HomeMy WebLinkAbout100.00.00.000 (ISCC FM) SystemTrainers ProgramThis document was approved by_________________,Deputy Chief of Prisons on XX/XX/XXXX Purpose The purpose of this OperationsMemorandum is to provide specific guidelines that are unique to this facility in order to fully implement standard operating procedure General Statement This Operations Memorandum is subject to revision at the discretion of the [Warden or Manager] of this facility, Chief of the Operations bureau (or designee), or Director of the Idaho Department of Correction. Any one of these persons may revise, suspend, or rescind any procedural steps, at any time, at hissole discretion. General requirements A need has been identified in program systems training to increasing the effectiveness of end users. Effective end user training is an investment in IDOC‘s employees and supports the Missionand Vision of the agency,and the professional development of staff. In addition when developing software programs it is a best practice to include end user involvement in identifying data to be gathered, testing results and validating training. The development of System Trainers will move the agency towards a more comprehensive and effective use of data tracking systems. Currently gaps exist in our staff’s knowledge of the functionality available in the offender data systems (CIS, Reflections. etc.) These gaps result in a lack of ability for staff to fully utilizing the systems to perform their job functions. A gap also exists in the software development practices for IDOC’s offender data systems. This gap often results in the end products that do not align with the end users’ daily work flow and build frustration and employee dissatisfaction, and also leads to additional or repeated development efforts. These gaps can be filled through the use of System s Trainers in each institution who are dedicated staff members willing to; aid in the ensuring that all staff members in their respective institution receive the appropriate training and updates on the offender data systems, and represent the end users statewide during theidentifying data to be gathered, testing results and validating training methods and content. ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS Administrative Support Staff: Training Coordinators and Staff identified as System Trainers. Coordinate and conduct monthly conference calls to address needs/ concerns around current system development. Provide Deputy Warden (DW) with a checklist of items covered during the conference call. This list will be used by the DW to ensure System Training expectations are met within their institution. Coordinate and conduct face-to-face training where necessary. Create all documentation and training materials the System Trainers will need for training at their institution. Act as liaison between system trainers and IT on current development of projects. Collect and maintain requests to enhance functionality or fix defects in offender data systems. IT: Participate in identifying data gathering requirements for system development. Aid in managing issues identified during usability testing. Review system training materials and user manuals. System Trainers: Actively participate in monthly conference calls to receive training and information on new systems development, to address concerns /issues with current functionality, and to aid in improving system training process. Provide all staff members at their institution with the appropriate training and updates as soon as possible, but within 30 days of the conference calls. Act as a subject matter expert onsite for the offender data systems. Act as the point of contact for staff questions and concerns and address problems that might arise in using the systems. Maintain a reference file of frequently asked questions and tips and trick that may assist staff in resolving issues or enhancing productivity. When unable to resolve staff issues, refer staff to submit an IT service request ticket. Act as the point of contact for the administrative support staff. Deputy Wardens: Ensure that System Trainers provide training and disseminate information on current systems functionality and new developments. Provide a plan of action to the Warden and Deputy Chiefto include methods and Systems Training process accountability. Plans will be appropriate for each institutions size and need. Plans will identify the training methods being used; email delivery, printed handouts, meetings or scheduled training. Plans will identify a means to document system training accountability in a format that will allow for sharing with leadership upon request. Wardens, Deputy Chiefs and Chief: Support the System Training Process, and the roles of the System Trainers, to ensure closure of the stated gaps in the offender data collection systems and to provide opportunities for growth in the development of staff. Any changes from the review or from institutional operations changes at any time during the year should be routed through the deputy warden of security. No changes will be made in the Systems Trainer program without the written approval of the deputy warden of security or designee. References SOP Development, Revision, and Management – End of Document –