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Department of
Administrative Investigations
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Jeff Zmuda, deputy director, approved this document on 03/25/2019.
Open to the public: Yes
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applies to all Idaho Department of Correction
(IDOC) employees, including Correctional Industries, inmates, offenders, and contractors.
Revision Summary
Revision date (03/25/2019) version 3.0: Added new version of Appendix 6.
Board of Correction IDAPA Rule Number 116 ...................................................................... 2
Policy Control number 150 ................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2
Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 2
General Requirements ......................................................................................................... 3
1. Administrative Investigations ........................................................................................ 3
2. General Provisions ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Special Investigations Unit (SIU) .................................................................................. 4
4. Other SIU Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 4
5. Complaint .................................................................................................................... 5
6. Complaint Classification ............................................................................................... 5
7. Administrative Leave .................................................................................................... 7
8. Staff Rights .................................................................................................................. 8
9. Administrative Investigations ........................................................................................ 9
10. Determination of Findings ...........................................................................................11
11. Case Conclusion .........................................................................................................12
12. Management Authority Debriefing ...............................................................................12
13. Investigative Files ........................................................................................................12
14. Evidence: Collecting, Handling, Processing, and Disposing ........................................13
15. Record Requests ........................................................................................................13
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Definitions ...........................................................................................................................13
References ..........................................................................................................................14
Custody of Evidence
Special Investigations Unit
The purpose of this SOP is to establish standards for (1) investigating allegations of
employee misconduct, and (2) providing assessment and general investigative services for
the department.
The manager of Human Resources (HR) is responsible for:
• Training managers in the department’s investigations process
• Reviewing inquiries and completed Special Investigation Unit (SIU) investigations
with the management authority to determine what further action, if any, is warranted
• Assuring that all civil rights complaints are addressed in accordance with this SOP
• Tracking all corrective and disciplinary actions department-wide
• Working cooperatively with the SIU in the investigation process
The Special Investigations Unit is responsible for:
• Establishing and reviewing procedures for conducting investigations of department
matters and complaints or allegations involving department employees
• Developing procedures for investigation evidence handling and storage
• Implementing procedures for report writing and records retention in the SIU
• Providing and maintaining a help line for the safe, secure, and confidential reporting
of complaints
• Reviewing inquiries with HR and the management authority to determine whether an
investigation is warranted
• Coordinating with the appropriate law enforcement agency when criminal misconduct
has occurred
• Coordinating with the management authority on the investigation process and
providing details on the progress in each case
• Maintaining management oversight for all administrative and employee investigations
• Conducting investigations
• Tracking investigations done pursuant to this SOP, including identifying early
indicators of misconduct or patterns of policy or procedure violations
• Providing a final report of investigations conducted under this SOP to management
and HR and to other appropriate authorities as deemed necessary
The Management Authority is responsible for:
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• Conducting an inquiry upon receipt of a complaint and consulting with SIU and HR to
determine what action, if any, is warranted
• Reporting all staff misconduct complaints to the SIU
• Reporting all corrective or disciplinary action to HR
• Reporting civil rights infractions immediately to HR (See United States Code, Title
42, Chapter 21)
• Requesting administrative leave with pay (ADT) when warranted and notifying the
employee when the request is approved
• Reviewing the investigative report and making a finding as to the validity of the
• Disseminating the final decision to all affected parties
The Employees, Contractors, Volunteers are responsible for cooperating fully with
investigations and answering all questions truthfully and completely.
1. Administrative Investigations
An investigation occurs when it is alleged or suspected that an employee’s conduct or
behavior violates any department policy, procedure, rule, or training. The Management
Authority is encouraged to conduct an inquiry to determine if sufficient information exists to
warrant further investigation. An investigation should be conducted through the SIU when
the alleged violation may result in disciplinary action as outlined in:
• SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action
• Idaho Administrative Procedure Act (IDAPA), Rules of the Division of
Human Resources and Personnel Commission, Section 190 and codified at Idaho
Code § 67-5309(n)
The objectives of an investigation are to:
• Uncover and preserve all pertinent facts and evidence
• Determine if department personnel were involved in a violation of policy
• Determine if the conduct or behavior was intentional
• Determine if the conduct or behavior was the result of action or inaction by the
employer, such as training needs or procedure failure
• Determine the reasonableness and the basis of the employee’s actions and evaluate
any explanations
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2. General Provisions
Confidentiality is required to preserve the rights of individuals and the department.
Information obtained as a result of a staff investigation will only be distributed internally to
people with an official need-to-know, externally in accordance with department manual,
Disclosure of Idaho Department of Correction Records under the Idaho Public Records Act,
or with a law enforcement agency conducting a criminal investigation.
In accordance with policy 110, Media and Public Relations, information regarding a staff
investigation shall not be revealed to the news media unless authorized by the director or
designee. Unauthorized persons providing such information will be subject to disciplinary or
corrective action in accordance with SOP, Corrective and Disciplinary Action.
All department owned offices, desks, lockers, vehicles, cabinets and personally owned
vehicles used by staff within or parked upon department facilities or premises may be
searched as part of an investigation.
At institutional facilities, body searches and searches of staff personal possessions will be
conducted in compliance with SOP 510.02.01.001, Facility Access. Reasonable physical
searches will be conducted using guidelines set forth in policy 510, Searches of
Persons/Vehicles Entering Correction Facilities. Other searches will be conducted in
accordance with IDAPA 06.01.01, Rules of the Board of Correction, Section 510.
3. Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
The SIU has the director’s authority to conduct investigations into allegations of employee
misconduct and to track all such complaints for statistical purposes. SIU investigators may
initiate and conduct inquiries, audits, and investigations as directed by the SIU chief
investigator or designee in consultation with the director, deputy director or division chief.
While conducting an authorized investigation, SIU investigators shall have reasonable,
unrestricted access to all department facilities, staff, offenders, visitors, records, documents,
and equipment. The SIU will be responsible for:
• Issuing a case number and monitoring investigations of department employees
• Ensuring all investigations are complete, objective, and consistent
• Ensuring the investigation is completed within a reasonable amount of time, based
on the circumstances of the investigation
• Preparing the final investigative file to submit to the appropriate management
• Maintaining the originals of all investigation reports and preserving evidence related
to the investigation
• Responding to any records request for investigation records
4. Other SIU Responsibilities
The SIU shall conduct, monitor, or review the following investigations:
• Allegations or complaints of staff misconduct
• Escapes in accordance with SOP, Reporting and Investigation of
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Major Incidents and policy 125, Investigation of Escapes, Serious Crimes, Serious
Injury, or Deaths
• Alleged staff sexual misconduct with offenders in accordance with policy 219, Sexual
Misconduct with Offenders
• Conducting and assisting in training staff on specialized topics related to
investigative techniques and procedures
• Actively pursuing leads, in conjunction with institutional investigator(s), of inmates
currently on escape status
• Assisting local law enforcement agencies with investigations pertaining to the
• Coordinating intelligence and investigations at all correctional facilities
5. Complaint
A complaint may originate from any source and contain specific information about the
allegation. Complainants can use appendix 1, Voluntary Statement Form, to record their
Employees may attempt to resolve a complaint by following legitimate procedures but must
never dissuade any person from lodging a complaint. In order to protect employees against
false allegations, all complainants are encouraged to make complaints in written form.
Anonymous complaints, or complaints from persons who wish for their names to be held in
confidence, will be accepted. The person(s) filing a complaint shall not be subjected to
Offender complaints against staff or the department need to follow SOP 316.02.01.001,
Grievance and Informal Resolution Procedure for Offenders. When an offender files a
grievance reporting staff misconduct and the grievance is resolved, the review authority
shall forward a copy of the grievance to the SIU. If an investigation is warranted, the SIU
Administrative Assistant shall complete appendix 2, Administrative Allegation / Complaint
Form, and obtain the necessary signatures.
Any complaint that relates to a civil rights infraction such as race or gender discrimination,
sexual harassment, hostile work environment, etc. (see United States Code, Title 42,
Chapter 21), shall be referred to the management authority as outlined in policy 201,
Respectful Workplace. Potential civil rights violations discovered during an inquiry shall be
reported immediately to any management authority. Failure to report civil rights allegations is
a violation of policy 201. The management authority shall report all civil rights complaints
immediately to HR.
The SIU has established a ‘help line’ to provide individuals with an effective, secure, and
safe method of reporting complaints and misconduct issues within the department. (See
appendix 3 for information regarding the ‘help line.’)
6. Complaint Classification
It is essential that the management authority receiving the complaint initially recognize
whether the complaint requires an investigation. If the management authority believes the
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complaint could require an investigation, notification must be immediately made to the SIU.
If it appears that no investigation is required, notification must be immediately made to HR.
Staff Misconduct
Staff misconduct is any violation of department policy, standard operating procedure,
division directive, field memorandum, post order, or lawful verbal order of the
department, Idaho Administrative Procedure Act (IDAPA) rule, a city, county, state, or
federal law or ordinance that include, but are not limited to:
• Dishonesty or any breach of integrity by an employee which reflects discredit on
the department
• Sexual misconduct with an offender
• Unauthorized use of weapons
• Failure to conform to a law which would constitute a serious misdemeanor or
• Harassment or discrimination involving civil rights violations
• Alcohol or substance abuse
• A serious breach of department rules and regulations
• Insubordination
• Allegations against employees where an outside agency is involved or those
which cross division, district, or unit boundaries
• Any similar behavior described in IDAPA, Rules of the Division of
Human Resources and Personnel Commission, Section 190, and/or Idaho Code
Other types of staff misconduct are actions or behaviors that disregard policies, rules,
regulations or procedures for which the corrective action would generally be expected to
be no greater than a Letter of Instruction, Warning or Reprimand, and/or remedial
training or other type of corrective action. However, in some instances, these types of
staff misconduct may result in formal disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
These types of misconduct include, but are not limited to:
• Failure to conform to laws which constitute a misdemeanor
• Discourteous or aggressive behavior
• Misuse of department computers
• Violation of policy 217, which could discredit the department
• Any similar behavior described in IDAPA, Rules of the Division of
Human Resources and Personnel Commission, Section 190, and/or Idaho Code
• Abuse of position by an employee
Other Personnel Actions
Allegations other than complaints against employees may be investigated by the SIU when
an investigation is warranted. When an investigation is unnecessary, but corrective action
has been imposed or disciplinary action is recommended, SIU shall communicate this
information to HR.
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Complaint Processing / Preliminary Inquiry
Upon receipt of a complaint, the management authority may conduct a preliminary inquiry to
determine the complaint category and to assist in deciding whether the matter should be
referred to the SIU for investigation. The management authority should consult with the SIU
chief investigator or designee during the inquiry to assist in the decision-making process.
It is important to recover evidence before memories fade, witnesses become unavailable,
evidence disappears, or conditions change significantly. During the inquiry, if the preliminary
inquiry investigator discovers evidence that indicates the allegation may be true, the
investigator shall report this to the management authority, who shall notify the SIU chief
investigator. The chief investigator, the management authority and the division chief will
decide if a full investigation is warranted.
The accused employee is not required to be notified of a preliminary inquiry. This allows
time for evidence to be collected and preserved. The accused employee will generally not
be interviewed during the initial stages of a preliminary inquiry. The accused employee may
be interviewed upon consultation with the management authority and the SIU chief
investigator if the investigator feels that the preliminary inquiry can be resolved and closed
by doing so. The purpose of a preliminary inquiry is to quickly collect any evidence that may
or may not corroborate the allegation.
The preliminary inquiry should normally be completed within 10 business days.
For misconduct allegations that require further investigation, SIU will seek approval from the
director and the accused employee shall be notified using appendix 4, Employee Notification
of Investigation, which will include a list of the policies or procedures the employee is
alleged to have violated, the case number, and the name of the investigator(s).See section 9
and 10 below for additional steps in the process.
7. Administrative Leave
With Pay
The director or designee is authorized to approve requests for administrative leave with pay
(ADT) for investigative purposes.
Primary reasons for granting ADT includes, but is not limited to:
• An immediate need to preserve and secure evidence
• Removal to maintain safety and/or the well-being or safeguarding of staff or
• To seek necessary counseling or outside assistance
• Declared emergency situations
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Should the management authority recognize a need to place the accused employee on ADT
for investigative purposes, he will request this on appendix 2, Administrative Allegation /
Complaint Form.
The SIU will obtain approval from the director or designee, for ADT and will notify the
management authority of approval or denial of the request to place the accused employee
on ADT.
The management authority will notify the accused employee using appendix 5,
Administrative Leave with Pay, that approval for ADT during the investigation is authorized.
The employee will sign and date appendix 5 when received. A copy of appendix 5 will be
forwarded to HR immediately, and the original will be retained in the investigative file.
Should ADT be granted after the notification has been issued, the management authority will
issue the written notice to the accused employee with a copy to HR.
Without Pay
Administrative leave without pay (LWO) will only be granted for employees who are charged
with or convicted of a felony (IDAPA, Rules of the Division of Human Resources
and Personnel Commission, Section 190.04).
8. Staff Rights
Employees under investigation will be informed of the general nature of the investigation as
soon as practical, unless notification will hamper the investigation.
An accused employee may request to have an observer or counsel present during an
interview, provided:
• The person is available to attend the interview within a reasonable period of time.
• No witness or potential witness in the investigation will be permitted to act as an
• The accused employee and the observer (or counsel) shall be afforded a reasonable
amount of time to confer prior to initiating the interview.
• The observer (or counsel) does not interfere with or impede the interview process
(Note: The observer (or counsel) may be excluded from the interview if his behavior
becomes disruptive).
The role of counsel during the interview is primarily that of observer, but he may also
question or illicit statements from the accused employee at the conclusion of the interview.
Interviews will be conducted for reasonable periods of time, allowing for rest periods if
No staff will be subjected to offensive or foul language or threats during the investigation
process. Being advised that failure to answer questions fully and truthfully may result in
corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, constitutes an advisement of
an employee’s obligation to the employer and shall not be construed as a threat.
Upon completion of the investigation, the accused employee will be notified, in writing, that
the investigation has been completed.
Civil Rights Investigations
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The department acknowledges that the federal government has authority to conduct an
independent investigation to identify any civil rights violations that may have occurred.
The department will not require any employee to confer with federal investigators without the
advice of counsel. The deputy attorney generals (DAGs) who represent the IDOC shall not
provide legal advice to employees for civil rights investigations.
9. Administrative Investigations
Accused Employee
An employee accused of misconduct, or who is the focus of the investigation, must be
interviewed during the investigation. The employee shall cooperate fully with the
investigation and answer all questions truthfully and completely. Failure to cooperate is
considered misconduct and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
When the alleged misconduct could be a criminal violation of federal or state law, the
accused employee will receive an administrative investigative warning (commonly referred
to as a Garrity Warning), prior to an investigation interview. (Note: Appendix 6,
Administrative Investigation Warning form will be used for the advisement.)
SIU Investigative Actions
When a complaint is investigated by the SIU, the SIU chief investigator or designee assigns
the case to an investigator.
The chief investigator or designee monitors the investigation to ensure it is completed within
a reasonable amount of time and when requested, communicates the status of the
investigation to the management authority, the deputy director, or the director.
The investigation will be completed as expeditiously as possible, while providing due
consideration for the (1) interviewees’ location and distance required to travel, (2) availability
of interviewees’, (3) complexity of the situation, and (4) number of witnesses. During the
course of the investigation, complainants may receive updates from IDOC once per week
regarding the status of an investigation related to their complaint, but only to the extent the
update will not jeopardize or interfere with the integrity of the investigatory process.
Investigations will be conducted in a professional and unbiased manner. The accused
employee will be afforded the presumption of innocence. Duties and responsibilities of the
assigned investigator generally include:
• Ensuring the accused employee was provided with notice of an investigation using
appendix 4, Employee Notification of Investigation.
• Conducting a preliminary case evaluation and developing an investigative plan,
which includes:
o Reviewing the completed appendix 2, Administrative Allegation / Complaint
Form, and other documents
o Examining the accused employee’s personnel files and other records to identify
relevant patterns or instances of similar conduct
o Examining the accused employee’s training records to identify relevant training
o Identifying the specific allegations to be addressed, concentrating on those that
fall under policy 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct, Division of Human
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Resources and Idaho Personnel Commission IDAPA rules, and other department
policies, regulations, and procedures related to the issues
o Determining who should be questioned
o Determining whether a crime may have been committed
o Considering potential motives for both the accused employee and the
o Anticipating possible defenses of the complainant and accused employee
o Deciding what questions to ask of which participants and developing an interview
o Determining what evidence may exist
o Identifying potential problems and discrepancies in the information already
o Developing a reasonable time frame to complete the investigation
• Contacting the accused employee, the complainant, and witnesses, which includes:
o Scheduling interviews with the complainant, accused employee, and witnesses
o Notifying the affected work unit supervisors of the scheduled interviews to afford
the supervisor(s) the ability to schedule work coverage
• Conducting interviews, which includes:
o Recording all interviews and maintaining the recordings as evidence
o Scheduling interviews in advance
• Collecting evidence, which includes:
o Touring the work or incident location, if appropriate
o Having specialized tests completed as appropriate
o Collecting any available photographs, audio, or video recordings
o Collecting any other pertinent evidence
o Processing and storing evidence pursuant to SOP, Custody of
Evidence: Special Investigations Unit
• Writing an Investigation Report (appendix 7), detailing the facts of the case, including
all relevant information disclosed during the investigation, and excluding opinions
and recommendations for or against disciplinary actions.
Each Investigation Report shall contain the following standardized sections:
• Case No.: The two (2) digit year followed by a three (3) digit sequential number
(e.g., 92-001)
• Start Date: Date the investigation begins
• Case Overview: Outlines the issues, the course of the investigation, and the evidence
• Applicable Laws, Rules, Policies, & Procedures: A description of the alleged
violations of laws, rules, policies, or procedures; (Note: IDOC does not determine that
criminal activity has occurred. The proper function of IDOC when it is suspected that
criminal activity may have occurred is to refer to the investigation to local law
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• Subjects: The subject(s) of the report shall be identified with a workplace address and
contact telephone number
• Witness(es) and Contact Information: The names of each witness or person
interviewed along with their contact information
• Details: A chronological narrative of the SIU investigator’s investigative efforts and
• Evidence: All evidentiary items referenced in the report. Evidence is generally and item
that is collected or produced by the investigator. (Note: Evidentiary items should be
identified as an exhibit, followed by an alpha character [e.g., Exhibit A].)
• Attachments: Supporting documents
• Signature Blocks: The investigator shall sign the report, and then submit it to the chief
investigator or designee for approval. The electronic original shall be retained in the
primary recordkeeping system (see SOP, Recordkeeping: Administrative
10. Determination of Findings
At the conclusion of the investigation, a factual report and other pertinent documentation will
be disseminated to the Review Team. The Review Team includes the management
authority in the chain of command of the accused employee, the department’s division
chief’s and deputy division chief’s, deputy attorneys general (DAG) who represent the
department, and HR representatives. During the next regularly scheduled SIU meeting, the
Review Team appraises the investigation and assigns one of the following dispositions or
findings to each alleged violation of policy, rule, regulation, or law: unfounded, exonerated,
not sustained, or sustained. A copy of appendix 8, Case Review, will be filled out by the SIU
chief investigator or designee to document the finding and retain it in the case file and send
a copy to HR.
Note: In disciplinary actions, the department has the burden of proving cause for the
discipline by a preponderance of the evidence.
The investigation revealed that the alleged act or acts complained of did not occur, or
the individual named in the complaint was not involved.
The investigation revealed that the alleged act or acts did occur but were justified, lawful,
and/or proper.
Not Sustained
The investigation failed to discover a preponderance of the evidence to support or
disprove the allegation(s) made in the complaint.
The investigation disclosed a preponderance of the evidence to support the allegations
made in the complaint.
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11. Case Conclusion
The SIU chief investigator or designee records the findings and maintains all reports in the
SIU in accordance with internal procedures.
Occasionally, during an investigation, an employee may decide to resign before the
investigation has concluded. In that event, the investigation should be completed and
documented so the department can substantiate or disprove misconduct and preserve
related information.
Sustained Finding
Upon a finding that the allegation is sustained and that disciplinary action is contemplated,
the process outlined in, is implemented.
All other Findings
For findings other than sustained, the SIU chief investigator or designee, notifies the
employee and the management authority of the findings and that the investigation has
Law Enforcement Relations / Criminal Investigations
When an alleged crime involving a staff member has occurred, the SIU will be the
designated authority for coordinating, requesting, and contacting the appropriate law
enforcement agency. The management authority will contact the SIU to notify them of an
outside law enforcement need. A referral to law enforcement may suspend the department’s
preliminary inquiry and/or investigation until further notice, as determined by the SIU chief
investigator or designee.
Any related criminal investigation supersedes the administrative investigation. SIU
investigators will not participate in an interview of the accused employee during the criminal
investigation. The SIU chief investigator and the SIU investigator will monitor the progress of
the criminal investigation to determine whether to or when to proceed with a separate
administrative investigation.
12. Management Authority Debriefing
Before communicating the investigation results to the complainant and/or the accused, the
management authority will (1) review the investigation report and (2) prepare a plan to
conduct relevant debriefing sessions with the affected parties.
To maintain confidentiality and to preserve individual integrity, management authorities are
to ensure that they do not divulge more information than what is required in the debriefing
Cases impacting several employees may require group or collective debriefing sessions to
achieve the needed closure.
13. Investigative Files
The investigative file will be maintained in the SIU in accordance with SOP
Recordkeeping: Administrative Investigations. The investigative file includes the original
copy of the investigation report and any supplemental reports, supporting documents (or
copies of such documents, if the original is considered an evidentiary document),
photographs or copies of photographs, and the investigator’s notes.
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14. Evidence: Collecting, Handling, Processing, and Disposing
Evidence collection, handling, processing, and disposal shall be accomplished as described
in SOP, Custody of Evidence: Special Investigations Unit.
All evidence, including audio and video recordings made during the investigation, will be
maintained in the SIU evidence storage facility under the control of the SIU evidence
15. Record Requests
Public Disclosure
Public records requests for SIU investigative reports will be processed in accordance with
IDAPA 06.01.01, Rules of the Board of Correction, Section 108, and department manual,
Disclosure of Idaho Department of Correction Records under the Idaho Public Records Act.
(Also see Idaho Code 9-335.)
Appointing Authority: Pursuant to Idaho Code, the director (1) is the appointing authority
for the Department of Correction and is authorized to hire, dismiss, determine salary, or
significantly impact the employment status of individuals in any department; (2) delegates
appointing authority responsibilities to the following Department managers: division chiefs,
wardens, community reentry center (CRC) managers, district managers, deputy chiefs, or
equivalents; and (3) can also delegate appointing authority responsibilities to deputy
wardens, lieutenants, unit managers, unit supervisors, or district supervisors.
Board: The State Board of Correction.
Chain of Command: A series of positions in order of authority.
Complainant: An individual or entity that makes an accusation, allegation, complaint, or
charge against the department or its employee.
Complaint: An accusation, allegation, or charge against the Department or its employee.
Corrective Action: An administrative action taken to address and correct unacceptable
behavior, misconduct, or substandard work performance to include, but not limited to a letter
of instruction, warning, reprimand or a performance improvement plan.
Department: The Idaho Department of Correction.
Director: The director of the Idaho Department of Correction.
Disciplinary Action: An administrative action taken to address and correct unacceptable
behavior, misconduct, or substandard work performance to include disciplinary suspension
without pay, disciplinary demotion, disciplinary reduction in pay, involuntary transfer, and
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Garrity Warning: The Department's administrative investigation advisement of an
employee’s rights during an investigation when the employee’s conduct could result in
criminal charges.
Management Authority: The appointed facility or unit manager having the authority and
responsibility for the day-to-day management, control, and responsibility for a designated
administrative unit within the Department. This includes the director, division chief, deputy
chief, warden, deputy warden, probation and parole district manager, or community work
center manager in the employee’s chain of command. It also includes a designated acting
manager, someone delegated to act on behalf of the manager, or someone temporarily
appointed as manager while the manager is on leave or is unavailable.
Staff Misconduct: Any violation of department policy, standard operating procedure,
division directive, field memorandum, post order, or lawful verbal order of the department,
Idaho Administrative Procedure Act (IDAPA) rule, a city, county, state, or federal law or
Offender: A person under the legal care, custody, supervision, or authority of the Board of
Correction, including a person within or without the State of Idaho pursuant to agreement
with another state or contractor.
Preponderance of the Evidence: The general standard of proof in most civil cases, which
is the degree of proof that will lead the investigator to conclude that the existence of the fact
is more probable than not.
Probable Cause: An apparent state of facts, which would include a reasonably intelligent
and prudent person to believe, in a criminal case, that the accused person committed the
crime charged, or in a civil case, that the cause of action existed.
Reasonable Suspicion: A belief drawn from specific objective and articulable facts and the
reasonable inferences drawn from those facts.
Special Investigations Unit: The designated unit under the Director's Office with primary
responsibility for conducting administrative and criminal investigations involving allegations
of staff misconduct, offenders who have absconded from probation or parole, investigate
escapes and assist in the recapture of offenders, pre-employment background checks,
gather intelligence and coordinate facility investigations.
Appendix 1, Voluntary Statement Form
Appendix 2, Administrative Allegation / Complaint Form
Appendix 3, SIU Help Line Information
Appendix 4, Employee Notification of Investigation
Appendix 5, Administrative Leave with Pay (ADT)
Appendix 6, Administrative Investigation Warning
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Appendix 7, Investigation Report
Appendix 8, Case Review Department Manual, Public Records Manual
Department Policy 110, Media and Public Relations
Department Policy 125, Investigation of Escapes, Serious Crimes, Serious Injury, or Deaths
Department Policy 201, Respectful Workplace
Department Policy 217, Ethics and Standards of Conduct Department
Department Policy 218, Non-fraternization with Offenders
Department Policy 219, Sexual Misconduct with Offenders
– End of Document –
Special Investigations Unit
Voluntary Statement Form
Appendix 1
(Appendix last updated 04/2015)
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DATE/TIME: _________________________ PLACE: ______________________________________
NAME: ________________________________________________________________ IDOC NO._________________
DATE OF BIRTH: ______________________ SSN: ___________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ PHONE: __________________
I have read this statement consisting of _______ page(s) and the facts contained therein are true and correct:
WITNESS(ES):___________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature of Person giving voluntary statement
Page _________ of ________Page
Special Investigations Unit
Administrative Allegation / Complaint Form
Appendix 2
(Appendix last updated 4/2015)
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Email: ops@idoc.idaho.gov
(Facility Head)
Allegation / Complaint Against:
Brief Description of Allegation/Complaint and Related Policies:
Work Location
Conducted By:
Inquiry Documents Attached Inquiry Documents Forthcoming No Inquiry Documents
Action Taken, if any:
Unfounded or Exonerated
Coaching / Corrective Action
Letter of Instruction or Reprimand
Disciplinary Action (Describe at left)
Other (Describe at left)
B. INVESTIGATION REQUEST Recommend Investigation Do Not Recommend Investigation
X_______________________________ ___________
Management Authority Signature Date
Administrative Leave with Pay Requested
Yes No
X_______________________________ ___________
Division Chief Signature Date
X_______________________________ ___________
Director Signature Date
Administrative Leave with Pay Requested
Yes No
Administrative Leave with Pay Authorized
Yes No
Internal Delegated Criminal
Investigator Assigned: Case #
SIU Signature Date:
Appendix 3
(Appendix last updated 4/2015)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
Special Investigations Unit
Help Line Information
Purpose: To provide department employees with an effective, secure, and safe method of
reporting complaints and staff misconduct issues within the department.
Who can use it: While it is established for department employee use, anyone can utilize the
What is a complaint: An accusation, allegation, or charge against the department or its
What is misconduct: A violation of any (1) departmental policy, standard operating procedure,
division directive, field memorandum, post order, or lawful verbal order of the department, (2)
Division of Human Resources and Idaho Personnel Commission Idaho Administrative
Procedure Act (IDAPA) rule, or (3) city, county, state, or federal law or ordinances. Failure to
report employee misconduct is employee misconduct.
What should be reported (to include but not limited to):
1. Criminal acts or plans to commit criminal acts.
2. Violations of department policy by commission or omission.
3. Any sexual harassment issue, including illegal hostile work environment.
4. Any civil rights issue, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
5. Substantial and specific danger to health and/or safety of others.
6. Instances of mismanagement.
7. Neglect of duty, dishonesty, stealing, or untruthfulness.
How do I report a complaint:
1. E-mail: ops@idoc.idaho.gov. (Your name will appear but will remain confidential.)
2. Call: 1-800-361-6286. (You may choose to be identified or remain anonymous.)
3. Write: Department of Correction
Special Investigations Unit
1299 N Orchard St., Ste. 110
Boise, Idaho 83706
What information do I include:
1. Who: The subject of the report, name, work location, and other identifying information, such
as gender, etc.
2. What: A description of the alleged violation or misconduct that occurred.
3. When: Specific dates and times of the occurrence.
4. Where: Exact location of the occurrence.
5. Why: The reason(s) you believe the individual committed the violation.
6. How: A description of how the alleged violation took place.
7. Facts: A description of the facts you have that the violation took place.
What happens then: SIU will assess the information and make a determination regarding
processing. The information may be:
1. Stored in the SIU database.
2. Used as evidence in an ongoing investigation.
3. Used as evidence in a new investigation.
4. Used as culture analysis information.
5. Used as an early identification indicator of a growing problem.
Help Line # (800) 361-6286
Special Investigations Unit
Administrative Leave with Pay (ADT)
Appendix 4
(Appendix last updated 04/2015)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
From: Special Investigations Unit
RE: Notice of Administrative Investigation
The Department is investigating a complaint or allegation lodged against you that alleges you
have .
If proven true, this conduct would violate Idaho Department of Correction policy and procedure,:
The Special Investigations Unit has been assigned the responsibility of investigating this
allegation as detailed in policy 150, Administrative Investigations. Upon completion, it will be
forwarded to a review team and the director of the Idaho Department of Correction for
disposition. We will endeavor to ensure the investigation is thorough and objective.
The Special Investigations Unit intends to interview you in the near future. The assigned
investigator, , will contact you for scheduling purposes. You are directed to cooperate fully
with this investigation, and answer questions truthfully and completely. You are not to discuss
matters pertaining to the investigation with anyone other than the people listed below or your
attorney. We expect this matter to be resolved promptly.
You will be notified in writing of the disposition of the allegation. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding this matter, contact the investigator at (208) or your management
authority, .
Special instructions include: None .
__________________________ ___________________
Issuing Authority Name & Signature Date
I acknowledge receipt of this notice:
Employee’s Signature Date
Work Phone Home Phone Cell Phone
(Note: Return the signed original to SIU and give the employee a copy. Mail original to: Idaho Department of Correction, Attn: SIU,
1299 N Orchard St, Suite 110, Boise, ID 83706.)
Special Investigations Unit
Administrative Leave with Pay (ADT)
Appendix 5
(Appendix last updated 04/2015)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
From: Special Investigations Unit
RE: Administrative Leave with Pay (ADT)
The director has approved your placement on administrative leave with pay (ADT) status,
pending results of an investigation, in accordance with policy 150, Administrative Investigations.
This status is effective immediately and will continue until you are notified otherwise. Your duty
hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and your time records for this
period will reflect eight (8) hours of time coded as “ADT”. You are expected to be available
during these hours for contact by the Department. Please provide a telephone number where
you can be contacted: .
While you are on administrative leave, you remain an employee of the State of Idaho and must
continue to observe all rules and regulations regarding conduct of Department employees. You
are restricted from Department facilities unless otherwise instructed by your management
authority, division chief, or the investigator conducting the investigation.
If you have any questions, you can call your management authority, ; your division chief,
; or the investigator conducting the investigation, , at (208) .
I acknowledge receipt of this notice:
Employee’s Signature Date
(Note: Return the signed original to SIU and give the employee a copy. Mail original to: Idaho Department of Correction, Attn: SIU,
1299 N Orchard St, Suite 110, Boise, ID 83706. OPS shall provide a copy to HRS.)
Special Investigations Unit
Administrative Investigation Warning
Appendix 6
(Appendix last updated 02/2019)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
Date: __ Time: __ SIU Case Number: _____
Location of Interview:
Name of Interviewer: , of the Idaho Department of
Name of Person being Interviewed:
Allegations being Investigated:
Others Present during Interview/Purpose: ___________________________________
You have been involved in an incident or you have personal knowledge of an incident, which is
under administrative investigation. In accordance with Garrity v. New Jersey, please read the
1. In an administrative investigation you are required to truthfully answer all questions directed to
you, both orally and when requested in writing, which are specifically, directly, and narrowly
related to the performance of duty or fitness of office. Therefore, you do not have the right to
remain silent. You are advised that your statements or responses constitute an official report.
2. In addition, you are directed to disclose to the assigned investigator any and all information and
materials, which may pertain to this investigation. This includes the existence of any possible
witnesses as well as recordings, photographs, notes, documents, records, statements, etc.
3. You are required to answer all questions directed to you. You do not retain the right to refuse
any question. In addition, you are required to be truthful in all your responses.
4. While this incident is under investigation you are directed not to discuss or make known any
information concerning this investigation with anyone other than your direct Chain of Command,
your attorney or the investigator assigned to the investigation. This investigation will be
considered an open investigation until you receive written notification from IDOC that is
5. Your failure to disclose all information and materials that pertain to this investigation or
participate in the investigation, or providing false or untruthful information in your responses or
otherwise compromising the investigation constitutes a violation of IDOC Policy 217 Ethics and
Standards of Conduct and IDOC SOP Administrative Investigations and may
serve as a basis for corrective or disciplinary action up to and including termination in
accordance with IDOC SOP Corrective and Disciplinary Action.
6. Your statement as well as an information or evidence which is gained through your
statement cannot be used against you in any criminal proceeding, except that you may be
subject to criminal prosecution for any false statements you provide.
Do you understand this? Yes No
I have read this form and understand its contents.
Interviewee’s Signature: Date:
Witnesses’ Signature: Date:
Appendix 7
4/2015 IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
Special Investigations Unit
Case Review
Appendix 8
(Appendix last updated 04/2015)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
Date: Accused Employee: Case Number:
Possible findings for policy violations
Sustained: A finding that the investigation disclosed a preponderance of the evidence to support the
allegation(s) made in the complaint.
Not Sustained: A finding that the investigation failed to discover a preponderance of the evidence to support
or disprove the allegation(s) made in the complaint.
Exonerated: A finding that the investigation revealed that the alleged act or acts did occur but were justified,
lawful and proper.
Unfounded: A finding that the investigation revealed that the alleged act or acts complained of did not occur,
or the individual named in the complaint was not involved.
Possible Policy Violations Findings
Sustained for all policy violations Not sustained for all policy
1. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
2. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
3. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Prisons Division Chief:
Sustained for all policy violations Not sustained for all policy
1. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
2. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
3. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Management Services Division Chief:
Special Investigations Unit
Case Review
Appendix 8
(Appendix last updated 04/2015)
IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted
Sustained for all policy violations Not sustained for all policy
1. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
2. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
3. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Probation and Parole Division Chief:
Sustained for all policy violations Not sustained for all policy
1. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
2. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
3. Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Sustained Not Sustained Exonerated
Human Resources Manager:
Legal Review
Chief Investigator Date