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Attendance and Hours of Work
Attendance, Work Hours, Leaves, and Workers' Compensation
Compensation - SOP
Compensation Plan
Corrective and Disciplinary Action - POLICY
Corrective and Disciplinary Action - SOP
Drug Free Workplace - POLICY
Drug-free Workplace
Employee Assistance Program - POLICY
Employee Personnel Records
Employee Personnel Records - SOP
Equal Employment Opportunity
Ethics and Standards of Conduct
Ethics and Standards of Conduct - SOP
Family and Medical Leave Act
Hiring - POLICY
Hiring - SOP
Identification Cards and Issuing Department Property
Internship Management
Internship Opportunities
Medical Examinations
Non-fraternization with Offenders - Policy
Non-fraternization with Offenders SOP
On-Call Scheduling and Reporting
Paid Leaves
Performance Management - POLICY
Performance Management - SOP
Position Management
Problem Solving
Promotions - POLICY
Reduction in Force - POLICY
Reduction in Force - SOP
Respectful Workplace
Safety and Accident Prevention
Seniority and Staffing
Sexual Misconduct with Offenders
Special Leaves
Staffing Security: Seniority, Post, Scheduled Annual Leave and Scheduled Leave Management
Workers Compensation
Workers' Compensation
Workplace Relationships - POLICY
Workplace Relationships - SOP