HomeMy WebLinkAbout149.01.01.001(ISCC FM) Prison Rape Elimination 09-21This document was approved by,.Purpose
The purpose of this field memorandum is to provide guidelines unique to ISCCin order to implement Prison Rape Elimination,SOP149.01.01.001.
General Statement
This field memorandum designates this facility’s PREA compliance manager, identifies the facility sexual assault response teams, designates facility meetings where PREA reviews will
occur, and identifies community PREA resources specific to the facility.
This field memorandum is subject to revision at the discretion of the facility head; the chief of the Division of Prisons, or director of the Idaho Department of Correction. Any one
of these persons may revise, suspend, or rescind any procedural steps, at any time, at his sole discretion.
table of contentsStandard Procedures11.PREA Compliance Manager12.Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Initial Response13.Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Administrative Response24.Associated
Memorandums of Understanding25.Medical Non-covered Hours2
Standard Procedures
PREA Compliance Manager
The Deputy Warden of Operations (or second in command) is the PREA compliance manager (PCM). In primary PREA compliance managers absence, the Deputy Warden of Security will assume PCM
duties outlined Prison Rape Elimination,SOP 325.02.01.001.
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Initial Response
Shift commander:
The security staff member in charge of the shift
Medical staff:
The highest-ranking medical staff on duty at the time of the incident
Mental health staff:
The clinician on duty at the time of the incident, or on call after normal working hours, on holidays, or on weekends.
The highest-ranking PREA-trained investigator on duty at the time of the incident
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Administrative Response
The SART administrative team will usually include these members:
PREA compliance manager:
The Deputy Warden of Operations
The investigations supervisor or the assigned investigator
Clinician supervisor:
Medical representative:
TheHealth Services Administrator or designee
AssociatedMemorandums of Understanding
The following memorandums of understanding (MOU) are in place to support PREA response at .
Criminal investigation:
Forensic Exams:
Victim Advocate:
Medical Non-Covered Hours
If 24/7 medical coverage is not available, provides medical coverage if incident occurs whenmedical is unstaffed.(If a sexual abuse incident happens when medical staff is not on shift,
the shift commander will request medical assistance to provide the inmate’s medical history, to include the to include the problem form, most recent physical, and medications list, to
the receiving hospital in the event an off-site forensic exam is required.)
Current MOUs are available on eDOC on the policy page.
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