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Attorney and Professional Individual Access to Inmates
Clinical Supervision
Community Mentoring Services: Free2Succeed
Community Reentry Centers
Computer and Internet Use by Incarcerated Individuals
Computer and Internet Use by Residents
Correctional Alternative Placement Program
Correctional Education and Programs
Correctional Industries/Inmate Job Assignments
Education Practices, Procedures, and Placements
Employment Release for Residents
Furlough Program - POLICY
Hobby Craft
Hobby Craft Activities - POLICY
Hobby Craft -SOP
Incentive Pay for Residents and CRC Workers
Inmate Drivers
Personal ID Cards for Residents of IDOC
Program Management for Inmates
Program Standards Committee, Development and Evaluation
Recreation for Inmates/Participation in Athletic Sports
Structured Reentry Case Management
Transition and Treatment Funding Program
Visiting - Policy
Visiting - SOP
Vocational Work Projects: Financial and Administrative Procedures for
Vocational Work Projects: Offender Selection and Crew Management
Vocational Work Projects: Staffing Procedures for
Volunteer Service Programs and Volunteers
Volunteer Services in Correctional Facilities
Work Projects