HomeMy WebLinkAboutILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information SystemIdaho Department of Correction Standard Operating Procedure Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page: 1 of 9 Control Number: Version: 2.0 Adopted: 12/22/2010 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Bree Derrick, deputy director, approved this document on 10/04/2019. Open to the public: No Redacted version available: Not Applicable SCOPE This SOP applies to any staff member trained and authorized to use the Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS) in the performance of his duties. Revision Summary Revision date (10/04/2019) version 2.0: Reformatted, updated terminology, and revised to comply with standards of the ILETS Audit and Training Team at Idaho State Police. TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number ............................................................................. 1 Policy Control Number 146................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2 Standard Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2 2. ILETS Use and Management ......................................................................................... 3 3. TAC Duties and Responsibilities..................................................................................... 4 4. Criminal Background Investigations (CBI) ...................................................................... 4 5. Warrants ......................................................................................................................... 5 6. ILETS Operator: Approval, Initial Training, Written Exam, and Recertification ................ 6 7. Security .......................................................................................................................... 7 8. Audits ............................................................................................................................. 9 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 9 References ......................................................................................................................... 10 BOARD OF CORRECTION IDAPA RULE NUMBER None Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 2 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted POLICY CONTROL NUMBER 146 ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System PURPOSE The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to establish standardized guidelines and procedures for authorized Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) and Commission of Pardons and Parole staff using the Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS). RESPONSIBILITY Director of the IDOC The director of the IDOC or designee is responsible for: • Entering into a direct access agreement with the Idaho State Police (ISP) for authorizing designated IDOC staff the use of ILETS. • Ensuring annual ILETS audits are conducted at Central Office on staff members who are authorized ILETS operators. Division Chiefs Division chiefs or designees are responsible for ensuring annual ILETS audits are conducted at all IDOC locations, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, and where their staff members are authorized ILETS operators. Managers and Facility Heads Managers and facility heads or designees are responsible for: • Implementing this SOP and ensuring staff adhere to the guidelines provided herein. • Selecting and ensuring the training of one or more terminal agency coordinator (TAC) for their IDOC location. • Developing (where needed) an institutional field memorandum to help implement this SOP. • Ensuring institutional field memorandums (when developed) do not replicate, duplicate, or supersede the guidance provided herein. STANDARD PROCEDURES 1. Introduction ILETS is provided by the Idaho State Police (ISP) and is comprised of hardware, software, electronic switches, peripheral gear, microwave links, and circuitry needed to operate and use the system. ILETS provides identification and information services such as, but not limited to, criminal history information, sex offender information, wanted and missing person information, stolen property information, and motor vehicle and driver’s license information to criminal justice agencies throughout the State of Idaho. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 3 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted In addition to local and State of Idaho information, ILETS also accesses information from other systems, such as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system, the International Justice and Public Safety Network (NLETS), and the Idaho Record Management System. (NLETS was previously known as the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System.) IDOC contracts with the ISP and uses the ILETS as described in section 2. 2. ILETS Use and Management Uses IDOC uses ILETS for the following: • Criminal Background Investigations (CBI) – CBIs (see section 4) are performed on all incarcerated individuals, existing and new employees (to include rehires), reinstated employees, interns, contract staff, visitors, vendors, volunteers, and contractors. CBIs for new employees are performed in accordance with SOP, Background Checks and Fingerprints. ILETS operators enter information into ILETS and retrieve criminal information on persons on a case-by- case basis. • Warrants – Arrest warrants are entered for parole absconders and escapees as described in section 5. Warrant checks are also conducted on incarcerated or supervised individuals who are about to be released from IDOC custody. • Other Secure Law Enforcement Communications – ILETS operators may use ILETS for other secure law enforcement communications such as running various criminal histories, vehicle registration queries, or sending administrative messages to other agencies. Note: ILETS requires high security (see section 7) and therefore, its use is restricted to approved and certified ILETS operators. Management Standards Information entered or received from ILETS may be critical to the apprehension and arrest of fugitives, and as a result, it is vital that data entry, inquiries, and responses meet certain standards of timeliness, accuracy, and completeness. • Timeliness – Warrants must be entered immediately when the information is received from the Commission of Pardons and Parole. CBIs (see section 4) should be performed as soon as possible after receiving the individual’s information. • Accuracy – The accuracy of ILETS data entry must be double-checked by a second party. This occurs after a warrant is entered in ILETS by an ILETS operator. The ILETS operator then verifies the warrant file. • Completeness – ILETS data entry must contain all information that was available at the time it was given. If additional information is obtained afterwards, it must be added to the system in a timely manner. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 4 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Misuse Both State of Idaho and federal law addresses the proper use of information obtained through ILETS. (Federal law does not address ILETS specifically but addresses the information that can be obtained from other federally maintained systems linked to ILETS.) Misuse of information obtained through ILETS is a misdemeanor, and the misuse of that information for financial gain is a felony. (For more information, see Statement of Criminal History Record Information [CHRI] Confidentiality.) Additionally, misuse of ILETS may result in corrective or disciplinary action in accordance with SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action. 3. TAC Duties and Responsibilities Managers and facility heads or designees may appoint one or more TACs at Central Office (as required by director’s office or division assigned duties), the Commission of Pardons and Parole, and at each correctional facility or probation and parole district office. TACs will be responsible for the following: • Setting up ILETS operators in their Central Office, Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office location. See Appendix A, Steps for Setting up a New ILETS Operator. • Collecting and maintaining an ILETS Operator Approval Form on all ILETS operators for their Central Office, Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office location. • Maintaining and updating a current roster of ILETS operators for their Central Office, Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office location. • Forwarding (upon request) a copy of the current roster of ILETS operators to the Central Office TAC. • Training – ILETS operators must receive training in accordance with section 6. • Maintaining ILETS training and certification records on all ILETS operators at their IDOC location. • Communicating with the ILETS Audit and Training Team at ISP on all ILETS matters and facilitating their external audit (see section 8). • The timely monthly validation of records requested by the ILETS Audit and Training Team at ISP. • Performing internal ILETS audits and ensuring that their Central Office, Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office location is prepared for an external audit. (see section 8). 4. Criminal Background Investigations (CBI) A CBI is an investigation conducted using ILETS to access (a) motor vehicle records, (b) criminal history records in Idaho and other states, and (c) interstate identification index (III) files to determine if an individual has any criminal background. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 5 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Reasons for Conducting a CBI • If required by SOP 510.02.01.001, Facility Access • For all employees and contract staff hired by the IDOC. (See SOP, Background Checks and Fingerprints) Documentation of a CBI • All CBIs will be documented (logged) by the ILETS operator performing the CBI. • All ILETS operators at Central Office, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, and probation and parole district office location will maintain a Criminal Background Investigation Log (CBI log), and document information on each CBI completed. It is not a requirement to document each ILETS query made. (For example, an investigator may run a dozen or more queries to prepare a single presentence report but will only be required to log that particular investigation once.) The CBI log will be used to document the following information: ♦ IDOC location (e.g., Idaho State Correctional Institute [ISCI]) ♦ Date the CBI was conducted ♦ Name of the individual the CBI was conducted on ♦ Purpose of the CBI (e.g., new employee, public volunteer, visiting) ♦ ILETS operator’s name and employee number ♦ Results of the CBI (C = clear or NC = not clear) ♦ Whether CBI information was distributed and to whom it was distributed to • In order to accurately track CBIs, in all ILETS queries that require an operator’s name and attention field, enter first name initial, full last name and reason for running the query. Note: For example, if Sally Moose was conducting a CBI for a visiting applicant, the operator’s name might be entered as such: SMoose visiting. 5. Warrants IDOC will enter, maintain, and clear warrants in ILETS for parole absconders, as well as entering temporary warrants for escapees, if needed. Note: For consistency in entry and reporting, all warrants will be managed by Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI) ILETS operators, unless conditions prevent it. The fugitive recovery unit may enter time sensitive warrants as needed. Entering Warrants on Parole Absconders and Escapees • Parole absconders – After the Commission of Pardons and Parole has signed a warrant for the arrest of the absconder, the designated ILETS operator will enter the warrant into ILETS. • Escapees – When an inmate escapes, an ILETS operator may enter a temporary warrant into ILETS in accordance with SOP 507.02.01.002, Escape/Walk-away Response. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 6 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Responding to Hit Confirmation Requests When a Hit Confirmation Request is received from another law enforcement agency, an ILETS operator will respond within the following time frame: • Urgent priority – 10 minutes • Routine priority – One hour Documenting the Warrant Files Warrant Files All active warrants will have a physical warrant file that contains the information used to enter the warrant. The warrant file will include the following, at a minimum: • A copy of the written warrant signed by the Commission of Pardons and Parole • The request to enter the warrant into ILETS • Printouts of all information gained in the CBI • Validation Documentation 6. ILETS Operator: Approval, Initial Training, Written Exam, and Recertification It is important that all ILETS operators be approved by a manager, be appropriately trained on the proper use of ILETS, and fully understand the importance of confidentiality. • Approval – Managers should designate employees to become ILETS operators by submitting the ILETS Operator Approval Form, to their respective TAC and the Central Office TAC. TAC must submit the ISP Request for ILETS Access to an ILETS Audit and Training Specialist at ISP. • Initial training – Initial training will consist of a block of instruction from the TAC or designee. ILETS operators must receive this initial training before they are given access to ILETS. (Also see note box below.) ILETS operators must: ♦ Be trained on the importance of adhering to both ISP and NCIC system standards and policies when accessing the ILETS and NCIC system data. ♦ Receive the appropriate level of classroom or computer-based training (e.g., inquiry, entry, or TAC) from ISP for their assigned duties and responsibilities. • Certification Exam – All ILETS operators must pass an online certification exam within the first three months of gaining ILETS access. The certification exam is provided by the ILETS Audit and Training Team at ISP. When taking the ILETS Certification exam, an individual will be allowed three attempts to pass the exam, the initial exam and two retakes in a three-month period. After a third failed attempt, the individual will be locked out of the ILETS system and must take an in-person ILETS class and pass the online exam before being granted access. • Recertification -- All ILETS operators must be recertified every two years by taking and passing the online certification exam. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 7 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Note: Before gaining access to ILETS, all ILETS operators are required to (a) sign a Statement of Criminal History Record Information [CHRI] Confidentiality Form, and (b) pass an online ILETS Certification exam. Each TAC will keep record of both documents for their facility’s ILETS operators. 7. Security The data stored in ILETS, the NCIC system, and other criminal justice information systems such as NLETS and the Idaho Record Management System is documented criminal justice information. Information retrieved from these systems must be protected to ensure its integrity and its correct, legal and efficient storage, dissemination, and use. Acceptable Use All ILETS information on printouts, written down, or stored on any type of digital media, is confidential and IDOC staff with access to ILETS or who come across ILETS information in the performance of their job duties should take all the necessary steps to prevent unauthorized access to this information. Authorized users are responsible for the security of their passwords, accounts, and ILETS printouts. Passwords need to be secure and ILETS accounts, printouts etc. are not to be shared. All systems-level passwords must be changed at least every 90 days. User accounts with access to ILETS information must have a unique password from all other accounts held by that user. Passwords must not be inserted into email messages or other forms of electronic communication. Physical Secure Location A physically secure location is a facility or an area, a room, or a group of rooms within a facility with both the physical and personnel security controls sufficient to protect the FBI Criminal Justice Information (CJI ) and associated information systems. IDOC Central Office, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, and each correctional facility or probation and parole district office will determine what the physically secure location will be at their own site. Once the physically secure location has been determined by each site, there must be locks on doors, key card access and badges for any employees entering the physical secure locations. All employees who enter the physically secure location are required to have a background check and a state and national fingerprint- based record check completed. If any criminal history comes back on an employee who enters the physically secure location, an ILETS waiver will be required if the criminal history meets the criteria determined by the ILETS CSO (CJIS Systems Officer) at Idaho State Police. Private contractors/vendors, and custodial workers with access to physically secure locations or controlled areas at a minimum are subject to a state and national fingerprint- based record check unless these individuals are always escorted by authorized personnel. If any criminal history comes back on a private contractor/vendor, or custodial worker who enters the physically secure area, an ILETS waiver will then be required if the criminal history meets the criteria determined by the ILETS CJIS Systems Officer (CSO) at Idaho State Police. An escort is defined as authorized personnel who accompanies a visitor at all times while within a physically secure location to ensure the protection and integrity of the physically secure location and any CJI therein. The use of cameras or other electronic means used to monitor a physically secure location does not constitute an escort. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 8 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted Incident Response Cybersecurity incidents will be handled in accordance with IDOC IT policies and procedures. Computer Terminal Security The computer terminal that accesses ILETS must have adequate physical security (e.g., logon ID and password) to protect against any unauthorized viewing or access. Before walking away from the computer terminal (regardless of the amount of time the operator expects to be gone), ILETS operators must ensure that the terminal is locked (password protected) or that they have logged out so that no screen data can be viewed and no keyboard entries can be made. All terminal monitors with viewable CJI displayed on the monitor must be protected to prevent any viewing by the public, escorted visitors, or unauthorized personnel. Note: All ILETS operators must be approved and trained as provided in section 6. Security Awareness Training – SATE Security Awareness Training (SATE) is required within six months of initial assignment, and biennially thereafter for employees, vendors, and contractors who enter the physically secure locations of each IDOC and Commission of Pardons and Parole locations unescorted. The link for SATE is https://live.cjisonline.com. TAC’s should contact ILETS Audit and Training Specialists at ISP for help with SATE for your location. ILETS operators get the SATE when they get ILETS certified. Information Security All information retrieved via ILETS is highly confidential. To prevent the misuse of information retrieved via ILETS, any information that is printed, stored on a hard drive, thumb drive, disk, or any other form of digital media, must be retained in a secure area (a locked drawer, cabinet, or room) or immediately destroyed after its intended use. Digital ILETS media must be sanitized (overwritten at least three times) and digital media must be degaussed (demagnetized to erase content) prior to disposal or release for reuse by unauthorized individuals. Inoperable digital media must be destroyed (cut up, shredded, etc.). IDOC IT will maintain written documentation of the steps taken to sanitize or destroy electronic ILETS media. IDOC IT will ensure the sanitization or destruction is witnessed or carried out by authorized personnel. ILETS printouts must be securely disposed of when no longer required, using formal procedures. Formal procedures for the secure disposal or destruction of ILETS printouts minimize the risk of sensitive information compromise by unauthorized individuals. ILETS printouts must be destroyed by shredding or incineration. Agencies must ensure the disposal or destruction is witnessed or carried out by authorized personnel. Note: Printed ILETS information must be destroyed by shredding. Paper shredding service providers such as Cintas and Shred-It must be escorted when allowed to shred printed ILETS information. ILETS operators can also manually shred ILETS printed information in an IDOC-owned shredder. Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 9 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 8. Audits Annual Internal Audits Designated TACs at each Central Office, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office location will conduct an annual audit of CBIs and warrant entries, to verify that (a) ILETS is being properly used and secured (see section 7), (b) all ILETS data entry is timely, accurate, and complete, and (c) all other requirements described in this SOP are being met. To accomplish the above, TACs will spot check their Central Office, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, correctional facility, or probation and parole district office Criminal Background Investigation Log entries against the ILETS criminal history log. The ILETS criminal history log is a report of all ILETS criminal queries provided to the TAC from the Audit and Training Team at ISP. (All ILETS operators that have had ILETS access removed since the last audit should be included in the spot checks.) TACs are responsible for reporting any misuse to the ILETS operator’s manager and supervisor (also see section 2, subsection titled “Misuse”). External Audits The ILETS Audit and Training Team at ISP may randomly select specific IDOC locations (i.e., Central Office, the Commission of Pardons and Parole, a specific correctional facility, a specific probation and parole district office) for an audit every three years. The ILETS Audit/Training Team will include a policy compliance review, a data quality review, and a risk analysis. DEFINITIONS Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS): A dedicated data communications network that links local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to state records and files and to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system. (The Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System was previously known as the Idaho Law Enforcement Teletypewriter System.) ILETS Operator: An Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) and a Commission of Pardons and Parole staff member certified by a terminal agency coordinator (TAC) to use and access the Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS). Interstate Identification Index (III) File: An automated index of persons (1) maintained in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system, and (2) that includes names and personal identification relating to most individuals who have been arrested or indicted for a serious criminal offense anywhere in the country. Manager: An employee appointed to manage, direct, and control a designated work unit. Managers include division chiefs, deputy division chiefs, facility heads, deputy wardens (or seconds-in-command), district managers, designated lieutenants, program managers, or any appointed unit manager. National Crime Information Center (NCIC) System: A nationwide criminal justice information system (1) owned and maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that is dedicated to serving and supporting local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies, and (2) capable of providing users information from various types of records and files that includes, but is not limited to, enhanced name and fingerprint searches, mug shots, records of subjects under the supervised release of probation and parole, convicted sex offender Control Number: Version: 2.0 Title: ILETS: Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Page Number: 10 of 10 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted and violent sexual predator registries, interstate identification index (III) information, information linking, and online manuals and resources. Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC): An Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) and a Commission of Pardons and Parole staff member responsible for training and certifying Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS) operators. REFERENCES Appendix A, Steps for Setting up a New ILETS Operator ILETS - Statement of Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) Confidentiality ILETS Operator Approval Form ISP Request for ILETS Access Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Crime Information Center (NCIC), NCIC 2000 Code Manual Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Crime Information Center (NCIC), NCIC 2000 Operating Manual Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 30, Section 67-3009(4), Criminal Penalties Idaho State Police (ISP), Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI), Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS) Manual, February 2006 IDAPA 11.10.01, Rules Governing Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System Standard Operating Procedure, Background Checks and Fingerprints Standard Operating Procedure, Corrective and Disciplinary Action Standard Operating Procedure 507.02.01.002, Escape/Walk-away Response Standard Operating Procedure 510.02.01.001, Facility Access United States Code, Title 5, Part I, Chapter 5, Subchapter II, Section 552a, Records Maintained on Individuals United States Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 47, Section 1030, Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computers United States Code, Title 28, Part II, Chapter 33, Section 534, Acquisition, Preservation, and Exchange of Identification Records and Information; Appointment of Officials – End of Document – IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Steps for Setting Up a New ILETS Operator Appendix A (Last updated 10/04/2019) IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted 1. IDOC ILETS Approval Form. Form must be signed off by a Warden, District Manager or Chief. TAC retains a copy and sends a copy to backgrounds@idoc.idaho.gov 2. ILETS Confidentiality (CHRI) Form - Form must be filled out by all ILETS operators. TAC retains a copy of the form. 3. Fingerprints- If the new ILETS operator has not had fingerprints done within the last two years, they will need to get new ones. If the ILETS operator goes to SBWCC, the fingerprints will be sent in to BCI electronically. If they get their fingerprints done at any other site, then the fingerprint cards will need to be sent to the SIU Background Unit to be processed. If you need to know when fingerprints were completed on the ILETS operator, contact the SIU Background Unit backgrounds@idoc.idaho.gov 4. ILETS Waiver. If any misdemeanors or felonies are found, an ILETS waiver will need to be created and sent to ISP for approval. The waiver will be sent to the employee and the director to sign. The waiver will be created by the SIU Background Unit. NO ONE WITH A FELONY CONVICTION WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO ILETS. 5. ISP Request for ILETS Access Form. Forward the form to ISP Audit and Training Specialists. ISP needs to have a fingerprint date on the form before access can be given to the operator. TAC retains a copy of the form. 6. NEXTEST -TAC sets up ILETS operator in this online training to take the test for certification. The ILETS operator does not need to go to training anymore unless they want to or unless they fail the exam after three attempts in a three-month period. Results: PASS the exam - certified for 2 years. FAIL the exam, after three attempts, in a three-month period - get locked out of the system and must take an in-person training class and pass the exam before being granted access. 7. ILETS Keys. PASS NEXTEST exam - the TAC calls ILETS control to get keys for the new ILETS operator only if ILETS needs to be put on a new computer. If ILETS is already on an existing computer, no new keys are needed. Keys go with the terminal. The login of the ILETS operator is their Post ID (last 4 digits of their SSN, first 4 of first name, and 2-digit birth date IE=>1234TEST02) and the same for their password in ALL CAPS. If this does not work, then call ILETS control at 208-884-7150. They will help you get the ILETS operator set up correctly. 8. Terminal ID. The TAC sets up new ILETS operators with a terminal ID number, and contacts ISP ILETS Audit and Training Specialists to provide the new operators name, terminal ID etc. 9. Helpdesk Request. Send helpdesk request to IDOC IT to get ILETS installed on the operator’s computer, if the operator is the only one using the computer. If it is a terminal used by more than one employee, then no need to ask IT for help. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the SIU Background Unit.