco products: • 1 pack of cigarettes • 1 tin of chewing tobacco • 1 retail/brand-name package of loose tobacco not more than 35 grams Any tobacco not more than 35 grams If tobacco exceeds these amounts, the offense becomes Possession of Tobacco 1. 49 Possession of Unauthorized A In a medium or close custody facility, using, Communication Equipment possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce (Secure Facility) any cell phone or other unauthorized electronic communication device or parts thereof 50 Possession of Unauthorized B In CRC or minimum custody facility, using, Communication Equipment possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce (Non-secure Facility) any cell phone or other unauthorized electronic communication device or parts thereof. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 51 Possession of Unauthorized C Using, possessing, manufacturing, or introducing Medication prescription or non-prescription drugs that were not purchased by or prescribed to the person in possession and such drugs are not mood altering. 52 Possession of Unauthorized B Using, possessing, introducing, or attempting to Property introduce unauthorized money, or unauthorized property/contraband that poses a risk to the security or safety of a facility 53 Possession of Uniform A Possession of any official uniform, uniform item, or official identification that is unauthorized. 54 Possession of Weapon A Possession or introduction of any firearm, ammunition, knife, sharpened instrument, weapon, unauthorized tool—or facsimile thereof— or any other item that could be used to injure another person 55 Quitting or being Fired from a C Quitting without staff approval or being terminated Job from a job or program without staff approval because of misconduct, poor performance, tardiness, shirking duties, unexcused absence, etc. 56 Refusal to Participate in Drug A Refusing to provide, adulterating, or diluting a Test (Secure Facility) urine sample, or refusing to cooperate with any drug/alcohol testing procedure in a medium or close custody facility. 57 Refusal to Participate in Drug B Refusing to provide, adulterating, or diluting a Test urine sample, or refusing to cooperate with any (Non-secure Facility) drug/alcohol testing procedure in a CRC or minimum custody facility. 58 Security Threat Group (STG)- C Possession of materials containing symbols or a Materials series of numbers that can be shown to represent a criminal gang or security threat group. 59 Security Threat Group (STG)- B Recruiting or attempting to recruit inmates into a Recruiting criminal gang or security threat group. 60 Security Threat Group (STG)- Level 1 A Violence that would match the description of Violence 1 Violence 1, but that results from STG activities 61 Security Threat Group (STG)- A Violence that would match the description of Violence 2 Violence 2, but that results from STG activities 62 Sexual Abuse 1 Level 1 A Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person without the consent of the victim or by coercion 63 Sexual Abuse 2 Level 2 A Any other intentional touching, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or the buttocks of another person without consent of the victim or by coercion. This excludes contact incidental to a physical altercation or horseplay. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 64 Sexual Activity B Engaging in consensual sexual activity with another inmate, either clothed or unclothed, to include, but not limited to the following: active or passive contact or fondling of the genitals, breast, buttocks, sexual intercourse/penetration, and/or passionate/sexual kissing. 65 Sexual Harassment - On B Making repeated and unwelcome sexual Inmate advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal comments, gestures, or actions of a derogatory or offensive sexual nature directed toward another inmate. 66 Sexual Harassment - On Staff B Making verbal or written sexual proposals, threats, gestures, or sexual harassment of an employee, contractor, visitor, volunteer, or inmate 67 Tampering with a Lock, Safety, B Tampering with, blocking, or damaging any door, or Security Device fire alarm, fire extinguisher, gate, locking device, security camera, etc. Tampering is when the use or function of the device is affected. 68 Tattoo or Piercing B Tattooing, possessing tattooing equipment, receiving a tattoo, and/or body piercing or similar act 69 Tattoo Patterns C Possessing tattoo patterns that are not authorized hobby craft. 70 Theft over $25 B Theft or attempted theft of any property over $25.00 in value 71 Theft under$25 C Theft or attempted theft of any property under $25.00 in value 72 Unauthorized Circulating of B Involvement in writing, circulating, or signing a Written Material document or petition that poses a threat to the security or orderly operation of the facility 73 Unauthorized Communication B Using the phone, mail, or other means to harass 1 or intimidate anyone, or passing unauthorized messages that threaten the safety or security of the institution, or using phone or mail for the purpose of bringing contraband into the institution, or conducting a business. 74 Unauthorized Communication C Unauthorized contact with the public; actions 2 which circumvent the ability of staff to monitor frequency of telephone use, content of the call, or the number called; using another inmate's pin number; or unauthorized communication with other inmates that does not threaten the safety or security of the facility, etc. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Disciplinary Offenses Title Enhance Class Description 75 Unauthorized Financial C Participating in any of the following activities Obligation without the facility head's (or designee's)written authorization: entering into a contract binding the inmate to a financial obligation, entering into a wage/salary contract, conducting a business, or failure to give the IDOC any monies, checks, or properties received. 76 Unauthorized Transfer of C Unauthorized selling, trading, giving, loaning, or Property receiving of any item or property, or charging for services 77 Violence 1 Level 1 A Assaulting or battering any person when serious physical injury has been intended or accomplished 78 Violence 2 B Assaulting or battering any person when physical injury or contact has been intended or accomplished 79 Violence 3 C Being involved in an activity that directly results in the unintentional physical injury of another person(s) because of horseplay, negligence, or violation of safety guidelines 80 Violence Against Staff Level 1 A Assaulting or battering any staff member or other person who is not an inmate when any injury has been attempted or accomplished. 318.02.01.001 (Last updated on 08/07/2017)