HomeMy WebLinkAbout510.02.01.001 (ISCC FM) Facility Access V 4 4-18-19 ________________________________ This document was approved by Jay Christensen, Warden of ISCC Purpose The purpose of this field memorandum is to provide specific guidelines that are unique to this facility in order to fully implement standard operating procedure510.02.01.001. The deputy warden of security has oversight responsibility. General Statement This field memorandum is subject to revision at the discretion of the Warden of this facility, Chief of the Operations Division (or designee), or Direjk.gctor of the Idaho Department of Correction. Any one of these persons may revise, suspend, or rescind any procedural steps, at any time, at hissole discretion. Table of ContentsPurpose1General Statement1Procedural Guideline2Employee Searches2Parole Commison3SICI Offender Workers3Contractor/Vender Background Questionnaire3Denial of Access4Searches4Vehicle Searches4Receiving Contraband Into Sally Ports4Tool Control5Restriced Areas of Access5Visiting Center5Conduct6Construction Workers6Volunteers6Special Entry7Tours7Private Tours7Referances7 Procedural Guidelines Visitors, volunteers, and contractors will sign in and out on the Facility Visitor Access Log (Appendix B, SOP 510.02.01.001Facility Access). And their entrance/egress will be recorded in CIS. All staff will enter through the main front entrance of the facility. Visitors of offenders will enter through the same entrance. All ISCC staff, other Department of Correction personnel and volunteers are required to wear a Department of Correction identification badge. Uniformed correctional staff will wear their identification badge at all times clipped to the uniform shirt at the loopprovided in the center of the shirt just below the buttons. Non-uniformed staff are encouraged to wear a break-away lanyard, however they may wear the badge clipped to the left collar. All staff will be responsible for their ID badges. Badges will be carried to and from work. The shift supervisor is to be notified in the event of a lost ID badge. Any staff who shows up for work without his or her IDOC ID will need to provide positive identification either with a picture ID such as a driver’s license or other personal identification. The supervisor and the shift commander will approve the assignment of a temporary visitor’s badge for that shift only. All employees will be required to show their ID when passing through any security check-point. STAFF AND VISITORS SEARCHES The main entry sally port officer will visually search all incoming bags, briefcases, purses, etc. All staff are instructed to bring in only items necessary to the performance of their duties on the ISCC such as: A planner, notebook, briefcase being used for/in conjunction with official rules A meal, i.e., a “brown bag” type lunch, drink, thermos bottle, snack, all contained within mesh bags issued by IDOC Other items/materials directly related or needed for their job It is recommended that purses be locked in the staff’s personal vehicle. Visitors & Contractors All visitors will be subject to a have a stamp on the top of the hand which will be verified under a black light. Visitors checking are required to be stamped by the front sally port officer before entrance to the facility When a visitor leaves the facility, the visitor is required to show the stamp under the black light the officer in order to leave the facility. PERSONAL CELL PHONE PROCEDUREAny staff that are wanting to bring in their personal cell phone in will be required to have a cell phone chit in order to have it and carry it past the front entrance.Upon entry into the correctional facility, staff members or the approved contractors must give their cell phone chit to the front entrance officer and the chit is placed behind their second ID in the ID book. (the phone ID book must be stored in a locked drawer/cabinet when not in use). If the staff member does not have a red cell phone chit, they are unauthorized to bring their cell phone in to the facility. Security staff at the entry checkpoint must inspect the cell phone to ensure it matches the information (carrier, brand, model, phone number, etc.) on the cell phone chit, that the screen lock function is enabled, and requires a password, code, or other secure means to unlock. Staff members and approved contractors leaving the facility must retrieve their cell phone chit from the front lobby. Before leaving the facility, security staff must check the cell phone to ensure it matches the information on the cell phone chit. Staff members and assigned contractors must keep the screen lock function enabled at all times when inside the facility. An employee shall not bring contraband into a correctional facility, office, or state owned vehicle including, but not limited to, weapons, alcoholic beverages, drugs not prescribed to them, drug paraphernalia, explosive devices or materials useful in the fabrication of explosive devices, and tobacco of any kind except that obtained during a search and to be stored as evidence. Other items not permitted are, but not limited to: Books, schoolbooks, electronic audio and video devices, newspapers, magazines More than $50 cash Workout clothes (maybe stored in a locker in the administration area) Backpacks The sally port officer will ask anyone bringing in unauthorized materials to return them to their car and secure them. Anyone requesting exceptions to the above must obtain a memo from the warden, deputy warden of Security, or captain and must carry that memo with them as they enter the facility. The South sally port officer when approved by the shift commander will follow the above practices when have people enter and exit though the South sally port during a main entry gates failure. Staff will direct to back into the building to the main lobby officer to check in. Any other unusual access must be approved by the shift commander. PAROLE COMMISSION Members of the Commission for Pardons and Parole have been granted an exception to take their cell phones into the visiting center. In addition they are allowed to enter the facility without their bags and/or purses being searched. SICI OFFENDER Workers SICI offenders working for maintenance will not be allowed on the compound. The only exceptions will be those granted permission in advance to occasionally assist in facilitating repairs and labor. Permission may be obtained from the shift commander. The protocol for these offenders will be as follows: Maintenance staff and/or the storekeeper will notify the shift commander, in advance, when they plan to bring SICI offender workers into the ISCC compound. All offender workers will have an unclothed search performed by security staff before entering the compound. SICI offender workers assigned to administration will not need to have unclothed searches; however, they should be pat searched before and after their workday. Contractor/Vendor Background QuestionnaireContractor and vendors serving ISCC shall submit background questionnaires. The operations lieutenant or higher authority will review and approve the results of the background check. The completed form will be returned to the assigned coordinator who will maintain and publish a list to staff who post entrance areas.Individuals requesting admittance should plan on background checks taking up to two (2) weeks to complete. Depending on the workload of the ILETS operators, last minute background requests may not be honored. Unless an exigent circumstance exists, no background check will be performed without a completed application.Denial of Access Refer to matrix/tables 4.1 and 4.2 in SOP 604.02.01.001 Visiting.In the case of existing volunteers, some of the above disqualifying factors may be waived during an annual review.Searches Refer to SOP 510.02.01.001 Facility Access and SOP 604.02.01.001 Visiting Visitors entering the facility will required to go through a metal detector Staff entering the facility will be subjected to searches as well. Staff will not be required to use the metal detector. Vehicle searchesAll vehicles entering or leaving the secured perimeter of the institution will be searched. These vehicle searches are governed by the post orders of the vehicle sally port officer.The vehicle sally port officer will perform thorough searches of any offenders entering the facility to include unclothed searches. During a vehicle search the sally port officer will do the following:Visually inspect all vehicle compartmentsVisually inspect underneath all vehicles by using a search mirrorVerify through an ID check that all persons entering of exiting the facility are authorized to move through the sally port areaVerify the ID and transport sheet to the individual offender leaving the institution. Name, IDOC number, and picture must match. Vehicles that are departing from ISCC and cannot be thoroughly searched will remain in the sally port for at least one count. Vehicles that cannot be thoroughly searched must have permission from the shift commander before they proceed.Vehicles that are entering ISCC and cannot be properly searched will not be allowed to enter the institution or the off-loading will require constant security presence. Vehicles will be locked when unattended to prevent theft of personal property and the possibility of escapes.Any vehicle on the grounds outside the perimeter may be searched.Authorization from the duty officer or higher authority will be obtained before staff vehicles or visitor vehicles, in the institution parking lot or on the grounds, are searched.General Parking lot Outside Patrol Officer is required to perform a General Parking lot security checks at a minimum of once per shift and logged into the central control log. K9 searches will be conducted on irregular interval on the General Parking lot and will be logged into the central control. Receiving Contraband into Sally PortsIf any transport arrives at ISCC with personal property for offenders that qualifies as weaponry or dangerous contraband such as, but not limited to:Cell phonesKnivesGunsTobaccoAlcoholDrugsThe shift commander will be immediately notified and entry of that property into the facility will be denied.The shift commander will be required to send a vehicle to the receiving sally port to conduct an inventory and take the contraband into custody for placement in the evidence locker.When appropriate the offender will be afforded 45 days to complete disposition to mail out, donate, or destroy the contraband. Depending on circumstances, a DOR may be issued to the offender.The property supervisor will work with Investigations for final disposition of contraband.Tool Control Refer to SOP 509.02.01.001 Tool Control. Computers and/or components will not be permitted to leave or enter this facility unless there is a memo approved by the deputy warden of security identifying the computer by serial number, and hard drives identified by serial number. Exceptions would be for administrative staff, training staff and IT staff. All computers entering this facility will be checked by an IT staff member. Restricted Areas of Access For safety and security reasons, there are areas of the facility that have restricted access. These are identified by signage indicating the area and those authorized access. The areas are: Armories CERT Room/Ready room Control Centers Locksmith Shops Vehicle Sallyport Investigation Office Evidence Vault Those authorized to enter are shift commanders, captains and above, assigned personnel. Visiting Center Computers and/or components are authorized for attorney visits, IDOC staff, and the Parole Commission. They are not to be utilized as wireless two way communication devices and must be used for a legitimate business purpose only. Visitors for court or parole hearings will be required to sign in and out at the visitor’s gatehouse. A visitor badge will be issued. Visitors who will be accompanied by staff onto the yard will be required to sign in and out at the control sally port and central control. A visitor’s badge will be issued.To ensure safety and security in the event of a computer system failure during an emergency redundant check in/out methods will be used. The entrance/egress of all visitors will be entered into CIS. The visitor will also complete Appendix B, Facility Visitor Access Log, SOP 510.02.01.001, Facility Access and use the exchange of ID. Conduct Refer to SOP 510.02.01.001 Facility Access, SOP 604.02.01.001 Visiting, and SOP 606.02.01.001 Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities. Termination of Authorized Entry Entry will be immediately terminated for any of, but not limited to, the following reasons:Arguing or refusing to follow direction from an ISCC staff memberLoud or abusive languageFighting (verbal or physical)Physical contact with offendersPresence in unauthorized areasAttempts to introduce contraband into the facilityRefusal to permit vehicle, bags or person to be searchedSuspicion of being under the influence of alcohol or drugsFraternizing with offenders or their families outside the scope of routine duties Any alcohol, tobacco, drugs or firearms found in the possession or control of any volunteer, vendor, contractor or employee, will be cause for immediate and permanent expulsion. Depending on the circumstance, local law enforcement may be notified. In the case of a contractor or vendor, the contract itself may be jeopardized. Construction Employees Non-employee construction employees working within the ISCC compound for a period longer than two weeks will be required to have an ID card that will be worn on the jacket or shirt. The IT site coordinator will notify central office IT of the names of workers so that an ID number may be assigned. The badged construction worker will retain his or her ID card throughout the project. He or she will relinquish the ID card upon completion of the project. All construction/project workers are required to sign in and out of the facility. The sally port officers will maintain a log of those entering and exiting the compound. Before entry into ISCC all construction employees will have their hand stamped at the point of entry (Front Sally Entrance or at the North or South Sally port). VolunteersTo ensure safety and security in the event of a computer system failure during an emergency, redundant check in/out methods will be used. The entrance/egress of all volunteers will be entered into CIS. The volunteer will also complete Appendix B, Facility Visitor Access Log, SOP 510.02.01.001, Facility Access and use the exchange of ID. Refer to SOP 606.02.01.001, Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities.All badge volunteers have their hand stamped upon entry to the facility by the front sally officer. Volunteers are required to pick up their ID badges from the sally port officer as they enter the administration building. Identification badges must be worn throughout the ISCC compound. A numbered list of all volunteers will be maintained at the control sally port. Special Entry In rare cases, when a background check has not been completed, the shift commander may deem that the entry of a particular individual, for a very short period, is in the best interest of the facility. These individuals would normally be inspectors or specialized technicians related to a particular construction project. The shift commander will provide an escort officer to accompany all non-IDOC individuals and stand by until such time as the work/task has been completed.ToursThere are times when general tours of the facility are conducted. The visitors or tour director will complete Appendix A, Facility Access Tour Application, of SOP 510.02.01.001, Facility Access.This form is then used by the ILETS operator and the approving authority for approval purposes.Visitors touring the ISCC facilities will be issued numbered tour identification badges.Private ToursIn some cases, the administrative duty officer or higher authority may authorize private tours to be conducted so long as a criminal background check has been completed. This authorization must be in written memorandum form or printed e-mail listing the names of all those authorized to enter. References SOP 509.02.01.001 Tool Control SOP 510.02.01.001 Facility Access SOP 604.02.01.001 Visiting SOP 606.02.01.001 Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities – End of Document –