HomeMy WebLinkAbout317.02.01.001 Defecation Watch V6 This document was approved by Jay Christensen, Warden of ISCC. Purpose The purpose of this field memorandum is to provide specific guidelines that are unique to this facility in order to fully implement standard operating procedure 317.02.01.001 General Statement This field memorandum is subject to revision at the discretion of the Warden of this facility; the Chief of the Division of Prisons, or Director of the Idaho Department of Correction. Any one of these persons may revise, suspend, or rescind any procedural steps, at any time, at his sole discretion. General requirements This Field Memorandum establishes guidelinesfor the placement and observation of an offender on a defecation watch. Human defecation is a highly personal body function. Officers who participate in the observation of this activity will be sensitive to the personal nature of this activity and will act in a professional manner. TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Procedural Guidelines12. Placement Consideration……………………………………………………………………..23. Cell Location and Preparation Procedure…………………………………………………..24. Specific Procedures…………………………………………………………………………...35. Recovery of Evidence…………………………………………………………………………46. Termination of Defecation Watch…………………………………………………………….5 References3 Pre-Placement Procedure Authorization to place an offender on defecation watch must be obtained. During normal duty hours, approval will be obtained by the Shift Commander from the Warden or Deputy Warden of Security and the medical supervisor After normal duty, the Shift Commander will obtain approval from the Duty Officer. The offender will be given the opportunity to voluntarily retrieve the contraband and/or foreign object before being placed on defecation watch. All members of the staff escort will document the request for voluntary retrieval and the results. This documentation will be part of the permanent record of the defecation watch Before an offender is placed on defecation watch, their health record will be reviewed by a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant, or Physician to ensure a continuation of medically necessary prescriptions, modalities and/or medical devices, and to address any medical complaints the offender may have. X-ray examinations will not be performed unless medically required. Once it has been determined by the Shift Commander that the offender should be placed on defecation watch, a staff member will be assigned to directly supervise the offender for the entirety of the placement process. Placement Consideration An offender will be placed on defecation watch only upon reasonable suspicion that contraband or evidence has been ingested or being concealed internally. An offender placed on defecation watch will remain isolated from other offenders for a period not to exceed 72 hours, unless authorized by the Deputy Warden of Security or Warden. If reasonable suspicion exists that an offender is concealing contraband on their person by means to prevent it from being passed after three consecutive normal bowel moves, or the equivalent thereof, extensions up to 72 hours from the beginning of the initial placement on defecation watch may occur upon authorization. If documented reasonable suspicion exists that an offender has re-ingested or re-inserted the contraband, authorization will be obtained for a 24-hour extension. Cell Location and Preparation Procedure The defecation watch will be performed in a single Administrative Segregation cell or in a medical holding cell. The water must be shut off and the cell will be searched prior to placing the offender in the designated cell for defecation watch. (see Specific Procedures prior to placement of the offender in the cell.) All items will be removed from the cell, except those authorized by the Shift Commander. No personal items are allowed in the cell. Be sure to log the check within log book. The offender will be under direct supervision of a correctional officer, at all times; and when possible, the same gender will monitor bowel movements. The cell door shall remain closed at all times unless the offender is restrained and appropriately supervised by staff. An operational memorandum or restrictive housing order will be filled out and forwarded to the officer providing the defecation watch. The offender being placed on defecation watch will be considered to be in segregation pending investigation (SPI) status and conditions of confinements log established. If the defecation watch is assigned to a medical holding cell, an additional officer will be assigned to the medical unit. This extra officer will be assigned the task of the defecation watch officer. The officer’s station for defecation watch will be located right outside the cell where the defecation watch is being conducted. The offender will be in full view at all times. Thedesignated defecation watch officer will not engage in any of the usual activities being carried out in the housing unit or medical unit. The officers’ whole purpose and duty is to directly observe and document the action of the offender on defecation watch. In the event the officer has to be relieved, they will notify the shift commander who will make arrangements for a replacement officer. The officer will be assigned a radio, log book, camera, and further have in his possession a supply of plastic bags, mask, tongue depressor, protective gloves, a water pitcher and cups. Specific Procedures An unclothed body search of the offender will be performed,as soon as possible, and the offender will be placed in a security smock. Clothing worn upon arrival to defecation watch will be placed in a paper bag and will be handled as possible evidence in accordance with SOP, Custody of Evidence. The offender will be allowed a supervised shower if maintained on defecation watch for over a period of 72 hours. Any item brought into or removed from the cell will be searched. All Searches will be logged. Searches may occur any time suspicious activity is noted, the reasons for such will be entered in the log. During this time of observation, the offender will be provided the following: Water; every ½ hour, if awake The opportunity to use the restroom every hour, if awake. If the offender needs to defecate, a portable toilet will be introduced in the designated defecation watch cell, after it has been thoroughly searched by security staff. The offender will remain under direct observation by the defecation watch officer at all times. A plastic bag will be inserted into the portable toilet prior to each use. The offender will defecate (and/or urinate) into the plastic bag. If the offender only needs to urinate, the offender may request to do so in the cell toilet. The officer providing watch must ensure the offender only urinates in the cell toilet. If in medical holding cell, the button to flush the toilets is located outside the cell. If in a housing unit cell, a second officer will be needed in this event to flush the toilet. The water will need to be temporarily turned back on by the second officer while the designated defecation watch officer closely watches the offender during this process. Once the toilet has been flushed, the water will be shut off again. If there is any reason to believe the offender placed anything else in the toilet while urinating, the offender will need to be restrained and the toilet searched, prior to flushing it. The opportunity to exercise/walk in the room for at least 15 minutes per hour. The offender will receive regularly scheduled meals. Visiting is not permitted while on defecation watch. Hygiene items: Toilet paper will be provided upon request of the offender. The offender will be offered a sanitation wipes prior to each meal and following each bowel movement/function. A toothbrush and toothpaste/powder will be provided following each meal. Mail Only first class mail will be delivered to the offender. All other mail will be held until released from defecation watch. The offender will be given one piece of mail to read at a time. After the offender reads the mail, it will be stored with the offender’s personal clothing. Mail will be returned to the offender after the watch as been terminated. If the offender has a court-imposed deadline, they will need to notify the officer conducting the watch. The officer will pass the information through the chain of command to the Captain, who will determine what actions, including delivery of legal mail, need to be taken. Recovery of evidence Staff shall search the feces and toilet paper utilizing protective gloves, mask and a tongue depressor. To ensure the integrity and security of evidence is maintained, any contraband discovered will be processed in accordance with SOP, Custody of Evidence. The shift commander will need to be notified, if contraband is found. Urine and feces will be disposed of by flushing it down the toilet. Termination of Defecation Watch Defecation watch must be concluded within 72 hours or after the equivalent of 3 consecutive normal bowel movements, whichever occurs first. If it is determined that an extension is required, written authorization from the Deputy Warden of Security must be obtained. The Deputy Warden of Security or Warden may issue an order to cease defecation watch at any time. – End of Document –