PO Questionnaire

Applicant Information


    PO Standards and POST Requirements


    • You must be a citizen of the United States. Can you provide one of the following documents:

      - A birth certificate issued by the city, county or state and filed within one (1) year of birth
      - Naturalization Certificate
      - Valid U.S. passport
      - Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
      - Certificate of Citizenship
    • You must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Can you provide one of the following documents?

      - High School Diploma or transcripts from a regionally accredited high school
      - GED Test results from the testing site
      - Official college transcripts
    • Are you currently at least 21 years of age?
      You will be automatically disqualified if you are not minimum 21 years of age.
    • If you have not served in the military, select "does not apply to me."

      If you have been in the military, you must have a DD-214 Member 4 copy or an NGB-22 indicating honorable, uncharacterized, or general under honorable conditions to qualify. You will be required to provide this documentation to move forward.

      Can you meet this requirement?
    • Have you received a conviction, withheld judgment, suspended, or imposed conviction of:

      - A felony since you turned 18 years of age
      - A DUI in the last two (2) years
      - 2 DUIs within the last five (5) years
      - A sex crime in the last five (5) years
      - An illegal drug crime in the last one (1) year
      - A crime of deceit in the last five (5) years

      For a detailed explanation of what is considered a "conviction" and on criminal causes for rejection, see IDAPA "conviction" definition here (opens in new tab).
    • Have you been on felony or misdemeanor probation in the last twelve months?
    • Have you ever been convicted of domestic violence? Federal law prohibits individuals convicted of domestic violence from carrying a firearm.
      Are you physically able to complete the Probation and Parole Physical Readiness Test?

      Applicants selected to move forward after the interview will be required to complete the Probation and Parole Physical Readiness Test prior to hire.

      The requirements are:
      - Minimum 14 inch vertical jump
      - Minimum 15 sit-ups (correct form) in one minute
      - Minimum 21 push-ups (correct form)
      - 300-meter run in 1 minute 17 seconds
      - 1.5 mile run/walk in 17 minutes 17 seconds
      Must have uncorrected vision in each eye of no worse than 20/200 with the strong eye corrected to 20/20 and the weaker eye corrected to 20/60. Wearing contact lenses is exempt from the uncorrected vision of 20/200 but must have the strong eye corrected to 20/20 and the weaker eye corrected to 20/60. There shall be no pathology of the eye and must be able to identify primary colors.

      Must have unaided or aided hearing between zero and 30 decibels for each ear at the frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 50 decibels at the frequency of 3000 Hz in both ears. Must be able to hear normal conversations, whispering at eight (8) feet, and use handheld radios to communicate and listen.

      Individuals who cannot meet these standards may qualify for a vision/hearing wavier process so long as the individual's condition would not jeopardize or impair the individual's ability to perform duties. Should you be offered employment, it will be conditional upon passing these standards.

      Do you understand these requirements?
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